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农村成人教育是一项宏大而又复杂的系统工程,特别是现阶段,有效地开展成人教育为促进农业增效、农民增收,建设和谐农村社区等都有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

农村人力资源开发与农村成人教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
农村劳动力资源数量大且素质低的问题严重影响着农村经济的发展和农民生活水平的提高,无法满足农业现代化发展的需求和全面建设小康社会的需要。要提高劳动力的整体素质和受教育程度,把强大的人力资源转化为人力资本,把人口负担转化为人口财富,就要充分发挥农村成人教育的作用。成人教育是开发农村劳动力资源的有效途径。  相似文献   

扬州是一个典型的以城市来带动农村的城市,其城乡发展存在不平衡性。有效的提高扬州农村的人口素质,实现农村发展方式的转变,以此来提高农民的实际收入和生活水平,有效的缩小城乡差距是扬州农村目前急需解决的问题之一。  相似文献   

Many educators in adult, community and higher education contexts are concerned with fostering reflective learning amongst their students. This paper explores the concept of critical reflection and considers how engaging with fiction may be an innovative pedagogical approach to support critical learning opportunities. Drawing upon interviews with fiction writers, ways in which critical reflection may be encouraged in connection to reading and writing fiction are taken up by exploring three different thematic areas that relate to a Habermasian framework of knowledge constitutive approaches to learning. These different areas can be categorised as (a) technical-rational, (b) humanistic and (c) critical or emancipatory. The first of these considers critical reflection as a way to develop technical capacities as a creative writer. The next section takes up a humanistic framework to explore the value of individual and collective learning opportunities to enhance personal growth and critical reflection. The third area of discussion considers a deeper critical or emancipatory framework of learning through critical reflection which may lead to social change. The paper concludes by considering the value of arts-informed adult education approaches, such as those related to fiction writing, to enhance the development of critical reflection amongst adult learners.  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition of the importance of focusing on people with disabilities (PWDs) in international efforts aimed at poverty alleviation. While universal education has been central to these efforts, the specific and additional needs of children with disabilities are often overlooked in policies and programmes. In order to gain a nuanced appreciation of the lives of young PWDs in a Ghanaian context, this paper draws on research conducted with young PWDs and their significant others in order to understand their educational journeys, employment prospects and perceptions towards disability of those around them. In addition to collecting primary data, the latest policy documents related to disability, education and employment are reviewed and statistical analysis is undertaken based on the Housing and Population Census 2010. Our research highlights the barriers facing those with disability in accessing quality education. While education was recognised as paramount to leading a better life and participants noted benefits beyond employment such as gaining self-sufficiency and social benefits, unequal educational opportunities underpin some of the reasons for the widening of gaps between those with disabilities and their non-disabled counterparts. Furthermore, while education was perceived as important for gaining employment, this was not the case in reality, as young people faced difficulties due to both physical and attitudinal barriers limiting their opportunities for economic and social participation. The paper concludes by noting that systematic changes in the policy arena are needed to enable youth with disabilities to take their rightful place in mainstream society.  相似文献   

近年来,国内的贝克特研究日渐繁荣,尤其是新世纪贝克特百年诞辰以来,贝克特研究又掀起了一个新高潮,他的小说作品逐渐进入学者们的视野。实际上他的小说和戏剧比起来更加成就斐然,主题上深层探讨人类尴尬的生存境遇,表现无序和荒诞不堪的混乱现实,形式上对传统小说的结构模式和语言进行了最大胆的实验创新,内容和形式完美地结合直指存在的虚无、荒诞和意义的缺失。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,王蒙以小说创作实践为基础,建立了他所独有的小说理论体系,这种小说理论又在作家新生的创作经验和小说理念的不断注入中得到了更进一步的丰富和深化,从而逐步具有了鲜明的创新性、时代性,实现了理论与创作之间的和谐互动。  相似文献   

随着二战之后苏格兰重工业的衰退以及民族意识的崛起,阶级书写逐渐成为苏格兰小说的热门话题。当代苏格兰小说孕育了工人阶级小说的第三次高潮,其代表人物凯尔曼、韦尔什和格雷“为工人而艺术”,用现实与幻想相结合的手法,书写了格拉斯哥和爱丁堡工人阶级生存的困境,揭示了阶级与城市、疾病的内在关联,解构了英国政治家所宣扬的“无阶级社会”的神话。  相似文献   

