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目的:探讨拳击运动员下肢快速蹬地发力对出拳速度的影响,为拳击专项力量训练提供理论参考.方法:运用两块测力台和三维红外高速摄像系统进行同步测试,采集16名优秀男子拳击运动员以后手直拳全力击打固定目标过程中,双脚地面支撑反作用力及运动学相关数据.积极蹬地发力阶段,前、后脚蹬地最大力量/体重、快速力量指数/体重、蹬地达到最大力量峰值的时间分别与出拳速度进行相关分析,从中选取呈显著相关的快速力量参数与出拳速度进行曲线估计,选择拟合度最高的曲线模型计算相应的回归方程.结果:前、后脚蹬地最大力量/体重、快速力量指数/体重与出拳速度之间直线拟合度最高,均呈显著正相关(P<0.01),蹬地达到最大力量峰值的时间与出拳速度二次曲线模型拟合度最高,呈曲线关系(P<0.01).结论:1)后手直拳击打,积极蹬地发力阶段,前、后脚快速发力对出拳速度均具有显著影响.2)提高前、后脚积极蹬地发力阶段最大蹬地力量及发力速度对于提升后手直拳出拳速度具有重要意义.  相似文献   

运用2块测力台和三维红外高速摄像系统进行同步测试,采集16名优秀男子拳击运动员在后手摆拳全力击打固定目标过程中,双脚地面支撑反作用力及运动学相关数据.双脚快速力量参数与出拳速度进行相关分析、曲线估计,并计算相应的回归方程.结果显示:前、后脚蹬地最大力量/体重、快速力量指数/体质量与出拳速度均呈显著正相关(P<0.01);蹬地达到最大力量峰值的时间与出拳速度呈曲线关系(P<0.01).结论:(1)拳击运动员后手摆拳击打的过程中,双脚积极蹬地发力阶段快速发力对出拳速度均具有显著影响;(2)提高双脚积极蹬地发力阶段蹬地最大力量有助于提高后手摆拳出拳速度;(3)双脚积极蹬地发力阶段,一定范围内,缩短蹬地的发力时间有助于提高出拳速度;(4)提高双脚积极蹬地发力阶段发力速度有助于提高后手摆拳出拳速度;(5)后手摆拳下肢快速发力对出拳速度的影响,同肢体快速发力对自身动作速度的影响显示出趋于一致的规律.  相似文献   

运用2块测力台、三维红外高速摄像系统和中国功夫测试工程人,采集优秀男子拳击运动员前手直拳全力击打固定目标过程中,下肢地面支撑反作用力、部分运动学及击打效果相关数据。结果显示:在下肢积极蹬地发力阶段,双腿发力在90 ms内均达到最大力量峰值,发力50 ms时力量值达到最大力量峰值的60%以上;前腿蹬地最大力量/体重、快速力量指数/体重与击打效果之间线性拟合度最高(P<0.01);蹬地达到最大力量峰值的时间与击打效果二次曲线模型拟合度最高(P<0.01),呈曲线关系;后腿上述参数与击打效果未显示出显著相关性。提示:在前手直拳出拳击打过程中,下肢蹬地专项力量特征为起动力量;提高积极蹬地发力阶段前腿最大蹬地力量及发力速度,对于提升前手直拳的击打效果有重要意义。  相似文献   

利用高速摄像与测力台(Kistler)同步测试的方法,对山东省5名64公斤级男子拳击运动员直拳技术动作进行测试,发现山东省运动员直拳技术基本符合理论要求;拳速比世界优秀拳击运动员小;躲闪速度不够快;出前直拳时髋转动幅度较小;出后直拳时蹬地不充分.  相似文献   

