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This article analyses a conversation about reading with three Year 8 students. Drawing on sociocultural theories of learning and elements of discourse analysis, it explores not only details of what the students read, but also how the process of the conversation itself shapes their perception of themselves as readers. Analysis of the data suggests that close attention to conversations such as these can affect our understanding of young readers and the reading practices in which they engage, in ways which may be valuable for classroom teachers of English.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the collaborative inquiry process of three female academics who decided to subject themselves to the same qualitative research procedures that they employed with others. In this inquiry, they were in search of “researcher thinking,” attempting to discover the implicit theories they brought to the research site. The methodology involved telling stories about research experiences and collaboratively reflecting on these stories through discussions, field notes, and written narratives. Unexpectedly, a common story emerged that was fundamental to their identities as researchers and as women. All three experienced a tranformation which facilitated the emergence of both researcher and personal voices. Others who follow this process may also gain personal understandings which will enhance research practices and facilitate understanding the possibility that research might empower those who are participating in it.  相似文献   

As they explore counseling theories, students are encouraged to examine their own values, attitudes, and beliefs to find congruence with these theories. This traditional approach inadequately addresses the social injustices that may be perpetuated by selecting theories that further oppress clients and other marginalized communities. Prilleltensky (1997) introduced a social justice paradigm, emancipatory communitarianism, to address the limitations of existing theories on the basis of their underlying values. The authors discuss how incorporating emancipatory communitarianism and values discussions into counseling theories pedagogy can enhance critical thinking and self‐exploration among developing students. Implications for counseling pedagogy, practices, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the conflict between local knowledges and global knowledges in the specific case of indigenous literacy in northwestern Brazil, where global knowledges are represented by the "ideological" (Street, 1984) theories of literacy and "utilitarian" models of writing (Scollon & Scollon, 1995), and local knowledges are represented by the multimodal texts produced by the Kashinawá indigenous community. Whereas "ideological" theories of literacy purport to take into account local knowledges and practices, they are in this case incapable of understanding indigenous multimodality due to what I call a graphocentric habitus. I read this as an indication of the extent to which prevailing literacy theories are not sufficiently aware of their localness; this may be due to their insertion within the colonial difference (Mignolo, 2000) power and knowledge collusion, which tends to "universalize" dominant knowledges and subalternize local knowledges  相似文献   

从学习理论的变革看有效教学的发展趋势   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
学习理论的每一次变革都对有效教学的研究与实践产生了不同程度的影响。学习理论从行为取向到认知取向再到情境取向的变革,使有效教学呈现出相应的发展趋势:从为行为结果而教学的教师中心取向,到为认知建构而教学的学生中介取向,再发展到为情境性认知而教学的生态化取向。不同取向的教学在学习环境的创设、课程的编制以及教学效果的评估等环节各有不同的教学原则与策略,在实践中各具独到作用,彼此又具有互补性。  相似文献   

问题是整个高等教育研究活动的逻辑起点,也是高等教育研究的灵魂,能够发现并提出有价值的研究问题是高等教育研究者的必备素质。问题的特点有三,第一,问题是在已经存在的理论和现实事物基础上产生的;第二,问题与主体(人)密切相关;第三,问题是不断发展的。高等教育的研究问题主要来源于高等教育实践和现有高等教育理论之间的矛盾,来源于高等教育理论内部以及高等教育和其他学科理论之间所产生的矛盾和问题。高等教育研究者在选择并确定研究问题时,要注意处理好真问题与假问题、热点问题与冷门问题、有重大价值的问题与自己能胜任的问题、他人的问题与自己的问题这四对关系,从而保证选好研究问题,使研究活动有一个好的开端。  相似文献   

University workloads, their impact on staff and how they can be managed, are the subject of considerable research and discussion. This paper addresses strategies to deal with the impact of workloads on teaching practices in higher education. In particular, it aims to discover the implicit theories and tacit assumptions that underlie perceptions of what constitutes quality teaching in the social sciences. Using an ethnographic approach, the research revealed that the strategies used by staff are linked to how they identify themselves: as researchers or ‘good’ teachers, and highlights a mismatch between the value academics place on quality teaching and what is rewarded by universities. The paper illustrates that strategies rely on assumptions about the nature of time, and the links between time and quality. Academics have little opportunity for critical reflection on teaching practices in order to be responsive to the changing contexts of higher education.  相似文献   

