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文章通过分层随机抽样法对4所高校493名教师进行问卷调查,探讨了高校组织文化对其知识管理的影响。研究发现:(1)高校组织文化整体水平及各因子得分高于中等水平;(2)高校知识管理整体水平及各因子得分均高于中等水平;(3)高校组织文化对知识管理影响显著,且为正向高相关影响;(4)高校组织文化各因子对知识管理的影响力不同,参与性影响力最大,其余依次为适应性、使命性、一致性。  相似文献   

The idea of ‘the university’ has stood for universal themes—of knowing, of truthfulness, of learning, of human development, and of critical reason. Through its affirming and sustaining of such themes, the university came itself to stand for universality in at least two senses: the university was neither partial (in its truth criteria) nor local in its significance (at least, the university was an institution of the nation state and even had global significance). Now, this universalism has been shot down: on the one hand, universal themes have been impugned as passé in a postmodern age; in the ‘knowledge society’, knowledge with a capital ‘K’ is giving way to multiple and even local knowledges (plural). On the other hand, the very process of globalization has been accused of being a new process of colonization. Global universities, accordingly, may be seen as a vehicle for the imposition of Western modes of reason (often suspected in turn of being no more than Western economic reason at that). Diversity is the new watchword, a term that—we may note—has come to be part of the framing of the contemporary policy agenda for higher education.

Accordingly, in such a situation of multiple meanings, both within and across institutions, the university becomes an institutional means for developing the capacities—at both the personal and the societal levels—to live with ‘strangeness’: perhaps here lies a new universal for the university? But, then, if that is the case, if strangeness is the new universal for the university, some large challenges await those who would claim to lead and manage universities.  相似文献   

民办高校学生学习力水平分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对全国23 465名民办高校学生学习力水平调查分析发现:我国民办高校学生学习力的总体水平较高,其中学习效力水平最高,学习动力水平次之,学习定力水平最低;不同人口统计学变量的民办高校学生学习力水平存在显著差异.因此需要家校保障与个人自主多方协同,激发学生学习动力;自我约束与外部引导有机结合,砥砺学生学习定力;成功经验与榜样示范共同着力,增强学生学习能力;因材施教与全面发展紧密结合,提高学生学习效力.  相似文献   

学科建设水平标志着大学的办学水平、办学特色和学术地位。新的历史条件下,民族高等学校要在竞争中立于不败之地,就必须抓好学科建设,构建新的办学优势。加强学科建设,必须方向明确,重点突出;充分发挥学科带头人的作用;正确处理教学与科研的关系。  相似文献   

The last quarter-century bore witness to a sea change in academic involvement with commerce. Widespread university-based efforts to identify, manage, and market intellectual property (IP) have accompanied broad shifts in the relationship between academic and proprietary approaches to the dissemination and use of science and engineering research. Such transformations are indicators of institutional changes at work in the environment faced by universities. This paper draws upon a fifteen-year panel (1981–1995) of university-level data for 87 research-intensive US campuses in order to document trends and transitions in relationships among multiple indicators of academic and commercial engagement. The institutional environment for public and private science is volatile, shifting in fits and starts from a situation conducive to organizational learning through high volume patenting to a more challenging arrangement that links indiscriminate pursuit of IP with declines in both the volume and impact of academic science. The pattern and timing of these transitions may support an enduring system of stratification that offers increasing returns to first-movers while limiting the opportunities available to universities that are later entrants to the commercial realm. Unpacking the systematic effects of university research commercialization requires focused attention on the sources and trajectories of profound institutional change.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,多元化社会是历史发展的潮流和趋势。社会发展的这一趋势必然对大学也产生了新的要求:即大学必须具备多元化的品性。大学的多元化品性就是指大学要成为多元化结构、多元化功能和多元化管理模式的机构。但从现实来看,我国的大学存在着片面跟风的单一化办学目标,固步自封、缺少活力的办学体制,千篇一律、僵化死板的管理模式,而这与大学应该具备的多元化品性相去甚远。  相似文献   

