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This ethnographic study analyzed video tapes using the simulated recall procedure and the comparative analysis of a student opinionnaire to determine effective characteristics of teachers of gifted junior high school students in rural, urban, and suburban schools.

Among the most desirable traits are sense of humor, enthusiasm, creativity, care and respect for the student, and the expectation of high quality work by the teacher. Less observable and less significant to students were flexibility and teacher intelligence. Two additional behaviors consistently demonstrated by the teachers and appreciated by the students, but not listed among the ten standard behaviors were (a) maintaining a close physical presence, and (b) the use of probing questions to stimulate discussion and thought.  相似文献   

Many of the basic principles of future studies are closely related to the objectives and approaches of gifted education. Including future studies as an integral part of a gifted education curriculum would give added meaning to these programs.  相似文献   

The author describes a special program for gifted and talented high school students that is based on Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model. In the Seminar I class for freshmen, enrichment activities emphasize training in research and computer skills. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the Seminar II class spend more time on Type III projects.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the characteristics of the spiritual beliefs among junior high school students. Method: 431 junior high school students are measured by Students’ Basic Information Questionnaire (SBIQ) and Middle School Students’ Spiritual Beliefs Questionnaire (MSSSBQ). Results: (1) The overall characteristics of the spiritual beliefs among junior high school students are as follows: social beliefs rank first, practical faith second, and supernatural beliefs last. The ranks of the seven beliefs from high to low are nationalism, political conviction, family’s doctrine, life worship, religious beliefs, money/material and gods worship. (2) Boy students have higher political conviction and money/material faith than girl students. Girl students have higher religious beliefs than boy students. (3) On the beliefs of money/material and life worship, students in Grade 9 take the first place, Grade 8 second and Grade 7 last. (4) Non-student cadres have stronger money/material faith than cadres. (5) League members have higher political beliefs than non-members. (6) Students who are good at studies have stronger national faith than students who are average or poor at studies. Students who are poor at studies have stronger money/material faith than other students. Conclusion: The spiritual beliefs of junior high school students are positive. __________ Translated from Psychology Development and Education, 2005:2.  相似文献   

采用《学业求助量表》对633名初中学生进行了调查,结果表明:1.初二、初三年级学生的执行性求助极显著高于初一学生,初二、初三年级间差异不显著;2.重点学校学生的工具性求助极显著高于普通学校学生,而普通学校学生的执行性求助、回避求助却极显著高于重点学校;3.女生的工具性求助极显著高于男生,男生的回避求助显著高于女生。  相似文献   

众所周之,听力是中学生英语学习的必备能力之一。尽管高考英语卷中听力只是作为参考分值,但是依旧占有中考1/6分值,并且依旧是学生英语学习的一个重要组成部分,可见我们还得抓紧,并且把听力训练落实到位。于我们的学生而言,英语学习是一种非母语学习,因为这种学习是没有外部学习环境支持的,所以就要求学生在学习英语时必须不断激发学习的自主性;了解听力测试的特点,掌握一定的技巧,才会对听力的提高起到事半功倍的作用。  相似文献   

职高学生处于步入社会前的最后阶段,普遍对于如何准备就业非常关注。但这种焦虑如何转变为动力,如何采取行动,是很多学生关注的问题。本文试图初步探讨一下这些问题。  相似文献   


Perfectionism has been cited as a major characteristic associated with children and adolescents who have been identified as gifted and talented. This study explored grade level, birth order, and gender differences among 391 students in three gifted and talented programs. The students completed an adaptation of the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. A2 × 3 × 3 between subject multivariate analysis revealed that females expressed more concern than males about organization, while males reported stronger parental expectations. First born adolescents reported higher parental criticism and expectations than youngest children. Females' concerns about making mistakes increases from grade 6 to grade 8 while the pattern for males fluctuated insignificantly. Patterns of parental criticism varied between males and females from grade 6 through grade 8.  相似文献   

