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The prediction of long-term climatic changes is not only intrinsically interesting and challenging, but directly relevant to social and economic planning, not least in the context of fuel policy. For the moment, prediction relies heavily on the construction of a long-term data bank for past climatic patterns: for the European region it has been possible to build this up for every season of every year since about 1500.  相似文献   

Mobile banking is one of the most promising technologies that has emerged in recent years and could prove to have considerable value to both banks and customers. Thus, this study recognises the need to test the main factors that could predict the use of mobile banking as well as how using such a system could contribute to both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The conceptual model of this study combines two models (i.e. UTAUT2 and the D&M IS Success Model). A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the required data from convenience sampling of Saudi bank customers. The main factors – performance expectancy, price value, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, habit, system quality and service quality – were found to have a significant impact on actual use behaviour. This study was cross-sectional, therefore future studies should implement longitudinal studies in order to re-collect the findings. Further, this study adopted convenience sampling of Saudi M-Banking users. This may adversely impact the issue of generalisability to the whole population. The gap in the M-Banking literature in Saudi Arabia would be bridged by proposing a comprehensive conceptual model that scrupulously clarifies the use of M-Banking from the perspective of Saudi users. Furthermore, this study would consider the adoption of numeric data in order to inferentially analyse them using SEM. This in turn would assist in generalising the findings to the whole Saudi population.  相似文献   

金纳多临床应用概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了金纳多近年来在国内的临床应用,指出其在缺血性脑血管病、耳聋、眩晕、糖尿病并发症及冠心痛等方面的应用及疗效。金纳多治疗上述疾病的机理是:改善血液流变状态、抑制血小板聚集、抗氧化、清除自由基、缓解缺血缺氧和舒张血管平滑肌等有益作用。  相似文献   

扁圆形的黑白两种棋子,交替下在方形棋盘纵横各19道线的361个交叉点上,这就是中国的围棋,一项寓智慧与娱乐于一体的体育活动。我们祖先留下的这份珍贵的文化遗产,在3000多年的漫长岁月中,以其独特的神奇魅力吸引着众多的爱好者,在人类社会生活中有着深远的影响。围棋起源的确切年代,较可信的当推《左传》鲁襄公二十五年(公元前548年)的记载,大叔文子说:“今宁子视君不如弈棋。”据我国最早的字典《说文解字》说:“弈,围棋也。”可见,至迟在距今2500年前的春秋时期,围棋在社会上已经出现了。最初的围棋棋局、…  相似文献   

张久珍  步一 《现代情报》2016,36(3):72-75
随着信息时代的到来, 智能手机越发普及, 并在人们的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色;而元数据作为图书馆学研究的重要内容, 在信息化时代下的新型信息组织活动中仍然起着重要的作用。本文首先对描述元数据和智能手机本身做概述, 然后对智能手机所包含的元数据思想进行挖掘和分析, 最后指出其中存在的问题并给出改进方案的示意。  相似文献   

走中国特色的绿色发展之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文章提出了绿色经济的发展重点,主要包括发展低碳经济,发展壮大循环经济,继续推进节能减排,开发利用新能源和可再生能源,建设低碳城市和基础设施、发展环境产业等,在此基础上进一步提出了制定规划,实施必要的激励政策、加大科技投入、运用市场机制、研究绿色经济的发展路线图、人才培养、开展宣传教育等对策,从而走出一条具有中国特色的绿色道路。  相似文献   

Towards all-author co-citation analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present study examines one of the fundamental aspects of author co-citation analysis (ACA): the way co-citation counts are defined. Co-citation counting provides the data on which all subsequent statistical analyses and mappings are based, and we compare ACA results based on two different types of co-citation counting: on the one hand, the traditional type that only counts the first one among a cited work’s authors, and on the other hand, a simplified approach to all-author co-citation counting that takes into account the first five authors of a cited work. Results indicate that the picture produced through this simplified all-author co-citation counting contains author groups that are more coherent, and is therefore considerably clearer. However, this picture represents fewer specialties in the research field being studied than that produced through the traditional first-author co-citation counting when the same number of top-ranked authors is selected and analyzed. Reasons for these effects are discussed. Variations of counting more than first authors are compared.  相似文献   

人类的推理在一定程度上能否视为隐喻意象的推理?这是认知语言学未来研究的一个主要问题.可是,隐喻在不同语言中的概念化,既有普遍性,也有相对性,这就需要探明"通用的、广泛的"或"特定文化"的概念隐喻"是什么"和"怎么做".  相似文献   

<正>May 26,2014,BeijingScience is a human enterprise in the pursuit of knowledge.The scientific revolution that occurred in the 17th Century initiated the advances of modern science.The scientifi c knowledge system created by human beings,the tremendous productivity brought about by science,and the spirit,methodologies and norms formulated in scientific practice since the 17th Century have long become essential elements of modern civilization.Today’s world is characterized by rapid knowledge expansion,an explosion of data and information and the globalization of economies.In these times,scientific excellence is an essential principle for transforming human thinking and  相似文献   