德国应用科学大学的办学特色体现在两个层面。首先,应用科学大学作为一种新型的高等教育机构具有明确区别于传统综合性大学的办学特点,如教学突出实践,科研注重应用以及强调跨学科办学。这些特色是此类高校共有的特点,因此可被称作类型特色。其次,不同的应用科学大学也发展和形成了各自的院校特色,如小而精、多样性、独具性和国际性。院校特色的形成与学校的发展历史和传统、所在地区特殊的经济产业结构以及特定的特色化发展策略等因素有关。德国应用科学大学的办学经验为我国高校,特别是行业特色型高校的办学提供了诸多有益的启示。  相似文献   

高校组织结构的构建与优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
组织结构是影响组织效能的最基本因素,高等学校组织结构构建要符合时代发展的要求、适应战略任务的需要、保持与组织所处环境特点和组织决定力量的一致性,并且要进行适宜的权力分配及保持一定的机动性,根据自身特点,组建适合自己的组织结构形式。同时,推行知识管理,使组织结构柔性化、扁平化,将成为高校组织结构改革的新动向。  相似文献   

当前,高校公共计算机实验室日益成为集机房教学、上机实践、上机考试、培训、自主学习与实践创新为一体的高校共享平台,传统的高校公共计算机实验室管理模式已无法适应新时期高校人才培养的需求。高校公共计算机实验室管理必须寻求以高水平的实验室技术人员队伍为核心,以先进的技术手段为支撑,以培训机制为辅助的新的管理模式,培养学生的自主学习能力和实践创新能力。  相似文献   

在社会改革不断深化和经济结构转型升级的新形势下,高校在进行人才培养过程中要结合社会发展需要,培养综合素质高的新型人才。不仅要培养学生的专业技术能力,也要注重思想政治教育。高校思想政治教育起着引导学生思想,培养学生积极向上的精神面貌和生活态度的重要作用。传统的思想政治教育模式与学生的实际生活脱节,无法引发学生自身的思考,思想政治教育往往流于形式,实际的教育成效较低。为此,本文就新形势下高校思想政治教育改革的策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Background: Academic staff have a key role to play in the innovation efforts of universities aiming to exploit the potential of web-based learning technologies. Although learning technologies are an important building block of educational innovation, the eLearning adoption rate of European academic staff appears disappointing. The majority of curricula in European universities are stalled in the traditional pedagogical model of knowledge transmission, which continues to dominate teaching and learning.

Purpose: This conceptual paper explores underlying structural and cultural barriers to technology-enhanced innovation in higher education.

Sources of evidence: Starting from the underdeveloped state of eLearning in European universities, the paper challenges arguments that visible barriers such as technical issues, budget constraints or lack of interest in technology amongst academic staff represent the actual reasons for the slow advancement of learning technologies in university curricula.

Main argument: The paper argues that the lack of faculty interest and engagement for eLearning are visible symptoms for deeply rooted causes, which hinder current innovation efforts of universities. It explores theoretical viewpoints for structural peculiarities of universities, motivational and habitual traits of academic staff, and long-standing cultural values in the academic community in an attempt to understand their impact on technology-enhanced innovation in higher education.

Conclusions: The real dilemma for eLearning innovation is caused by macro-level influence factors that even committed universities can hardly overcome at institutional level. University leaders have to take the underlying innovation barriers into account when they try to engage academic staff for the use of learning technologies. With a realistic view on existing limitations, institutional eLearning adoption efforts have to be tailored to serve real learning needs and motivations of academic staff; and they have to consider specific goals and contexts within different universities.  相似文献   

大学校训与大学理念--兼论道德论大学理念   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
大学校训是一所大学特有精神的表征,大学校训也反映了一所大学的办学理念,因此,不同的大学理念在校训中也有所体现。中国的大学校训中蕴涵了一种中国特有的大学理念:大学除探索知识外,还应当探索并完善道德;除为社会服务处,还应当在社会中倡导并践行道德。这种以道德为核心的大学理念是中国传统思想文化在大学中的体现,值得我们继承和发扬。  相似文献   

