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在开发大地电磁测深资料的正、反演的人机交互解释系统软件时,常利用适合科学计算的For-tran和更擅长图形系统开发的Visual C++混合编程。文章利用一种基于文件操作的混合编程方法实现了MT二维正演模拟软件开发,并探讨了该方法涉及到的几个关键问题及解决办法,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Innovation in a product's design can have significant implications for the organization of competencies across a production network. Currently, discussions on product designs and the distribution of competencies across production networks are based on transaction costs considerations. However, such a view does not consider the transformation costs that arise when competencies across a production network are reorganized because of design changes. We explore the nature of these costs by examining the dynamics associated with Polaroid Corporation's greatest innovation, the SX-70 camera. Our longitudinal study suggests that it is not costless to redraw the boundaries of a firm. In the SX-70 camera case, Polaroid's relationships with its important stakeholders were adversely affected resulting in a deterioration of its competitive position. From this study, we suggest that it is critical to consider the transformation costs involved with radical innovations in order to gain a more complete picture of change in systemic industries.  相似文献   

According to user innovation literature, users can create important innovations and the novel functionalities embedded in those user innovations often become the sources of subsequent innovations by both other users and manufacturers. However, manufacturers are often hesitant in commercializing an innovation created by a single user due to the uncertainty around the market demands. We propose that such hesitancy will decrease when an increasing number of other users source knowledge elements from the focal user innovation and reproduce the novel functionality. Once the focal user innovation is commercialized by manufacturers, other users can purchase the novel functionality from the market rather than reproducing it in house. We propose that users capable of drawing on innovation resources are more likely to maintain in-house reproduction of the focal user innovation than users low on innovation resources. By using the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model and Impulse Response Function (IRF) analysis method, we analyze knowledge sourcing activities from financial software patents data, and the findings provide empirical supports for our propositions.  相似文献   

《Journal of The Franklin Institute》2022,359(18):10765-10784
In most of existing literature, it is assumed that all of the sensors can work normally. However in some situations, several sensors occur abnormal behavior or stuck at faults such that prior diagnosable decisions may not hold. By this regard, we address the problem of robustly distributed failure diagnosis of discrete-event systems with observation losses in this paper. In order to ensure diagnosability, the notion of robustly diagnosability is proposed in the distributed framework. Motivated by earlier works, new communication models and dilation operators are constructed, based on which the robustly distributed diagnosis problem is converted to a distributed diagnosis problem. One algorithm for the verification of robustly distributed diagnosis is proposed. Followed by it, a necessary and sufficient condition for the robustly diagnosability is presented. Finally, a part of Alipay transaction systems as an application is used to illustrate the construction of some automata and the verification algorithm.  相似文献   

三频信标接收机是研究电离层的重要设备,数据处理软件单元是三频信标接收机必不可少的部分。文章根据三频信标接收机处理软件单元的需求进行分析,给出理论依据,列出处理软件计算TEC的流程设计和软件模块;再对编制的软件进行详细测试,给出测试结果,对比指标要求说明软件功能实现的正确性。最后指出三频信标接收机的优缺点和更多应用。  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical framework for an explanation of how exploitation and exploration build on each other, in a ‘cycle of discovery’, developed in earlier research. The framework is tested empirically, in the sense of seeing whether it can help to reconstruct and understand the emergence of the pharmaceutical industry. One of the conclusions is that whereas recent literature stresses the idiosyncratic nature of the biotechnological revolution, our analysis seems to reveal that this does not seem to be as unique as suggested. From this, we conclude that the theoretical framework we propose, serves its purpose of explanation. But there are also some lessons for improving it.  相似文献   

LDEO(Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)软件是基于逆方法原理研发的LADCP处理软件。该软件由上百个MatLab m文件组成,不便于用户快速彻底掌握。本文概括了该软件的主要思路,并对该软件中的主要步骤及相关m文件的具体过程进行了详细说明。  相似文献   

