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At tribal colleges and universities, libraries are challenged to serve Indigenous communities while supporting Western formal education. In this article, we examine three tribal higher education institutions in the southwestern United States: Diné College, the Institute of American Indian Arts, and Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute. In examining the collections and their use at these libraries, we find multiple strategies to “center” Indigenous knowledge despite most materials being written by and for non-Natives. We hope the strategies present here can inspire people at libraries of all types to consider ways to include the diverse perspectives of their own communities.  相似文献   

This survey of official U.S. tribal websites examined sites for documentary materials of importance to each tribe that have been archived online, including such materials as historical essays, photos, videos, maps, newspapers, legal and historical documents, historical images, books, pamphlets, bibliographies, cultural and language materials. The materials found on those websites appear to be intended for the use of both tribal members and the general public. The result of the survey was to show that many of the same types of documentary materials held in tribal archives are also available on official websites, and to produce a current snapshot of the large array of tribal records which have been made openly available, although the length of time each document will be available on each site is unknown.  相似文献   


Outreach services provided by rural public libraries are crucial to fulfilling their mission to provide information access to the widest array of user groups. Particular socioeconomic and geographic factors in rural areas present challenges of access to information resources, yet there exists only a limited amount of published scholarly work examining outreach services provided specifically by rural public libraries. This case study of outreach services to elder users offers contextual evidence for the centrality of social equity and access to the larger work of rural public libraries. Primary data were collected through four semi-structured focus group meetings conducted with elder users of the agency’s outreach services as well as through narrative interviews with six agency staff members. Principal findings showed that elder users had particular information needs related to entertainment and intellectual stimulation, challenges of transportation, and a limited access to technology and internet service. WCPL outreach services were found to positively impact the lives and general well-being of elder users by providing vital social and community connections and serving as a key link for elder users to an institution understood to be central to the life of the community in general.  相似文献   

This column describes the approaches taken by librarians and staff at James Madison University (JMU) Libraries & Educational Technologies (LET) to extend library support to university athletics. The model resembles that used for outreach to academic programs and was first adapted to the semi-clinical, nonacademic Strength & Conditioning Department, then to JMU Athletics as a whole. Librarians offered targeted instructional sessions, orientations, and asynchronous learning modules embedded in the learning management system. This new relationship has provided an opportunity for broader collaboration, increasing LET’s presence across campus.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Seed libraries are a relatively new innovation in the library field, offering seeds, gardening information, and the opportunity for community and ecological engagement to members. While they are increasingly popular in public libraries, they have not yet established a foothold in academic libraries. This paper defines the nature and role of seed libraries, the current state of seed libraries in North American universities, and offers recommendations for the establishment of seed libraries in academic libraries.  相似文献   

The Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine’s (OUWB) service-oriented mission and vision is reflected in all aspects of the school including its culture, curriculum, research, community engagement, and the OUWB Medical Library. Though starting informally, the OUWB Medical Library’s outreach program has matured and now sustains a wide array of activities each year. This outreach program has blossomed into a three-pronged model that is inclusive of activities and endeavors engaging the institution and local community: integrate, partner, and create. Among its successes and challenges, the library’s ongoing outreach efforts have showcased the value of libraries in promoting community health and meaningfully contributing to the institutional mission.  相似文献   

While the topic of community engagement in public libraries has been researched in urban public library systems, little research explores community engagement in rural library systems. The Canadian province of Nova Scotia is largely rural and sparsely populated, with a dwindling and aging rural population. This report examines how community engagement can connect Nova Scotia’s rural public libraries with their communities. Librarians from eight predominantly rural library systems across the province were interviewed regarding the community engagement practices currently being used within their libraries and how their patrons (particularly youth) were reacting and responding to these practices. This article synthesizes the information derived from these interviews and provides a summary of the community engagement efforts being made throughout Nova Scotia. This study ultimately determines that while librarians in rural communities face a number of challenges when attempting to implement community engagement (e.g., small budgets and low staffing numbers), they remain extremely passionate about the topic and dedicated to serving their communities in the most meaningful and relevant way possible.  相似文献   

Common reading programs have become increasingly popular on college and university campuses as a means for increasing student engagement, retention, and success. This article describes the characteristics, goals, and benefits of common reading programs and provides examples from the literature of academic library involvement in them. Finally, an example is provided of how one academic health sciences library participated in its institution’s First-Year Summer Reading program.  相似文献   

Federal Indian policy in the United States historically reflects both the hard-headed pragmatism of the nation and its quixotic romanticism. Researchers can identify roughly drawn policy epochs and policy motivations, but there were no clean slates as policy shifted. The legal history of a tribe reflects the accumulated—and often contradictory—impact of changing federal policy. Complexity was added to the government's approach by the application of single-minded policies to the exceedingly diverse native groups within the nation's borders. An understanding of evolving federal policy offers useful insights and a basis for creative legal theories.  相似文献   

This article is written by Kris Turner is the Associate Director of Public Services at the University of Wisconsin Law Library. He holds a MLS from the University of Wisconsin. He is currently attending University of Wisconsin Law School part-time and expects to receive his JD in 2020. Special libraries must effectively communicate value to prove the library’s worth to stakeholders making budgetary decisions. The University of Wisconsin Law Library embarked on a campaign of aggressive helpfulness to better serve existing patrons and reach under-served populations. The library implemented a three-pronged strategy that used formal workshops, informal events, and social media to emphasize the value the library provides. This article discusses the techniques used by the law library to better communicate value through aggressive helpfulness and provides tips on how other special libraries can successfully implement their own proactive outreach.  相似文献   