面向学习社会教育理论的嬗变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育理论受学习社会的理念和实践的影响已经发生了嬗变,具体表现在理论取向、研究重点和任务等方面。教育理论以关注人的生命价值,把人在学习过程中自主、自觉和自为的价值贯穿在教育原理之中;研究人的终身学习过程,围绕人与社会和谐的可持续发展来建立教育理论;强调教育理论要直接面向教育实践,加强与动态发展的教育实践的联系,进行事实研究为教育理论提供有力支撑。解读学习社会的内涵发展,审视学习社会对教育理论的各种新挑战,把握嬗变的动态,教育理论才能指导学习社会建设和教育实践。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to shed light on the issue of how children learn to identify what is meant by what is said in communicative practices. The study replicates and extends the well-known work on what is referred to as children's 'theories of other minds'. The focus in the present study is on the interplay between the adult and the child, the nature of the task and the child's position in the communicative encounter. Rather than assuming that children have or do not have 'theories of other minds', we explore the communicative conditions under which children can be made sensitive to the nature of other people's (mistaken) beliefs. The empirical work was carried out amongst children aged three to five, since this is the critical age at which it is claimed that children become sensitive to the fact that other people's perspectives of a situation may differ from their own. The results show that whether or not children 'are able' to adopt other people's perspectives is very much a situated affair and reflects the manner in which they are brought into a position where they can share the framing of the adult. The questions posed are interpreted differently by the children in ways that go beyond the intended difference that concerns perspectivity. The test situation is polysemous in many respects and the variation in responses cannot be reduced to such a simple distinction as the one implied in the theory of mind research paradigm, which represents a monological conception of communication.  相似文献   

职前教师教育实践的范式变迁与模式革新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职前教师教育所面临的一个核心议题是如何帮助职前教师恰如其分地将理论知识运用于教育教学实践中。越来越多的研究者认为,职前教师应该在习得和建构教育教学的理论知识的同时,需要充分理解、体验和建构实践知识,"从实践中学习,为实践而学习"。基于这种主张,本文重点讨论:大学场域中职前教师的理论知识习得与教育教学实践(田野经验)之间的关系。讨论的过程分为三个部分:教育实践内涵的再讨论、教育实践的范式变迁过程,以及教育实践的模式变革。  相似文献   

This article reviews key developmental theories that have been adopted by writing development researchers over the last fifty years. It describes how researchers have translated these theories into definitions of writing development capable of influencing curricular design and interpretations of student writing and explores the implications for assessment extended by each theory. This piece examines both the variations in assessment practices/emphases suggested by different developmental theories as well as the shared assumptions about growth to which they lead, arguing that these commonalities should guide efforts to foreground development in the assessment of writing.  相似文献   

In Philosophy of Education we frequently argue for or against different educational theories. Yet, as I illustrate in this analysis of two articles, in order to maintain the abstract theoretical distinctions, we are liable to ignore the concrete details of practice, caricature the theories we reject and make false distinctions. The two articles that I analyse, one from Golding and one from Boghossian, grapple with the pedagogical theories of transmission teaching, constructivism, pragmatism and Socratic pedagogy, in the context of dialogical philosophy teaching. As a result of my analysis, I first present three examples where the authors have rejected abstract theories based on arguments that I show to be strawmen: These theories would not or could not be adopted in practice. Then, I present two examples where the authors attempt to make distinctions between educational theories which seem sound in the abstract, but which turn out to be false distinctions if we consider the details of concrete practice. My conclusion is that, in these two articles, abstract educational theory is prone to problems when it ignores concrete practice. Although I am presenting a case study, and do not argue that my conclusion is generalisable, I do suggest some reasons why this conclusion might apply more widely to Philosophy of Education. My recommendation is that we be more discerning in our treatment of educational theories and more mindful of the educational practices that they entail. We should acknowledge the practical similarities between different abstract theories rather than forcing caricatured distinctions.  相似文献   

As has been widely discussed, the National Research Council’s (NRC) current policy in United States education advocates supporting students toward acquiring skills to engage in scientific practices. NRC policy also suggests that supporting students in the practices of science may require different approaches than what is required for supporting student engagement with scientific content. Further, acquiring skills in scientific practices is not limited to gaining proficiency in utilizing tools that support scientific inquiry: students must also understand how to interpret information generated from such tools. These tools of scientific practices are embedded within scientific culture, which from Sewell’s perspective, is comprised of both practice and semiotic code (symbols and meanings). To become scientifically literate students must learn to utilize this code in practice. Author Germà Garcia-Belmonte identified one example of learning to utilize the semiotic code in scientific practice and considers challenges faced by undergraduate physics and engineering students within that context. Garcia-Belmonte observes students struggle to interpret symbols and meaning (the visual display generated) while engaging in practice (utilizing an oscilloscope) and posits that two, culturally bound, competing, linguistic metaphors of time may be the cause. Ultimately, however, the author does not explore beyond hypotheses. Although his theory may be correct, the paper serves as a reminder of the responsibility we have to students. As educators, it is useful and beneficial to make observations and develop theories surrounding why our students struggle. However, in addition to theorizing on why, for example, a particular scientific norm might present challenges for our students, we must remain mindful that challenges may not be uniform and may vary considerably according to students’ culture(s). Engaging with students and soliciting specific information regarding the challenges they face allows us, as educators, to both examine whether students’ reported challenges align or conflict with our own perceptions of those challenges, and subsequently devise and test methods toward supporting students in overcoming their challenges.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author investigates how the working assessment theories and practices of preservice teachers change in the enactment of those theories and practices in a mentored learning environment. Following 38 secondary English teacher candidates across time, the author tracks preservice teacher growth in knowledge about classroom-based assessment and assessment-driven planning. Teacher candidates reported they were strongly influenced by professional dialogue about planning and assessment in both campus classes and mentored field experiences. Although most teacher candidates grew to accept alternative assessments as valuable evidence sources indicating student learning, they recorded concerns that fell into five overlapping categories: designing goals; rubrics, grading and fairness; grading and motivation; validity of assessments; and time required to plan this way.  相似文献   