面临当前国际数学哲学研究现状及趋势,为了规范数学哲学的学科发展,推动国内学科进步,以达到与国际同行有效对话,形成中国自身的研究风格和传统,在数学哲学自身研究任务的基础上,提出一种“语境论世界观的数学哲学”研究范式,使该学科在特定的问题域、研究方法和理念的范式支持下,逐步走向繁荣。  相似文献   

评析SSK对默顿规范理论的诘难   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
默顿规范理论以逻辑实证主义为其哲学基础,而SSK则通过“磋商”、“建构”、“利益”等概念来诘难默顿规范理论,其路线是:首先质疑默顿规范理论的认识论与方法论基础,并以此为基点来解构默顿规范理论。在如何看待SSK对默顿规范理论的诘难这一问题上,笔者认为:(1)对于默顿规范理论,应从认识论的角度进行深入分析;(2)SSK并没有完全证伪默顿规范理论的精神内核;(3)默顿规范理论具有与SSK研究纲领的互补性品质;(4)SSK启发我们以平常人的眼光看待科学家及其行为。  相似文献   

Cooperative traffic systems renew much research interest with the rapid development of communication technologies. This paper considers a finite number of vehicles moving in a single lane from a mesoscale perspective and explores the spectral properties of such a cooperative system, in particular how the communication range and the coupling weights influence the eigenvalues of the global disturbance transition matrix (DTM), i.e., disturbance modes of the traffic system. Dynamics of these vehicles are described by a modified coupled-map car-following model under periodic boundaries with inter-vehicle communications. From a state-space approach, a system DTM is established from a global view and a closed-form solution of its eigenvalues is derived. Linear stability conditions are subsequently obtained. It is found that the eigenvalue distribution of system DTM is essentially dominated by the communication range and the coupling weights, but nearly independent of the system size. By analyzing the magnitudes of the dominant poles, the synchronization of the traffic system is enhanced if the weights of the vehicles within the communication range are more evenly distributed or the communication range is increased. Particularly, it is shown that the optimal communication network tends to be a mean-field network w.r.t. global synchronization, indicating that a communication network emphasizing uniform importance among vehicles within each vehicle’s communication range is helpful for improving the synchronizability. Finally, numerical simulations verify the results.  相似文献   

As practical knowledge seems to have a central place in organisational issues, we focus on possibilities of studying and formalising it. From an unusual theoretical perspective, we view practical knowledge as embodied knowing that is only manifest through action in a particular situation. Although this knowledge is largely implicit, we try to make what is articulable explicit. After highlighting the stakes involved in the codification of practices, we review the ontological and epistemological assumptions underlying the method developed. The method is founded on participant observation, a video recording of a situated subjective perspective and an ex post interview using this perspective to aid an actor in making part of his/her practical knowledge explicit. We present its implementation within research on polar expeditions in order to understand how an experienced actor deals with risks. In conclusion, we point out (1) the importance of this kind of data in knowledge management, (2) some lines of further research.  相似文献   

马德辉 《情报杂志》2007,26(10):107-110
从知识的角度分析了"创新"的知识属性,提出创新是建立在知识基础上的创新,创新的本质属性是其知识属性,创新在本质上是知识创新,并进一步分析了"知识创新"及其重要组成部分。  相似文献   

面向中小企业自主创新的信息服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭国莉 《情报杂志》2007,26(6):128-130,133
从政府层、行业协会层、公共信息服务机构层这三大主体出发,分析了我国面向中小企业自主创新的信息服务存在的问题,探讨了加强面向中小企业自主创新开展信息服务的问题。  相似文献   

论走向科学技术学   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26  
从多角度考察了走向科学技术学的趋势 ,讨论了科学技术学以科技哲学、科技史、科技社会学、科技政策和管理为基础学科构架的问题 ,以及需要中国自然辩证法界、科学技术史界和科学学界的协调努力。  相似文献   

一、未来学家的素质和未来研究中的大协调学派有一个古老的传说:一个放牛娃,每天到山上放牛,同各种鸟交上了朋友,懂得了鸟语。有一天,群鸟对他说:“就要发洪水了,快回去把家搬到山上来吧。但是,不要把这个预测告诉他人,否则,你会变成石头。放牛娃回村后,不忍心让乡亲们遭受将要到来的水灾,劝大家搬到山上。因为人们都不听他的话,他只好作出更大的牺牲,说出了自己懂鸟语和鸟们的预告。许多人听后,立即搬家了,避免了水灾的危害。然而,这位放牛娃却变成了永恒的石头。历史上有许多预言家和未来学  相似文献   

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