拳击后手勾拳下肢快速发力对出拳速度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨拳击运动员后手勾拳击打的过程中,下肢快速蹬地发力对出拳速度的影响,为下肢专项力量训练提供理论参考.方法:运用两块测力台和三维红外高速摄像系统进行同步测试,采集16名优秀男子拳击运动员以后手勾拳全力击打固定目标过程中,双脚地面支撑反作用力及运动学相关数据.积极蹬地发力阶段,前、后脚蹬地最大力量/体重、快速力量指数/体重、蹬地达到最大力量峰值的时间分别与出拳速度进行相关分析,从中选取呈显著相关的快速力量参数与出拳速度进行曲线估计,拟合度最高的曲线模型计算相应的回归方程.结果:前、后脚蹬地最大力量/体重、快速力量指数/体重与出拳速度之间直线模型拟合度最高,均呈显著正相关(P<0.01),蹬地达到最大力量峰值的时间与出拳速度二次曲线模型拟合度最高,呈曲线关系(P<0.01).结论:1)拳击运动员后手勾拳击打的过程中,双脚积极蹬地发力阶段快速发力对出拳速度均具有显著影响.2)提高双脚积极蹬地发力阶段蹬地最大力量有助于提升后手勾拳出拳速度.3)双脚积极蹬地发力阶段,一定范围内,缩短蹬地的发力时间有助于提升出拳速度.4)提高双脚积极蹬地发力阶段发力速度有助于提升后手勾拳出拳速度.5)后手勾拳下肢快速发力对出拳速度影响同肢体快速发力对自身动作速度的影响显示出趋于一致的规律.  相似文献   

为了提高我国对拳击运动的认识水平,增强我国拳击运动员技战术的应用能力,把握当今世界拳击技战术的发展趋势,本文通过运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数据统计法对2016年里约奥运会男子拳击决赛运动员技术应用特点进行了分析,得出以下结论:男子拳击运动员组合拳运用次数随着重量级别呈递增趋势,但在60kg公斤级之后又呈递减趋势;单拳进攻技术:前手直拳使用次数最多,其次为后手直拳、后手摆拳、后手勾拳;组合拳进攻技术:2拳组合拳使用次数最多;防守技术:躲闪防守方式使用次数最多,其次为抱头技术、格挡技术;战术应用:以主动进攻战术为主。  相似文献   

目的:探讨拳击运动员后手直拳动作内部神经肌肉系统协同变化,提高我国女子拳击运动员的训练水平.方法:使用表面肌电技术对沈阳体育学院8名健将级女子拳击运动员后手直拳动作进行分析.结果:在后手直拳击打过程中上肢肌肉中三角肌前束做功百分比最高,平均为35%;后手直拳击打过程中主动肌的激活顺序为三角肌前束、肱三头肌和尺侧腕屈肌,肌肉由近端到远端依次激活.结论:后手直拳击打动作中上肢拮抗肌发挥着重要作用;从肌肉激活顺序来说后手直拳击打动作符合鞭打技术动作原理,在平时训练中加强上肢拮抗肌的训练.  相似文献   

G886.1 9804956对后手直拳容易得点的技术分析(正架)〔刊,中,I〕/刘杨海//贵州体育科技.-1998(3).-30-31(TY)拳击//直拳//动作//技术分析//力量训练//速度训练G886.12 9901460反击拳技术〔刊,中,I〕/徐晋生//拳击与格斗.-1999(1).-14-15图15(DW)拳击//还击//技术//训练法  相似文献   

直拳击打发力时机的生物力学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拳击中的击打力量与拳速、拳的有效质量有关,还与发力时机有关。通过对直拳击打过程的分析,建立了人体的基本力学模型,运用运动生物力学原理与几何方法,从“寸劲”这一概念对“发力”给予了诠释,并最终导出了结论: 直拳发力时的最佳关节角为135°~160°。  相似文献   

运用文献资料研究、录像观察、数理统计等方法,从得点拳入手,对第29届奥运会拳击比赛半决赛和决赛阶段的33场比赛中运动员得点拳的技、战术应用情况、得点情况进行分析,对运动员在比赛中得点的拳法进行技术统计.结果显示,前3个回合比赛得分分值呈递增趋势;比赛中后手直拳得分率最高,其次是前手摆拳,后手摆拳,后手勾拳,前手直拳和前手勾拳;在组合拳使用上两拳组合拳的得分率最高;在战术应用方面主动进攻得分率最高.  相似文献   

