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The article investigates the spread of one of the first pedagogical concepts available worldwide during the first half of the nineteenth century: the monitorial system. Its wide diffusion depended, to a considerable extent, on the work of voluntary organisations. The article investigates the work of the two most important of these, the British and Foreign School Society and the National Society. It focuses on the strategies these two charities employed in acquiring donations in a voluntary sector that was densely populated and highly competitive. Drawing on modern marketing concepts as analytical tools, the article argues that the monitorial system’s wide diffusion was to a considerable extent the result of early forms of marketing. By introducing marketing concepts in the history of education, the article seeks to broaden the debate on the diffusion of educational concepts and, moreover, to contribute to the relatively new field of (nonprofit) marketing history.  相似文献   


The present article aims to analyse academic production about the history of school architecture in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, concerning the development of research trajectories and dialogue between the areas of architecture and education, sources, analysis methodology and periodisation. The latter was based on research developed in Architecture and led to the depreciation of school architecture in the nineteenth century, especially the imperial period, through the assumed absence of specialised education facilities – a claim echoed by education historiography. However, education studies show us the importance of schools built between 1870 and 1889. The research concerning schools built in Campinas, a countryside city, will be specially featured; it showcases a common context between the builders inserted in the local society in the nineteenth century, who took part in the founding of schools and their public. The comparison of architectural approaches aimed at students of different social strata is central. They are part of national projects of emancipation, eradication of illiteracy and cultural development. Methodologies such as the ones developed by Escolano, Viñao Frago, and Bencostta are discussed as perspectives for the analysis of school facilities, considering that these buildings feature meaningful traits connected with their goals, public and idealiser's purposes.  相似文献   

社会流动一直是社会学研究的重要领域,尤其是我国体制改革所引起的农村劳动力大量流入城市的现象,更是引起了国内外学者的关注。在以职业作为社会分层基础的社会里,新生代农民工接受教育是对自身社会生存能力和社会身份的投资。通过接受教育来获取知识和学历,以此来提升自己的经济地位和社会身份。  相似文献   

The main contention of this paper is that the interrelationship between ideology and policy shapes both the overall organisation of refugee education and the operational practices and procedures of staff working to provide education for refugees. Accordingly, this paper tries to answer how the education dimension of the Syrian refugee crisis is managed by the central education authorities in Turkey by assessing the political dynamics and milieu regarding the education of refugees. Building on a document analysis and interviews, this article traces educational administration of Syrian children with a focus on the political dynamics at play affecting the status quo in national education agenda in Turkey. While the impact of the refugee crisis on the greater national education agenda is revealed, the trade-offs involved in adopting certain governance strategies including decentralisation and recentralization is explored.  相似文献   

依据恩格斯的"历史合力论",新世纪文学走向取决于时代生活进程、民族文学传统与世界文学格局的合题效应.20世纪形成的现代文学传统的现实主义主潮有着强大的历史惯性,西方文学的现代主义、后现代主义凭借全球化之风产生极大渗透力,时代生活进程的初始现代化,呼唤直面现实、激励精神的现实主义.三大推动力的合力所致,新世纪文学既以现实主义为主潮,又存在着现代主义与后现代主义新潮.二者建立互动关系之日,便是新世纪文学辉煌之时.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下 ,社会经济体制、生活方式发生了深刻变化 ,为适应这一新形势 ,新世纪高校思想政治工作应该加强 ,努力探索出一条高校思想政治工作的新路子。  相似文献   

在世纪之交启动的我国新一轮基础教育课程改革中,“人”的发展在新课程的理念和实践的架构中均得到了前所未有的重视和彰显,体现出浓郁的人性关怀。这不仅意味着新一轮基础教育课程改革的价值转型,而且使基础教育课程改革主导价值目标的实现有了坚实的基础,实现了对以往历次课程改革的超越。  相似文献   

从新世纪家庭教育发展的需要来分析,家长应该具备品学素养、教育观念和教育理论素养、教育能力素养这三方面的基本教育素质。其中家长教育能力素养应包括了解与分析能力、教育选择与规划能力、建立密切亲子关系能力、家庭教育实施能力、教育协调和沟通能力、家庭教育环境设计能力等。目前家长的教育素质不容乐观,远未达到教育发展的应有要求。为了提升家长的教育素质,各地有关部门应从培养能献身家长教育事业的专家型师资队伍、建构具有中国特色的现代家庭教育理论体系、建设专门化规范性的家长教育网络体系以及建立科学的现代家长教育制度等方面进行努力。  相似文献   

To date, the historical entanglement of disability and happiness has not been considered an object worth of historical inquiry. Nor has the intersection of disability and emotions been used as a lens to examine the history of disability. Our paper aims at filling this academic void by analysing a wide range of philosophical, anthropological, pedagogical, popular and poetic texts dealing with the following question: “Who is unhappiest, the blind or the deaf?” On the basis of a comparative study of Belgian, Dutch, German, Swiss, Austrian, British and American primary source material, we argue that the transformation of western concepts of happiness during the nineteenth century was reflected in attitudes towards people with sensory disabilities. If at the turn of the eighteenth century happiness was considered a sensory experience, it very soon became dependent on the intervention of an educational expert. On the basis of our source material we draw the conclusion that happiness has been an overlooked factor in the construction and problematisation of disability in western societies. Analysis of the ways in which nineteenth-century authors have dealt with this question also shows how happiness became connected to new ways of wielding power, and in particular to the rise of the educational expert.  相似文献   

