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An important functioning mechanism of biological macromolecules is the transition between different conformed states due to thermal fluctuation. In the present paper,a biological macromolecule is modeled as two strands with side chains facing each other,and its stochastic dynamics including the statistics of stationary motion and the statistics of conformational transition is studied by using the stochastic averaging method for quasi Hamiltonian systems. The theoretical results are confirmed with the results from Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

提出教育装备依赖现象的普遍存在,分析产生教育装备依赖的原因,阐述其造成的不良后果,希望据此达到引起人们重视的目的。  相似文献   

通过类比线性代数学中的关于线性相关与线性无关的定义及其性质给出函数组的线性相关与线性无关的一个新性质及二个推论.  相似文献   

本文通过探讨场独立/场依存认知方式、监察假设以及它们之间的关系,试图揭示场独立者比场依存者在SLA中更善于运用语言监察机制的现象,从而说明和场独立/场依存相关的第二条L2认知假设不能成立的原因.  相似文献   

对于二语习得中场独立/依存研究的反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在二语习得中,场独立/依存这两种学习风格受到了人们的关注,但大量研究结果却不一致,有的甚至互相矛盾。本文分析了产生这种结果的原因并引入了柯勃(Kolb)的学习风格理论来阐述学习风格多样性的重要意义。  相似文献   

A stochastic optimal control strategy for partially observable nonlinear quasi Hamiltonian systems is proposed.The optimal control forces consist of two parts. The first part is determined by the conditions under which the stochastic optimal control problem of a partially observable nonlinear system is converted into that of a completely observable linear system. The second part is determined by solving the dynamical programming equation derived by applying the stochastic averaging method and stochastic dynamical programming principle to the completely observable linear control system. The response of the optimally controlled quasi Hamiltonian system is predicted by solving the averaged Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation associated with the optimally controlled completely observable linear system and solving the Riccati equation for the estimated error of system states. An example is given to illustrate the procedure and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Since many actual control systems such asthose in structural engineering are subjected torandom excitations and the system states are esti-mated from measurements with random noise,stochastic optimal control of partially observablesystems is a research subject of much significance.One basic approach to this problem is to convert itinto the stochastic optimal control of completelyobservable systems using separation theorem(Wonham, 1968; Fleming and Rishel, 1975; Ben-so…  相似文献   

学生在线性代数学习中难以理解向量的线性相关性、无关性等概念.许多数学教育研究的是关于线性代数课程以及技术支持下的教学设计,而关于学生怎样学习这些概念的国内外文献较少.学生对向量概念的理解还停留在它的坐标表示方面,而没有关注向量具有的线性运算性质.学生难以处理低维空间上线性无关向量几何表示与代数表示之间的转换.大多数学生没有建立线性无关概念的丰富意义.  相似文献   

叶萌 《考试研究》2010,(2):96-107
本文对项目反应理论(IRT)局部独立性问题的主要研究成果进行了文献梳理。在此基础上,阐释局部独立性假设的定义。文章同时就局部独立性与测验维度的关系,局部依赖的甄别与计算、起因和控制程序,以及局部依赖对测量实践的影响进行讨论,并探讨了题组中局部题目依赖问题的解决策略。  相似文献   

西方独立研究的现状与思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
独立是西方文化中的一个重要概念,也是与自立涵义相近的一个概念。从西方学者提出的关于独立的界定、结构与测量、影响因素以及对独立概念的反思等可以了解到西方的独立研究现状。在此基础上探讨独立与自立的异同,得到以下认识:(1)自立与独立是在不同文化、经济和政治条件下产生的不同人格构念,差异的关键在于自立是一种辩证性的人格特征,是独立与依赖对立统一的结果;(2)自立是我国优秀文化传统保持下来的有现代生命力的人格构念;(3)自立和独立都是涉及多种心理成分和多个领域的复杂人格构念。  相似文献   

在相关系概念的基础上,建立了n维相关系的秩函数的概念,并进行了初步探究,得到了秩函数的若干性质.  相似文献   

生存空间对人的发展具有重要影响,高校教师生活中的"群落、寄附"现象比较普遍."群落、寄附"现象对高校教师的发展与职责履行、对高校学生的发展以及对高校的校园文化建设,既有有利的影响,也有不利的影响,深入研究该现象的利弊,有利于扬利抑弊.  相似文献   

一些国家高等教育的发展受到少数几个国家高等教育优势地位的支配,或者说,一些国家高等教育的发展依赖于少数几个国家高等教育的主导。因此,依附的实质是不平等的国际政治、经济关系在高等教育领域的反映。就高等教育而言,谋求发展的惟一出路在于:参与国际竞争,融入国际化的潮流。中国的高等教育只能在不平等的竞争中走向国际化,让世界的成为中国的,让中国的成为世界的,是中国高等教育国际化的两大战略目标。  相似文献   

Using the famous Birthday problem, we present here a practical activity that allows students to perceive the basic reasoning behind simulation and explore its potential. Through a playful approach with probabilities, students are led along a path that illustrates difficulties with intuition and introduces them to theoretical results for sample proportions.  相似文献   

Field dependence/independence cognitive style was found to relate to general academic achievement and specific areas of mathematics; in the majority of studies, field-independent students were found to be superior to field-dependent students. The present study investigated the relationship between field dependence/independence cognitive style and problem-posing ability among sixth grade students. The 94 students’ sample was clustered into three groups, according to the cognitive-style field dependence/independence (field dependents, field mixed and field independents). The results suggest that field-independent participants outperformed field-mixed and field-dependent ones in both problem-posing ability and the complexity of the problems posed. It was also found that the content of the task influenced the differences between the three groups of students as regards the ability in problem posing and the complexity of the problems posed; while in the first (informal context), second and fourth task differences were found between the groups, in the third task (formal context), no differences were evident. The results are interpreted in consideration to the relevant literature findings. Some educational implications are discussed and directions for future research are drawn.  相似文献   

Concept maps are tools for organizing thoughts on the main ideas in a course. I present an example of a concept map that was created through the work of students in an introductory class and discuss major topics in statistics and relationships among them.  相似文献   

对于定义在区间I内的n个函数,当其满足某种条件时,研究了其线性相关性.  相似文献   

数理统计学只是统计学之名的数学,奠定辩证逻辑基础则成为统一独立的统计学。  相似文献   

"悖论"概念的几个层面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"悖论"是一个多义词,表达着多个概念。在日常语言中,"悖论"常常在修辞与逻辑不同层面被使用,在逻辑层面还存在狭义逻辑悖论和广义逻辑悖论之差异;逻辑悖论是一种"理论事实"或"理论状态",但实践领域中的"悖行"或"悖境"也曾使用"悖论"的称谓。悖论有严格和泛化之区别。  相似文献   

文章提出了在教学过程中,利用案例教学,渗透概率统计学科发展历史,激发学生的学习主动性,培养学生应用知识解决实际问题的能力的教学方法.教学实践过程证明该方法是有效的,适用于数学类和理工科学生.  相似文献   

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