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It''''s My Bag!     
It's Sunday.There are many people in the bus.And an old man is looking here and there (到处).He wants to find an empty seat (座位).Then he finds one.A small bag is on the seat.And a young man is beside it."Is this seat empty?"asks the old man."No,it's for an old woman.She goes to buy some bananas,"says the young man.  相似文献   

第二讲 39.Pleased to meet you!很高兴见到你。 40.Hope we'll meet again.希望我们再见面。 41.Come in for a moment.进来坐会儿吧。 42.Do take a seat.坐吧。 43.Here's a chair.这里坐吧。  相似文献   

N o郾1郾 Two terrorists want to blow up the bank.They take two bom bs put them in a ,suitcase in the front seat of their car andset off.O ne asks the other W hat hap鄄 :“pens if the bom bs blast off now . The oth鄄 ”er says D on‘tworry.I have a spare bom b in the back seat. :“ ” 两个恐怖分子打算去炸银行 他们把两枚炸弹放在车前座的手提箱内 。 ,准备引爆 其中一个恐怖分子问道 要是炸弹现在爆炸怎么办 另一个说 。 :“ ?” :不用担心 我已经多准备了一个放在车后座了“ , 。” N o郾2郾 N urse Y ou often que...  相似文献   

玉娇 《今日中学生》2015,(Z2):44-45,49
1.I’m so glad you can all come tonight.2.Please take a seat,everybody.3.Please be seated,and make yourselves comfortable.4.It’s just a frugal dinner(便饭).There’s nothing formal(正式).Please don’t stand on ceremony(别客气).5.I never do so with my friends.  相似文献   

This Is My Seat It was a woman's first time on a plane. She boarded the plane and found herself a window seat. After she had settled in, a man came over and insisted that she was in his seat. She ignored him and told him to go away. "Okay," replied the man. "If that's the way you want it, you fly the plane."这是我的位子有位女士第一次坐飞机。她登机后,替自己找了一个靠窗的位子。她就座以后,一个男士走过来,坚持说那女士坐了他的座位。女士不理他,并叫他走开。“好吧,”男士回答。“如果你就要这样想,那你…  相似文献   

在美国“打的”,如果你坐副座,司机会一路与你谈笑风生;你若坐 在了后面,司机便板着脸一言不发。要知究竟 何故,这位先生将告诉你其中的奥秘。 W hen you take a taxi in the U nited States,ifyou sit up in the front seat,the driv- er will be pleased and talk with you all the way;if you sit in the back seat,though,the driver m ay be unhappy and reluctant to speak,he is unlikely to say m uch. A t first, I thought this was ow ing to differences in the characters of the drivers.Later,after Id had som e m ore e…  相似文献   

﹄耳场,览令,﹄U︸介夕叭共布蚜胎分超︸扛缭亥,犷几弓芯形橄葱亚毖笼精蟋减裂侣莽叫戈琦兑缤老招瘪︸g撼豁︸︸淤孩沈﹃德汉介扮字徐︸临滋拐翟游后崔︸boarding gate:deP叭ure gate boarding eheek Plane tieket first elass eeonomy elass,tourist elass night serviee airsiek to take off,take一off to board a Plane to get off a plane Plane No. seat No. smoking seat non一smoking seat ai甲ort fee international airport domestieai印ort airport terminal intemational terminal航班出港intemational departure内航班…  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.undertake(undertook,undertak-en)【用法】vt.1)着手做;从事(engage in,take steps to perform),后接名词、不定式等。The young solider undertook a dangerous  相似文献   

I listen to her hum as she slowly scurries around the kitchen preparing breakfast. Well,she's scurrying in HER mind anyway.She snaps her fingers as she remembers she almost forgot the butter.While she turns to get it,I enter the kitchen area and take a seat.She reaches for the pepper and I appreciatively examine the table.She's made the coffee,and the creamer sits patiently in the tiny pitcher waiting to be poured.It ripples with her every step as they vibrate through the  相似文献   

