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LetH n be the set of real algebraic polynomials of degreen, whose zeros all lie in the interval [−1,1]. The well known Turán type inequalities tell us that forf(x)∈H n , it holds ‖f′‖≥Cnf‖. This note deals with the weighted Turán type inequalities with the weights having inner singularities underL p norm for 0<p≤∞. Our results essentially extend the result of Wang and Zhou (2002), and the method used in this paper is simpler and more direct than that of Wang and Zhou (2002). The results and methods have their own values in approximation theory and computation.  相似文献   

In freeform surface modelling, developable surfaces have much application value. But, in 3D space, there is not always a regular developable surface which interpolates the given boundary of an arbitrary piecewise smooth closed curve. In this paper, tensor product Bézier surfaces interpolating the closed curves are determined and the resulting surface is a minimum of the functional defined by the L2-integral norm of the Gaussian curvature. The Gaussian curvature of the surfaces is minimized by the method of solving nonlinear optimization problems. An improved approach trust-region form method is proposed. A simple application example is also given.  相似文献   

Objective: In addition to pH regulation, Na+/H+ exchange (NHE) has been shown to facilitate cell growth and proliferation. However, the effects of long-term inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange on cardiac structural and functional remodeling post myocardial infarction (MI) are still controversial. The present study was therefore carried out to further investigate the effects of long-term treatment with cariporide, a specific inhibitor of NHE-1, on cardiac remodeling after MI in rats; Methods: Male Wistar rats that underwent coronary ligation were randomly selected for cariporide treatment starting 6 h after induction of MI or no treatment. Treatment was continued up to 6 weeks post MI, after which, the arterial, venous and left ventricular catheters were chronically implanted. Twenty-four h later, after hemodynamic signals were recorded in conscious rats, they were sacrificed and hearts were taken out for morphological examinations; Results: Cariporide treatment decreased the heart weight and heart weight to body weight ratio (bothP<0.05), decreased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (P<0.001), improved myocardial contractility (dP/dt max) (P<0.05) and tended to increase the survival of treated rats compared to that of untreated infarct rats; Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that the long-term inhibition of NHE with cariporide can attenuate cardiac structural remodeling and improve left ventricular dysfunction in infarcted rats, and suggest that Na+/H+ exchange inhibition could be an effective therapeutic strategy for myocardial infarction-induced heart failure.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the influence of green tea polyphenols (GTPs) on the liver mitochondria permeability transition pore (PTP) opening through mitochondria swelling and change of mitochondria membrane potential. The data showed that GTPs had obvious protective effect on the Ca2+-induced PTP opening in a dose-dependent manner detected by mitochondria swelling. The results were obtained by measuring the change of mitochondria membrane potential through Rh 123. Further experiments were conducted to examine the detailed influence of GTPs on Ca2+ import and export of mitochondria. The results showed that GTPs had remarkably inhibitory effect on the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ import in mitochondria; and that they could accelerate Ca2+-release from mitochondria. Our data provide an alternate interpretation of the potent protective function of GTPs on cell against apoptosis.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Tφ-convex functions were introduced as a generalizations of convex functions. Then the characteristics of the Tφ-convex functions were discussed. Furthermore, some new inequalities for the Tφ-convex functions were derived.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women today. Some of the patients are hereditary, with a large proportion characterized by mutation in BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 genes. In this review, we provide an overview of these two genes, focusing on their relationship with hereditary breast cancers. BRCA1/2 associated hereditary breast cancers have unique features that differ from the general breast cancers, including alterations in cellular molecules, pathological bases, biological behavior, and a different prevention strategy. But the outcome of BRCA1/2 associated hereditary breast cancers still remains controversial; further studies are needed to elucidate the nature of BRCA1/2 associated hereditary breast cancers. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30772510) and the Joint Program of Ministry of Health and Zhejiang Provincal Government of China (No. WKJ2006-2-008)  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for dealing with optimal approximate merging of two adjacent Bezier eurves with G^2-continuity. Instead of moving the control points, we minimize the distance between the original curves and the merged curve by taking advantage of matrix representation of Bezier curve's discrete structure, where the approximation error is measured by L2-norm. We use geometric information about the curves to generate the merged curve, and the approximation error is smaller. We can obtain control points of the merged curve regardless of the degrees of the two original curves. We also discuss the merged curve with point constraints. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.  相似文献   

Insecticidal effects of different doses of the dust and methanol extracts of Garcinia kolae on Collosobruchus maculatus and Sitophilus zeamais were tested. The dust had no significant effect on the two insects; none of them died even at 3 d after treatment. The methanol extracts, however, had rapid lethal effects on both C. maculatus and S. zeamais. The mortality of C. maculatus by the lowest concentration of methanol extracts ranged from 95%∼100% whereas in S. zeamais, the mortality ranged from 87.5%∼100% and 70%∼100% in concentrations of 1 g extract+3 ml methanol and 1 g extract+5 ml methanol, respectively, from 24 to 48 h. The least concentration of 1 g extract+15 ml methanol had no significant lethal effect on Sitophilus zeamais.   相似文献   

《实践论》和《矛盾论》是面向中国问题的哲学,是毛泽东哲学思想的两篇核心著作,开创了马克思主义中国化的先河,在实践基础上产生了马克思主义中国化的第一次飞跃——毛泽东思想,进而指导中国革命、建设和改革,取得了一次又一次的重大胜利。时至当今,《实践论》和《矛盾论》所蕴含的马克思主义哲学立场、观点和方法仍具有十分重要的价值。  相似文献   

