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Since the practice of consultation first began, primary prevention has been posited as an important outcome. In this article the empirical basis for this element of consultation is examined. It is concluded that consultation's preventive benefits should not be oversold, as at this time there is only emerging evidence for this aspect of the process.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to explore how prospective special educators (PSEs) used and experienced different types of consultation skills in consultation sessions they held with general educators. The participants were 17 PSEs in Finland attending a course in which problem-solving stages and communication skills were taught. The PSEs’ self-reflections on the audio-recorded consultation sessions were analyzed using an interpretative hermeneutical approach with qualitative content analysis. The strategies they used can be described as creating frames and clarity, applying reflective listening, offering keys and lifelines, and supporting the change. The results concerning facilitators indicated that the PSEs found both problem-solving stages and communication skills useful. Several pitfalls indicated that although the PSEs were aware of the consultation skills, they were still unable to apply them flexibly. The results indicated that self-reflection can be used as a tool in PSEs’ consultation training, but as a complement, more supervised consultation training is also needed.  相似文献   

Journal of     
2006年12期这是一场比知识,比脑力的竞赛。我们热情地邀请你和你的伙伴一起走入我们的竞猜天地。你的答案要写在信封的背面寄给我们。贴上赛标,写清你的地址哦!本期竞猜结束的时间为2006年12月31日止1.穿了棉衣为什么会暖和?每当冰天雪地的冬季来临,人们总是穿厚厚的棉衣抵御寒  相似文献   

用一流的条件筑牢发展根基创办于2005年的云梦实验外国语学校,是一所民办初中。在创办之初就按照“大投入,高标准,有品位”的标准进行规划建设。几年来,在云梦县委、政府、人大、政协四大家领导的重视和支持下,在县教育局领导的关心和指导下,  相似文献   

International Applied Linguistics, a new professional, refereed journal, is published quarterly a year by Australian AAP Press. The primary aim of the journal is to fulfill the need for a publication forum devoted to the discussion of topics and issues in Applied Linguistics and TEFL in the world, with a strong preference for contribu-  相似文献   

_9;王友军0009000300020013;000900030008575-576肾宝口服液治疗阳痿临床观察120例总结张春玲,王胜圣,韩冬,王丽莉吉林省中医中药研究院,吉林省中医中药研究院,吉林省中医中药研究院,长春八一医院 长春130021 ,长春130021 ,长春130021 ,  相似文献   

Despite a decade of advances since Zins' 1995 article on prevention, much work lies ahead to make prevention everyday consultation activities for school psychologists. To foster prevention efforts, this commentary discusses how motivational interviewing in school-based consultation (a) might peak consultees' initial interest in change, and (b) address barriers to successfully implementing and maintaining change plans.  相似文献   

The increased participation by parents of children with special needs in the development and implementation of educational and treatment programs has created opportunities for collaborative contacts among the involved professionals and the parents. Professionals can assume a collaborative consultation orientation that can serve to empower parents who in turn are likely to remain lifelong support systems for their children. In this article, we examine the parameters of collaborative consultation in conjunction with the need to develop a family orientation within the consultative process.  相似文献   

作为一个满腹狐疑的家伙,我总怀疑有一种不知名的东西操纵着我,那是命运,那是神奇的力量,那是一只动不动就把你腾空擒起的毛茸茸的大爪子。公元1972年的春天,那只大爪子把我从娘胎里掏了出来,从此我就无奈地姓张了,无奈地成为北方人了,无奈地属老鼠了,还无奈地成为可恨的金牛座  相似文献   

From his review of research on consultation, Zins (1995) Zins, J. E. 1995. Has consultation achieved its primary prevention potential?. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 15: 285301. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] concluded (a) that a paradigm shift to a more prevention-oriented approach was necessary; (b) that systems-level consultation held significant potential; and (c) that systems-level consultation had the most data to support its use in preventive efforts. This commentary reviews promising directions in using school-based systems level consultation to promote primary prevention.  相似文献   

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