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This study investigated how metacognition appears as a socially shared phenomenon within collaborative mathematical word-problem solving processes of dyads of high-achieving pupils. Four dyads solved problems of different difficulty levels. The pupils were 10 years old. The problem-solving activities were videotaped and transcribed in terms of verbal and nonverbal behaviours as well as of turns taken in communication (N = 14 675). Episodes of socially shared metacognition were identified and their function and focus analysed. There were significantly more and longer episodes of socially shared metacognition in difficult as compared to moderately difficult and easy problems. Their function was to facilitate or inhibit activities and their focus was on the situation model of the problem or on mathematical operations. Metacognitive experiences were found to trigger socially shared metacognition.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and structure of a coding scheme for analysing solutions to well-structured problems in terms of cognitive processes and problem-solving deficiencies for first-year engineering students. A task analysis approach was used to assess students’ problem solutions using the hierarchical structure from a theoretical framework from mathematics research. The coding scheme comprises 54 codes within the categories of knowledge access, knowledge generation, self-management, conceptual errors, mechanical errors, management errors, approach strategies and solution accuracy, and was demonstrated to be both dependable and credible for analysing problems typical of topics in first-year engineering courses. The problem-solving processes were evaluated in terms of time, process elements, errors committed and self-corrected errors. Therefore, problem-solving performance can be analysed in terms of both accuracy and efficiency of processing, pinpointing areas meriting further study from a cognitive perspective, and for documenting processes for research purposes.  相似文献   

This article examines the way student teachers make sense of conceptual tools when writing cases. In order to understand the problem-solving process, an analysis of the interactions is conducted. The findings show that transforming practical experiences into theoretical reflection is not a straightforward matter. To be able to elaborate on the task it is crucial to make meaning of the tools. It is demonstrated that the institutional practices, rules and expectations must be explicit for the students. The overall aim is to demonstrate that activity theory can enhance our understanding of the interdependence between activity, task and mediating tools.  相似文献   

Given the paucity of data supporting college students' epistemological style as an educationally relevant construct, we examined the degree to which individual differences in this style were predictive of various cognitive processing activities adopted to several problem-solving tasks. Twenty-two college subjects from each of three different epistemological groups—dualistic, multiplistic, and relativistic—were randomly selected to complete both a syllogism and Ink Blot problem-solving task. The results showed that the three epistemological groups reliably differed in how they mentally organized the ink blot stimuli, but not the syllogism problems. The findings are discussed as supporting the notion that the epistemology construct is an educationally salient source of individual differences, especially when performance tasks are ambiguous and ill-defined.  相似文献   

This study examines the updating ability of poor or good problem solvers. Seventy-eight fourth-graders, 43 good and 35 poor arithmetic word problem-solvers, performed the Updating Test used in Palladino et al. [Palladino, P., Cornoldi, C., De Beni, R., and Pazzaglia F. (2002). Working memory and updating processes in reading comprehension. Memory and Cognition, 29, 344–354.]. The participants listened to wordlists, each comprising 12 words referring to objects or animals of different sizes. At the end of each list participants were asked to recall the 3 or 5 words denoting the smallest objects/animals in the list. Results show that poor problem-solvers recalled fewer correct words and made more intrusion errors (recall of non-target words) than good problem-solvers. Results support the hypothesis that the ability to select and update relevant, and suppress irrelevant information, is related to problem-solving, even when the influence of reading comprehension is controlled for. With reference to Baddeley's, and other recent WM models [Miyake, A., and Shah, P. (Eds.), (1999). Models of working memory: Mechanisms of active maintenance and executive control. New York: Cambridge University Press.], our results point to the idea that problem-solving relies on the central executive for processing and updating information contained in the problems.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary science course has been implemented at a university with the intention of providing students the opportunity to develop a range of key skills in relation to: real-world connections of science, problem-solving, information and communications technology use and team while linking subject knowledge in each of the science disciplines. One of the problems used in this interdisciplinary course has been selected to evaluate if it affords students the opportunity to explicitly display problem-solving processes. While the benefits of implementing problem-based learning have been well reported, far less research has been devoted to methods of assessing student problem-solving solutions. A problem-solving theoretical framework was used as a tool to assess student written solutions to indicate if problem-solving processes were present. In two academic years, student problem-solving processes were satisfactory for exploring and understanding, representing and formulating, and planning and executing, indicating that student collaboration on problems is a good initiator of developing these processes. In both academic years, students displayed poor monitoring and reflecting (MR) processes at the intermediate level. A key impact of evaluating student work in this way is that it facilitated meaningful feedback about the students’ problem-solving process rather than solely assessing the correctness of problem solutions.  相似文献   