Many technology studies have conceptualized transitions between technological generations as a series of S-curve performance improvements over time. Surprisingly, the interregnum between successive generations has received little attention. To understand what happens in the interregnum, we study the transition from 2G to 3G in mobile communications. Our study identifies the presence of forces for both change and continuity across heterogeneous social and technical elements shaping an uneven transition between 2G and 3G mobile communications technology platforms. Unanticipated misalignments and asynchronies that emerged during the journey shifted the incentives of the various actors involved to participate. Based on these observations, we offer several conjectures as to the dynamics that can give rise to temporal discords during inter-generational technological transitions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the within-industry diversification of software small and medium enterprises that collaborate with the open source software community (OSS SMEs). In doing so, it offers new insights into the association between open innovation and diversification. We rely on arguments inspired by the literature and evidence collected through interviews with OSS SMEs’ top managers to investigate factors that favor or hinder within-industry diversification. First, in line with the mainstream diversification literature, we focus attention on the role of firm size. Second, in the spirit of the open innovation research, we concentrate on the mechanisms that OSS SMEs put in place to get access to the external resources of the OSS community. Econometric evidence on 100 European OSS SMEs shows that firm size is negatively associated to within-industry diversification, while OSS SMEs that have contributed to a larger number of OSS projects have a more diversified portfolio of software products. Furthermore, we provide preliminary evidence that the practice of authorizing firm programmers to contribute autonomously to OSS projects of their own choice during working hours may be positively associated to within-industry diversification only if OSS SMEs possess adequate internal technological resources.  相似文献   

In contrast to the US and recently Europe, Japan appears to be unsuccessful in establishing new industries. An oft-cited example is Japan's practical invisibility in the global business software sector. Literature has ascribed Japan's weakness - or conversely, America's strength - to the specific institutional settings and competences of actors within the respective national innovation system. It has additionally been argued that unlike the American innovation system, with its proven ability to give birth to new industries, the inherent path dependency of the Japanese innovation system makes innovation and establishment of new industries quite difficult. However, there are two notable weaknesses underlying current propositions postulating that only certain innovation systems enable the creation of new industries: first, they mistakenly confound context specific with general empirical observations. And second, they grossly underestimate - or altogether fail to examine - the dynamics within innovation systems. This paper will show that it is precisely the dynamics within innovation systems - dynamics founded on the concept of path plasticity - which have enabled Japan to charge forward as a global leader in a highly innovative field: the game software sector.  相似文献   

J.S. Metcalfe 《Research Policy》2005,34(9):1283-1304
This paper is an exploration of the dynamics of technical change in medicine. We argue that innovation in medicine is a process that is distributed across time, space and epistemic and institutional domains; that it entails the entrepreneurial effort of creative individuals as well as the emergence of correlated understanding among heterogeneous agents whose rules of interaction are contingently instituted in socio-economic systems along unfolding scientific and technological trajectories. We illustrate our arguments through an in-depth analysis of a major ophthalmologic innovation - the intra-ocular lens - that has literally transformed the treatment of cataract in the developed world and has the potential to do so in many developing countries. We investigate the advancement of clinical knowledge about the disease, the development of effective technological capabilities and the co-evolution of the supply capacity and demand of a micro-innovation system emerged along a specific sequence of interrelated problems, and associated solutions, which engaged scientists, technicians, practitioners, regulators and patients alike over a period of around three decades.  相似文献   

利用林芝不同生长期的幼嫩蕨菜,进行了护绿保脆保鲜试验和若干种制品加工研制。结果表明:通过对蕨菜进行各种处理,制成盐渍蕨菜、蕨菜干、蕨菜罐头、即食品蕨菜等系列加工产品完全可行。并通过本文给我区林下资源开发提供蕨菜产品加工工艺。  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a three-stage model that examines the role of the quality of shared information in interorganizational systems (IOS) use. The model provides a more inclusive method of measuring quality of shared information in IOS use through a re-examination of the impact of top management support and IT infrastructure capability, and by assessing the mediating effect of operational supply chain performance on the relationship between quality of shared information and overall firm performance. Our results suggest that the impact of the quality of shared information in IOS use on overall firm performance starts with top management support and IT infrastructure capability, and that these success factors positively impact the quality of shared information in IOS use. Moreover, our results indicate that the quality of shared information positively impacts operational supply chain performance, which, in turn, leads to improvements in overall firm performance. Overall, our results highlight the importance of high quality of shared information in IOS use.  相似文献   

