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This article examines some characteristics of art education in Korea. It takes the form of a historical overview using a postcolonial lens. The findings were that the predominant Western aesthetic concepts and theories as central culture embodied in Korean art education as local culture are: (i) ideas of art as self‐expression developed in Europe and the USA between the 1920s and 1950s; (ii) the concept of art in daily living in the USA in the 1930s; (iii) design elements and principles by Arthur Wesley Dow in the USA in the 1920s; (iv) Bauhaus design theory in Europe in the 1920s; and (v) the appreciation of nature beauty by John Ruskin in the late nineteenth century in England. These educational ideas have been influential on policy‐making in Korean art education, and therefore new concepts are integrated with these elements for curriculum changes. In this way, the characteristic of the colonised Korean art curriculum is so hybrid that it is difficult to understand the concepts and the practical implications of the various policies for art teaching. Consequently, it has not served the issues of cultural diversity and pluralism that are so problematic in twenty‐first century Korean society.  相似文献   

艺术教育的社会价值和功能是现当代素质教育中普遍关注的问题。艺术家的艺术教育思想和成就是艺术教育的基石。19世纪英国艺术批评家、美学家约翰·拉斯金的艺术教育思想影响了工业革命以后的英国乃至世界,他的艺术教育理论具有独特的历史地位和价值,在强调审美教育和素质教育的今天,对于我们更好地完善和普及艺术教育具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

Two intensive drawing weekends were held to at Bath Spa University College, School of Art & Design – in September 2001 and again in 2002. The weekends are designed as ‘taster’ events for the NSEAD Artist–Teacher Scheme and have been a joint venture between the Society and ‘Power Drawing’ the education programme of ‘The Campaign for Drawing’. The Artist–Teacher Scheme is based on the simple belief that art and design teachers who maintain their own creative practice are significantly more effective in the classroom or studio and more likely to be satisfied with their work in education. The scheme aims to provide opportunities for artist–teachers to review and develop their creative practice in relation to the highest levels of contemporary practice in the contexts of higher education institutions and art museums and galleries. The Campaign for Drawing is led by the Guild of St George, a charity founded by John Ruskin. It aims to promote visual literacy as an integral part of learning at all ages, to investigate the functions of drawing across the curriculum and to develop appropriate learning and teaching strategies. Artist Teachers who have led the weekends include Eileen Adams (Education Programme Leader Power Drawing), Sonia Boyce, Bob Briggs, Peter Feroze, John McNorton, Sheila Paine, Lesley Sanderson and Tom Wood. Over 100 teachers have experienced the drawing weekend to date and another event is planned for 2003.  相似文献   

Drawing books can be seen as a vital component to teaching and learning art. They serve as an excellent resource for understanding the historical context of teaching drawing. As the industrial revolution geared forward in the nineteenth century, drawing books became a crucial source for sharing and disseminating educational philosophies for the teaching of drawing as well as understanding artistic practices. Serving many informal and traditional educational contexts, drawing books can be seen as evidence of how people learned or were taught. Although many accounts of teaching of drawing are known, little is documented about the many drawing manuals developed by art educators in England and its colonies, specifically India. This article examines nineteenth‐century drawing books by George Wallis (1811–91) and Ernest Beinfeld Havell (1861–1934) and the subsequent influence of these books on art education in England and India. Through comparison between the different approaches of authoring these drawing books, one could argue that both Havell and Wallis pursued nationalistic and personal goals by juxtaposing the authoring styles of their books. It was evident that George Wallis’ authorship of his drawing books was grounded in his philosophy of education, appreciation for design education, and dedication to England. Havell's drawing books, on the other hand, attempted to provide students with the knowledge of Indian sculpture, architecture and painting thereby exposing them to India's artistic heritage as well as raising awareness about utilising Indian art as the basis of instruction at the Indian art schools as part of the larger Indian nationalist movement against British rule. Their histories cumulatively bring to print a specific account of drawing manuals used during the nineteenth century and their influence on the teaching and learning of drawing in England and India.  相似文献   

