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Readers theater is a familiar literacy strategy for children who can read independently; however, it can also be used with younger children who have not yet developed independent reading skills. The purpose of this article is to adapt the concept of readers theater for use with emergent readers. It focuses first on defining readers theater and its many benefits, particularly in the areas of literacy development. Finally, it includes suggestions for successfully implementing a readers theater program with young children.  相似文献   

This qualitative study focused on educators who participated in grassroots social justice groups to explore the role teacher activism can play in the struggle for educational justice. Findings show teacher activists made three overarching commitments: to reconcile their vision for justice with the realities of injustice around them; to work within their classrooms to create liberatory space; and to work collectively against oppression as activists. To enact these commitments, they engaged in particular practices common across the teachers despite their years in the classroom or their geographic location. A framework of teacher activism is revealed through the commitments and practices of the teacher activists, which can help support other teachers who are interested in working toward equity and justice in their classrooms and in the streets.  相似文献   

Teaching BSW and MSW students beginning interviewing and relationship-building skills is essential in order to prepare them for practice with clients. In social work methods courses, role plays are commonly-used instructional strategies for helping foundation-level students acquire these initial practice skills. Despite the popularity of this teaching method, the social work literature contains limited studies on the use of role play. In this study, 2 role-play methods are compared, a traditional one in which social work students act out the role of client and social worker and a nontraditional one where the only difference was that theater students role-played the client. Findings revealed that social work students perceived the nontraditional role play as providing a more realistic experience that more closely approximates actual work with clients. Many unanticipated benefits for both sets of students surfaced as a result of this research. Implications for ways to improve this pedagogical tool are discussed along with suggestions for further evaluating role-play methods.  相似文献   

How can information and critique be introduced into an art project? What can art do? How can it position itself in society today?  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,我国取得了辉煌的成绩,同时也面临着诸多问题.社会财富如何分配,是社会普遍关心的问题.目前我国社会成员之间的收入差距过大引起人们的关注.社会成员财产分布的差距,东西部地区之间、城乡之间、不同行业之间的差距都有拉大的趋势.收入差距问题除了转型期存在一定必然性外,分配体制的扭曲放大了这种差距,政府公共政策的缺失以及腐败问题都影响了收入分配的公平性与合理性.针对收入差距问题,中央已制定了相关政策,其目的是为了缩小收入差距,促进社会和谐.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the impact of a professional play that we developed in order to introduce elementary learners of an urban school to the research of a scientist working at a local university. The play was written in a way that might increase student understandings of the nature of science, scientific inquiry, the identity of scientists, and the work that scientists do. We collected pre-and post-play questionnaire responses and drawings of scientists from third and fourth grade students who attended the play. We also interviewed five of the ten teachers whose students attended the play. Findings indicated that most of these teachers felt strongly that their students had learned about scientific inquiry, the identity of scientists, and the work that scientists do as a result of attending the play. However, less than half of the student questionnaires and drawings of scientists indicated such growth as a result of the play. That being said, numerous students were able to tell us what they learned from the play and many questionnaire responses and drawings indicated such learning. Implications for partnerships between schools and university faculty from various disciplines in order to develop potentially impactful plays that portray authentic scientific research are discussed.  相似文献   

The present research argues that YELL (Youth Education Life Line), a committee of the group AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), faces limitiations in its effort to pressure for frank HIV/AIDS education, not only because of its postmodern approach to education, but also its lack of political and economic resources. Using Touraine's perspective on social movement and the postmodern approach to education, the present research argues that resource mobilization and identity paradigms combined, rather than separately, offer a better theoretical understanding of the new social movement that adolescent activism for frank HIV/AIDS education represents.  相似文献   

文章探讨了可持续发展对于职业技术教育与培训的意义和启示。文章的视角是,可持续发展不仅是一种科学目标,而且应该是在因地制宜的文化引导下寻求社会、经济和自然系统之间动态平衡的努力。这种平衡将促进现在和未来,以及国家、种族、社会阶层和性别之间的公平。作为学习和文化转向的核心,可持续发展目标的实现需要所有人对指导我们行动的价值观和原则进行反思。这种观点要求职业教育与培训工作者重视自己在通识教育上的责任,特别是应该将劳动教育作为提高公民素质、实现可持续发展目标的一部分。这种取向意味着,各种教育项目要为学生提供机会,让他们学会反思自己的价值观,反思这些价值观怎样影响职场行为和生活方式选择,反思如果世界上的每个人都保持现有的观念和行动方式,他们会对社会、经济和环境产生怎样的影响。除此之外,这些项目还应该为学习者提供掌握新知识、技能和价值观的机会,从而为所有人创造一个更公平、更和谐的世界。  相似文献   

As new media proliferate, professors need to be particularly attentive to the ways by which students learn—in and out of the classroom—and how scarce classroom time can be organized. This article argues that professors' comparative advantage lies as an exemplar of discipline‐based thinking. Effective training in how to think about problems (the essence of any discipline) demands that professors embrace the classroom as theater, where business drama and the story it tells can capture the hearts and minds of the student participants. The article talks through a case as theater.  相似文献   

透过沐浴风俗看日本的社会变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本人喜爱沐浴,古来有之。从远古把河流、温泉作为洗浴场所到佛家寺院中的浴堂,从城乡中的公共浴场到家家都有的家庭浴室,日本人的沐浴形式发生了巨大的变迁。而贯穿其中的沐浴心理的变化更是值得研究的一个方面。引起这一系列变迁的原因是多方面的。日本的地理位置,使其拥有星棋布的温泉与众多的河流;日本民族对其他文化的包容,尤其是佛教的兴盛对日本沐浴风俗的形起了极大的推动作用;新生的阶级力量的发展,使日本人沐浴的场所等发生了很大的变化,近代工业化的成功,使沐浴成为日本人人人都可享受的娱乐、休憩的形式。日本社会每一次政治、经济、文化的变革,都给日本人沐浴的动机与形式带来了影响。  相似文献   

This article moves beyond book-based school ‘wide reading’ to propose constellations of multimodal media, including music videos, fashion parades, literary works, online games and material artefacts, along with associated pedagogies, as sponsors of pleasure. The article, based on empirical research with teachers in an Australian secondary school, proposes how the pleasure teachers experience in textual curation and research during curriculum planning might inform understandings of what reading might be for students. The author also considers the barriers to recognising diverse texts as having merit for study. Featuring Mattel’s Barbie, Kanye West and Andy Warhol, the article demonstrates how curation can inspire a vibrant reading fan culture and asks how teachers and students can negotiate or co-design ‘reading for pleasure’ curricula that make meaningful use of learner desires to seek collaboratively and collate creatively traces of meaning across media. Reading is an inevitable, spontaneous and enjoyable aspect of these practices.  相似文献   

作为儒家经典之一的《论语》详尽地记述了儒家美学创始人孔子在春秋晚期社会影响下产生的"仁"、"礼"等思想学说,以及在此基础上产生的社会美学。它讲求美善统一,以社会道德作为评判美的标准,为儒家的社会美学奠定了基本的理论框架。  相似文献   

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