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导师是保障研究生培养质量的重要因素。针对目前我国研究生导师队伍的现状及导师评价体系中存在的问题,笔者提出构建胜任特征模型的研究生导师教书育人评价体系,以激发导师培养研究生的积极性,提升研究生导师的整体素质。通过文献分析法及德尔菲法,笔者构建了由3个一级指标,10个二级指标,30个三级指标组成的研究生导师教书育人评价体系胜任力模型。  相似文献   

为解决目前研究生学习绩效考核中存在的问题,实现对研究生学业绩效的综合考评和过程管理,因而借鉴管理学中平衡记分卡的思想和原理,辅助运用模糊层次分析法(FAHP),构建了一套切实可行的具有实践指导意义的研究生综合评价模型。  相似文献   

This study explores the factors that cause international graduate students to struggle and these students' ways of dealing with such problems in light of sociocultural theory, which views learning as a social and cultural act. The findings show that graduate classes function as communities of practices in which classmates and professors mutually engage with each other, share a repertoire and engage in joint enterprises. The practices were not always transparent to international students, which became a source of difficulty and often led them to feel excluded. Peripheral participation comprised a significant part of some students' learning process and identity formation, but it allowed them to participate in course-related activities as fully as they felt comfortable doing. This study suggests a need for more sensitive and dialogical efforts by educators in higher education to provide better learning environments for international learners.  相似文献   

University administrators, college deans, department chairpersons and directors, faculty members, graduate assistants, and undergraduate students were mailed questionnaires concerning the roles of and attitudes toward graduate assistants at the University of Minnesota. Basic agreement was found to exist among the six groups surveyed with regard to many aspects of graduate assistantships. Graduate assistants were found to have little knowledge of many departmental concerns that directly affect them. The number of formalized policies regulating graduate assistantships was found to vary with the classification of assistantship.Copies of the complete report may be obtained from Measurement Services Center, University of Minnesota, 9 Clarence Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414.  相似文献   

The traditional hallmarks of quality graduate education may be few but they are powerful. Graduate schools are seen by most academics as fixed entities with no viable alternatives. Accreditation associations, while claiming flexibility, often represent these traditional interests. Ultimately, few institutions, including the traditional, view accreditation with enthusiasm. Is accreditation worth the effort for nontraditional graduate institutions? Despite the weaknesses of the process, nontraditional graduate programs should seek full accreditation. Recognition is likely if, among other suggestions, nontraditional programs don't overpromise and do identify their program design with conceptual clarity.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高研究生党员发展质量,高质量的做好党员发展工作,构建研究生党员质量保障和评价体系,是普通高等学校党员队伍建设的重要内容。然而,在研究生党员质量保障和评价的实际过程中存在诸多不足,例如研究生党员不全面的考察、不完善的考核机制、不健全的质量保障体系等问题,严重影响党员的质量。因此,本文以研究生党员质量保障和评价研究为题,进行深入的分析,为确保研究生党员的质量提供参考依据,对国家培养高素质的合格建设者和可靠接班人有着重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Psychological impairment is an area of concern in training graduate students in counseling programs. This article reviews the potentially harmful consequences of impaired graduate students to graduate programs, faculty, other graduate students, and the counseling profession. The paper provides an overview of existing trends, policies, and procedures regarding student screening, remediation, and dismissal from graduate training programs within a Western framework. A process model for monitoring and intervention is presented.  相似文献   

我们操作大型培训演讲会,一般以项目管理的模式进行,这是我们在实践中通过摸索逐步总结出来的。项目管理的操作流程让我们在一开始就能做到心中有数,能有条不紊地推进整个计划。项目的评估立项是至关重要的。我们曾经就某个项目举棋不定,反复讨论,评估期长达半年之久。当前区域内培训市场的趋势如何?目标客户群体主要是哪些?他们在哪里?在培训方面有哪些具体需求?是否合适选用培训演讲会的模式进行较大规模的动员?他们对这种模式可能的反应如何?这些问题是我们进行立项评估时的一个基本判断。  相似文献   

Peer evaluation provides an opportunity to give and receive feedback on work in a structured setting. Instructors can utilise peer evaluation as an opportunity to teach and for students to practice metacognition along with other professional skills. Second year Master of Public Health students in a professional development capstone course participated in a peer evaluation for two writing assignments. Students were administered pre- and post-surveys about their perceptions of peer evaluation. First years were administered the survey as a comparison group. Mixed methods were used to: (1) examine second years’ perceptions of skills gained/practiced after engaging in peer evaluation, (2) compare perceptions of peer evaluation in second to first years, and (3) measure agreement across skills gained following peer evaluation compared to self-reported competencies in their final capstone ePortfolio assignment. Results demonstrate gains in metacognition of professional skills and strong agreement of the skills reported following peer evaluation and self-reported competencies.  相似文献   

For evaluation to be worth the resources it consumes, it must enable decision makers to make sound decisions based on relevant, reliable, and valid data that lead to improved performance. It is from here that all evaluation efforts stem. All components of the evaluation must be aligned with the objectives and expectations that the organization and its stakeholders value and the decisions that will have to be made as a result of the evaluation findings. These decisions should be concerned with how to measurably improve performance at all levels of the organization. This article, the second of a two‐part series on evaluation (see Guerra‐López, 2007b, for part 1), describes how to create a responsive evaluation through the identification of stakeholders and expectations as a first and fundamental step.  相似文献   

The research on returns (or gains) to graduate-level education is mixed. Some graduate degrees pay off in increased earnings while some graduate degree holders actually receive less salary than their BS/BA counterparts. This study showed that a nontraditional, off-campus, master's degree from the University of Utah did pay off for its graduates. A research project matching master's graduates with nonattendees indicated significant gains for the graduates with respect to salary, promotability, and perceptions of self and job. The study will be used as a pilot for a nationwide research project surveying and interviewing some 400 graduates from Utah's program.He was assisted in the analyses by Art Schnatterly, a Teaching Fellow in Management at the University of Utah.  相似文献   

In Summary The Indian treaty rights seminar faculty taught me almost nothing about the subject for which they had ostensibly convened the seminar. The did not even define their terms. That is, we students were never instructed as to what an Indiantreaty is, nor were we shown how the courts extrapolated the controversial new Indian rights from certain treaty stipulations. What they did teach is that undemonstrable assertions, at least when they are grounded in correct politics, constitute legitimate support for scholarly conclusions. On the other hand, solid facts that undermine correct politics can be dismissed by “view[ing them] within the context of a larger view.” Furthermore, the faculty, who were supposedly dedicated to diversity, demonstrated in word and deed that people whose experiences and perspectives do not support political orthodoxy should be ridiculed and despised or at least ignored. To what degree the other students in the seminar accepted the faculty's ideologically motivated behavior as valid scholarly praxis, I do not know. I suspect that several of them have accepted it. But such a mockery of liberal education ought to be of concern to academics even if, as was true in my case, the politically correct classroom serves only to demoralize. Mona Walsh Holland completed her undergraduate work while raising a family and is now in the Notre Dame Law School  相似文献   

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