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As we travel through life, our journeys offer myriad observations, relationships, and experiences. By chance and choice, our journeys align closely with and are guided by other people's journeys; from these associations we form a sense of our individual cultural characteristics and self-identities. Simultaneously, our journeys follow courses that remain distant and distinct from other people's paths; yet our observations and interpretations from afar also contribute strongly to the formulation of individual cultural characteristics and self-identities. Throughout life's dynamic encounters and events, each of us continues to formulate, reformulate, and negotiate our self-identities as we traverse what seems like parallel paths-journeys that appear distant and distinct from other journeys, yet encountering equally powerful influences shaping our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Rarely are we afforded the opportunities to investigate these parallel paths and communicate honestly with individuals who seemed far away and foreign; seldom can we truly experience multiple perspectives and cross-cultural relationships in our own journeys. This article presents the unique intersection of two parallel lives and the authentic exchange of multiple perspectives reported through narrative or personal life histories. The authors serendipitously met at a National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) conference and by chance shared their childhood stories. The authors were raised in similar environments but from opposite lifestyles -lifestyles that paralleled one another and contributed significantly to their individual understanding of cultural characteristics and self-identity. Here they share their histories spanning 50 years while providing insights and guidelines for teachers and teacher educators to learn from our pasts and reshape our futures.  相似文献   

Buildings, streets, squares, markets and other urban architectures, while forming the visible structure of a city, carry ample information on politics, society, humanity, science & technology and people of an era, thus shaping the memory of a city's history,  相似文献   

淮茗 《寻根》2003,(3):104-105
“上海的历史应当用洋泾浜英语来写”,这是上个世纪初一位混迹上海滩的外国记者面对这座东方现代都市的感叹。时至今日,这句话听来颇有些惊人,自然更多的还是隔膜,那些在延安东路上来来往往、衣着笔挺、能说一口纯正英语的上海人或游客们已未必理解这句话的真正含义。当然,他们也未必知道,在他们的脚下,曾经流淌着一条小河。这条被称作洋泾浜的小河及其本身的奇特风景已随着岁月的流逝而成为历史深处的记忆,但是倘若要考察上海乃至中国近百年来的沧桑变迁或现代之旅,还得从这条已经消失的小河说起。想想也真是一个奇迹,够那些爱发思古之情的…  相似文献   

张凤 《寻根》2001,(6):50-53
19年前由绮色佳迁至剑桥哈佛,没几个月我们就搬到卫斯理的新家,因儿女对成长之地眷恋非常,我们始终未能再搬。也许沾了这个光,所以1993年,通过名诗人郑愁予及中国作协的金坚范先生、范宝慈女士的安排,我得见冰心女士。  相似文献   

张凤 《寻根》2001,(2):81-84
我们敬重的张光直教授在2001年1月3日凌晨过去了!以中国史前史、商王庙号继承法、中国美术与占卜关系、台湾史前史研究等在国际考古学界享有崇高地位的张光直教授,11年来无言地坚韧抵抗帕金森顽疾。  相似文献   

<正>我是汉斯-彼得·科顿(Hans-Peter Cortum),1928年6月30日出生在上海虹口区的维多利亚疗养院。1912年,年轻的父亲到中国汉口经商,1914年他在青岛被日本人抓去做了五年的战俘,  相似文献   

Minhe Hui Ethnic Autonomous County, located in the east of northwest Qinghai Province, used to be a critical pathway linking Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and central China. Over the sweep of Chinese history, Minhe County has evolved into a community for different ethnic communities to inhibit together. The county consists of 14 ethnic groups, mainly including Han, Hui, Tu and Tibetan who believe in Buddhism, Lamanism, Taoism and Islam respectively. There are many Buddhist temples in Minhe, a…  相似文献   

Golden ornament of sun birds is an object unearthed from the Jinsha site near Chengdu, capital city of Sichuan Province in 2001. Made in the late period of the Shang Dynasty (1300 - 1046 BC), this hollow-out work is composed of two layers. The inner layer features 12 revolving dented sunrays evenly distributed to form a circle.  相似文献   

The Olympic Games is not only a sports event but also offer a great chance for cultural exchange. In celebration of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Capital Museum hosted a grand exhibition Memory of China: 5000 Years of Civilization, aiming to showcase the brilliant Chinese history and culture to the people from the rest of the world.  相似文献   

Media help in the formation of identity. For ethnic communities, ethnic media can play a dual role, aiding in the acculturation process and assisting in holding onto ethnic identities. This study examines media and identity negotiation. Specifically, this study analyzes differences in media usage among French-Muslims. The principal researcher interviewed 42 first and second generation French-Muslims to explore their media usage and the relationships between their media usage and ethnic identification. Analysis uncovered two key findings. First, second-generation French-Muslims prefer to use ethnic media more than French produced media as a form of protest against French assimilationist policies. Second, abandoning ethnic media is equated with becoming French, which is something first and second generation French-Muslims resist.  相似文献   

王振铎 《寻根》2005,(6):27-35
2500多年前,正当西方的哲人受“上帝”的启示,绕着地中海周边的河流、平原和山谷,探索宇宙人生的奥秘,用“神谕的文字”,在泥陶版、莎草纸或兽皮上刻画、撰写后来被称为《旧约》的某些先知故事的时候,东方的哲人接受“圣王”的教谕,周游黄河大平原,寻求三皇五帝积累起来的甲骨、金石、竹木等简版文献,精心编述治世兴邦的文化经典。  相似文献   


I deconstruct the distinctive facets of mediated framing of integration through a textual analysis of Flemish newspapers. Using Entman’s framing theory, I identified four primary integration frames: Fortress Europe, Streamlined Labour, Solipsistic Representation, and Competing Integration Frames. Specifically, I describe the ambivalence of media framing, which intertextually borrows from dominant representation of (im)migrants. The papers simultaneously frame integration as an assimilative social contract to be agreed to by (im)migrants and as a responsibility of the host society to integrate (im)migrants. Counter-framing, present in all four media frames, is critical to both dismantling systemic marginalization and ameliorating processes of integration.  相似文献   

Ahuman being whose organs have evolved into USB plugs is experiencing a certain state of existence through camera lens, microphones and speakers. In the future, human organs may be replaced by USB organs and human beings tend to receive signals from various electronics. This magic scene is a works of art by Chinese artist Wu Juehui, currently on display at  相似文献   

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