In this study the MTP1 gene, encoding a type III integral transmembrane protein, was isolated from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. The Mtp1 protein is 520 amino acids long and is comparable to the Ytp1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with 46% sequence similarity. Prediction programs and MTP1-GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusion expression results indicate that Mtp1 is a protein located at several membranes in the cytoplasm. The functions of the MTP1 gene in the growth and development of the fungus were studied using an MTP1 gene knockout mutant. The MTP1 gene was primarily expressed at the hyphal and conidial stages and is necessary for conidiation and conidial germination, but is not required for pathogenicity. The Deltamtp1 mutant grew more efficiently than the wild type strain on non-fermentable carbon sources, implying that the MTP1 gene has a unique role in respiratory growth and carbon source use.  相似文献   

《宝剑记》主要取材于我国古典小说《水浒传》中"林冲落草"这段故事。相较来看,《宝剑记》继承了《水浒传》的很多方面,包括主要人物设置,故事情节内容,"忠奸"主题思想。除此,《宝剑记》在人物形象、情节脉络、中心矛盾、起因结局等方面又有所创新。《宝剑记》对《水浒传》的改编凸显出明中叶反封建专制统治的社会思潮和人的自我意识的觉醒,也是作者李开先个人心灵世界的直接映现,具有明显的进步性与现实意义。  相似文献   

The dual formulation of the discrete-time mixedl 2/l 1 control design problem was achieved by using the duality theory of Lagrange multipliers. For some special dual mixedl 2/l 1 problems, an approximation method for the optimal value is introduced. A suboptimal value of the infinite-dimensional dual problem can be obtained by solving a sequence of truncated problems. The convergence property of the solution scheme is investigated. This paper gives a low approximation method for the primal problem. Project(699085) supported by Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted under pot conditions to determine the comparative efficacy of carbofuran at 1 mg a.i./kg soil, bavistin at 1 mg a.i./kg soil, neem (Azadirachta indica) seed powder at 50 mg/kg soil, green mould (Trichoderma harzianum) at 50.0 ml/kg soil, rhizobacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens) at 50.0 ml/kg soil against root-knot nematode,Meloidogyne incognita-wilt fungus,Fusarium oxysporum disease complex on green gram,Vigna radiata cv ML-1108. All the treatments significantly improved the growth of the plants as compared to untreated inoculated plants. Analysis of data showed that carbofuran andA. indica seed powder increased plant growth and yield significantly more in comparison to bavistin andP. fluorescens. Carbofuran was highly effective against nematode, bavistin against fungus,A. indica seed powder against both the pathogens and both the bioagents were moderately effective against both the pathogens.  相似文献   

The okra germplasm was screened for salinity tolerance at the seedling stage and during plant ontogeny. Substantial variation existed in okra for salinity tolerance at the seedling stage. An 80 mmol/L NaCl concentration was suitable for discriminating tolerant and non-tolerant okra genotypes. The pooled ranking of the genotypes, based on individual rankings for each trait (root and shoot length, germination percentage, and relative Na+ and K+) in individual NaCl concentrations, was effective for selecting tolerant genotypes. Genotypes selected at the seedling stage maintained their tolerance to NaCl during plant ontogeny, suggesting that screening of the germplasm entries and advanced breeding materials for salt tolerance at the seedling stage is effective. Among 39 okra genotypes, five were identified as the most tolerant genotypes and showed potential for use in breeding programs that focus on the development of salt-tolerant, high-yield okra cultivars.  相似文献   

This paper reports results of study on self-Q-switched Cr4+, Nd3+: YAG microchip lasers at 1.064 μm using a quasi-monolithic setup. Pulses with 6 to 60 ns wide (FWHM) and TEM00 mode produced under cw pumping with repetition rates ranging from 1.5 kHz to 23 kHz. Pulsed pumping yielded output pulses with repetition rates from 1Hz to several kHz and excellent pulse stability. A pulsed pumped microchip oscillator and flash lamp pumped amplifiers were used to set up a MOPA (Master Oscillator and Power Amplifier) system generating 225 kW pulses with 8 ns width. Project supported by BMBF, Germany; National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, No. 69378019); the Key Foundation of Education Ministry of China.  相似文献   

Pepsin was assembled on the surface of prepared poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET-NH3 +) substrates. The composition and structure of the pepsin/PET-NH3 + assembling films in different condition were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM).  相似文献   

李希梦 《唐山学院学报》2024,37(2):79-84,93
乔治·伯纳德·萧是继莎士比亚之后最负盛名的英国剧作家,他继承和发扬了亨利克·易卜生开创的真实反映社会现实、揭露社会痼疾的优良传统,创作了大量批判现实的社会问题剧,《卖花女》便是其中的优秀作品之一。在法国哲学家米歇尔·福柯的权力理论视角下,资本主义社会中的底层女性被边缘化、他者化、异化。《卖花女》中的女主人公伊莉莎经历了权力压迫下的身体和话语的双重规训,被消解了行动和话语的自主支配权。然而,反抗与规训是共生的,伊莉莎最终顿悟觉醒,勇敢地反抗资产阶级的权力控制和压迫,实现了身体和精神的双重解放。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach for multi-objective robust control. The approach extends the standard generalizedl 2 (Gl 2) and generalizedH 2 (GH 2) conditions to a set of new linear matrix inequality (LMI) constraints based on a new stability condition. A technique for variable parameterization is introduced to the multi-objective control problem to preserve the linearity of the synthesis variables. Consequently, the multi-channel multi-objective mixed Gl 2/GH 2 control problem can be solved less conservatively using computationally tractable algorithms developed in the paper. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60374028), and the Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education (No. [2004]176)  相似文献   

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