Current times are witnessing multiple challenges in the economic, political and social domain, which modern citizens and professionals are required to address with an enterprising mindset. Young people have not been left intact by the spirit of new capitalism. In the face of ongoing educational changes on a European level, being a student transcends the boundaries of the school community. Young people thus oscillate between different identities: on the one hand, that of the child who lives in the here and now, and on the other hand, that of the pseudo-adult and in-the-make professional. In this light, the paper explores the new role of the professional student and discusses the implications of a neoliberal student model. It concludes by proposing a more humanistic understanding of the student role, which positions young people in a dynamic learning process and relationship with the world around them.  相似文献   

基于以往人们的研究,探讨了在新世纪的时代背景下教师心理素质面临的挑战,分析了人们对教师心理素质内涵与结构的已有认识,介绍了以往人们对教师良好心理素质教育效应的研究与实践经验。  相似文献   

文化是一个民族经过长期历史积淀而形成的共同的心理特征,它对该民族的教育有深切的影响。从文化历史角度探讨高等教育管理体制的特点更具有合理性,试从历史文化视野和研究角度分析美法两国高等教育管理体制的特点及其影响。  相似文献   

在教育平等的视野下,在相关理论研究的基础上,课题组采用文献法、理论分析法和问卷调查法对我国现行的职业技术教育制度和现实问题进行分析,从社会发展对职业技术教育的影响及要求出发,通过对问题产生根源的追溯以及与其他教育类型的比较,明确职业技术教育的弱势地位,提出教育类型不平等的研究视点;并在教育平等理念的引导下,采用比较研究方法,借鉴发达国家的发展经验,结合我国职业技术教育发展的实际,从制度创新角度研究我国职业技术教育的发展问题,用前瞻性的眼光,提出了职业技术教育制度创新的改革建议。  相似文献   

老子说“势成之”,毕达格拉斯说“万物皆比例”,两个东西方文明大师毫不相干的坦言在势科学的概念下得到了统一。势=差别×联系=差别+距离,所以,势=梯度=斜率;导数=比例。势科学理论的意义不仅在逻辑的层面上将自然科学与社会科学真正统一起来,为填补教育学理论的逻辑缺失开辟了新途径,而且从根本上揭示了人才学习成长和创新及创业的动力学机制。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):107-138

The current study investigates the case of community participation in the Egyptian education with special focus on Fayoum governorate - province - and its experience in developing Boards of Trustees (BOTs) in public schools. Through a field survey with boards of trustees' members, their perception of the BOTs efficiency, effectiveness and problems is analyzed with reference to the theoretical literature and other international experiences. Main findings point to the fact that the Fayoum model is in conformance with the ongoing paradigm in education calling for increasing shared responsibility for provision. Although respondents were generally optimistic about the potential opportunities for BOTs improving the quality of the educational process, yet their evaluation of the real level of their current effectiveness, was not similarly so. Evidently, more needs to be done to transform the experience of the establishment and operationalization of the BOTs, from being merely a form of pseudo participation, into being more genuine.  相似文献   

21世纪高师音乐教育教学改革与人才培养模式思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本就高师音乐教育培养模式与社会对基础音乐教育人才需求的错位、21世纪高师音乐教育如何树立新的基础音乐教育人才培养观以及教育模式、教学方式方法几方面进行了思考,提出了高师音乐教育观念的转变必须适应社会大环境对人才的需要,必须符合教育改革对人才标准的总体要求,必须符合高师音乐教育人才培养目标的见解。在课程结构与设置方面,提出了强化实用技能课程,增设前沿学科课程,补充边沿学科讲座,辐射社会化课堂等设想。  相似文献   

清末新政的新式学堂与教育近代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末新政是清政府为挽救垂危统治采取的应急举措,在新政期间,随教育改革推行,涌现出大批新式学堂,新式学堂从办学宗旨,教学对象,学习内容,办学模式等各方面都体现了现代教育的特征,新政促进了新式学堂大量涌现,促进了中国教育近代化。  相似文献   

During the Ottoman period, ‘science (ilim, pl. ulûm)’, ‘knowledge (marifet, pl. maarif)’ and ‘technique (fen, pl. fünûn)’ emerged as three important concepts of knowledge. Maarif, which came into prominence with Selim III, began to undergo a semantic transformation together with the concepts of ulûm and fünûn and by the time of Mahmud II it had become an overarching concept representing the knowledge dimension of the new era. This article discusses the semantic transformation of maarif, focusing on the period between 1789 and 1839. This study applies the history of concepts approach developed by Reinhart Koselleck, whereby a synchronic analysis of the concept of maarif is undertaken alongside an examination of its diachronic dimension. This reveals an ambiguous and multi-dimensional structure and helps us to account for its evolution as an umbrella term.  相似文献   


This paper offers a review of history of education statistics in Spain, starting in the mid-nineteenth century, describing their traditional means of operation based on censuses, flat tables, and macro-statistical data, which usually display a purely quantitative analysis. Only in recent decades have statistical analyses appeared, supported by modern office tools and parametric data processing, which facilitate qualitative research. Among other types of graphics used, for our purposes those based on serial mapping are especially revealing and useful, as they show the diachronic evolution of the variables analysed. Supported by this methodology, the present study statistically analyses the official data on state primary education in Extremadura in the second half of the nineteenth century, in order to demonstrate how significant the increase in financial investment in the late nineteenth century was and its direct impact on expanding the coverage of the educational network at a regional level. That meant the disappearance of inequalities in all educational standards (school equipment, number of appointments, salaries, gender, etc.) and, therefore, a reduction in illiteracy rates.  相似文献   

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