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This article describes future trends in environmental education (EE) research based on a mixed-methods study where data were collected through a content analysis of peer-reviewed articles published in EE journals between 2005 and 2010; interviews with experts engaged in EE research and sustainability-related fields; surveys with current EE researchers; and convenings with EE researchers and practitioners. We discuss four core thematic findings: (1) EE researchers are highlighting the importance of collective and community learning and action; (2) EE researchers are placing increased emphasis on the intersection of learning within the context of social–ecological communities (e.g. links between environmental quality and human well-being); (3) a pressing need exists for research conducted with urban and diverse populations; and (4) research around social media and other information technologies is of great interest, yet currently is sparse.  相似文献   


This article discusses an analysis of abstracts of Brazilian theses and dissertations on environmental education from a database organised and maintained by a group of researchers in the EArt Project (www.earte.net). In presenting extracts of key trends in this dataset, our aim is to provide a snapshot of the many possible approaches to, and histories of, Brazilian environmental education research. The data also allow us to raise some questions that explore possible ‘blank spots’, ‘blind spots’ and ‘bald spots’ in Brazilian research on environmental education. Given the temporal development of the research field since the 1980s, we illustrate these ‘spots’ by exploring data related to epistemological and methodological diversity, from the viewpoint of knowledge areas as well as the graduate programmes that have been developing research on environmental education. Finally, we draw a picture of the methodological trends that have been privileged by Brazilian researchers, and pose questions as to what is needed in shaping an agenda for research on environmental education in Brazil into the future.  相似文献   

This editorial introduces a special issue of Environmental Education Research titled ‘Land education: Indigenous, post-colonial, and decolonizing perspectives on place and environmental education research.’ The editorial begins with an overview of each of the nine articles in the issue and their contributions to land and environmental education, before outlining features of land education in more detail. ‘Key considerations’ of land education are discussed, including: Land and settler colonialism, Land and Indigenous cosmologies, Land and Indigenous agency and resistance, and The significance of naming. The editorial engages the question ‘Why land education?’ by drawing distinctions between land education and current forms of place-based education. It closes with a discussion of modes and methods of land education research.  相似文献   

国外许多高校的产学合作是非常成功的,在国外,政府是高校产学合作的主要支持者,社会则为高校产学合作提供良好的舞台.大力开发校办产业,促进科技新成果的转化,积极提高教育教学水平,这是国外高校产学合作给我们的主要启示.  相似文献   

The overarching argument made in this article is twofold. Firstly, academic conferences are posited as sites for higher education research. Secondly, the well-recognised emotional and social processes of conferences are used to make space at the boundaries of higher education research for psychosocial analysis. The article theorises conferences in relation to the current concerns of higher education, such as globalisation, technologisation and neoliberalisation, but simultaneously delves into the micro-conventions of academic spaces. This latter mode of analysis is adapted from Butler's (1997) work Excitable speech: A politics of the performative (New York: Routledge), around naming and vulnerability to language. An autobiographical example of naming and misnaming at a conference is worked through, both zooming in to micro-processes and zooming out to the wider concerns of higher education research. The article asserts the importance of recognising the connection between micro- and macro-scale analyses of higher education.  相似文献   

中美两国高校科研道德教育在模式、内容、途径等方面既有共同特征,又有各自特色。借鉴美国高校的经验,我国高校应从抓好入学新生教育、强化科研规范训练、发挥教师示范和引导作用、营造良好科研氛围、提高科研创新能力等方面,进一步改进和加强学生的科研道德教育。  相似文献   

高等师范院校教育科研工作的开展与提高,一要统一思想,提高认识。为教育科研兴校战略提出可靠的依据;二要树立意识,营造氛围,创造条件,为教育科研建好路,搭好桥;三要强化管理,健全制度,做好组织、队伍建设和选题工作;四要用“经营”的思想来从事教育科研项目的组织和研究;五要建立科学、公正、合理的利益分配机制;六要增强服务意识,各级管理、服务部门为教育科研做好保驾护航工作。  相似文献   

浅谈产学研相结合与高等教育人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产学研相结合的模式对高等教育人才培养具有重要意义.实行产学研相结合的模式,培养符合社会所需要的人才,既是社会发展的需求,也是高等学校自身主动适应社会发展的需要.  相似文献   


The increasing urbanization and alienation from nature reduce children’s opportunities to interact with plants and challenge teachers to devise educational practices that contribute to learning botany. This study presents the results of activities developed in a Brazilian school through explorations, drawings, dried and pressed specimens, and semi-structured interviews. The data were evaluated using mixed methods analysis. Leaves were the structure that was most frequently drawn by 1st- and 2nd-year students, followed by stems. Among students in their 3rd, 4th, and 5th years, more emphasis was on flowers and their detailed morphological structures. The 1st- and 2nd-year students included non-living elements and the surrounding environment in their drawings, whereas the older students focused on the plant itself. These particularities point to methods of teaching botany in context and link students’ specific knowledge to values and practices that contribute to an environmental education that aims to minimize the utilitarian view of nature and move towards a view of human beings as integrated and interdependent with other living and non-living elements.  相似文献   

