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青年亚文化研究是伯明翰学派亚文化研究最具特色、影响最为深远的组成部分之一。作为伯明翰学派的奠基人物,理查德·霍加特从二十世纪五十年代就已开始涉足青年亚文化研究。然而,对电唱机男孩等青年亚文化群体的分析和评价却使他招致学界的批评和忽视。本文在对霍加特的青年亚文化研究进行介绍和分析的基础上,进一步将之放置到伯明翰学派青年亚文化思想的发展轨道之上,从阶级和抵抗两个层面对霍加特青年亚文化研究存在的问题及价值进行阐述和评价。  相似文献   

1972年美国图书馆史学家迈克尔·哈里斯发表《历史视角下的美国公共图书馆目标:一种修正式解读》,从社会阶层论视角爬梳美国公共图书馆的起源及其领袖人物的图书馆目标,认为公共图书馆是社会精英阶层用以管理和控制社会的工具,批评传统进步主义图书馆史学家对相关问题的理想化认识。以菲莉丝·戴恩为代表的进步主义图书馆史学家认为公共图书馆是民主和人道主义的产物。戴恩批评哈里斯的修正式观点因缺乏扎实论据而失于偏颇。双方展开了1970年代美国图书馆史研究中的“哈里斯-戴恩论战”,引发学界对公共图书馆的起源和目标的深刻反思,对图书馆史研究的方法论和发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

喻菁 《编辑学报》2012,24(5):429-431
通过分析论文发表对科研人员的作用和影响,认为编辑在与作者交流的过程中,若能本着服务科研的态度,体谅科研人员的苦衷,在稿件初审、同行专家评审意见整理、编辑加工和定稿等环节中帮助作者,不仅能及时制止学术不端行为的发生,而且可潜移默化地影响作者,让科研人员感受到关爱,这可为科研人员营造一种健康的学术环境。  相似文献   

SCI创始人加菲尔德博士于1990年和1993年二次访问台湾并做报告,他的两次访问对台湾的SCI普及与推广起到了很大的积极作用。根据ESI统计分析,中国台湾地区自1986年起SCI论文数量与被引次数逐年增长,也得到了世界科学界的关注与认可。这些成绩的取得与台湾地区科技政策密切相关,但是近年来台湾学术界开始质疑以SCI、SSCI等量化指标评价大学的学术研究质量和教师的学术产出能力对台湾高等教育产生的影响。  相似文献   

Diamond Jenness (1886–1969), New Zealand born and Oxford educated, is best known in anthropology for his detailed studies of Canadian Inuit and Indian societies and cultures. He published numerous reports and papers and the ground-breaking The Indians of Canada (1932), a classic of North American ethnology. Less well known is his service (1926–1930, 1937–1947) as chief of the Anthropological Division of the National Museum of Canada (NMC), where he made important contributions to furthering Canadian anthropology before the discipline had gained public acceptance or a secure niche in either academia or government. Two facts help to explain why little attention has been paid to Jenness's administrative work and the Division's accomplishments during his tenure. First, his career was overshadowed by that of Edward Sapir, among the century's brightest anthropological lights and Jenness's predecessor as chief (1910–1925). Sapir has been the subject of considerable attention in disciplinary history, including assessments of his formative influence on professional anthropology in Canada during his sojourn at NMC (Cowan et al., 1986; Koerner, 1984). Second, Jenness and his colleagues struggled to maintain the Division's viability at a time when economic depression, government bureaucracy, and world war threatened to reduce professional anthropology to insignificance. Though we are not without tangible proofs of the Division's scientific endeavors during the period, perhaps its more notable accomplishment was surviving the onslaught at all.  相似文献   

杨昭悊是20世纪中国第一代图书馆学人的代表人物之一.他长期在图书馆界服务,积极参与各级图书馆协会的相关活动,留下了多种图书馆学著译成果,对当时及后来的图书馆学研究者影响至深.通过梳理中英文史料,我们发现,1915年9月一1919年6月,杨昭悊就读于北京法政专门学校.在校期间,他对图书馆学产生兴趣,并于毕业后留在母校图书馆工作.1921年11月,他赴美留学,先后就读于南加州大学、洛杉矶公共图书馆附属图书馆学校与伊利诺斯大学图书馆学院,但仅在南加州大学获得政治学硕士学位.1925年10月,他携妻子王京生回国,先后在北京法政大学图书馆与江西省立图书馆工作.约在1933年下半年,他离开江西省立图书馆,去向不明.1939年11月,他病逝于湖北谷城.  相似文献   

开放存取是目前图书馆界和学术界讨论的热点问题,本文试图从开放存取概念的内涵和其产生的背景出发,在深入分析其存在的主要问题的基础上,进一步探讨开放存取对国际国内学术信息交流的影响和现实意义.参考文献5.  相似文献   