李刚  姚红 《大众科技》2012,(1):14-15
通过对软件测试用例的研究,阐述了测试用例在测试工作中的作用,总结出了常用的软件测试用例设计方法。最后结合实际工作制作了一份测试用例表,为软件测试人员以后的测试工作提供了参考。  相似文献   

核心动态能力与竞争优势——以浙江省软件产业为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张钢  徐海波 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):467-474
通过将动态能力慨念转换成更容易操作定义的核心动态能力,确立起核心动态能力与竞争优势关系的理论分析框架,并以浙江省软件产业为研究对象,运用问卷调查和统计分析的方法对理论模型和研究假设进行实证检验,以期探索在超竞争环境中核心动态能力对企业持续竞争优势的作用方式。  相似文献   

Jeffery Funk 《Research Policy》2009,38(7):1192-1202
Using the history of magnetic recording and playback equipment, this paper explores the relationship between incremental improvements in components and technological discontinuities in systems. It finds that improvements in components have been the major source of all discontinuities in the industry. Focusing just on tape-based systems, all of the basic design approaches had been identified by the late 1950s and thus one of the largest technological challenges for firms has been to modify the design in response to improvements in the magnetic recording density of tape. This paper explores this phenomenon by analyzing data on equipment performance and price, and several design choices for the tape-based equipment. It shows how improvements in the magnetic recording density have changed the tradeoffs that exist between price and different dimensions of performance and between various design choices and thus led to about 10 technological discontinuities in magnetic tape system design.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that hysteresis operators are the optimal estimators for a large class of estimation and decision problems. This class of problems arises whenever a cost is associated with actions needed to process changes in the estimates or decisions. A simple example related to least-squares estimation is used to illustrate and motivate the developments in this paper. Subsequently, the problem of mean-square estimation with minimal cost of actions is investigated. These results provide a justification for the use of hysteresis in many practical signal processing and communication applications.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(2):104672
We integrate insights from the literature on social movements and institutional entrepreneurship into the strategic niche management (SNM) and multilevel perspective (MLP) frameworks to understand the emergence of Linux, a free/open-source operating system, in a regime dominated by proprietary operating systems such as Unix and Windows NT. Employing a “microhistories” methodology, we document how actors in the free/open-source movement took steps that enabled an alternate technological niche to form, gain momentum and eventually infiltrate the extant regime. Our account delineates the key role that actors play in shaping the identity of a niche, amplifying its presence, and finally mainstreaming it. We observe a heterogenous response by incumbents to the emergent niche and highlight the sustained coexistence of a niche and regime as a distinct form of technological transition. Finally, we demonstrate the significant impact that a niche can have, spanning beyond the targeted regime, and becoming part of the landscape. Our insights highlight how tracing the processes involved in the emergence and development of a niche can provide a prospective and generative understanding of technological transition, thereby contributing to and complementing the extant SNM and MLP literatures.  相似文献   

软件外包与软件产业的发展--基于中印的比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目前我国的软件外包项目大多为低端外包出口,中高端的项目很少,以做数据录入、编码测试等工作为主,不利于软件产业的长期发展和做大做强。本文从软件外包服务的市场格局、软件开发过程管理、软件产业政策环境、教育和人才等方面比较中国和印度软件外包的基本状况和发展特征,据以提出发展中国软件外包服务的一点思考。  相似文献   

Manufacturers customarily provide only a few product variants to address the average needs of users in the major segments of markets they serve. When user needs are highly heterogeneous, this approach leaves many seriously dissatisfied. One solution is to enable users to modify products on their own using “innovation toolkits.” We explore the effectiveness of this solution in an empirical study of Apache security software. We find high heterogeneity of need in that field, and also find that users modifying their own software to be significantly more satisfied than non-innovating users. We propose that the “user toolkits” solution will be useful in many markets characterized by heterogeneous demand.  相似文献   

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