产学研合作教育的探索与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
产学研合作教育是高等教育改革尤其是高等工程教育改革重要途径之一。文章介绍了学校在长期的办学过程中,不断研究,探索和实践,逐步形成了产学研合作教育的几种模式,并取得良好效果。  相似文献   

Environmental Education Research has developed a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) (http://explore.tandfonline.com/content/ed/ceer-vsi) focusing on studies of environmental and sustainability education (ESE) policy. The VSI draws on key examples of research on this topic published in the Journal from the past two decades, for three reasons. First, to provide readers with a series of snapshots into the genealogy of ESE policy research in this field. Second, to encourage renewed attention to previously published work. And third, to offer commentary on the evolution of research trends, approaches and findings.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,河北省中小学教育科研工作取得了长足发展,具有了一定的规模,形成了自身特色,开展了形式多样的科研活动,取得了较显的成效,但与其他先进省市相比,与教育发展的需求相比还存在着较大的差距与不足,还需在各个方面加大力度。  相似文献   


This article illustrates the steps taken to enact a new methodology for participatory social mapping by the Environmental Education, Communications and the Arts (GPEA) Research Group of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). The aim of Social Mapping is to record the identities, territories and socio-environmental conflicts experienced by social groups, based on their own namings and narratives, rather than relying on those more typically generated or provided by researchers or theorists. As such, it offers an important dialogical pathway for environmental education practices, in that it highlights the intrinsic relationship between culture and nature, and reinforces the understanding that the loss of one implies the disappearance of the other.  相似文献   

目前,各级政府和各高校正大力推进的产学研合作平台,在此基础上各高校提升大学生课外学术科技创新活动层次必须充分利用和发挥产学研结合这一平台,获取大学生课外学术科技创新活动的新动力,进一步提升大学生学术科技创新活动水平,充分加强开展各项活动的保障力度,从而建立更加科学、更具有可持续发展性的大学生课外学术科技创新活动体系。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a systematic literature review of policy research in the area of environmental and sustainability education. We analyzed 215 research articles, spanning four decades and representing 71 countries, and which engaged a range of methodologies. Our analysis combines quantification of geographic and methodological trends with qualitative analysis of content-based themes. Significant findings included temporal spikes in published policy research occurring in the mid-1970s, late 1990s, and after 2005, as well as geographic under-representation of Africa, South and Central America, Eastern Europe, and North and West Asia. The majority of articles reviewed were non-empirical; empirical articles overwhelmingly focused on teaching and learning directives, rather than exploring the complexity of policy development or enactment. We conclude our analysis by describing key research gaps as highlighted by the review and propose directions for moving forward policy research in environmental and sustainability education. In particular, we suggest greater research attention to critical policy theory and methodology, issues of intersectionality, and climate change education policy research. By outlining in greater detail the policy research that has been undertaken to date, the review provides a platform for a broadened diversity of policy studies in environmental and sustainability education.  相似文献   

重视和加强科研工作是高等学校应对知识经济的有效策略,但是对占高等学校较大比例的教学型大学而言,如果因强调科研而忽视教学,或使科研偏离人才培养的大方向则是对高校科研本质功能的不当解读,是高等学校科研的异化,也背离了高校作为“培养人”的机构的使命。高等学校的科研必须从定位、价值取向、队伍建设、科研评价等方面努力体现出教育性特征,这既是高等学校科研的题中应有之义,也是当今高等教育大众化状态下的一个亟待引起关注和有效解决的重大问题。  相似文献   

根据地方高校机械工程专业本科人才培养目标,结合高校自身学科特点和毕业生就业情况,提出了产学研合作教育模式下"四层十四模块"的课程体系,论述了"四层十四模块"课程体系下课程群的建设内容,为提升学生的工程实践能力和创新能力提供了有益的建议。  相似文献   

当前我国的科研制度体系在科研法律制度的执行、科研评价制度、科研奖励制度、科研不端的惩处制度等方面都存在一定问题。防范科研不端行为的有效途径是健全科研法制宣传、科研查新、同行评议、考核评价以及科研惩处等制度。  相似文献   

通过果蝇杂交实验培养学生的科研意识和能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文以普通遗传学课程中的果蝇杂交综合实验为载体,培养学生从事生物科学研究的意识和基本技能。安排学生自主设计杂交组合,并在课下完成了从亲本杂交至F2代出现等系列实验过程,引导学生摸拟完成了科研活动中的实验设计、实施、数据分析和论文写作的系统过程,为学生大四的毕业设计以及今后从事科研工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

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