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This study compares the impact of timing of registration on the student learning outcomes of students taking courses at three rural community colleges in the southeastern U.S. during the school years 2001–2003. Findings from this study indicate that early registration has a positive influence on students' grades and course completion rates. Also contributing to differences in student outcomes were student race, Pell Grant status, gender, program of study, and age.  相似文献   

电话和视频等媒介下的交流方式与面对面的交流具有不同的特征.研究在面对面、电话和视频三种交流情境下诱发大班和小班儿童的故事叙事,考察交流情境对学前儿童叙事表现的影响.研究发现:(1)在叙事语境化上,非面对面交流情境表现出显著优势;(2)在心理状态术语上,电话交流情境对小班幼儿有明显的促进作用,而视频交流情境对大班幼儿有明显的促进作用;(3)在叙事结构上,电话交流情境能显著促进小班幼儿的总词汇量和平均句长的表现,而面对面的交流情境能显著促进大班幼儿叙事总词汇量的表现.研究表明,非面对面交流情境对提高儿童的叙事表现有独特的优势,教育者要适当利用或创设远距离交流情境的机会促进儿童对叙事语境变化的敏感性,提高叙事质量.  相似文献   

《百合花》作为茹志娟反映战争生活的作品中最优秀的代表,其最突出的特点乃在于对战争叙事的个人化书写,并具体表现在四个方面:个人化的叙事意图、非宏大的叙事视野、非理想化的英雄人物塑造和感伤的情感基调。  相似文献   

从当研究生到指导研究生——恢复研究生教育30年有感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以自己从我国恢复研究生招生之初当研究生到当下作为博士生导师的亲身经历和事例出发,谈了我国恢复研究生教育30年来取得的巨大成就,分析了30年来我国研究生教育模式发生的一些内在变化,提出了我国在建设高等教育强国过程中如何加强和改进研究生教育的五项建议,即坚持研究生教育的精英人才培养理念,研究生教育要鼓励学科交叉、拓宽学科基础,加强导师队伍建设,关心当前研究生导师队伍自身素质的提高,严格进行研究生的培养过程管理,建立有效的质量监控机制.  相似文献   

We argue that pencil-and-paper testing systematically biases assessment of students and that video and computers can provide very different views on student performance. We explore the different aspects of student performance and the kinds of criteria that might be assessed using video and computers. Our thesis is that educators should rethink student assessment in the light of these new media.  相似文献   

择校是当前世界范围内教育领域的一个颇有争议的问题.国外实证研究显示,没有充分的证据表明择校可以从普遍意义上提高中小学生的学业成就,但对于特定种族的学生来说(如非洲后裔的学生),择校有助于这类学生成绩的改善.本文以国外学者对教育券和特许学校的实证研究为例,在文献分析的基础上从实证研究的视角考察择校对中小学生学业成就的影响,以期为当前我国有关择校问题的讨论提供启示.  相似文献   

This case‐study investigates the impact of personal school experience and initial teacher education on the work of six beginning language teachers. Insights into the thinking and acting of the subjects are gained through an interpretative analysis of their interviews. The findings indicate that one’s own school experience has an important role in constructing practical knowledge during the first years of teaching. Part of this experience is unconscious and difficult to express in words; nevertheless, it has an impact on the actions of the beginning language teacher. Furthermore, the ability of the teachers in the study to use knowledge learned during the teacher education is dependent on their ability to self‐reflect.  相似文献   

跟其他的时间观对中国的小说叙事方式影响不一样,循环状或者说圆形叙事结构是中国传统叙事独特的一种叙事模式,其魅力在于取消了叙事中“绝对”和“停止”两种概念,它使因果相对,首尾相连;使时空成为心灵周而复始、轮回运转的载体,成为生命所有企图、欲望和命运的代名词,在繁复多变的现实时空中创造出全新的体验和心理感受。这种风格是属于中国人对自身的有关命运、个体意识、情感等一系列基本命题的独特的思考和解释方式,其产生的基础是循环时间观。西方的线性时间观是在中国追求“富强”,学习西方科学技术时,被引入中国,其影响到中国追求“发展”与“进步”,影响到中国文学叙事主要是叙事结构上叙事时间线性向前,结尾上指向“光明的未来”。最后进入中国的碎片时间观则影响中国文学叙事消解“宏大叙事”。  相似文献   

Testing aids, including student-prepared testing aids (a.k.a., cheat sheets or crib notes) and open-textbook exams, are common practice in post-secondary assessment. There is a considerable amount of published research that discusses and investigates the impact of these testing aids. However, the findings of this research are contradictory and inconclusive. The current meta-analytic investigation provides a general measure of the impact of both student-prepared testing aids and the use of open-textbook exams on student exam performance in post-secondary education, while examining variables that may moderate the effects of testing aids on student exam performance. The results indicate that, overall, testing aids can produce a moderate impact on student exam performance, with student-prepared testing aids associated with a larger effect (d=.402) relative to open-textbook exams (d = 0.257). The results are discussed in terms of their implications for college course instructors and for informing the broader debate about the role of testing aids in long-term student learning and mastery of course material.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):111-133
This article briefly reviews the current discussion of the effects of test administration conditions (i.e., testing stakes), and the motivational levels associated with them, on achievement test performance. The non-experimental study presented here investigates whether differences in test administration conditions and presumed levels of motivation engendered by different testing environments affect student performance on National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) administrations. The testing conditions under study are the "low-stakes" environment of the current NAG administration and a higher stakes environment typified by many state assessment programs. The results suggest that in comparison to a "moderate-stakes" testing environment NAEP does not seriously underestimate achievement levels. However, the results cannot lead to the conclusion that student achievement is unrelated to testing stakes. Nor can one conclude that substantially raising the stakes of NAEP would not be accompanied by an increase in achievement scores.  相似文献   