A comparison of the reverse and power punches in oriental martial arts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we compared mechanical factors in the reverse and three-inch power punches. Twelve expert male martial artists stood on a force plate, and executed reverse and power punches against a padded target fixed to a wall-mounted force plate. The force plates measured horizontal forces, and subsequently impulses and body centre of mass velocity changes. The motions of four markers attached to the arm were also collected, and were used to compute the horizontal velocities of the knuckle and of the arm centre of mass. The power punch produced smaller velocities immediately before impact than the reverse punch for the whole-body centre of mass (0.14 vs. 0.31 m x s(-1)), for the arm centre of mass (2.86 vs. 4.68 m x s(-1)), and for the knuckle (4.09 vs. 6.43 m x s(-1)). The peak force exerted by the fist was much smaller in the power punch than in the reverse punch (790 vs. 1450 N). However, the linear impulse exerted by the fist during the first 0.20 s of contact was slightly larger in the power punch than in the reverse punch (43.2 vs. 37.7 N x s). The results indicate that the power punch is less potent than the reverse punch, but slightly more effective for throwing the opponent off balance.  相似文献   


In this study, we compared mechanical factors in the reverse and three-inch power punches. Twelve expert male martial artists stood on a force plate, and executed reverse and power punches against a padded target fixed to a wall-mounted force plate. The force plates measured horizontal forces, and subsequently impulses and body centre of mass velocity changes. The motions of four markers attached to the arm were also collected, and were used to compute the horizontal velocities of the knuckle and of the arm centre of mass. The power punch produced smaller velocities immediately before impact than the reverse punch for the whole-body centre of mass (0.14 vs. 0.31 m · s?1), for the arm centre of mass (2.86 vs. 4.68 m · s?1), and for the knuckle (4.09 vs. 6.43 m · s?1). The peak force exerted by the fist was much smaller in the power punch than in the reverse punch (790 vs. 1450 N). However, the linear impulse exerted by the fist during the first 0.20 s of contact was slightly larger in the power punch than in the reverse punch (43.2 vs. 37.7 N · s). The results indicate that the power punch is less potent than the reverse punch, but slightly more effective for throwing the opponent off balance.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对普通高校散打课程的主要技术内容构建进行了研究。研究表明:散打课程技术内容构建要遵循符合课程目标原则、简洁实用原则、民族性原则和现实性原则。其中,技术内容以"3拳"、"3腿"、"3摔"为主":3拳"即冲拳、贯拳和抄拳";3腿"即鞭腿、蹬腿和踹腿;"3摔"即勾踢摔、搂切摔和压腿摔。  相似文献   

The development of sport-specific dynamometers is an important step towards ecological validity in analysing athlete performance. Design limitations in previous punch-measuring devices have resulted in values which may not or cannot fully reflect the force and multidirectional components in a punch. In developing this boxing dynamometer, a triaxial force measurement system and a boxing manikin interface were combined. The repeatability and accuracy of the dynamomoter were assessed using simulated straight punches. Discrimination efficacy was assessed by comparison of the maximal punching force of seven elite, eight intermediate and eight novice boxers during simulated boxing, throwing straight punches. For the elite, intermediate and novice groups, respectively, the maximal straight punching forces (mean - s x ¥ ) were 4800 - 227 N, 3722 - 133 N and 2381 - 116 N for the rear hand, and 2847 - 225 N, 2283 - 126 N a d 1604 - 97 N for the lead hand. For all groups, maximal forces were larger for the rear than the lead hand ( P ? 0.001). Maximal punching force was greater in the elite than the intermediate group, and greater in the intermediate than the novice group ( P ? 0.05). The boxing dynamometer discriminated eff ectively between punching performance at three standards of performance and between the punching force of the rear and lead hands.  相似文献   

The development of sport-specific dynamometers is an important step towards ecological validity in analysing athlete performance. Design limitations in previous punch-measuring devices have resulted in values which may not or cannot fully reflect the force and multidirectional components in a punch. In developing this boxing dynamometer, a triaxial force measurement system and a boxing manikin interface were combined. The repeatability and accuracy of the dynamomoter were assessed using simulated straight punches. Discrimination efficacy was assessed by comparison of the maximal punching force of seven elite, eight intermediate and eight novice boxers during simulated boxing, throwing straight punches. For the elite, intermediate and novice groups, respectively, the maximal straight punching forces (mean +/- s(mean)) were 4800 +/- 227 N, 3722 +/- 133 N and 2381 +/- 116 N for the rear hand, and 2847 +/- 225 N, 2283 +/- 126 N and 1604 +/- 97 N for the lead hand. For all groups, maximal forces were larger for the rear than the lead hand (P < 0.001). Maximal punching force was greater in the elite than the intermediate group, and greater in the intermediate than the novice group (P < 0.05). The boxing dynamometer discriminated effectively between punching performance at three standards of performance and between the punching force of the rear and lead hands.  相似文献   