自学能力是人类生存的重要能力,对学生而言具有重要的意义和作用。通过自学能力的培养能提高学生的学习主动性,形成终身学习的习惯,更好的适应信息时代发展的要求。实际教学过程中应注重从激发学生兴趣和给予必要指导两个方面有计划的培养学生的自学信心和自学意识,使学生的自学能力得以形成。  相似文献   

Differences in classroom climate and science related attitudes were investigated among junior high school science classes and students in Taiwan. The sample consisted of 1,269 students enrolled in 40 science classes distributed equally among ten junior high schools, five metropolitan and five rural. Classes were further classified according to sex (21 boys and 19 girls classes) and ability (19 high and 21 low ability classes). Using the Learning Environment Inventory (Anderson, Walberg, & Fraser, 1982) to measure climate, science classes in metropolitan schools, more than rural, were found to be characterized by Speed, Friction, Favoritism, Difficulty, Cliqueness, and Competitiveness. No differences were found in the classroom climates of classes in which students were grouped according to sex or ability. Using the Test of Science-Related Attitudes (Fraser, 1981), students in science classes in metropolitan schools, in contrast to rural, expressed more positive attitudes toward the Social Implications of Science, Adoption of Scientific Attitudes, and Attitude to Scientific Inquiry. Boys more than girls recorded high scores on Leisure Interest in Science and Career Interest in Science. High ability students were found to have higher scores on Attitude to Scientific Inquiry than did low ability students. When examining the relationship between the 15 subscale scores of the LEI and the seven subscale scores of the TOSRA for the 40 classes, only 9 out of 105 correlations proved to be significant. Most differences in climate, attitude, and their interactions were attributed to school location rather than to student characteristics.  相似文献   

初中生父母教养方式的调查研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为了解初中生父母教养方式的现状,我们对石家庄市城市、农村两所中学389位初中生进行了调查,结果发现:1.男女初中生的父母教养方式存在差异,初中男生更多地感受到惩罚严厉和过干涉过保护的消极父母教养方式,同时,也更多地感受到母亲的偏爱。2.城市和农村的父母教养方式也存在差异。3.化教育程度的差异是影响父母对子女教养方式的主要因素。  相似文献   

我国竞技体育水平已位居世界前列,对于竞技体育后备人才的选拔和培养已备受重视,中学的竞技体育也越来越受重视,项目逐渐增多,体育特长生成为中学教育学生中一个较为特殊的群体,中学教育是一个非常重要的阶段,在很大程度上决定了学生是否能进入高等院校继续学习,体育竞赛要花费大量时间进行训练,势必要与正常学业相冲突,因此怎样因材施教对体育特长生进行教育是一个继续解决的问题。  相似文献   

初中生心理健康教育的实践与探索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教育工作要深入中学开展一系列心理辅导实践活动,接触和了解中学教育教学实际,掌握初中生心理发展特点及其存在的心理问题,培养他们具有心理学理论素养。教育工作必须具有科学的心理辅导与心理咨询的理论和方法,才能更好地解决初中学生的各种心理问题。为此,要构建初中生心理健康教育的目标体系和基本模式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate gender-related differences in the relationship between the development of formal reasoning skills and learning interests during the early adolescent stage. For this purpose, 249 students, from seventh to ninth grade, were assessed for their level of mastery of formal reasoning skills by a test based on videotaped simple experiments. Learning interests were assessed by a written response to an open question. Results showed that adolescent boys develop patterns of formal reasoning before their girl classmates. In addition, boys tend to prefer science and technology subjects, while girls tend to prefer language, social studies, and humanities. Analysis of interactions showed that boys' tendency toward science and technology is positively correlated to their age and development of formal reasoning, while girls' tendency to the above subjects is positively related to their development of formal reasoning capacity, but inversely related to their age. Possible explanations to the above-described findings and suggestions for instructional modes that may increase girls' interest in science and technology are discussed.  相似文献   

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