The early academic beginning is critical in the development of a researcher's academic career because it helps determine one's further success. We aim to shed light on the path that drives the success of talents in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) by investigating the academic education background of distinguished AI researchers and analyzing the contribution of different educational factors to their research performance. In this study, we collected and coded the curriculum vitae of 1832 AI researchers. Results show that most AI researchers were educated in the United States and obtained their highest degrees from top universities. As for their educational background, approximately 18.27% of AI researchers chose non-AI majors, such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry, instead of AI-related majors, such as computer science. Furthermore, negative binomial regression analysis demonstrates that individuals who publish more during study period will have better research output, whether they are currently in academia or industry. Researchers in academia with overseas degrees published more articles than those without overseas degrees. In terms of interdisciplinary education, a mathematics background leads to increased research visibility of AI researchers in the industry but depresses the scholarly productivity of AI researchers in academia. Academic qualification is the main factor determining the scientific performance of AI researchers in industry, which is not the case in academia. The analysis also showed that individuals who graduated from more prestigious universities tended to receive more citations than those graduating from less famous universities. Moreover, AI researchers in academia who have graduated from prestigious universities seem to pay more attention to the quality of the papers rather than the quantity.  相似文献   

In academia researchers join a research community over time and contribute to the advancement of a field in a variety of ways. One of the most established ways to contribute to the field is by passing on knowledge to the future generations through academic advising. Many academic scholars have more influence, while others fail to make an impact. Typically, academic influence refers to the ability of a researcher to pass on her/his “academic gene” in future researchers. In this article, we propose the task of Researcher Influence Prediction (ResIP) to predict researchers’ future influence in an academic field through the analysis of the corresponding academic genealogy network. Researcher influence prediction has got several implications as far as different academic outcomes are concerned (e.g. funding, awards, career progression, collaboration, identifying prolific researchers etc.).To address the ResIP, a number of end-to-end deep learning architectures have been proposed in the current work. The proposed architectures take as input the lineage graph of a researcher at a given time point and predicts the growth of his/her family in future time points. The design of encoder in the proposed architecture considers both temporal and structural information of the input lineage graph while the decoders are tuned towards the nature of the output (single point vs. sequence). The proposed models have been trained, validated and compared with strong baselines using datasets created out of a subset of researchers from the Mathematics Genealogy Project (MGP).  相似文献   

Quality scholarly research outputs, such as peer reviewed journal articles published in reputable journals, are essential for early career researchers' (ECRs) vocational success while also offering benefits for their institutions. Research outputs destined for audiences beyond academia are also increasingly valued by funders, end users, and tertiary institutions. While there is an expectation that ECRs may create diverse research outputs for an array of audiences, the kinds of research output texts produced by ECRs for varied audiences warrants further investigation. In addition, the routes of dissemination that ECRs use to share their academic research outputs to secure impact beyond academia are not well understood. Drawing on semi‐structured interviews of 30 respondents in Australia and Japan, we explore the research‐sharing practices of ECRs, finding that ECRs may potentially create a wide range of research‐informed texts for end users beyond academia, using an array of methods for dissemination. The examples of the output text types and dissemination routes we provide in this paper can be used to inspire ECRs and also more senior academics to share their research more broadly, and perhaps more effectively, and can be used by publishers to improve research impact and support ECRs' research translation.  相似文献   

This article argues for the analysis of public engagement as an essentially mediated activity. Although recent studies note that academic knowledge is increasingly available for consumption by nonacademic audiences, they tell us little about how it gets recontextualized while passing through the hands of media professionals on its way toward such audiences. In Burawoy’s (2005) influential call for the rebirth of public sociology, as in the debates his work provoked, the media is treated solely as a means for the transportation of knowledge. But as this article demonstrates, the media does not simply transport knowledge; it also, and at the same time, translates that knowledge in various, rhetorically consequential ways. Focusing on the mediated trajectory of an attempt by a group of academics to connect with audiences beyond academia, their initial contribution is compared to its subsequent translation(s) across various British newspapers. A discursive analysis reveals the techniques via which a classic form of public sociology came to be recontextualized such that, remarkably, these authors were left appearing to voice nothing but their own petty prejudices. The article concludes by noting that where public engagement involves mediation, public sociology should pay more attention to the recontextualizing affordances of media discourse.  相似文献   

关于媒体融合的几点思索   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
“媒体融合”概念越来越频繁地进入人们视线,美国已有新闻传播院系设立“媒体融合”专业或方向,更在研究者在美国佛罗里达进行了一次大规模的尝试,将30多个媒体放在了同一个大平台坦帕(TAMPA)上运作;对这次自觉的试验,我们需要进行理性的思考,即“媒体融合”假设是否成立;是否已形成理论、或在理论上能表述清楚;通过试验能否提供一些数据、定律供研究者检验操作;它将为新闻采写和传播模式带来怎样的变革等等。  相似文献   

