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保护非物质文化遗产:警惕档案机构边缘化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
档案机构在非物质文化遗产保护工作中被边缘化。档案机构参与非物质文化遗产保护工作有法可依,非物质文化遗产保护工作实践离不开档案机构,非物质文化遗产保护工作联席会议需要档案机构的加入。政府应尽快把档案机构引入非物质文化遗产保护工作的联动机制,形成保护非物质文化遗产的更大合力,必收事半功倍之效。  相似文献   

This article uses the Chipko movement in northeastern India to propose an additional way to think alternatively about communication and development. The Chipko movement took place in the 1970s. Movement members demanded better local resource management by the state and for a greater voice in the determining the use of the local forests. Acknowledging that alternatives to the dominant paradigm of communication and development already exist (the participatory communication models and the participatory action research models), this essay shows even these alternatives did not address certain problems associated with the dominant paradigm. After a brief review of the dominant paradigm and the alternatives this article examines certain dimensions of the Chipko movement, such as the role of movement leaders, resource management, and strategies of communication, and argues that a Chipko-based ‘regions in protest’ model should take a place among the various models posed as alternatives to the dominant paradigm.  相似文献   

刘红霞  费郁红 《编辑学报》2007,19(6):410-412
作为科技期刊学的重要分支学科,科技期刊传播学研究是21世纪科技期刊研究的发展方向之一.以传播学理论为依据,提出以科技期刊传播学原理、传播主体、传播媒介、传播内容、传播对象和传播效果研究等6个研究层面构成的科技期刊传播学的学科框架.  相似文献   

By cultivating archives through successive activations, people and communities define their identities. In these activations, the meanings of archives are constructed and reconstructed. Archives are not a static artifact imbued with the record creator’s voice alone, but a dynamic process involving an infinite number of stakeholders over time and space. Thus, archives are never closed, but open into the future. Furthermore, digital archives are always in a state of becoming, being created and recreated by technologies of migration and reconstruction.  相似文献   

The visit of Egypt's President Anwar Sadat to Jerusalem was the model for Dayan and Katz's conceptualization of the genre of media events, as live programs which have the power to transform history. Fifteen years later, a series of televised reconciliation ceremonies, which marked the stages of the peace process between Israel and its Arab neighbors (the Palestinians and the Jordanians), are used to re‐examine the model. We demonstrate (1) how the effectiveness of these ceremonies depends on the type of contract among the three participants—leaders, broadcasters and public—each of whom displays different kinds of reservations, and (2) how the aura of the ceremonies draws on the prior status of the participants (Hussein), but also confers status (Arafat).  相似文献   


The visit of Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat to Jerusalem was the model for Dayan and Katz’s conceptualization of the genre of media events, as live programs which have the power to transform history. Fifteen years later, a series of televised reconciliation ceremonies, which marked the stages of the peace process between Israel and its Arab neighbors (the Palestinians and the Jordanians), are used to re-examine the model. We demonstrate (1) how the effectiveness of these ceremonies depends on the type of contract among the three participants—leaders, broadcasters and public—each of whom displays different kinds of reservations, and (2) how the aura of the ceremonies draws on the prior status of the participants (Hussein), but also confers status (Arafat).  相似文献   

Courses: Intercultural Communication, Conflict and Communication, Interpersonal Communication

Objectives: After completing this single-class activity, students should be able to (1) differentiate between the avowed versus ascribed dimensions of cultural identity construction; (2) articulate the contested nature of cultural identity, including how cultural stereotypes guide perceptions of the Other; and (3) demonstrate tolerance through active and supportive listening to facilitate a nuanced appreciation of cultural diversity.  相似文献   

Courses: Any course that examines mediated and/or online communication, including but not limited to: Computer-Mediated Communication, Communication Theory, Interpersonal Communication, Introduction to Communication, and Organizational Communication

Objectives: In this single-class activity, students apply their knowledge of mediated communication theory by playing a twist on the classic party game Pictionary. Students attempt to communicate messages using only emojis. In doing so, they refine their understanding of how individuals adapt their mediated messages to account for the lack of nonverbal cues in many online environments.  相似文献   

This article reports two studies of “intermediary” conduct in naturally occurring online computer search interactions. The first study examines assumptions about professional practice and relational control as these are manifest in the “opening moves” produced by four intermediaries in interaction with two “users” each. The second study seeks to verify individual differences identified in the analyses reported in the first study. Specifically, the distribution of three pronouns “I,” “you,” and “we,” produced by intermediaries in their interaction with users was compared within and across intermediaries through log-linear analysis. Lack of significant within-intermediary variability indicates that the proportional distribution of the three pronouns sampled did not differ between the two interactions. Significant between-intermediary variability in pronoun distribution was, however, observed. The specific patterns of results gained through this quantitative study were consistent with those achieved interpretively in study one. Finally, the results of these studies are discussed within a proposed theoretic framework developed from the perspective of a constitutive theory of communication  相似文献   