The purpose of this action research study was to determine if a bibliotological approach to literacy with at-risk students met the educational expectations of a remedial reading course while simultaneously accelerating literacy practices and promoting positive youth development. Twenty-four tenth grade students enrolled in a remedial reading course in the southwestern USA participated in a nine-week instructional design that utilized young adult literature as a medium through which to practice literacy skills and strategies while exploring positive youth development simultaneously. Measurement protocols included diagnostic assessments of reading, surveys, Likert-scale inventories, and journals as a way of eliciting students’ voices. Data was analyzed through paired t-tests, Bonferroni Correlation, and typological and inductive coding. Through this approach, all students experienced an increase in self-efficacy, which led to positive youth development and growth in literacy proficiency and practices. Suggestions for future research include the study of this approach in multiple remedial contexts, with multiple young adult texts, and for greater lengths of time. Additionally, a follow-up inquiry to determine potential lasting impact is warranted.  相似文献   

在近代小说中,对于上海都市生活的各个侧面展开了生动的描绘,而都市民俗是其中的一个重要内容。到了近代,上海崛起为国内最有影响力的国际性商业大都会,小说描写上海民俗在保留传统习俗的同时,又表现出强烈的洋场风情。内容上,近代小说中有关上海都市民俗主要集中在岁时节日、婚丧嫁娶、生辰寿诞以及宗教信仰民俗四个方面。  相似文献   

小说史研究于古代小说起有史传说与神话说等,有关稗官的考证在一定程度上也影响着研究对小说起源的认知。本在前人研究的基础上,通过对已有考证的剖析,试从先秦两汉化背景的视角透视古小说的起源。  相似文献   

The majority of the still limited literature on education in non-metropolitan areas adopts an understanding of rurality as a fixed and known geographic entity. This paper departs from such a functionalist perspective to explore how rurality is constructed in a programme for at-risk teenagers in remote Australia. Drawing on a range of texts about the programme, including a documentary series entitled Outback Kids, we examine how the rural space is imagined as simultaneously therapeutic and disciplining and therefore appropriate for troubled youth. Alongside this discussion we map the way in which other qualities and values associated with bifurcated definitions of the rural as a place of tradition and authenticity, and the urban as a place of disorder and pretence, are engaged in the texts to endorse the programme and its practices.  相似文献   

美国后现代派小说在中国尽管已登陆 2 0多年 ,但它究竟意味着什么 ,许多读者不胜了了。这一方面是由于中西在文化心态和审美习惯上有着巨大差异 ,另一方面是由于我们尚缺乏对具体作品细致的揣摩 ,设身处地的感受 ,进入艺术境界的领悟 ,即缺乏微观方面的研究。本文从评析四位美国后现代派代表作家的被视为“现代经典”的四篇后现代派小说出发 ,探讨了美国后现代派文学进行小说写作技巧及语体创新的种种因素 ,认为其发端和发展有着历史的必然性和传统的依托 ,它并不是对传统文学的全面颠覆 ,而是传统文学的延续和补充。  相似文献   

近期小说关于性爱的新探索相对于80年代的婚恋文学侧重情爱的社会性因素的探索,展示了新层面的意义,即注意挖掘婚恋关系中的自然属性的作用,同时探讨人的自然性和社会性的冲突,小说的理性蕴涵更趋合理,虽然至今仍然没有最后的答案,但每一次的努力都是向终极的靠近.  相似文献   

