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Document similarity search (i.e. query by example) aims to retrieve a ranked list of documents similar to a query document in a text corpus or on the Web. Most existing approaches to similarity search first compute the pairwise similarity score between each document and the query using a retrieval function or similarity measure (e.g. Cosine), and then rank the documents by the similarity scores. In this paper, we propose a novel retrieval approach based on manifold-ranking of document blocks (i.e. a block of coherent text about a subtopic) to re-rank a small set of documents initially retrieved by some existing retrieval function. The proposed approach can make full use of the intrinsic global manifold structure of the document blocks by propagating the ranking scores between the blocks on a weighted graph. First, the TextTiling algorithm and the VIPS algorithm are respectively employed to segment text documents and web pages into blocks. Then, each block is assigned with a ranking score by the manifold-ranking algorithm. Lastly, a document gets its final ranking score by fusing the scores of its blocks. Experimental results on the TDT data and the ODP data demonstrate that the proposed approach can significantly improve the retrieval performances over baseline approaches. Document block is validated to be a better unit than the whole document in the manifold-ranking process.  相似文献   

In the KL divergence framework, the extended language modeling approach has a critical problem of estimating a query model, which is the probabilistic model that encodes the user’s information need. For query expansion in initial retrieval, the translation model had been proposed to involve term co-occurrence statistics. However, the translation model was difficult to apply, because the term co-occurrence statistics must be constructed in the offline time. Especially in a large collection, constructing such a large matrix of term co-occurrences statistics prohibitively increases time and space complexity. In addition, reliable retrieval performance cannot be guaranteed because the translation model may comprise noisy non-topical terms in documents. To resolve these problems, this paper investigates an effective method to construct co-occurrence statistics and eliminate noisy terms by employing a parsimonious translation model. The parsimonious translation model is a compact version of a translation model that can reduce the number of terms containing non-zero probabilities by eliminating non-topical terms in documents. Through experimentation on seven different test collections, we show that the query model estimated from the parsimonious translation model significantly outperforms not only the baseline language modeling, but also the non-parsimonious models.  相似文献   

This paper examines the factors affecting the performance of global query expansion based on term co-occurrence data and suggests a way to maximize the retrieval effectiveness. Major parameters to be optimized through experiments are term similarity measure and the weighting scheme of additional terms. The evaluation of four similarity measures tested in query expansion reveal that mutual information and Yule's Y, which emphasize low frequency terms, achieve better performance than cosine and Jaccard coefficients that have the reverse tendency. In the evaluation of three weighting schemes, similarity weight performs well only with short queries, whereas fixed weights of approximately 0.5 and similarity rank weights were effective with queries of any length. Furthermore, the optimal similarity rank weight achieving the best overall performance seems to be the least affected by test collections and the number of additional terms. For the efficiency of retrieval, the number of additional terms needs not exceed 70 in our test collections, but the optimal number may vary according to the characteristics of the similarity measure employed.  相似文献   

Multi-feature fusion has achieved gratifying performance in image retrieval. However, some existing fusion mechanisms would unfortunately make the result worse than expected due to the domain and visual diversity of images. As a result, a burning problem for applying feature fusion mechanism is how to figure out and improve the complementarity of multi-level heterogeneous features. To this end, this paper proposes an adaptive multi-feature fusion method via cross-entropy normalization for effective image retrieval. First, various low-level features (e.g., SIFT) and high-level semantic features based on deep learning are extracted. Under each level of feature representation, the initial similarity scores of the query image w.r.t. the target dataset are calculated. Second, we use an independent reference dataset to approximate the tail of the attained initial similarity score ranking curve by cross-entropy normalization. Then the area under the ranking curve is calculated as the indicator of the merit of corresponding feature (i.e., a smaller area indicates a more suitable feature.). Finally, fusion weights of each feature are assigned adaptively by the statistically elaborated areas. Extensive experiments on three public benchmark datasets have demonstrated that the proposed method can achieve superior performance compared with the existing methods, improving the metrics mAP by relatively 1.04% (for Holidays), 1.22% (for Oxf5k) and the N-S by relatively 0.04 (for UKbench), respectively.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence exists to show that the use of term relevance weights is beneficial in interactive information retrieval. Various term weighting systems are reviewed. An experiment is then described in which information retrieval users are asked to rank query terms in decreasing order of presumed importance prior to actual search and retrieval. The experimental design is examined, and various relevance ranking systems are evaluated, including fully automatic systems based on inverse document frequency parameters, human rankings performed by the user population, and combinations of the two.  相似文献   