Q:薛老师,您好!表示“乘坐(交通工具)有几种表达方式?下题中,by bus能不能换成take a bus,take atrain能不能换成by train呢? —Will you get there by____bus? —No,we'll take____train. A.a;the B.the;a C.\;a D.\;A:表示“乘坐(交通工具)”,分别可以用介词by,take,on/in,区别如下:  相似文献   

[2001年全国中考完成对话试题精选(二)答案](一)1.witll 2.How 3.long 4.breakfast 5. worry 6.what7.take/have 8.rest 9.wa-ter 10.fight(二)1.he isnot in(or:he is not at home/he is out) 2.That’s too bad.(or: What a pity) 3.Can I take a message (foryou)4.Tell him not to be  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2007,(3):F0004-F0004
The undersea world is very beautiful . Now more and more people want to 1 in the water to find the secret there .Scuba diving(潜水) is a new sport today.It can take you into a wonderful undersea world.You will find many strange 2 in the sea .Some are 3a s…  相似文献   

听力部分(共15分)听对话,并选出对话中出现的词汇(3分)(1)A:Who’s sitting in that armchair?B:Jane is.She’s sitting there and listening to theradio.a.He b.She c.They(2)A:What’s the date today?B:September the fifteenth.a.day b.daily c.date(3)A:Do you see the key on the seat?B:Yes,I do.a.say b.see c.set  相似文献   

1.’单项选择(20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填 空白处的最佳答案。 1 .The TV Play 15_interesting than the story· :暇A .very B.mueh 。只卜少叩y甲re,,,”·muc“more ‘一u Lel WorKs narQ,anQ_- B .1 do 50 D.50 1 do the room.You’d better Sn e了.‘-1 汕一do coldcoat. ﹄‘引0 口︼5 Sr J‘J‘r、..二勺,口 . 内J not to take off take down BD not take off do not take off AC 4.叨一ere 15 tea in the have some now. mueh euP,butl’d like a litile B .litile D .a lot of to A.C 5.Mother ofte…  相似文献   

Hurrying to the beach?Why not take a quick look at our list of the best beaches in China and find the best place to have fun!  相似文献   

(本文前一部分请见2()07年第4期第43页) 14.一May 1 smoke here?一If扣u_,ehoose a seat in the smoking seetion.(山东卷第30题) A.should B.eould C.may D.must 15,How ean邓ue却eet to learn anything_you never listen?(山东卷第31题) A.in ease B.even if C.uuless D.wl  相似文献   

A Paper Boy     
John is a paper boy.He delivers(投递)newspapers to different houses in his street every day.Hehas about 80 customers(客户).Half of his customers only take the newspapers on weekdays,andabout half take the newspapers on weekdays and on Sundays.Two of John's customers only take thenewspapers on Sondays.  相似文献   

Versace signs Christina Aguilera. She replaces Britney as the designer's muse and model. Platinum Brand Versace and Aguilera are fast friends. Christina Aguilera' s taste in clothing-on those rare occasions when she' s wearing some, anyway-has received a thumbs-up(赞成,跷拇指) from at least one important tastemaker (创造时髦风尚的人): Donatella Versace. The two platinum-haired women, both known for garments that barely stay on, announced a partnership, in which the "Dirty" singer will serve as the designer's new muse and model in a new ad campaign.Versace gave Aguilera a front row seat at her fall fashion  相似文献   

There is a story many years ago of an elemen-tary school teacher.Her name was Mrs.Thompson.And as she stood in front of her 5~(th) grade class onthe very first day of school,she told the children alie.Like most teachers,she looked at her studentsand said that she loved them all the same.But thatwas impossible,because there in the front row,slumped in his seat,was a little boy named Teddy  相似文献   

The Movie-goer Tom enjoyed going to the movies. He especially liked seeing movies made from stories he had read in the books.He went to the movies at least once a week. He liked to sit in the same seat,but sometimes when the theater was full,this was not possible.He had to sit wherever there was an empty seat.  相似文献   

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