A substantial body of research suggests that incipient moral anxiety is growing in relation to excluded youth, and is manifestly cross-national in nature. While these anxieties are often assumed to be most evident in recent times, historians of childhood and youth persistently remind us of the long history of anxiety recorded in the public record about disadvantaged urban youth [e.g. Gleason. 2013. Small Matters: Canadian Children in Sickness and Health, 1900–1940. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press]. However, the degree and nature of local differentiation in the forms of moral anxiety being generated have yet to be systematically researched in relation to youth exclusion in diverse city spaces. There is also limited research on how senior members living in the same city spaces, many of whom were excluded as young people, remember and re-represent – through individual and collective memory – what it was like to be young in the past [Cubbit. 2007. History and Memory. Manchester: Manchester University Press]. Drawing on cross national studies and diverse sources, including oral history accounts, media representations, and interviews with young people, this article explores the perspectives of low-income young people living at the fringe of two different urban centres and who identified as having experienced varying degrees of educational and/or social exclusion. We argue that such multi-layered analyses challenge the binaries often invoked about inclusion, exclusion and marginalised youth, particularly concerning questions about history, memory, and the bordering and classification practices of individuals [see Balibar. 2009a. We, the People of Europe?: Reflections on Transnational Citizenship. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; Rumford. 2011. Citizens and Borderwork in Contemporary Europe. London: Routledge]. More specifically, the article analyses representations of exclusion, in the present and past, in reference to what Balibar, We, the People of Europe?: Reflections on Transnational Citizenship, has termed ‘borderwork'. Overall, we argue that narratives of risk, forms of border anxiety [Newman. 2006. “Borders and Bordering: Towards an Interdisciplinary Dialogue.” European Journal of Social Theory 9 (2): 171–186] and the consequent moralising claims made about economically disadvantaged youth are crucial in understanding how youth exclusion is represented and remembered, and made and remade across time and place.  相似文献   

晚清政治小说以全新的时空想象,设计国家未来发展模式,这种想象在时间上着眼未来,空间上着眼世界。中国文学开始关注社会现实和走向世界。传统农耕社会的理想是陶渊明描绘的世外桃源,晚清政治小说国家想象超越这种小农的社会乌托邦。政治小说的直接功利性超过了它的艺术性,政治小说本身代表上层知识分子的集体愿望,没有贴近普通民众的想法,因此没有实现新民启蒙的最初目的。  相似文献   


Through an examination of the visual rhetoric of identity presented by reality shows, especially Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, this paper explores ways in which American reality television and related media images construct, deploy, and reiterate visual stereotypes about whites from rural regions of the United States. Its focus is the relationship between image rhetoric and social identity expression and how they converge to create a discourse loop. Combining identity theory and visual rhetoric studies as a unique methodological lens, this paper focuses on why and how stereotypes circulate in the so-called realistic media. The implications of broadening stereotype study to include all varieties of visual artifacts in analysis of specific tropes are particularly important to the study of stereotypes of white rural others, especially since such imagery has increased in volume in recent years and appears in several different types of media.  相似文献   

作文教学是语文教学的重点之一,学生作文出现"太真实"或"太虚假"的现象屡见不鲜,原因何在,如何正确理解"真实、虚假、虚构",写出高质量的文章,是值得语文教师共同探讨的话题.  相似文献   

略论农村教育改革的策略与方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农村的现代化水平,决定着我国的现代化建设的全局。农村教育,是农村发展的基础性条件。现今的农村教育,是以基础教育为主的单一的教育,其目标以升学为主,严重偏离农村社会、经济发展的要求。要走出这种困境,农村职业教育和基础教育,必须在为农村服务的目标下进行融合,转变农村教育观念、办学思想,改革办学模式,改变教育教学方式,同时融入农村成人教育,从而获得农村社会和农村教育的协调发展。  相似文献   

The current study is the first to investigate the school selection considerations and school-related experiences of sexual-minority parents with young children. The sample consisted of 210 parents in 105 couples, including 35 lesbian couples, 30 gay male couples, and 40 heterosexual couples, all of whom had adopted a child three years earlier. We found that parents with less income were more likely to consider cost in choosing a preschool, and parents with less education were more likely to consider location. More educated parents tended to emphasize racial diversity and the presence of adoptive families, and, among sexual-minority parents, the presence of other lesbian/gay parents. Sexual-minority parents were more likely to consider racial diversity than heterosexual parents. In reporting on their experiences with schools, heterosexual parents were more likely to perceive mistreatment due to their adoptive status than sexual-minority parents, and sexual-minority parents living in less gay-friendly communities were more likely to perceive mistreatment due to their sexual orientation than sexual-minority parents living in more gay-friendly communities. Our findings have implications for early childhood educators and administrators seeking to create an inclusive learning community for all types of families.  相似文献   

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