朱光潜先生在其著名的《谈美》中对英国美学家、艺术批评家约翰·罗斯金的美学观提出了批评,认为罗斯金混淆了美感与快感,过于强调艺术对自然的刻意模仿。但如果对罗斯金的著作作更全面的了解,我们会发现朱光潜对罗斯金的批评在某种程度上有失公正,他的批评对国内读者了解一个真实的罗斯金容易产生一些负面影响。罗斯金的“典型美”和“生命美”等美学理论是他界定“美感”的核心依据。在对待自然与艺术的关系上,罗斯金并非像朱光潜所批评的认为艺术家应该对自然不加任何选择,而是强调其想象力的参与。  相似文献   

在中学历史教学中文学艺术亦可发挥其美育功能.笔者从历史典故、诗词、音乐戏剧、书画艺术、遗型艺术等方面论述了在历史教学中如何进行美育的渗透;主张在讲述各个国家、各个历史时期的文学艺术时,不仅要引导学生了解它们,理解它们对促进人类社会文明进步所起的巨大作用,而且还应该充分利用这些材料对学生进行美育的渗透.  相似文献   

福禄培尔从人的创造本质出发,阐发了自我表现是人的本质的自我表现,儿童的活动是创造本能的基础,明确提出了培养人的创造性的教育目的观,指出了艺术、游戏、恩物在儿童创造力培养过程中的地位与作用。福禄培尔的创造教育思想对我们今天的教育具有重要启发意义。  相似文献   

This paper compares provision for and the practice of craft education in England and Wales and Japan. Particular attention is given to craft within the National Curriculum subject of art in England and Wales and Japan at lower secondary level and to current perceptions of its educational value. Some of the key dilemmas faced by both English/Welsh and Japanese policymakers and practitioners are identified, together with cultural factors impacting on the status of craft and its successful implementation. We conclude by reflecting on the value of comparative studies of education to the research teams concerned.  相似文献   

This aim of this research was to investigate art teacher education in Taiwan and England to gain insights into two art education systems with a view to improving art teacher education in Taiwan. To achieve this aim, a cross‐cultural study using a multi‐method approach was adopted and data was collected over three years of full‐time study in England and four academic years of reflection on teaching in art teacher education in Taiwan. This research revealed how complex and hazardous it is to state categorically what the similarities and differences really are between two art teacher education systems, especially in a subject as ill‐defined as art. Nonetheless, this study did produce some important differences in the two art teacher education systems in aspects of (1) government regulations and institutional provision, (2) theoretical underpinning, (3) art curriculum policy and delivery, and (4) cultural differences affecting art teachers' attitudes and values.  相似文献   

Europe's commitment to language learning has resulted in higher percentages of pupils studying foreign languages during primary education. In England, recent policy decisions to expand foreign language learning at primary level by 2010 create major implications for transition to secondary. This paper presents findings on transition issues from case studies of a DfES-funded project evaluating 19 local authority Pathfinders piloting the introduction of foreign language learning at primary level. Research on transition in other countries sets these findings in context. Finally, it investigates the challenges England faces for transition in the light of this expansion and discusses future implications.  相似文献   

Japan has often been criticized for allegedly teaching its schoolchildren about the history of Imperial Japan 1895–1945 in selective and misleading ways. Is this criticism justified, and how does it compare with the record of another former colonial power in East Asia: England? International criticism of history teaching in England has been insignificant when compared with criticism of Japan. Yet how much are English schoolchildren taught about the British Empire?This paper is based upon documentary study of national curricula and examinations, together with observations of history lessons at several secondary schools in Japan and in England, as well as interviews with history teachers in both countries, with university students in Japan, and with high-school students in England. It argues that both Japan and England devote relatively little curricular time to the study of their respective imperial pasts. However, this is not necessarily because of a deliberate cover-up of the facts. In each country, teaching about imperialism is partly determined by the way history as a subject is taught. In order to change the way children learn about imperialism, it may be necessary to change the philosophy and practice of history teaching as a whole.  相似文献   

My aim in this paper is to raise the question of educational authority in terms of a philosophical and historical understanding in the context of a democratic polity. In particular, I wish to advance the view that educational authority in England is not well-founded since it resides increasingly with the Secretary of State for Education. This fails to reflect the public nature of education and also local conditions. The lack of appropriate authority contributes to many problems, the most prominent of which are the contested nature of education and schools provision and the frustrating fact that policies at national level change so frequently. Drawing on the discussion in Amy Gutmann’s Democratic Education, it examines differing conceptions of educational authority and proposes a tentative solution, which draws on the experience of the School Boards movement in England, 1870–1902.  相似文献   