This article explores ways that academic libraries can promote their resources and services, as well as their roles in their communities with the help of Pinterest. It is the first study to examine the usage of Pinterest in an academic library of Bangladesh. Academic libraries have many options for using Pinterest to enhance resources and services. It is a versatile way for academic libraries to connect with patrons as well as reach patrons to enlighten about the significance of the library’s roles in communities. This article provides a literature review giving a special focus on the opportunities of using Pinterest for academic libraries. In addition, the author provides examples of successful ways of using the Pinterest account of East West University library, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Public libraries across the country design and deliver programs for military veterans and their families, often collaborating with other organizations and agencies. The examples were assembled from both general and specialized interviews with librarians, and literature and Internet searches, with summaries of programs assembled and written by multiple researchers. The specific limitations on the listing in this article are clearly outlined in the first section. Overall, however, the article provides a good introductory overview of what’s going on in veteran’s programs and services in America’s public libraries in over seventy libraries in forty states. We hope this list of what public libraries have organized or are doing will supply other public librarians with ideas on how to provide new services or enhance their existing ones.  相似文献   

Academic libraries worldwide use social media to inform and connect with users. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries is no different and must keep up with rapidly evolving platforms and user expectations. When our presence stretched across twenty-two channels, we needed to ensure that social media efforts were managed in the most effective and efficient manner possible. To develop a research-based, unified vision for communication for new media, we scanned the literature in the library and public relations fields and then surveyed librarians to address identified gaps. Based on results, we offer recommendations focused on best management practices and strong content strategies.  相似文献   

Lara Aase 《资料收集管理》2017,42(3-4):139-158

In the fall semester of 2016, Delaney Southwest Research Library at Fort Lewis College researched user experience, particularly of Native American undergraduate students. Results showed that Native American students were more concerned about appropriate terminology, representative content, and effective organization of the library than non-Native students were. This research will help the library improve services through collection evaluation, shelf rearrangement, library instruction, and, potentially, reclassification of Native American materials to improve browsability, house culturally sensitive material respectfully, and increase user satisfaction with our special collections.  相似文献   

采用数据统计研究法,对湖南大学图书馆数字资源的使用情况进行调查分析。根据不同类型读者对馆藏数字资源的需求及利用情况,对高校图书馆数字资源建设提出建议。  相似文献   

This study engages public services librarians and librarians in administrative or managerial positions in a conversation about LGBTQ student needs. Using a sample from the Campus Pride Index’s Best 25 LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities, the researchers gathered information regarding outreach, collections, facilities, services, and policies for LGBTQ students. The results of this survey suggest that, while there is a great deal of support for LGBTQ students among librarians, the Campus Pride criteria is not entirely being met. There is an unclear delineation between the role of the library in promoting LGBTQ friendliness, and the role of the larger university, which may be related to the uncertain position of the library in the campus environment. However, the empathy that librarians in both decision and non-decision making roles have towards LGBTQ students opens up the possibility of deeper conversations and proactive, innovative support services in the future.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 毕业生是高校图书馆的特定用户之一,对"毕业季"延伸服务和活动进行调查与分析,可为相关实践工作提供参考。[方法/过程] 对2017年高校图书馆"毕业季"延伸服务和活动的网页新闻发布、微信推送情况进行抽样调查,并分析其总体特点。[结果/结论] 从专项经费和运营团队、馆员的情感与精力、经典项目、创意服务、与校友延伸服务对接、品牌化与推广方面,提出改进高校图书馆"毕业季"延伸服务的建议。  相似文献   

Parents are important aspects of our students' academic lives, and as such, should be acknowledged and considered as allies and potential partners with libraries. This article presents ideas for many ways in which libraries can engage with parents and families, while also exploring the benefits of such efforts. The broad areas in which these efforts fall include 1) overall student success, 2) connecting with other student-supporting and student-reaching entities on campus, and 3) supporting the critical efforts of student recruitment and retention. In this article, examples of different parent engagement opportunities are also discussed, including involvement in campus events, engaging with parent associations, considerations of legacy engagement, and collaboration with other campus units. The results of these parent-library initiatives and connections can help accomplish a variety of things including supporting student academic success, ensuring that the library is involved in other university student outreach efforts, contributing to development and fundraising activities and finally, supporting the recruitment and retention of students.  相似文献   

The Authors@UF program series emerged to showcase the scholarship and creativity of faculty, creating an intellectual forum within the academic library, and providing informal, extra-curriculum, academic engagement between students and faculty outside the classroom. This article identifies steps to launch an author program, and considerations in finding authors, locating the event, publicizing, budgeting, catering, selling books, and creating an off-shoot vehicle (i.e., “The Authors@UF Bookshelf”) to place University of Florida (UF) authors in the institutional repository. This new UF program embraced current academic library service trends, expanded roles for library liaisons, and advanced the library's fundamental role as an intellectual forum for the campus community.  相似文献   

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