This Afterword to the papers in the ARCS special issue on Knowledge Cultures assesses the historical approach contained in most of the essays in light of current concerns in archival science and among contemporary scholars in the field.  相似文献   

This essay is a speculative attempt to explain the operation of four interaction elements that exist in an urban crisis situation. The relations of “polarization”; “communication,”; “isolation”; and “confrontation”; are viewed structurally as constituent elements in the creation or alleviation of crisis tensions. Communication is suggested as an alter‐native technique of confrontation in tension modification.  相似文献   

Sexual orientation disclosure can result in both positive and negative consequences. Utilizing the theory of coming out message production (COMP; Li & Samp, 2018), this study explored when and how disclosure messages predict more positive reports of psychological well-being. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual participants (N = 251) reported their experiences of first ever coming out to others in face-to-face settings. Results showed that when people’s disclosure goals become more salient, they tend to perceive greater desire to change their current outness levels toward the disclosure receivers, which in turn predict higher degrees of disclosure. When people are highly motivated, their perceived relational power over receivers also positively predicts degrees of disclosure. Regardless of receivers’ reactions, greater salience of disclosure goals and higher degrees of disclosure predict fewer depressive symptoms and higher self-esteem. This study supports COMP and provides practical implications for when, to whom, and how individuals first come out.  相似文献   

This paper explores the scholarly communication ‘industry’ using a product systems approach, scopes and sizes the Australian scholarly communication product system, and examines the economics behind its operation. We find that the set of interrelationships between the market characteristics of information and cost structures, patterns of demand and acquisition practices, and the forces encouraging increasing scholarly output go a long way towards explaining the operation of the system and the genesis of the crisis. Based on our economic analysis of the system, we outline broad market conforming and market distorting approaches to alleviating the crisis.  相似文献   

Teacher nonimmediacy and misbehavior: Unintentional negative communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study involved the manipulation of teacher immediacy and teacher misbehaviors to determine their individual and combined impacts on perceived teacher immediacy and teacher misbehavior. Participants in the study were students enrolled in undergraduate communication classes. The results indicated that teacher nonimmediacy and teacher misbehaviors could not be manipulated independently. Analysis of variance indicated that nonimmediate teachers were perceived to be misbehaving even when no misbehaviors were induced in the experiments. It was concluded that students perceive teachers who communicate in nonimmediate ways as misbehaving.  相似文献   

Ethics in Human Communication (2nd ed.). Edited by Richard L. Johannesen. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1983, pp. x + 244. $8.95.

Ethics, Morality and the Media: Reflections on American Culture. Edited by Lee Thayer. New York: Hastings House, 1980, pp. xvi + 302. $21.50 (cloth) or $11.95 (paper).

Ethical Perspectives and Critical Issues in Intercultural Communication. Edited by Nobleza C. Asuncion‐Landé. Falls Church, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1978, pp. x + 179. $7.00.

Organization Development and Change (2nd ed.). By Edgar F. Huse. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1980, pp. xiv + 528. $22.50.

Trends and Issues in OD: Current Theory and Practice. Edited by W. Warner Burke and Leonard D. Goodstein. San Diego: University Associates, 1980, pp. vii + 351. $18.50.

Consultation. Edited by Thomas Backer and Edward Glaser. Los Angeles: Human Interaction Research Institute. Triannually. No charge.

Group and Organization Studies. Edited by Marshall Sashkin. San Diego: University Associates. Quarterly. $28.00 (individuals) and $54.00 (institutions).

Training and Development Journal. Edited by Patricia Galagen Hurley. Washington: American Society for Training and Development. Monthly. $40.00 (non‐members).  相似文献   

As organizations devote more time and financial support to the development of training programs, the field of organizational communication needs to meet the demand for applications of organizational theory to the work world. This research reports the development of an evaluation instrument designed to go beyond participants' reactions to the training program, and assess the application of a specific skill to work tasks. The degree to which the participants perceive they have mastered the skill also is assessed. Data were collected on 267 participants in various communication training programs. Strong internal reliability, validity tests and factor analysis indicate that the Communication Training Impact Questionnaire can be used to assess two of Kirkpatrick's levels of training impact. Suggestions for using the instrument are discussed and implications for the field of organizational communication are presented.  相似文献   

当代中文图书分期典藏有三个作用,最主要的是能节约书库空间;其次是能够合理地安排人力资源;第三是方便读者。当代中文图书分期研究是图书分期典藏的基础。本文从出版界出版图书的实际情况、各学科发展的实际情况、科学研究方法论的角度三个方面对当代中文图书分期进行了研究。  相似文献   

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