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The study of intercultural communication (IC) has a long history in the Central States Communication Association (CSCA). Some of the earliest work in IC has come from universities in the CSCA region, such as Indiana University (William Starosta) and University of Minnesota (Vernon Jensen and Rosita Albert). Since the inception of the Intercultural Communication Interest Group within CSCA in the early 1990s, IC scholars have contributed immensely to the discipline by studying different aspects of the relationship between communication and culture. Several active IC scholars present their recollections of the development of IC research in this issue.  相似文献   

跨文化传播的全球化背景   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
我们面临着传播全球化的时代 ,不同文化间的传播活动正以日新月异的方式加速世界一体化的进程 ,这种跨文化传播的产生机制是什么 ?传播的作用以及对传播生态的影响是什么 ?文章就这三个命题略做阐述  相似文献   

I describe my approach to writing this essay as one of interiority, of exploring my deep inner thoughts and reflections on why I did what I did in CSCA over the years. Beyond saying that my CSCA activities were my attempt to be a good citizen of the academy through what is normalized as professional participation, I, through deeper reflection, now aim to write an African American female scholar’s interiority as discursive content.  相似文献   

论“风险社会”危机的跨文化传播   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
世界已经进入“风险社会,”风险并非自然的风险,乃是“人造风险”。风险具有全球性、知识依赖性和“不确定性”等特征,对危机的跨文化传播研究显得尤为必要和紧迫。传媒具有风险认知和沟通功能,预测、凸现隐形的风险并对现实危机进行“定义”、“冠名,”以提高不同文化背景下的人们对同一危机的“在场感”以及经验、认知的相互交流。大众传媒要尽量减少传播的悖论和破除话语中心论,同时,对危机的跨文化传播研究应该从研究“误传”、“误读”转向研究如何协调合作与建构意义。  相似文献   

Research in intercultural communication competence (ICC) has flourished in the past several decades, arguably due to its relevance in an increasingly multicultural world. In fact the pervasive pragmatic relevance of effective and appropriate engagement with cultural diversity has spurred intercultural or cultural “competence” research in a variety of disciplines. While some scholars question the very concept of ICC as a Western formulation, researchers’ interest in studying the phenomenon of authentic, positive connection between individuals from different cultures is indisputable.  相似文献   

This essay works to debunk the myth that the Central States region is a less-than-ideal location for intercultural communication scholarship. The essay also explores how co-cultural theorizing scholarship—a product of living/teaching/learning in the Midwest—reflects a significant contribution to intercultural communication scholarship.  相似文献   

Recently, a new model of intercultural communication was proposed and later empirically tested (Arasaratnam, 2004 Arasaratnam , L. A. ( 2004 ). Intercultural communication competence: Development and empirical validation of a new model . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association , New Orleans , LA . [Google Scholar]; Arasaratnam & Doerfel, 2005 Arasaratnam , L. A. & Doerfel , M. L. ( 2005 ). Intercultural communication competence: Identifying key components from multicultural perspectives . International Journal of Intercultural Relations , 29 , 137163 . [CSA] [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The present study was designed to further test the model and address the limitations of the previous test. Survey data were collected from participants (N = 400) and analyzed using regression analyses. The results mostly supported the previous model. These results plus some new findings in the relationship between empathy and intercultural communication competence are discussed.  相似文献   

跨文化传播的焦虑常常表现为文化身份焦虑,其原因可从“自我不一致”理论、归因理论以及认知失调理论中得到解释。要摆脱焦虑,必须回到文化的主体间性上来建构文化身份,使之处于动态的过程之中。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):379-397
Difference between cultures is one of the foci of cross-cultural and intercultural communication research. Difference is often viewed as a problematic source of misunderstanding and conflict. Dialogic scholarship is extensive in interpersonal, organizational, and public communication. However, in the field of intercultural communication, the dialogic approach has not yet been explicitly explored. Based on the dialogic theories of Buber, Levinas, and Bakhtin, this paper argues that to be intercultural is to be dialogic, to celebrate difference, otherness, and plurality. This paper further proposes a critical dialogic approach to understanding difference in intercultural communication, which values both the grand narratives about intercultural power relations and the local meanings of situated intercultural interaction and competing discourses.  相似文献   

The concept of the sojourner has been studied in a variety of contexts, such as business, education, and international aid. However, there is as yet no communication research on the topic of the crisis sojourner. Consequently, the goal of this study was to explore experiences of crisis sojourners to determine what they perceive as effective and ineffective communication in intercultural settings. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 emergency responders who deploy internationally following events such as the earthquake in Haiti or the Fukushima meltdown. Results showed crisis sojourners from this population were aware of cultural differences and highly alert to the emotional and physical pain of those they were attempting to assist. Furthermore, they were cognizant of cultural norms and had a strong desire to respect local values. These results yield implications for individuals who work as crisis sojourners, and questions about the need for intercultural crisis communication education for those who face such situations routinely.  相似文献   