符号学勃兴于上世纪60年代,至今不仅构建了比较成熟的理论体系,而且与其它学科联姻,形成了诸多边缘学科,然而却没有一门教育符号学。教育符号学的理论构建,基于人的符号性,符号的元工具性及社会性与个性的统一特质,是教育应该把握的人的符号性的核心要素;而人的符号化,则是通过符号思维和符号行为的训练,有效地将人培养成符号人。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of question prompts and peer interactions in scaffolding undergraduate students’ problem-solving processes in an ill-structured task in problem representation, developing solutions, making justifications, and monitoring and evaluating. A quasi-experimental study, supplemented by multiple-case studies, was conducted to investigate both the outcomes and the processes of student problem-solving performance. The quantitative outcomes revealed that question prompts had significantly positive effects on student problem-solving performance but peer interactions did not show significant effects. The qualitative findings, however, did indicate some positive effects of peer interactions in facilitating cognitive thinking and metacognitive skills. The study suggests that the peer interaction process itself must be guided and monitored with various strategies, including question prompts, in order to maximize its benefits.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an applied problem-solving task, set in the context of cryptography and embedded in a network of computer-based tools. This designed learning environment engaged students in a series of collaborative problem-solving activities intended to introduce the topic of functions through a set of linked representations. In a classroom-based study, students were asked to imagine themselves as cryptanalysts, and to collaborate with the other members of their small group on a series of increasingly difficult problem-solving tasks over several sessions. These tasks involved decrypting text messages that had been encrypted using polynomial functions as substitution ciphers. Drawing on the distinction between viewing functions as processes and as objects, the paper presents a detailed analysis of two groups’ developing fluency with regard to these tasks, and of the aspects of the function concept underlying their problem-solving approaches. Results of this study indicated that different levels of expertise with regard to the task environment reflected and required different aspects of functions, and thus represented distinct opportunities to engage those different aspects of the function concept.  相似文献   


This article examines the communicative, psychological, and semiotic functions of deictic, «common», and «context informative» referring expressions and their role in adult-child interaction. On the basis of theoretical discussion and empirical illustration it is suggested that adults find the various types of «referential perspective» invoked by these three types of expressions to be useful in creating and maintaining intersubjectivity that will enhance cognitive growth on the part of the children.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - This review is on Lilian Pozzer and Wolff-Michael Roth’s “A cultural-historical perspective on the multimodal development of concepts in science...  相似文献   

This article presents the design of a large scale computer-managed training in problem-solving on applied mathematics and basic physics run at the University of Leuven for 340 first year medical students. The training is based on a general expert strategy. Students work discontinuously on-line, i.e., they are corrected, helped and evaluated at a terminal but the calculation is done at separate tables. Some tentative results are given.  相似文献   

最近在南京师范大学举行的第五届全国语言与符号学会议是一次学科盛会。提交大会的论涉及化符号学或符号学研究中的难点问题。我国的符号学研究从总体上说正在接近但尚未进入世界符号学王国的行列。  相似文献   

建筑在人们的日常生活交流中扮演着重要的角色,因为建筑本身就是一种语言,它可以作为一种符号形式来传达意义,是人们进行交流的手段之一.本文运用符号学的一些观点,分别从分类、特征、意义和功能几个方面来分析和解释建筑这一特殊符号.  相似文献   

《逻辑哲学论》的符号学思想,清晰化了符号和意义之间的纵向逻辑线索,为语言符号进入横向人际交流准备了条件。在经典符号学谱系中,这一重要思想,具有区别于皮尔士、索绪尔的独特价值。就语言符号的规律而言,纵向和横向是语言符号从意义构成到社会交流所必须完成的两个阶段。纵向是逻辑构成,横向是交流实践,语言符号自身勾连在纵横两条轴线上。经典符号学关于这一问题的困惑,在《逻辑哲学论》的符号学思想中获得了清晰的解释。  相似文献   

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