运用录像观察、数理统计、对比分析等方法对2016年巴西里约奥运会十名男子拳击冠军运动员技战术的运用情况进行研究与分析,总结出冠军运动员技战术的运用特征。1、冠军运动员不断使用前手直拳真假虚实进攻,借助假动作引诱对手反击或进攻后进行后摆拳、后直拳迎击或直接重击对手头部;2、前手单拳佯攻后组合拳重击;迎击时以后直拳、后摆拳精准击打对手头部;严密防守后或快速撤防后组合拳重击,并以格挡与后仰防守;3、快速后仰后单拳或组合拳结合反击、格挡防守反击精准、躲闪防守以迎击为主;4、重拳组合迎击以假动作、虚晃、步法、欲攻动作为前提,精准性高;5、犯规技术以头前冲为主且使用次数和种类较少。  相似文献   

采用即时红外高速摄影技术及三维测力台同步采集7名优秀羽毛球运动员蹬跨步上网接球动作的三维运动学及动力学数据,并计算各关节角参量、力矩和下肢关节肌群功率变化特征。研究结果表明:髋关节屈肌群、膝关节伸肌群、踝关节屈肌群的快速做功能力对羽毛球运动中蹬跨步上网具有极其重要的影响。同时,膝关节屈肌群的能力对跨步蹬跨步上网避免股后肌群的损伤具有不可忽视的作用,在训练中要加强对股后肌群的专项化力量训练。  相似文献   

文章探讨了右直拳动作的力学原理,并对如何提高右直拳速度进行了分析研究。结论认为:各关节速度曲线中肩关节速度最早变化且肩角变化在80-90°之间;肘关节、腕关节、拳峰速度曲线变化明显比肩关节较早达到速度峰值,在击中目标瞬间腕、拳峰几乎同时达到速度最大值。  相似文献   

聚焦跑步时髌股关节生物力学特征,探究穿着不同极简指数(MI)跑鞋对髌股关节接触力、应力等的即刻影响。选取15名习惯后跟着地的健康男性跑者,分别穿着两种MI跑鞋(MI 86%极简跑鞋和MI 26%缓冲跑鞋),使用Vicon红外运动捕捉系统、Kistler三维测力台同步采集3.33 m/s(速度变化范围±5%)跑速下的膝、踝关节运动学和地面反作用力,通过逆向动力学等计算股四头肌肌力、髌股关节接触力、髌股关节接触面积以及髌股关节接触应力。结果显示:两种跑鞋条件下的冲击力峰值和蹬地力峰值均无明显差异。与缓冲跑鞋相比,穿着极简跑鞋跑步时,膝关节最大屈曲角度显著降低(P<0.01);髌股关节接触面积显著减小(P<0.01);膝关节伸肌峰值力矩显著下降(P<0.01);髌股关节接触力和应力峰值均显著减小(P<0.05)。研究表明,相比缓冲跑鞋,穿着极简跑鞋在未影响触地后冲击力峰值的同时,通过降低伸膝力矩大幅度减少髌股关节接触力(下降17.02%)、降低髌股关节接触应力,从而有效改善支撑期髌股关节负荷,为进一步减小髌股关节疼痛综合征风险提供可能。  相似文献   

The purpose was to compare rotational and linear head accelerations as a result of taekwondo kicks and punches. Taekwondo athletes executed five repetitions of the turning kick, spinning hook kick, hook punch, straight punch, and jab punch to a Hybrid III Crash Test Dummy head-neck complex. A tri-axial accelerometer and an angular rate sensor were mounted inside the Hybrid III head to measure resultant linear (RLA) and rotational accelerations. The Hybrid III was fixed to a height-adjustable frame and fitted with protective taekwondo headgear. Dummy head height was positioned to each participant’s standing height. Acceleration data were processed in accordance with SAE J211-1.There was no significant multivariate difference in RLA but the effect was not clear. Univariate follow-up analysis showed a significant difference in RLA but the effect was also not clear. There was no difference in rotational acceleration. The highest RLA and rotational acceleration were produced, in order, by the turning kick, hook kick, hook punch, straight punch, and jab. These data are clinically important as they provide a better understanding of the biomechanical injury measures and support for improved headgear testing methodology.  相似文献   

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