在大学生PSC话题说话训练中,我们可以遵循如下原则:循序渐进的原则、抓主要矛盾的原则,因材施教的原则和举一反三的原则并采用如下训练方法:示范法、对比法,创设情境法,逐题过关法。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of universities are offering courses in online and hybrid formats. One challenge in online assessment is the maintenance of academic integrity. We present a thorough statistical analysis to uncover differences in student performance when online exams are administered in a proctored environment (i.e., in class) versus an unproctored environment (i.e., offsite). Controlling for student grade point average (GPA), no significant differences in mean overall course performance or exam performance between the two groups were found, nor were there any differences in the mean vectors of individual exam scores. The study reveals that the group taking online exams in the unproctored environment has significantly more variation in their performance results. In examining potential causes of the greater variation, analyses were performed to assess whether an increased level of possible cheating behavior could be observed from performance results for students in the unproctored section. No evidence of cheating behavior was found.  相似文献   

Curriculum design assumes that successful completion of prerequisite courses will have a positive impact on student performance in courses that require the prerequisite. We recently had the opportunity to test this assumption concerning the relationship between completion of the organic chemistry prerequisite and performance in introductory biochemistry. We found no statistically significant differences between average biochemistry grades or grade distribution among students with or without the organic chemistry prerequisite. However, students who had not completed the organic chemistry prerequisite before biochemistry were more likely to withdraw from the course than those who had completed the prerequisite. In contrast to the lack of correlation between performance in biochemistry and completion of organic chemistry, we observed a strong, highly significant positive relationship between cumulative GPA and the biochemistry grade. Our data suggest that excluding students without organic chemistry would have less positive impact on student success in biochemistry than would providing additional support for all students who enroll in biochemistry with a cumulative GPA below 2.5.  相似文献   

This self-study is an exploratory, autoethnographic journey, aiming towards understanding my becomings through the 14 years of my collaborative experience. It provides a reflective look at the effects of this unique experience on my personal–professional self, questioning my understandings and trying to identify my becomings along these years. Adapting the Deleuze–Guattarian framework, the study draws the spectrum of possibilities that create the rhizomatic connections of the collaborative space and affect the emergent subjectivities of its participants. I discuss the notions of continuity between interior and exterior processes, between the individual and others in the context of the collaborative environment and the inter-relational flux of actual and virtual possibilities. I suggest viewing this process as augmented becoming that embodies the difficulties and turbulence along with sagacity and resilience, an interweaving of rhizomatic formations that affect the ability to change and an inter-subjective ontological coming to know in relation to the learning environment and others' roles in its dynamics.  相似文献   

芬兰教师教育成功的关键原因之一是重视教师绩效评估,并将教师绩效评估看作是教师专业发展的重要手段之一.其绩效评估的内容分别从文化、社会、个人三个层面进行确定,并由专业化的评估机构实施评估工作,在具体评估时重视各评估机构间的交流合作、教师积极工作文化的构建、教师角色的转变和研究型教师培养等.其成功经验可为我国教师教育工作的有效开展提供诸多启示.  相似文献   

During the past two decades institutions of all types have sought to expand and enhance residential facilities. Institutional focus on scale, configuration, amenities, and academic integration has sought to leverage prior research documenting the multiple and often positive impacts of on-campus residence. Although institutional size has been documented to differentially impact student engagement [Kezar, A. J. (2006). NASPA Journal 43(1): 87–114], few studies, however, have directly explored the effect of residential expansion on student engagement. This study, based on a sample of 731 first-time freshmen explores NSSE results before and after the opening of a residential facility that doubled on-campus living at a single, metropolitan institution. Results indicate limited positive differences after opening, and suggest that structure, in the form of size, does not, in and of itself, contribute significantly to shifting engagement. Additionally, these results suggest an alternative method for using NSSE data in institutional analyses.  相似文献   

大学生资助对学业发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多层次、多类型助学体系的推行提高了高等教育的入学机会和可负担性,促进了教育起点的公平.然而学者尚未系统地分析学生资助对个人学习行为、学业发展和成就的影响,因此很难确定资助政策是否也促进了教育过程和结果的公平.本文使用三省19个高校的学生调查数据,分析了学生资助对个人学业发展的影响.研究发现学生资助学习成绩正相关、与课程不及格负相关、与课外学习时间正相关,但是与学校满意度无显著相关关系.由此可见,学生资助在一定程度上促进了教育过程和结果公平.  相似文献   

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