The job titles and career paths of people transitioning between academia and scholarly publishing, and of those who are progressing within their publishing careers, has been little studied and lacks accepted frameworks, ‘route‐maps’, and taxonomies. Much of the work done to date provides merely a ‘snapshot’ of the current demographics of the publishing workforce at particular moment, and tends not to offer insight into pathways, trajectories, or momentum. This preliminary survey, involving around 150 scholarly publishers, reveals insights into job titles, progressions, and transitions, and exposes some of the reasons for transitions between academia and publishing. The analysis suggests that these transitions and career paths can be systematically studied and documented, for use both by individuals considering their own careers, and by planners and managers in academic institutions and scholarly publishing organizations.  相似文献   

图书馆学理论研究一直热衷于讨论图书馆的本质是什么,并将之视为图书馆学的研究对象。一些学者指出这种模式的图书馆学理论研究具有明显的本质主义色彩,应该予以摒弃。这种观点引起了学界其他学者的反驳与批评。图书馆学人热衷于讨论图书馆学的本质,是想凭借本质研究向学术界和社会证明图书馆学的合法性。从目前图书馆学界的各种研究范式来看,实证研究在建构图书馆学合法性上卓有成效。要确定图书馆的学科合法性,根本路径是立足于学科特色,选择社会和学术界普遍关心的问题作为学科研究议题,并通过学术界认可的表达方式向学术界展示图书馆学的研究成果。  相似文献   

The results of a survey to determine the training needs and normative experiences of temporary government documents librarians are presented. The results indicate that temporary librarians tend to work in academia, have been in librarianship for a shorter time period, and have fewer technical processing skills than permanent documents librarians.  相似文献   

Extensive data document the distribution of library and information science (LIS) educators in Australia from 1959 to 2008: from a slow beginning in the 1960s, to rapid growth in the 1970s, relative stability in the 1980s, and a persistent decline from the 1990s. Other characteristics of Australian LIS educators over the 50-year period are presented, including: previous positions held before entering academia, what and where academic qualifications were obtained, academic positions/ranks by gender, mobility within Australian higher education institutions, and years spent as Australian LIS educators. Although there has been a steady decline in the number of Australian LIS educators since the 1990s, the level of academic qualifications and percentage with doctorates have risen, thus conforming to a major requirement of academia; however, the relative decline in junior academic positions is a worrying trend. The analysis of changed characteristics over time helps define who Australian LIS academics are, and additionally provides data that contributes to LIS academic workforce planning.  相似文献   

The strength of every nation lies in its people. In America, that strength can be found in the rich cultural heritage of a diverse nation. Unfortunately, diversity does not permeate all facets of life–specifically in academia and its libraries. The question continues to be asked: where are all of the academic librarians of color? For the ones who are tenured or who are seeking tenure, how can they be retained within the ranks of academia? The focus of this study is to explore and define some of the explicit and implicit barriers faced by academic librarians of color through a review of the literature. Many of the explicit barriers stem directly from racism and from being perceived as the “other” while implicit barriers are more subtle and stem from the covert damage that toxic environmental forces have on shaping the career and work experiences of librarians of color. This analysis also offers methods for breaking down these barriers (through ways such as mentoring) for institutions to consider—along with some strategies to empower librarians of color themselves.  相似文献   

This study examines the changing roles for women in academia from 1991 to 2001 through a content analysis of quality characteristics in 626 American Political Science Review book reviews. Results revealed increases for women over men in quantity of books and reviews published, as well as quality appraisals of books written.  相似文献   

Questionable publications have been accused of “greedy” practices; however, their influence on academia has not been gauged. Here, we probe the impact of questionable publications through a systematic and comprehensive analysis with various participants from academia and compare the results with those of their unaccused counterparts using billions of citation records, including liaisons, i.e., journals and publishers, and prosumers, i.e., authors. Questionable publications attribute publisher-level self-citations to their journals while limiting journal-level self-citations; yet, conventional journal-level metrics are unable to detect these publisher-level self-citations. We propose a hybrid journal-publisher metric for detecting self-favouring citations among QJs from publishers. Additionally, we demonstrate that the questionable publications were less disruptive and influential than their counterparts. Our findings indicate an inflated citation impact of suspicious academic publishers. The findings provide a basis for actionable policy-making against questionable publications.  相似文献   

学术期刊失范行为探析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陶范 《编辑学报》2009,21(6):480-481
少数学术期刊在学术引用、增刊出版、版面收费、稿件处理、稿酬支付等方面存在着失范行为.这些行为违背学术规律,影响公平竞争,损害期刊声誉,污染学术环境.应加强期刊自律,强化行业自律,加强期刊管理,以杜绝失范行为.  相似文献   

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