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Masters: Portraits of Great Teachers Edited by Joseph Epstein New York: Basic Books, 1981, 265 pages, $14.95. Reviewed by Michael P. Zuckert.  相似文献   


Issues in Academic Freedom George S. Worgul, Jr., editor Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1992, 184 pages, $32.50 Reviewed by Robert L. Spaeth

A Different Sort of Time: The Life of Jerrold R. Zacharias, Scientist, Engineer, Educator By Jack S. Goldstein Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1992, 310 pages, $35.00 Reviewed by Frieda A. Stahl  相似文献   

Paradoxes of Education in a Republic By Eva Brann The University of Chicago Press, 1979,172 pages, $12.95. Reviewed by Perry C. Mason.

Group Memory: A Guide to College and Student Survival in the 1980s By Alston Chase Boston: Little, Brown, xviii + 330 pages, $12.95 Reviewed by Robert L. Spaeth.

Paradigms Lost: Reflections on Literacy and Its Decline By John Simon New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1980, 222 pages, index, $12.95. Reviewed by Carol A. Martin.  相似文献   


Strategies in schools for developing students’ action‐planning skills are explored. The student skills required for effective action planning are defined, and means of developing them are identified. Attention is also paid to the nature of the teacher skills required to foster the development of the student skills, and the means of developing these teacher skills. Potential links with teacher appraisal schemes and with institutional development planning are noted.  相似文献   


Establishing causal relationships is an elusive process for criminal justice researchers. Elimination of rival causal factors tends to be the most problematic area. This practice note first describes the methodology of a recent study conducted by the authors and then elaborates on the methodological problems inherent in the search to establish a causal relationship between course work and attitudinal change among students enrolled in introductory criminal justice classes.  相似文献   


Two great problems of learning confront humanity: learning about the universe, and learning how to live wisely. The first problem was solved with the creation of modern science, but the second problem has not yet been solved. This combination puts humanity into a situation of unprecedented danger. In order to solve the problem we need to learn from our solution to the first problem. This requires that we bring about a revolution in the overall aims and methods of academic inquiry, so that it takes up its proper task of promoting wisdom.  相似文献   


Nearly two decades have passed since the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement was launched. Its success in Brazil can be illustrated with the establishment of a UNESCO Chair in Open Education in 2014, in one of the country’s most prestigious universities. Crucially, OER were included in the 2014–2024 National Education Plan, a key piece of national educational legislation, as a category of educational technologies framed as tools. Assuming metaphors such as this play a key role in the ways we think, speak and act, this article presents a critical perspective on OER in Brazil. Examining the implications of the main metaphors used to construe OER in local media and academic sources, the text argues that these metaphors reflect hegemonic discourses on educational technology, concealing the non-neutrality of technological artefacts, obscuring issues concerning curriculum and pedagogy, and overlooking actual local needs. The article discusses issues concerning local OER advocacy, positioned in respect to specificities of a context where education, albeit a constitutionally established right, may be poised to undergo radical changes in the near future.  相似文献   


The claim that students should determine their own curricula is examined. If granted, primacy would be given to the autonomy and self‐ascribed interests of the students. The case for student autonomy is discussed in the context of the theory of philosophical anarchism. The anarchist dichotomy of autonomy and authority is criticised. A brief examination of Kant's account of autonomy leads to a rejection of the strong individualism that characterises that dichotomy. It is argued that the curriculum should be the outcome of the shared autonomy of students and teachers; such would serve the interests of students by maximising the autonomy of all. The curriculum would meet the interests of all students, but would not, indeed could not, represent the self‐ascribed interests of each individual.  相似文献   

何谓大师——兼论大师贡献之所在   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大师对于人类社会乃至世界一流大学建设均具有重要的意义。本文把有关大师的见解总结为四种论说,即双馨说、超人说、会通说和领头说,在此基础上提出了大师的“超越说”,认为大师是在理论与实践领域取得超越时代与区域性重大成就的人,而大师的贡献主要体现为理论贡献、方法贡献与实践贡献。  相似文献   

前不久,我在惊讶中读完孙双金老师的《我的语文教学思想》,很佩服她的学生能在课堂上大胆地对书本内容进行质疑,能在课堂上"不拘一格"地提出连孙老师都没能想到的问题,更令人费解的是孙老师也很难回答的问题,学生在思考后却"迎刃而解"了。孙老师的教学感言是"学生可畏",我也那么认为。  相似文献   

