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从联盟任务、联盟成员等角度出发对中国新能源汽车产业联盟发展现状进行总体分析。在此基础上,选取广东省电动汽车省部产学研创新联盟、浙江省电动汽车产业技术创新战略联盟、武汉新能源汽车技术创新战略联盟、北京新能源汽车产业联盟四家代表性联盟对其技术创新模式及特点进行总结和分析。  相似文献   

The creation of new knowledge is a haphazard process: not every sector in an economy is equally involved. The effect of industry structure on innovativeness has been a focus of attention for a long time by both academics and policymakers. In a much quoted article, using unique data - new-product announcements - Acs and Audretsch [Acs, Z.J., Audretsch, D.B., 1988. Innovation in large and small firms: an empirical analysis. American Economic Review 78(4), 678-690] identified several characteristics of industry structure and their effects on innovativeness. By analyzing a new and more consciously compiled database, we re-examine their original claims. Our results largely support their findings: industry concentration and degree of unionization for instance hamper innovation; skilled labor promotes it. Our findings diverge in one significant respect from theirs: we suggest that the large firms do not contribute more to an industry’s innovativeness than small firms. At the industry level, we find strong support for the Schumpeter Mark I perspective of creative destruction by small firms rather than creative accumulation by large firms. In addition, we show that less dedicated innovators prove more susceptible to firm-external industry factors than more committed innovators. An unfavorable competitive environment decreases the likelihood that less successful innovators will announce new products.  相似文献   

王铮  何琼  谢书玲  陈建国 《科研管理》2007,28(2):105-111
新经济产业已成为中国产业发展的重点和着眼点,本文归纳总结了中国各区域提出的新经济产业发展动向。为验证各区域新经济产业发展动向的合理性,本文运用区位商分析现阶段我国高技术产业的区域发展情况,结合中国各区域的实际发展情况进一步验证各区域高技术产业发展动向的可行性。分析表明:目前各省市自治区提出发展的新经济产业并不完全符合自身的比较优势。  相似文献   

采用定性分析和定量研究相结合的方法,运用生态学视角的类比分析法构建我国新能源汽车产业创新生态系统的理论模型。基于此理论模型,选取新能源汽车产业可持续发展评价指标体系,运用全排列多边形综合图示法,对我国新能源汽车产业可持续发展水平进行测度,并构建障碍度模型,分析我国新能源汽车产业可持续发展的关键制约因素。  相似文献   

胡鞍钢  任皓 《中国科学院院刊》2016,31(12):1355-1365
20世纪80年代,邓小平做出战略决策,国家制定"863计划",中国高技术创新和产业发展开始起步。在经历30年的成长期后,我国高技术产业的增加值占GDP比重达4.9%,成为国民经济重要的支柱性产业。高技术产业呈现出增加值高增长、就业高增长的态势,并在高技术产业增加值、产品出口额、出口增加值各方面都实现了对美国的追赶和超越。这主要得益于高技术产业与经济增长的相互促进与互补带动,表现为经济发展与高技术产业发展生命周期趋势的一致性。此外,高技术产业具有明显的外部性,起到了促进制造业高增长、改善经济结构、推动贸易发展转型、发挥技术溢出效应的作用。高技术产业已成为我国国民经济发展的先导产业、重要的支柱产业与新的增长引擎。展望未来,实现高技术产业由大变强,由多变优,由粗变精,由跟随变为引领,在质量创新等方面赶超美国。  相似文献   

新时代中国高端服务业发展需要多元的动力推动,华侨华人对其发展有着不可忽视的作用。通过分析二者的行业基础,发展动力,发展前景的现状,以及新时代二者所面临的拓宽投资选项;高端人才培养;促进国际沟通合作等发展挑战与机遇,提出新时代华侨华人与中国高端服务业发展动力战略规划:提供政策支持、搭建合作平台、加快智库建设等;分析新时代二者之间的互动关系,提出提升中国高端服务业国际竞争力的发展路径。  相似文献   

在全球产业变革和我国经济进入新常态的双重背景下,我国制造业粗放型的低端代工生产模式已难以持续。代工模式割裂了生产者服务业与制造业的有效联系,使得我国制造业长期处于微笑价值曲线的“洼地”,产业价值链增值能力弱。随着全球经济的“软化”发展,服务化增值已成为全球产业价值链上的主要增值点和产业竞争力的重要来源,服务化转型为我国制造业的高质量可持续发展指明了方向。不同类型的制造业价值链由于其驱动力不同,“服务化”增值的重心也有所不同,对此,本文提出了三种不同的服务化增强型价值链优化路径,制造企业应根据自身的资源能力情况选择不同的服务化战略,以最终实现制造业价值链基于服务化增值的优化升级。  相似文献   

