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社会资本视阈下城市社区居家养老社会支持体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区居家养老是家庭养老和社会化养老相结合的一种新型养老模式,较传统家庭养老而言,需具有更多的社会支持系统,同时也具有社会化养老所不具备的感情与精神慰藉功能,在应对未富先老、家庭养老功能退化、社会化养老发展不足等方面具有明显的制度优势。养老资源的产生、供给和有效传递在很大程度上决定着一种养老模式的成败。社区居家养老要想发挥功效,必须构建一个以家庭支持、政府辅助、社会参与、社区执行、社会关系的自我认知与强化的“场阈式”居家养老体系,通过多方参与、优势互补、个人支持网络的挖掘与强化,充分发挥社会资本的优势,创建无“需求偏差”的养老支持系统。  相似文献   

Mussar, an approach to character growth emerging as a movement in the 18th century, has increasingly been incorporated into contemporary Jewish education. The purpose of mussar—the cultivation of character—is consistent with the goals of Jewish day schools and other settings. This article examines the implementation of a mussar-based program in a Jewish community high school. Particular attention is given to questions raised by the introduction of this program into a pluralistic school setting. Implications are discussed in terms of the broader goals of Jewish education.  相似文献   

学校经营要为学校提供充足的办学资本。促进学校发展,迫切需要注入新的资本,学校社会资本正是一种可供选择的资本形式。中小学校社会资本对学校的发展具有不可低估的重要作用,主要表现在:补充其他形式资本的不足,为学校提供充足的资源;为学生提供更多的资助机会;资源共享避免重复建设;节省交易成本,提高办学效率。应该构建学校社会资本开发与利用的保障、约束和监督机制,保证其正常、合法经营,推动学校发展,促进学生发展。  相似文献   

在当前的社会结构和制度环境中,社会资本的动员和民办学校的运营是否存在必然的逻辑联系,二者之间以怎样的关系存在,二者关系的强弱程度如何,这些问题并无实证考量,因此也没有形成定论。本文尝试借用社会资本理论范式,分析一所民办外语培训学校在当前的制度环境中如何动员社会资本寻求自我发展,厘清关系社会资本在该校组建、日常管理和长远发展中的运作逻辑,借以探讨小型民办学校的盈利性与公益性问题,以促进教育资源的有效配置。  相似文献   

本文从社会资本理论的视角,以香港高中生作为实证研究对象,将学生家庭的社会资本区分为学生个人和父母两个独立的分析单位,探讨学生如何运用其个人及父母的社会资本创造人力资本。研究发现香港高中生的公开考试成绩和其个人的社会资本是影响其升学、择校和择业的显著影响因素,高中生的家庭背景变量对这三类选择行为的影响则不显著。  相似文献   

Using Hirschi’s social bonds theory as a foundation, this study examines the effects of at-risk students’ school bonds on their classroom behaviour. In this article, school bonds are defined as the students’ attachment to teachers/staff, students’ affiliation to the school, students’ belief in the fairness of the school rules and students’ involvement in school-related activities. The data are from a sample of 77 at-risk students attending an alternative middle school in a small city in the northeastern region of the USA. The findings based on results of a school-wide survey and students’ school records, parallel prior research demonstrate a statistically significant inverse relationship between school bonds (namely the affiliation and the belief bonds) and classroom misconduct. The results of this study reveal the driving force behind reducing classroom misconduct is students’ perception of fairness of school rules (as defined by the belief bond).  相似文献   

现代学校制度变革:正式制度与制度社会资本的有效配合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盛冰 《教育学报》2005,1(2):65-70
科层化、官僚化的教育体制已使学校变成一个毫无生气的组织,一个不能激发人的主动性和创造性的组织。现代学校制度的危机就在于制度社会资本的下降。因此,当今改革的一条重要途径是让学校成为“自组织”治理体系,让其中的制度社会资本即非正式制度“复活”或“再生”,即充分发挥习俗、规范、学校化、学校氛围、隐蔽课程的作用,因为它们往往比正式制度具有更好的潜在约束作用,更能节约交易费用,从而更有利于学校发展。但是,良好的制度设计应该是正式制度与非正式制度达到有效配合。  相似文献   

Legacies, or students with a family member who graduated from the same college or university, have been the source of much debate. We add to the existing literature by providing a detailed empirical portrait of legacies at a private, selective university across the college years. We examine how legacies are distinctive in their admissions profiles, within-college achievement and post-graduation plans, using data from a panel study of students attending Duke University. We find that legacies enter college with an abundance of economic, cultural and social capital, but also have lower levels of human capital compared to other students with college graduate parents. Due to this human capital deficit, legacies have lower grades in the first college year, but show little academic underperformance in subsequent semesters. Additionally, legacies are less likely to plan to be a medical doctor or engineer and have somewhat lower degree aspirations than other students.
Nathan D. MartinEmail:

