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To have a better understanding of current global climate change, some researchers turn to historical records to reconstruct climate history over past few centuries. A research team headed by Prof. GE Quansheng with the CAS Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research has made encouraging progress in this aspect by using historical documents of the Qing Dynasty (1644- 1911). They have been successful in reconstructing a record of the duration and intensity of Melyu.  相似文献   

Global warming is causing the climate to change, lakes to dry up and less rain to fall. In population ecology, researchers have found that climate change plays an important role in controlling the size of species populations. To proof this model long-term observational data are crucial, making researchers to turn to historical records of locust outbreaks.  相似文献   

Global warming is causing the climate to change, lakes to dry up and less rain to fall. In population ecology, researchers have found that climate change plays an important role in controlling the size of species populations. To proof this model, long-term observational data are crucial, making researchers to turn to historical records of locust outbreaks.[1]  相似文献   

Ajoint study by Prof. ZHANG Zhibin from the CAS Institute of Zoology and his co-workers from Norway, US and Swiss have indicated that historical outbreaks of migratory locusts in China were associated with cold spells, suggesting that China's projected climate warming could decrease the pest's numbers. The study was published in Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences on 17 September, 2007.  相似文献   

Thanks to its work of past more than 20 years, a research team led by Prof. ZENG Qingcun and Prof. WANG Huijun from the CAS Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) has scored innovative achievements in their studies of basic theory of climate dynamics, numerical model development, its related computational theory, and the dynamical climate prediction using the climate system models. Their work received a second prize of the National Award for Natural Sciences in 2005.  相似文献   

Now one of the world largest CO2 emitters, China faces increasing pressure to reduce its emissions. Being a responsible country, it will take action to tackle climate change. When developing its mitigation target, China will consider such factors as the levels of development and technology know-how, social impacts, international image and a new international climate regime underpinned by fairness and effectiveness. China will move onto a win-win low carbon development path to achieve climate protection,  相似文献   

On multiple temporal and spatial scales, chemistry explores the composition, structure and form of matter, its physical properties and biological activity as well as the chemical changes and synthesis reactions, striving to describe the colorful world of matter and reveal the molecular secrets of matter transformations and life processes using its theories and its unique language.As a fundamental and creative discipline of science, chemistry not only helps us to understand the nature of substances and make high-performing materials to serve economic development, but is distinctively characterized by the ability to invent novel and marvelous matters.  相似文献   

<正>Some kinds of animals may be better able to deal with climate change than we expect.In many species of reptiles, the sex of an embryo is determined not by its genes, but by the temperatures it experiences in the nest. So whether a young turtle, crocodile or lizard hatches as a male or female depends on how warm it is kept during incubation. That sounds like a recipe for disaster as climate change increases global temperatures, creating skewed sex ratios among the  相似文献   

Mainly due to the increasing emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities, the climate is warming up quickly on a global scale. In line with the theory of IPCC, atmospheric temperatures in China could be projected to rise by 2.3-3.3℃, and precipitation by 5-7% by 2050; by 2100, the temperature might rise by 3.9-6.0℃, and precipitation by 11-17%. Meanwhile extreme climatic events will also see a significant increase. In the book titled Evolution and Prediction of Climate and Environment(Qin, et al, 2005),  相似文献   

<正>One of the greatest challenges faced by the energy and economic system is the risk of environmental and climate change.The models that have been developed to study the principle and dynamics of the energy,environment,and economic system are called the  相似文献   

谭桂花 《科教文汇》2011,(15):121-122
阅读是学生学习化学的一种基本方法。所谓化学的阅读能力,就是通过阅读化学教材和课外化学信息,获取化学知识,用以解答相关实际问题的能力。在阅读时,不仅要让学生学到知识,更重要的是让学生掌握学习分析思考问题的方法,让他们掌握获取知识和运用这些知识解决问题的本领。这就需要教师在课堂教学过程中,有目的地、有计划地引导学生对化学教材的阅读,以加深学生对化学基本概念和基本理论的理解,为培养学生良好的学习方法和学习习惯打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