大学生身份特殊,使命重大,应该密切关注和认真学习时事政治,特别是重大时政。为此,高校应努力构建大学生重大时政学习机制。首先是要建立健全重大时政学习领导体制,再通过有效激励和考评反馈,保障学习教育活动依托展示宣传、教学渗透、政治学习、党课团课、学生活动、调查研究等方式顺利运行。  相似文献   

一方面大学等级化、行政权力主导大学使得大学权力具有科层模式特点,而另一方面行政管理专业化及权力制度化水平较低的状况使得大学行政权力具有非科层模式表现,本文把这样的权力运行称为准科层模式,而这种准科层模式下的权力是带来大学行政化的重要支点,也是大学行政化的要义之一。  相似文献   

随着我国教育改革的不断推行,对学生综合素质的培养提出了新的要求,针对当前学生体育素质明显下降的现象,在体育课程改革上投入了较大的力量,体育课程在课程学习中的比例也不断加大。为了有效提高体育课程开设的质量,对体育教师的教学能力提出了更高的要求,需要教师通过不断的学习来提高自身的能力。为此,文章对我国高校体育教育专业教学能力的提升进行研究,希望对我国高校体育教学事业的发展起到一定促进作用。  相似文献   

This article concerns the origins of the idea of action learning, especially the claim by Revans that his Memorandum on ‘The Entry of Girls into the Nursing Profession’ in Essex hospitals written in 1938 was the first step in the development of action learning. Whilst Revans repeatedly made this claim, there is no evidence in the actual words of the Memorandum to support it, and he never explained the basis for his belief. Why Revans saw this paper as a first step is therefore a mystery. In this paper we examine the circumstances of the production of the Memorandum to find possible answers. After discussing the evidence we conclude that Revans’ claim is based on the ideas and insights which occurred to him in 1938 in his research and thinking, rather than upon what he actually wrote. We also suggest some defining aspects of action learning can be traced back to ideas first stimulated in the research and production of the 1938 Memorandum, including the importance of first-hand knowledge in tackling organisational problems; the limitations of expert knowledge in complex conditions; the impact of hierarchy on the flow of knowledge; the importance of problem ownership in bring about action for improvement and the primacy of learning in the processes of problem-solving and innovation.  相似文献   

名牌大学应是国家知识创新体系的核心   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
全世界 2 /3的 Nature和 Science论文是由大学发表的 ,3 /4的诺贝尔科学奖是由大学获得的。其中 ,前 1 0 0名的大学发表的 Nature和 Science论文占大学发表总数的 3 /4左右 ,获得的诺贝尔科学奖占大学获奖总数的 94%。我国大学发表的 SCI论文占全国发表总数的 3 /4,前 5 0名的大学发表的 SCI论文占大学发表总数的 3 /4。事实雄辩地证明 ,名牌大学是知识创新体系的核心。必须尽快启动“中国名牌大学国家知识创新试点工程”,将我国名牌大学纳入国家知识创新体系的核心。  相似文献   

大学英语四级考试焦虑学生的甄别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在各高校尤其非重点的高等院校中,有一批深受英语四级考试焦虑困扰的学生,由于存在着严重的焦虑而非学习水平等其他因素,他们总是不能通过四级考试,这种焦虑情绪严重地妨碍着他们的英语以及其他科目的学习和身心健康。因此,为了有效地开展研究以及对这些学生进行辅导,研究对此类学生的甄别是必要的。  相似文献   

大学实施知识管理是与大学作为知识型组织的特点相契合的,然而,知识管理作为一种新的管理范式,对大学的传统观念、组织结构、组织文化以及大学员工的知识观、学习方式都提出了挑战.本文在分析大学实施知识管理的障碍因素的基础上,提出具有针对性的解决策略.  相似文献   

大学是围绕知识的继承、传播、发展、转化及利用为核心而建立起来的社会独特组织。人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三项职能归根结底是以知识为核心而建构和发展的。因此知识观的演进必然带来大学职能的转变。后现代主义思潮对知识从多方面进行了不同的阐释,对我们反思和建构后现代大学的职能提供了重要的借鉴意义和启示价值。  相似文献   

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