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相对主义是哲学中极其复杂的理论现象,在我国理论界,往往把它作为反面的例证引用。如果换一种角度重新理解和审视相对主义,我们会发现其非常明显的合理性。它不仅推动了哲学史的发展,而且成为克服教条主义、保守主义的有力武器。强调相对主义的合理性具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

Conclusion After dealing with student relativism for decades, I have come to the conclusion that it is a view students can fairly easily be talked out of. It is not at all difficult to reveal to students the extent to which they are closet absolutists. It is also not difficult to reveal to them that their fondness for relativism is in large part due to their misunderstanding the nature of absolutism. A number of misconceptions surround absolutism, and students fall victim to these misconceptions. It doesn’t help matters that many of their college professors have fallen victim to these same misconceptions and as a result encourage student relativism. In their minds, by encouraging relativism, they are encouraging tolerance in the classroom. As we have seen, though, absolutism is not synonymous with intolerance. Morality allows us to be tolerant in some cases, but requires us to be intolerant in others. By confronting relativism in the classroom—by correcting students' mistaken beliefs about absolutism—college professors are taking an important step in fostering their students' development as moral beings. Editor’s Note: This essay by William B. Irvine and the subsequent article by Charles Landesman are loosely tied by subject matter. They both address academic dimensions of morality. The former charts from its author’s experience in the classroom a landscape of the relativism that prevails among today's undergraduates. The latter explores the realm of the academic moralists, where we find scholars and philosophers projecting their political longings as unconditional imperatives for a just society. The two territories trade on each other's needs. The dreams of the moralists for diversity or multiculturalism provide alternatives to genuine ethical deliberation in a packaged philosophy that affords students the luxury of never having to formulate their own moral framework. William B. Irvine is an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. Paragon House is to release his Doing Right by Children: Reflections on the Nature of Childhood and the Obligations of Parenthood in 2001.  相似文献   

利用动量守恒定律、洛仑兹变换的结论-速度相加原理,分别推导相对论中质量-速率公式m=m0/√1-V2/C2.通过对比得出第二种方法更加简便的结论  相似文献   

从古希腊非理性的怀疑主义到现代非理性的相对主义的历史变迁,是一个由认识到纯粹理性认识的虚妄性进而极端地否定客观知识的可能性,到同时承认知识的可能性和有限性的演变过程。非理性的怀疑主义和相对主义对于抵制知识论中极端理性主义把知识绝对化具有积极的作用,但它们否定科学知识探究中理性批判的可能性,也为懒于思考者提供安慰。  相似文献   

一种较为流行的看法是,相对主义思想往往导致怀疑论。但这似是而非。相对主义思想很普遍,在古今中外的哲学家甚或一般人那里都可以发现,但强有力的怀疑论传统仅仅属于西方思想史。本文以中国先秦时期最富怀疑精神的庄子为例,通过评析其相对主义思想是如何削弱乃至取消他的怀疑论萌芽的,具体反驳了流行看法,从而表明:相对主义思想不能构成怀疑论,本质上,它同怀疑论无关。  相似文献   

2006年的一天,凯文开车带14岁的女儿汉娜回家,在一个路口停车等绿灯的时候,汉娜看到一个无家可归者举着讨饭的牌子。他们的车子前面停的是一辆奔驰梅赛德斯,汉娜说:"爸爸,如果前面那个人不开那么贵的车,那个饥饿的人就有一餐饭吃了。"  相似文献   

当我合上《高中生·青春励志》这本杂志时,内心很激动。《感恩是怎样练成的》一文使我茅塞顿开。想当初,年少无知的我总认为,感恩是那些虚伪的人为提高自己的品位而表现出来的一种形式。现在我才明白,感恩不  相似文献   

王昊 《高中生》2011,(34):28-29
My dad always used totell me that if they challenge you toan after-school fight,tell themyou won’t wait-you can kick their ass right now.Cameron Diaz我爸以前常对我说,如果他们向我挑衅,要跟我放学后打一架,那就告诉他们,你才不会等呢——你现在就可以打他们个屁股开花。——卡梅隆.迪亚兹  相似文献   

In this guest editorial, the author introduces the reader to the value of stories as a source of vision and inspiration for caregiving.  相似文献   

This article reports a self-study from a larger research project that explored the impact on pre-service and in-service teacher education of a new national curriculum in New Zealand and the conceptualisations of epistemological shifts signalled by that document. A pedagogical initiative to introduce inquiry-based learning into a graduate diploma course for pre-service primary teachers was the result of and the catalyst for further reflection on my practice and the (mis)alignments between my theoretical understandings and beliefs and my pedagogical choices. In this article I focus on the tensions and contradictions I encountered while attempting to enact, in a tertiary environment, a pedagogy that aligned with the underpinning principles of the new curriculum. I describe the model that I developed to understand those tensions and contradictions, which are characterised as the spaces between realism and relativism. I suggest that negotiating these spaces is part of the process of becoming a teacher and a teacher educator in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

俄罗斯国家博物馆是世界上数得上的大美术馆。在这个美术馆里,我惊讶地发现,除了小学生和中学生集体席地而坐,聆听详细而系统的讲解之外,居然有幼儿园的孩子们前来参观。我很纳闷,这么小,怎么对他们介绍这些名画呢?我好奇地靠前去旁听。讲解员是一位富有经验的老人,  相似文献   

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