藏书票作为一个独立的艺术样式和文化载体,形式多样,内容丰富,集绘画、设计、雕刻、印刷于一体,具有很强的思想性和创造性。学生通过藏书票的制作与创作,使心、眼、手得到全面训练,提高了独立思考、审美判断以及整体把握事物的综合能力,挖掘了学生的潜力,使学生的综合素质得到全面的提升,在素质教育中起着不可低估的作用。  相似文献   

James Callaghan's speech at Ruskin College, Oxford in October 1976 is widely considered a pivotal moment in modern English educational policy. Whilst it is not our intention to challenge this fundamental point, the paper will critically interrogate some long-held assumptions about the motivation that led Callaghan to deliver his speech at Ruskin College. Specifically, the paper will argue that the Ruskin Speech, which spawned a subsequent great debate on education, was motivated by a desire to protect and support comprehensive education, rather than generate more fundamental and radical educational reform away from those principles. Where successive governments have referred back to the ideals espoused by the speech as justification for subsequent educational transformation away from comprehensive ideals, this has only served to imbue the Ruskin Speech and Great Debate with motivations that were not shared at the time by Callaghan and his Labour government.  相似文献   

后现代主义发端于英国 ,盛行于美国 ,遍及欧洲。它是现代主义的逆反。现代主义艺术服从形式美的法则 ,宣扬抽象主义 ,提倡个人风格 ;后现代主义艺术则否定形式美的法则 ,反对抽象主义 ,取消人个风格。提倡艺术即生活 ,一切皆艺术 ,人人都是艺术家 ,现成品即艺术品 ,艺术与非艺术没有界限。这种泛艺术化的论调 ,必然导致真正的艺术的取消。  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical critique of citizenship education in England and Wales, as a means of raising pedagogical considerations for teachers, and policy issues for curriculum makers and planners. Drawing on a range of recent empirical studies, we construct an analysis of practice and suggest that differences between dominant models of citizenship in England and Wales owe much to their histories. We suggest that such differences create opportunities for new curriculum‐making practices as well as democratic possibilities in the context of citizenship education, at a time when curricula in both England and Wales are under revision. Considering school councils/forums as an exemplar of practice common to both contexts, we question the wisdom of schools employing a narrow conception of active citizenship, via forums, in order to demonstrate they are satisfying the relevant requirements of the Order for Citizenship in England, and aspects of the Personal and Social Education curriculum in Wales. While the exemplars are both from the UK context the arguments apply beyond these borders and to more general concerns regarding the development of global citizenship.  相似文献   

Life is multiplex; information is ubiquitous. We do our best to learn, but we struggle not to forget. The demand to “know” is powerful; the experience of living can often feel overwhelming. We desire a better way of looking at the world around us. John Ruskin reminds us that it is a good thing to start small. He asks us to look, to train our eyes to see detail. He teaches us to appreciate the one thing for its own sake; it is by appreciating the one thing that we are enabled to better appreciate the world around us.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest among researchers in the impact of locality on young people who are inactive and not engaged in education, employment or training (NEETs). Previous research on this, however, is rather limited and does not account for a number of characteristics that mediate the effects of disadvantaged neighbourhoods on transition outcomes. This study investigates the effects of neighbourhood context on young people who experience NEET status at the ages 18 to 19 in one cohort born in 1989/90 in the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE). The analyses control for a wide range of factors which may affect NEET status. Drawing on previous sociological theories, we develop a theoretical framework that specifies four levels of influence on young people’s development: individual, family, school and peer group characteristics. Potential pathways between neighbourhood context and individual outcomes are explored using a logistic regression model. We demonstrate that there is a higher probability for young people who live in high-crime areas to become NEETs in comparison to those who live in less-deprived areas.  相似文献   

Teacher education issues are high on the policy agenda across Europe. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (2006) is gaining momentum and providing a force for change, supported by many communications both internationally and at European level that recognize how central education is in efforts to develop a more equitable society. In moving towards a more inclusive education system, there is a need to train all teachers to meet the diverse needs of all learners in their classrooms and to work collaboratively with colleagues. Drawing on key documents, this article outlines the policy context and reviews the available evidence supporting the move towards teacher education for inclusion across Europe. It presents the work of the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, to highlight some of the opportunities and challenges within its member countries in addressing teacher education for inclusion.  相似文献   

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