跨文化传播学主体间性研究探讨世界的所有可以称为主体的文化之间的交流、对话、沟通、交往等等的关系属性。跨文化新闻传播话语的意义可以从意识形态、社会化过程、话语形式、面子体系和文本间性几个层面来剖析。  相似文献   

跨文化传播与未成年人成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童兵 《现代传播》2005,(3):7-10
中国处于密集的跨文化传播信息流包围之中。跨文化传播对未成年人成长所产生的影响,和对他们人生观和身心特征的塑造与教化,受到人们的深切关注。西方发达国家通过跨文化传播寻找到同中国未成年人进行文化沟通的特殊渠道。海外媒介产品的不断进入,对我国青少年扩大知识面、了解全球情况具有积极意义。由于价值观和生活方式的不同,西方传媒产品不可避免地有着负面影响,尤其是暴力、色情等内容,对未成年人成长是有害的。为此,对未成年人进行媒介素质教育具有重要作用。政府、学校、从事未成年人工作的各种机构以及传媒界应从不同角度努力,把媒介素质教育抓紧抓好。  相似文献   

After publishing a controversial essay on 9/11, Professor Ward Churchill's scholarship and personal identity were subjected to a hostile public investigation. Evidence that Churchill had invented his American Indian identity created vehemence among many professors and tribal leaders who dismissed Churchill because he was not a “real Indian.” This essay examines the discourses of racial authenticity employed to distance Churchill from tribal communities and American Indian scholarship. Responses to Churchill's academic and ethnic self-identification have retrenched a racialized definition of tribal identity defined by a narrow concept of blood. Employing what I term blood-speak, Churchill's opponents harness a biological concept of race that functions as an instrument of exclusion and a barrier to coalitional politics.  相似文献   


Librarians need to be aware of cultural differences in how Asian students communicate and how they use libraries. Strategies and tips are provided to assist reference librarians to have successful interactions with the growing population of Asian LL.M students at American law schools.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):32-36
Course: Intercultural Communication

Objectives: Students will challenge their assumptions about other cultures and question ethnocentric understandings of other cultures  相似文献   

Although neuroscientifically informed mothering advice manuals published in the past 15 years speak in the languages of liberation, empowerment, and self-realization, I argue that they ultimately imbricate women in ever-more-dense networks of authority, expertise, and government, and contribute to the proliferation of entrepreneurial models of self-conduct that comprises the defining feature of American neoliberalism. This rhetoric situates motherhood as a practice of freedom, both drawing from and contributing to affective forces that suture freedom to economic models of conduct. Through these discourses, emotion-centric, self-interested mothering practices become a key site for the production and reproduction of entrepreneurial selves.  相似文献   

和而不同:全球化时代的中西方文化传播   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在经济全球化时代 ,经济资源的最佳配置 ,促使文化产业和中西方文化传播交流迅速发展 ;网络媒体的兴起 ,促使全球信息化的步伐加快。在中西方文化传播与交流中 ,由于各国各民族的地理位置、生活习惯、历史积淀和价值观念的不同 ,会产生文化的差异和矛盾 ,由此形成隔阂和冲突。中国在与世界特别是与西方的文化交流与沟通中 ,弘扬和保持中国的特色文化 ,学习和吸收世界的优秀文化 ,摒弃和反对西方的腐朽、霸权文化 ,以“和而不同”的理念为准则 ,为实现“一个世界 ,多种文化”的互通互利、相得益彰的文化交往 ,做出中国人自己的积极贡献  相似文献   

本文通过对当代中美政治修辞观念演进的历史梳理,对中美政治修辞文本构成的核心要素的比较,分析中美在政治修辞认识论与方法论上的异同,并尝试提出新时期中国政治修辞的策略要点。本文认为,政治修辞对实现跨文化认同具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

Museums, memorials, and other historic places are key sites in the construction of collective memory and national identity. The Plains Indian Museum in Cody, Wyoming is one such space of memory where the (pre)history of “America” and its native peoples is told. Based on the view of texts as experiential landscapes, it is argued that this museum works to absolve Anglo-visitors of the social guilt regarding Western conquest through a rhetoric of reverence. This rhetorical mode invites visitors to adopt a respectful, but distanced observational gaze. A concluding section assesses the social and political consequences of memorializing in this mode.  相似文献   

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