Document length normalization is one of the fundamental components in a retrieval model because term frequencies can readily be increased in long documents. The key hypotheses in literature regarding document length normalization are the verbosity and scope hypotheses, which imply that document length normalization should consider the distinguishing effects of verbosity and scope on term frequencies. In this article, we extend these hypotheses in a pseudo-relevance feedback setting by assuming the verbosity hypothesis on the feedback query model, which states that the verbosity of an expanded query should not be high. Furthermore, we postulate the following two effects of document verbosity on a feedback query model that easily and typically holds in modern pseudo-relevance feedback methods: 1) the verbosity-preserving effect: the query verbosity of a feedback query model is determined by feedback document verbosities; 2) the verbosity-sensitive effect: highly verbose documents more significantly and unfairly affect the resulting query model than normal documents do. By considering these effects, we propose verbosity normalized pseudo-relevance feedback, which is straightforwardly obtained by replacing original term frequencies with their verbosity-normalized term frequencies in the pseudo-relevance feedback method. The results of the experiments performed on three standard TREC collections show that the proposed verbosity normalized pseudo-relevance feedback consistently provides statistically significant improvements over conventional methods, under the settings of the relevance model and latent concept expansion.  相似文献   

基于云计算的余弦向量度量法文本检索模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付永贵 《情报科学》2012,(5):736-739
针对云计算平台下信息检索的特性,在对经典余弦向量度量法文本检索模型(CCVMMTR模型)局限性进行分析的基础上,提出按查询索引项在文本不同检索范围设置不同权值计算方法的基于云计算的余弦向量度量法文本检索模型(CVMMTRCC模型),通过模拟实验对CCVMMTR模型与CVMMTRCC模型下文本与查询相似度计算结果进行对比,说明云计算平台下CVMMTRCC模型的检索效率能更好地反映用户的需求。  相似文献   

In information retrieval, cluster-based retrieval is a well-known attempt in resolving the problem of term mismatch. Clustering requires similarity information between the documents, which is difficult to calculate at a feasible time. The adaptive document clustering scheme has been investigated by researchers to resolve this problem. However, its theoretical viewpoint has not been fully discovered. In this regard, we provide a conceptual viewpoint of the adaptive document clustering based on query-based similarities, by regarding the user’s query as a concept. As a result, adaptive document clustering scheme can be viewed as an approximation of this similarity. Based on this idea, we derive three new query-based similarity measures in language modeling framework, and evaluate them in the context of cluster-based retrieval, comparing with K-means clustering and full document expansion. Evaluation result shows that retrievals based on query-based similarities significantly improve the baseline, while being comparable to other methods. This implies that the newly developed query-based similarities become feasible criterions for adaptive document clustering.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a comparison of collocation-based similarity measures: Jaccard, Dice and Cosine similarity measures for the proper selection of additional search terms in query expansion. In addition, we consider two more similarity measures: average conditional probability (ACP) and normalized mutual information (NMI). ACP is the mean value of two conditional probabilities between a query term and an additional search term. NMI is a normalized value of the two terms' mutual information. All these similarity measures are the functions of any two terms' frequencies and the collocation frequency, but are different in the methods of measurement. The selected measure changes the order of additional search terms and their weights, hence has a strong influence on the retrieval performance. In our experiments of query expansion using these five similarity measures, the additional search terms of Jaccard, Dice and Cosine similarity measures include more frequent terms with lower similarity values than ACP or NMI. In overall assessments of query expansion, the Jaccard, Dice and Cosine similarity measures are better than ACP and NMI in terms of retrieval effectiveness, whereas, NMI and ACP are better in terms of execution efficiency.  相似文献   

We present an image retrieval framework based on automatic query expansion in a concept feature space by generalizing the vector space model of information retrieval. In this framework, images are represented by vectors of weighted concepts similar to the keyword-based representation used in text retrieval. To generate the concept vocabularies, a statistical model is built by utilizing Support Vector Machine (SVM)-based classification techniques. The images are represented as "bag of concepts" that comprise perceptually and/or semantically distinguishable color and texture patches from local image regions in a multi-dimensional feature space. To explore the correlation between the concepts and overcome the assumption of feature independence in this model, we propose query expansion techniques in the image domain from a new perspective based on both local and global analysis. For the local analysis, the correlations between the concepts based on the co-occurrence pattern, and the metrical constraints based on the neighborhood proximity between the concepts in encoded images, are analyzed by considering local feedback information. We also analyze the concept similarities in the collection as a whole in the form of a similarity thesaurus and propose an efficient query expansion based on the global analysis. The experimental results on a photographic collection of natural scenes and a biomedical database of different imaging modalities demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in terms of precision and recall.  相似文献   

Ontologies are frequently used in information retrieval being their main applications the expansion of queries, semantic indexing of documents and the organization of search results. Ontologies provide lexical items, allow conceptual normalization and provide different types of relations. However, the optimization of an ontology to perform information retrieval tasks is still unclear. In this paper, we use an ontology query model to analyze the usefulness of ontologies in effectively performing document searches. Moreover, we propose an algorithm to refine ontologies for information retrieval tasks with preliminary positive results.  相似文献   