Based on the several surveys conducted since the 1990s onward, this paper aims to demonstrate that in terms of the access to higher education, social class differentiation is far starker than that of urban/rural income in contemporary China. According to the investigation that focused on students enrolled in 37 universities, the chance of farmers children to have a higher education is 5.6 times lower than that of nonfarmers. If we compare the chance of government and party officials children with that of farmers children, the ratio will rise to nearly 18:1. More seriously, the recent boom in higher education has not lessened but, in fact, worsened the structural factors of this inequality. The skyrocketing tuition fee constitutes an escalating fence that keeps the children from low-income, marginalized families away from acquiring higher education. Translated by Chen Xinqin from Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences), 2005, 3  相似文献   


Research in distance education has investigated student satisfaction and learning outcomes, comparing face-to-face with online delivery formats, and tested various technological tools, but has yet to consider alternative pedagogies. Liberatory pedagogy facilitates critical thinking, awareness, reflection and social action around constructs such as race, gender, and class. This paper uses Scholarly Personal Narrative to explore opportunities and challenges of implementing liberatory pedagogy within a virtual classroom. Themes include identity, body, mind, spirit, voice, authenticity, and self-actualization. Liberatory pedagogy emphasizes critical consciousness of oppression, aligns with professional values and ethics, encourages societal well-being, and would appear to enhance online social work education.  相似文献   

This article examines a grassroots movement among African-Americans to reestablish Howard W. Blake High School, named for a historically black high school closed during the desegregation process in Tampa, Florida. The establishment of Blake High School was contentious, involving negotiations by multiple and conflicting interests—school officials, black leaders, alumni of the historically black high schools that had existed prior to desegregation, the federal judge overseeing the 1971 desegregation order, and civil rights leaders. Analyzing the debates over Blake's status as a magnet, its location, and its attendance zone, this article highlights the paradox of desegregation for African-American communities in Tampa. This case reveals the tension between the desire for community schooling and the consequences of resegregation.  相似文献   

This research was conducted with the aim of clarifying a concept of “global social responsibility.” A total sample of 395 senior high school students in Japan responded to a pool of items mostly adapted from a scale developed by Starrett (1996) and provided additional data concerning their social experiences. The data were used in the development of a Japanese version of the Global Social Responsibility (GSR) scale. It was found that “global altruism,” “active involvement with society,” and “understanding of interdependence” constituted a construct of global social responsibility. It was also found that females, those who discussed social problems with their family, those who revealed a high awareness of responsibility and those who had multiple experiences of volunteer activities for community service showed high GSR scores. The scale provides both an awareness of the concept and a measure for determining levels of global social responsibility. Counseling professionals are encouraged to consider their roles from a global and social perspective, with the notion of responsibility being seen as central to the concepts of freedom and personal development.  相似文献   


Based on a case study of Ghanaian cocoa farmers who attended farmer field schools (FFS), this paper explores the impact of the FFS methodology on farmers’ technical knowledge, experimentation, knowledge diffusion, group formation and social skills as a way of assessing whether the relatively high costs associated with the method is justified. We carried out focus group discussions for exploratory purposes and a formal survey of 70 FFS graduates and 70 non-FFS farmers. The superior knowledge test scores of FFS graduates relative to non-FFS farmers demonstrates the effectiveness of the method for communicating complex knowledge and information to farmers in a way that allows them to understand it and retain it. An assessment of changes in farmers’ experimental capacity showed variable results. On the one hand, a significant proportion of FFS graduates applied some of the principles and practices learned to solve productivity problems with other crops, while others did not perceive any change in their experimentation behaviour. Significantly, an important skill farmers learned in the FFS was making observations on cocoa trees and the wider ecosystem as the basis for decision-making. The case study confirmed that FFS strengthened social cohesion among cocoa farmers and enhanced individual social skills by creating new networks for knowledge exchange and support, promoting group formation and improving farmers’ confidence and ability to work more effectively in groups. The paper concludes by recommending areas for improving FFS and highlights how strengthening human and social capital in cocoa growing communities can serve as a springboard for broader development activities.  相似文献   