Research on University-industry (U-I) linkages and their determinants has increased significantly in the past few years. However, there is still controversy on the key factors explaining the formation of U-I linkages, and especially related to individual researcher characteristics. This paper provides new empirical evidence and, in particular, looks at the importance of researchers’ individual characteristics and their institutional environments in explaining the propensity to engage in different types of U-I linkages. Based on an original dataset, we present new evidence on three wine producing areas - Piedmont, a region of Italy, Chile and South Africa - that have successfully responded to recent structural changes in the industry worldwide. Empirical findings reveal that researchers’ individual characteristics, such as centrality in the academic system, age and sex, matter more than publishing records or formal degrees. Institutional specificities at country level also play a role in shaping the propensity of researchers to engage with industry.  相似文献   

以新能源产业作为切入点,以产业集群为视角,研究中国新能源产业集群的规模、分布与经济增长的关系,为新能源产业的发展提供借鉴参考。结果表明:(1)新能源产业只是在浙江、江苏、上海、广东、安徽和江西6个省市形成产业集群;(2)空间格局上,产业集群呈现出从东向西依次递减的分布格局,表现出较强的空间相关性;(3)新能源产业集群规模与经济增长之间呈现显著负相关。  相似文献   

   本研究关注从传统农业技术行业到现代农业物联网行业的转型,选择组织学习视角、采用案例研究方法对转型过程中行业主导企业和跟随企业的认知和行动倾向演化进行研究,揭示组织惯例的演化过程机理并构建演化过程模型。研究得出:行业惯例的演化主要经历主导企业组织惯例的演化、行业跟随企业组织惯例的演化以及新行业惯例的形成三个阶段;组织学习是促使行业惯例以及行业中个体企业的组织惯例实现演化的关键,其中主导企业依赖试错学习实现主动式演化,而跟随企业依赖效仿学习实现被动推动式演化;尽管行业惯例演化过程中不同类型的企业依赖于不同的学习模式,但组织惯例演化的根本均在于通过参与者的有效沟通与互动形成新的共同理解和一致性行动。  相似文献   

产业融合机制下商业模式发展的新趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代以来,伴随着以信息技术为核心的高新技术的快速发展和扩散,一些基于工业经济时代大规模生产分工基础上的产业边界逐渐模糊和消融,并在原有的产业边界处融合发展成新型的产业模式.在当今这种产业融合机制的大背景下,企业如何改变原有的商业模式来保持自身竞争优势,已经成为企业生存和发展的重中之重.文章从商业模式的理论出发,重点分析了在产业融合的经济背景下,不同产业链下商业模式相互锁定的趋势.  相似文献   

稀土是支撑高端技术创新和新兴产业发展的关键原材料,也是国际争夺的重要战略性矿产资源。2011年以来,美西方加大稀土供应链及产业链“去中国化”的步伐,世界稀土多元供应格局正在加速形成。文章立足于全球稀土的全产业链视角,系统开展对稀土全产业链的国际格局现状分析与演变研判,剖析识别稀土在大国博弈中的战略价值,为构建我国稀土全球化发展战略提供措施建议。  相似文献   

创新驱动发展是国家战略,科技创新在我国全面创新中具有核心地位和引领作用。科技创新对我国北斗卫星导航定位系统及北斗卫星导航与位置服务产业发展意义重大,不仅对我国北斗产业发展指明了新方向,提出了新要求,也推动北斗产业步入了新的发展领域。文章通过探索浅析科技创新对我国北斗产业发展的驱动引领,为我国北斗系统积极参与国际竞争,提高我国北斗产业市场竞争力打下基础。  相似文献   

基于S曲线对中国、美国、日本、韩国等国新能源汽车产业技术发展阶段进行了分析,全球新能源汽车产业处于高速发展阶段,日本新能源汽车产业发展目前处于成熟阶段,尤其是以日本为代表的新能源汽车产业早在2000年前便已进入成长阶段。依据S曲线发展的萌芽期、成长期、成熟期将新能源汽车产业技术发展阶段分为“要素-结构-功能-成本”四个阶段并进行了分析,并针对各个阶段提出了政府、企业、高校(科研机构)、金融、中介、国外等的多主体协同创新战略,以期为新能源汽车产业及其它战略性新兴产业发展阶段提供发展对策与建议。  相似文献   


Innovation which is generated in a specific sector or prepared for it but finds application in others is called transsectorial innovation. This is a subject which, up to now, has attracted very little attention; yet it deserves a thorough examination. Indeed, the incidence of transsectorial migrations is very much on the increase and its impact on industry strongly felt: It generates a multiplicity of new products, causes changes in the location of production units and affects their organization.