胡燕洁 《科教文汇》2012,(4):154-155
高职院校为了适应不断变化的人才市场需求,以就业为导向,提高毕业生就业率和就业质量成为当务之急.调整专业设置,加强专业建设,构建课程体系和课程改革,转变教学方法,设立教学评价体系,规范实践教学环节,提高实践教学质量等等都是改革的必要手段和措施.  相似文献   

唐芬 《科教文汇》2011,(8):163-164
喜欢活动、需要快乐是小学生的天性.这中间包含了他们对未来的追求.对人生乐趣的渴望。在活动化教学活动中,他们要摸、要闻、要尝、要听、要唱、要跳、要画、要写:在和伙伴们一起活动时,要说话、要进行思想交流、要模仿别人,要探索、要创造、要驰骋于想象的天地。他们积极参与其问,兴趣盎然,领悟了学习的喜悦,获得了成功的满足.从而充分发挥了个性.提高了他们的全面素质.  相似文献   

系统地梳理适应气候变化科技创新的内涵与特点,分析世界主要国家促进适应气候变化科技创新的共性特征,基于ND-GAIN指数对我国适应气候变化的能力进行国际比较。在此基础上,从供给侧和需求侧,提出优化研发布局、加强技术扩散、开展气候可行性论证、提升适应标准、政府绿色采购以及开展国际合作等促进适应气候变化科技创新的政策建议。  相似文献   

负荷预测对电力系统规划和运行极其重要,本文论述了电力负荷预测与分类、负荷预测的基本过程。同时本文采用外推预测技术、单耗法和新兴交叉学科人工免疫预测法对阜新地区电力负荷进行长期的预测,并对实际预测结果进行了分析、比较。得出结论:这三种方法都适合于对地区电力负荷进行长期的预测,取三种方法预测的中间值可以得到相对精确的预测结果。  相似文献   

谭仲秋 《科教文汇》2011,(25):154-156
调查结果显示,影响学校体育场馆开放的主要原因之一是经费没有保障,这导致体育设施的更新、维修、管理等费用无法落实。缺少经费成为制约学校体育场馆开放的一个至关重要的因素。本文以学校体育场馆向社会开放的法律性质为切入点,论证依据现行法律法规获取场馆开放经费的可行性。  相似文献   

唐红亚 《科教文汇》2014,(32):135-136
目前我国高等职业教育发展任务的重点是提高人才培养质量,增强社会服务能力。高职院校在“全人教育”理念下改革职业院校人才培养的模式,建立开放的“自由选课体系”和产学研相结合的校内、校外实训基地,采用“探究式”的教学和考核方法,加强学生创新能力的培养,是职业院校打造高素质高技能型人才和可持续发展的保证。  相似文献   

杨立丽 《科教文汇》2011,(12):96-97
数学教学最重要的不是教会学生如何计算、如何解题,而是教会学生如何思维。对于课堂教学,有效的提问是发展学生思维的重要手段。但在当前的小学数学课堂教学中,教师为了迎合新课程改革的要求便以多提问来凸显师生间的互动,结果造成教师只顾提问却无暇顾及所提问题是否真正激发了学生的思考,使课堂提问趋于形式化。本文针对小学数学课堂教学中课堂提问的现状来探讨如何提高课堂提问的有效性。  相似文献   

俞希楠  吴浪 《科技广场》2013,(10):218-221
我国从社会主义计划经济缓慢转变为市场经济,从某一方面说,也意味着向合同经济的转变。在建筑业中,合同管理即核心。建设工程合同是双方履行义务,享有权利的法律基础。建筑企业想要谋取更多的利润,规避更多的风险,就应该重视合同前期的管理及管理型技术人才的培养,通过管理能力的提升来减少争议和纠纷,从而降低成本。  相似文献   

张经学 《科教文汇》2012,(3):72-72,75
本文就提高学生学习VB兴趣,用形象比喻讲解抽象概念,使用多媒体课件解决难点问题,为学生搭建支架,帮助学生解决暂时难以逾越的任务,采用项目教学法培养学生综合应用所学知识的能力几个方面谈了个人的教学心得。  相似文献   

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