随着高校扩招与文凭贬值,农村学生越来越需要考上好大学才能改变命运。但"寒门难出贵子"现象已经引起了学界的很多关注。本文借助布迪厄的文化资本理论,审视了农村高中教学与当前高考改革之间的脱节。本文主要基于2013-2014年对河南省云雀高中高三文科班开展的一项跟踪调查。本文发现,当前的高考越来越强调学生采用灵活多样的学习方式,诸如精选的课外阅读、娱乐活动和休闲旅行等。但云雀高中的教学仍然过度依赖死记硬背和题海战术,表面上的应试教育已经偏离了高考的要求。要改善其农村学生的升学困境,云雀高中需要适当调整教学方式,以贴近高考改革提出的新要求。  相似文献   

学校体育在培养学生社会适应能力中应努力使学生获取现代社会中的生命知识、体育与健康知识;发挥学生体育社团在社会适应能力培养中的作用;利用学校体育中的挫折教育,磨砺学生的个性,提高学生对社会的适应能力;加强体育课堂内外中的显性和隐性课程对学生的培养;在体育教学评价中应明确提出对学生社会适应能力方面的要求等,以弥补传统学校体...  相似文献   

The use of cognitive-based strategies for improving social communication behaviours for individuals who have solid language and cognition is an important question. This study investigated the outcome of teaching Social Thinking®, a framework based in social-cognition, to Chinese adolescents with social communication deficits. Thirty-nine students (33 with Autism Spectrum Disorders and six without), ranging in age from 12 to 15 years with social communication deficits, participated in a 12-week intervention. Students’ pre- and post-intervention social behaviours were measured by six aspects of the Social Thinking-ILAUGH Scale involving 115 familiar raters. Students showed significant improvement in all the six subscales of the Social Thinking-ILAUGH except humour after training. Agreements on ratings among parents and school personnel were satisfactory. A framework based in social cognitive strategies, with appropriate linguistic and cultural adaptations, appears to be a promising tool for Chinese adolescents with social learning issues. Social behaviours improved across school and home settings as noted by groups of raters familiar with the students.  相似文献   

Based on 29 in-depth interviews with undocumented Latino college students and graduates in Southern California, this study explores how academic high achievers obtain the information, resources, and emotional support they need to achieve college-student status. The study highlights the importance of the programs offered by schools and nonprofit organizations to compensate for undocumented Latino students’ lack of social capital and their parents’ lack of human capital. Forging a trusting relationship with teachers and/or counselors remains crucial for navigating the unique application process for undocumented students and for identifying private funding sources.  相似文献   

法国社会学家布迪厄认为,文化资本在社会各阶层间的分配是不平等的,而通过教育机制,文化资本在实现其再生产过程的同时又复制着其层级结构。布迪厄的这一文化资本理论有助于探寻当前我国农村转移人员的文化资本与社会地位之间的关系。中国几十年来的城乡二元体制使得农村转移人员与城市市民在文化资本分配起点上处于不公平状态,而农村转移人员早期文化资本的贫乏使其难以累积新的、更多的文化资本,由此导致农村转移人员在城市处于持续性边缘地位。  相似文献   

Despite an increase in the use of technology in undergraduate anatomy education, and the rising popularity of online anatomy courses at community colleges in the United States, there have been no reports on the efficacy of augmented reality on anatomy education in this population. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that augmented reality is an effective and engaging tool for learning anatomy in community college students. Participants recruited from Cuyahoga Community College (Cleveland, OH) studied skull anatomy using either traditional tools (i.e., textbook and plastic skull model) or an augmented reality head-mounted display with an interactive virtual skull application. Comparison of knowledge before and following the study period revealed that augmented reality was an effective tool for learning skull anatomy: pre-quiz = 32.7% (± 25.2); mean (± SD), post-quiz = 61.8% (± 19.5); n = 15; t(28) = 3.53; P = 0.001. The traditional tools were equally effective: pre-quiz = 44.9 % (± 18.6), post-quiz = 67.9 % (± 17.3); n = 17; t(32) = 3.73; P = 0.0007. Students rated the augmented reality device as 9.6 (± 1.0); mean (± SD) when asked if it fit the statement “fun to use” on a semantic differential scale from 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent). In conclusion, this study found that augmented reality is an effective and engaging tool for the instruction of skull anatomy at a community college.  相似文献   

In this article, we use interview data collected in a four-year longitudinal study of first-generation university students to answer the question: how might the ethnicity of first-generation students impact their university experiences? After briefly examining previous literature written on the educational achievement levels of ethnic-minority Canadians, specifically Asian-Canadians, and on first-generation students, we explain the concept of social capital and how it relates to ethnicity. The findings extracted from the interviews in this paper suggest that, although first-generation students lack general knowledge about university, their ethnic identities serve to ease their disadvantaged positions in university by serving as both bonding and bridging social capital in the form of relationships, peer groups and ethnic clubs.  相似文献   

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