In this report, the concept of innovation is addressed and studied in depth, then looked at in the context of long‐term economic perspectives (I). Next the emergence of transsectorial innovations and their pervasive influence are described (II). Lastly, the effects on industry (size, location, organization, products) are examined (III).

The industrial revolution which is beginning represents much more than what is generally expected. It will cause a complete upheaval, not only in the productive system, but also, probably, in the whole range of human activities. The transsectorial phenomenon has a large role to play in the dawning of this new era.  相似文献   


As a rapidly evolving sector the international wine industry represents an interesting subject for analysis. Over the past two centuries the industry has experienced a number of major innovations and direction changes. The organizational shifts involved in these changes have been profound. From a monopolization of wine culture through the nineteenth and much of the twentieth century by Europeans, to the emergence of New World operators and their democratic influence, the international wine industry now stands at the edge of another major paradigm shift. This paper traces the industry’s historical changes and speculates on the implications of such issues as global production, distribution, technology transfer, branding and the escalation of mergers and alliances. It argues that with the increasing global tendency of the industry, ‘New’ and ‘Old World’ distinctions may blur and disappear. Furthermore, as the wine landscape continues to evolve, we may well see a new set of rules, where the emergence of localized branding, an enhanced role for small to medium enterprises and the decline of national industries results in an irrevocable reconfiguration of the industry.  相似文献   

新能源汽车产业的专利标准化战略制定与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对日益严峻的能源与环境的双重困局,新能源汽车成为汽车产业未来发展的方向。我国开展自主研发的汽车企业期望在新能源汽车产业真正实现"弯道超车",掌握关键领域核心技术是根本之道,并在核心专利技术积累的基础上,努力将其通过法定程序制定为同行业产品生产的技术标准。本文旨在分析我国车企在新能源汽车产业的专利现状,提出成功实现技术专利化——专利标准化——标准垄断化的竞争战略,掌握全球市场竞争优势,争取商业利润的最大化。  相似文献   

Professor Nakamura has fabricated the world's first, violet/blue laser diodes and world's brightest blue and green light emitting diodes. His remarkable contributions encompassed materials growth, characterization, and device development and processing. His gallium-nitride-based violet lasers improve by a factor of about three the packing density/resolution of optoelectronic storage media such as video or data storage and of printers or VCRs. His gallium nitride bright, green and blue, light emitting diodes, 10–100 times more efficient than their predecessors, enable color displays and lighting applications and are potential seeds of a new lighting industry. Professor Nakamura has opened the door to a gallium-nitride-based semiconductor industry.  相似文献   

We inductively develop a model of the commercialization process for new products or services user entrepreneurs undertake when entering an industry while drawing on proprietary technology developed in another industry. Extending the growing field of user entrepreneurship, we identify a two-phase approach to industry entry by user entrepreneurs who start “under the radar” of incumbent firms, gain experience, attract a first potential customer base, and then, in a second phase, engage in commercialization. During this process, a community of fellow users is of major importance for the entrepreneur, serving as a knowledge pool for skills development and experimentation with different commercialization paths. We study a nascent group of firms founded by users of video games who became entrepreneurs on entering the animation industry by producing Machinima, a new film genre characterized by shooting film in video games. We explain how user entrepreneurs gain access to complementary assets (video games) for their new use (shooting film), how they deal with intellectual property issues when using other firms’ assets, and how user entrepreneurs combine domain knowledge about film production with their experience in video games and the art of Machinima. Our propositions hold implications for management and policy.  相似文献   

随着以生命科学和生物技术为主导的新科学革命逐步形成,生物医药技术已成为继信息产业之后又一个高成长性产业。产业布局的合理性直接关系生物医药产业的快速和可持续发展。选择生物医药产业发展程度较高且呈集聚化发展的江苏省作为研究对象,分析其生物医药产业布局的状况与现有模式,在此基础上提出按“点—线—面—网”立体推进的思路,形成“双核—两翼”的江苏生物医药产业布局新模式。最后提出实现新模式的具体措施。  相似文献   

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