共产国际与中国革命的关系在大革命时期从某种意义上说主要包括两个方面,第一个方面是共产国际与中国共产党的关系,第二个方面是共产国际与中国国民党的关系。但学术界的研究一直偏重第一个方面,本文从大革命时期共产国际给中国国民党在政治影响、组织建设、军队创建及对工农的态度方面带来的巨大变化的角度,对第二个方面的内容作一些探讨。  相似文献   

作为高等教育体系重要组成部分的高等职业技术院校,面对新世纪初难得的历史机遇,努力实现跨越式发展,必须具备一定的发展基础,并有较高的发展平台.要实施高起点、高水平的发展战略,制定好跨越式的发展计划,应正确认识和处理好几个关系,即坚持规模、结构、质量、效益相统一的发展方针;以改革促发展,在调整中前进,在管理中提高;要实现资源的合理配置;处理好共性和特色的关系;处理好素质教育和专业教育的关系;树立"以人为本"的办学指导思想;解决好体制创新和机制槁活;学生和学校的关系等.  相似文献   

The Great Gatsby is a signifi cant classic in American literature.The Great Gatsby tells the love story between young Gatsby and rich Daisy.From the moment they loved each other,they cherished their pure love;to the moment Daisy hurt Gatsby twice,fragile love and crushed American dream came into their life,which indirectly led to Gatsby’s death.Daisy Shadow has swallowed Gatsby’s soul and destroyed his whole life.The sarcasm of the novel also makes people try best to find a good or proper ending to Gatsby,while so many possibilities lead to nothing proper.  相似文献   

《大学》强调要把人教育成为一个显“明德”、能“亲民”、达“至善”的人,要教人董得人道、人伦之分。实现这一目标的具体途径与步骤是:以提高道德认识(“格物”、“致知”)为起点;以树立道德信念和克服偏私情感(“诚意”、“正心”、“修身”)为重要环节;以引导道德实践(“齐家”、“治国”、“平天下”)为趋归。  相似文献   

Amit Roy 《Resonance》2000,5(11):4-13
In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson of Bell Telephone Laboratories in USA discovered weak microwave radiation coming from all directions which was soon realised to be a relic from a hot dense early phase of our Universe—the ‘big bang’. This article focuses on the key experimental techniques and innovations which made this momentous—and accidental!—discovery possible. Amit Roy is at the Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi, building a superconducting linac booster for the pelletron accelerator. He spent over two decades at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai investigating nuclei using accelerators and probing symmetries in physics. His hobbies are books and music.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: This report by Zhao Ren is well worth reading not only by people in the educational field, but also by all parents. It makes people reflect on how best to treat and educate young people with problems and misdeeds so that they do not commit greater errors, and how, once they have erred, to turn them from negative elements into positive ones, so that they too can contribute to the country's four modernizations.  相似文献   

试论心理学在西部大开发中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理学在西部大开发中的应用,应以“人”的问题为立足点:解放思想,更新观念;提高人口素质,开发、管理人力资源;维护社会稳定,促进民族团结;实现可持续发展,建设精神文明。  相似文献   

毛泽东思想是马列主义与中国革命实践相结合的严物,是中国人民的宝贵精神财富,其内容博大精深.这里试从毛泽东关于党的建设、统一战线、经济思想、哲学思想等几个方面对毛泽东思想作出扼要叙述,以纪念毛泽东诞辰100周年.  相似文献   

从哲学的角度,联系党的历史、现状和肩负的历史使命,阐明我们党坚持与时俱进、开拓创新的重要性。从我国改革开放和现代化建设所面临的困难和压力,以及苏联、东欧剧变的启示等方面分析“三个代表”重要思想产生的必然性。  相似文献   

从“名师出高徒”看博士生培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
面对未来世界科技和综合国力的激烈竞争,加强精英人才培养的重要性日益凸现.本文从"名师出高徒"角度,系统探究了博士生导师与博士生之间的内在联系,揭示了名师所以能出高徒的教育学特征,并据此提出了在我国博士生教育中如何加强精英人才培养的若干意见.  相似文献   

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