Interdocument similarities are the fundamental information source required in cluster-based retrieval, which is an advanced retrieval approach that significantly improves performance during information retrieval (IR). An effective similarity metric is query-sensitive similarity, which was introduced by Tombros and Rijsbergen as method to more directly satisfy the cluster hypothesis that forms the basis of cluster-based retrieval. Although this method is reported to be effective, existing applications of query-specific similarity are still limited to vector space models wherein there is no connection to probabilistic approaches. We suggest a probabilistic framework that defines query-sensitive similarity based on probabilistic co-relevance, where the similarity between two documents is proportional to the probability that they are both co-relevant to a specific given query. We further simplify the proposed co-relevance-based similarity by decomposing it into two separate relevance models. We then formulate all the requisite components for the proposed similarity metric in terms of scoring functions used by language modeling methods. Experimental results obtained using standard TREC test collections consistently showed that the proposed query-sensitive similarity measure performs better than term-based similarity and existing query-sensitive similarity in the context of Voorhees’ nearest neighbor test (NNT).  相似文献   

The implementation of relevance feedback explored here demonstrates the feasibility of query reformulation for boolean retrievals. Improvements to a term prevalence formula used in earlier research are presented along with experimental results that confirm the crucial role of term weights in relevance feedback. In particular, the weighting formula presented here differs significantly from those used by researchers in associative retrieval environments by giving equal weight to a patron's judgements of nonrelevance. The use of negative feedback—by NOTing terms in the negative prevalence range—failed to improve precision, a result that is also considered significant.  相似文献   

This paper deals with Swedish full text retrieval and the problem of morphological variation of query terms in the document database. The effects of combination of indexing strategies with query terms on retrieval effectiveness were studied. Three of five tested combinations involved indexing strategies that used conflation, in the form of normalization. Further, two of these three combinations used indexing strategies that employed compound splitting. Normalization and compound splitting were performed by SWETWOL, a morphological analyzer for the Swedish language. A fourth combination attempted to group related terms by right hand truncation of query terms. The four combinations were compared to each other and to a baseline combination, where no attempt was made to counteract the problem of morphological variation of query terms in the document database. The five combinations were evaluated under six different user scenarios, where each scenario simulated a certain user type. The four alternative combinations outperformed the baseline, for each user scenario. The truncation combination had the best performance under each user scenario. The main conclusion of the paper is that normalization and right hand truncation (performed by a search expert) enhanced retrieval effectiveness in comparison to the baseline. The performance of the three combinations of indexing strategies with query terms based on normalization was not far below the performance of the truncation combination.  相似文献   

Pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF) is a well-known method for addressing the mismatch between query intention and query representation. Most current PRF methods consider relevance matching only from the perspective of terms used to sort feedback documents, thus possibly leading to a semantic gap between query representation and document representation. In this work, a PRF framework that combines relevance matching and semantic matching is proposed to improve the quality of feedback documents. Specifically, in the first round of retrieval, we propose a reranking mechanism in which the information of the exact terms and the semantic similarity between the query and document representations are calculated by bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT); this mechanism reduces the text semantic gap by using the semantic information and improves the quality of feedback documents. Then, our proposed PRF framework is constructed to process the results of the first round of retrieval by using probability-based PRF methods and language-model-based PRF methods. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on four Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) datasets. The results show that the proposed models outperform the robust baseline models in terms of the mean average precision (MAP) and precision P at position 10 (P@10), and the results also highlight that using the combined relevance matching and semantic matching method is more effective than using relevance matching or semantic matching alone in terms of improving the quality of feedback documents.  相似文献   

文章从多维检索排序的角度进行研究,结合引文分析的相关理论.将SkyLine查询处理应用到文献检索中,提出一种新的文献检索排序策略,为文献检索研究工作提供一种新的研究思路。  相似文献   

The relevance feedback process uses information obtained from a user about a set of initially retrieved documents to improve subsequent search formulations and retrieval performance. In extended Boolean models, the relevance feedback implies not only that new query terms must be identified and re-weighted, but also that the terms must be connected with Boolean And/Or operators properly. Salton et al. proposed a relevance feedback method, called DNF (disjunctive normal form) method, for a well established extended Boolean model. However, this method mainly focuses on generating Boolean queries but does not concern about re-weighting query terms. Also, this method has some problems in generating reformulated Boolean queries. In this study, we investigate the problems of the DNF method and propose a relevance feedback method using hierarchical clustering techniques to solve those problems. We also propose a neural network model in which the term weights used in extended Boolean queries can be adjusted by the users’ relevance feedbacks.  相似文献   

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