Current legislation has exerted tremendous influence on the instructional methods used by reading teachers. Historically, however, neither mandated curriculum nor forced change has proven consistently successful in helping sustain long-term change in teachers' instructional practices or student achievement gains. Using theories of motivation and behavior change, we propose the intentional teaching model to support and facilitate fundamental change in the instructional practices of reading teachers for the benefit of the populations they serve.  相似文献   

This paper uses the concept of teaching and learning regimes (TLRs) to help explore a set of questions about why some academic staff in universities thrive on and benefit from accredited programmes designed to improve HE learning and teaching practices ("educational development programmes") whilst others experience periods of resistance or some drop out altogether. "TLR" is a shorthand term for a constellation of rules, assumptions, practices and relationships related to teaching and learning issues in higher education. These include aspects of the following salient to teaching and learning, each of which we elaborate and illustrate in the paper: identities in interaction, power relations, codes of signification, tacit assumptions, rules of appropriateness, recurrent practices, discursive repertoires, implicit theories of learning and of teaching. The argument presented here is that academic staff on educational development programmes ("participants") bring to programmes sets of assumptions and practices rooted in TLRs. Educational development programmes themselves instantiate TLRs which may be more, or less, compatible with those of individual participants. Where there are incongruities between the two they need not be fatal if participants are able to, or are encouraged to, surface and reflect on previously tacit assumptions embedded in their TLRs. Similarly, there may not be a problem if participants are able to exercise discretion over the application of aspects of different regimes; applying them in different contexts as appropriate. Evidence from participants' writing, participant observation, secondary sources and data from eight interviews inform the paper and form the basis for illustrative vignettes.  相似文献   

Some prominent parent education theories in the United States and other Western countries base their educational viewpoint explicitly on democratic values, such as mutual respect, equality and personal freedom. These democratic parenting theories advocate sharing power with children and including them in family decision making. This study presents a textual analysis of two such theories, the Adlerian model of parent education and the Parent Effectiveness Training (PET) model, as they are embodied in two original bestselling textbooks. Through content and argumentation analysis of these influential texts, this study examines the paradoxes inherent in these two theories when they articulate how to implement fully democratic principles within the parent-child relationship. We discover that in spite of their democratic rationale, both books offer communication practices that guide the child to modify misbehaviour, enforce parental power, and manipulate the child to make decisions that follow parental judgment, and thus do not endorse the use of a truly democratic parenting style. We suggest, as an alternative to the democratic parenting style, that parents be introduced to a guardianship management style, in which they do not share authority with children, but seek opportunities for enabling children to make more autonomous decisions and participate in more family decision making.  相似文献   

中国教育学理论的贫困,既有外部的制约,也有内部的缺失;既有历史的根源,也有现实的无奈。激情式的“终结”、情绪化的批判,不仅无助于问题的解决,或许会使问题变得更糟。现实教育研究在把原创性作为价值追求的同时,应以形成具有独特个性的教育理论作为当务之急,而要形成具有独特个性的教育理论,既要处理好引进、消化与吸收、借鉴,继承与发扬,理论与实践等的关系问题,也要在思维方式和方法论上有所突破。  相似文献   

职业指导在近代中国的引入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业指导是职业教育的重要组成部分之一.在近代中国,一大批爱国的教育家和进步知识分子在倡导、实践、探讨职业指导的同时,不遗余力地引入西方的职业指导.这其中,既有对欧美国家职业指导情况的宣传介绍,也有通过对国外职业指导理论著作的编译所作的理论探讨.而所有这些,对当时职业指导在中国的推展,都起到了十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

70年代以来西方教师教育中的社会性别问题研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会性别问题是西方教师教育研究中的一个重要内容,对教师教育的理论与实践有着重要影响。本文梳理了20世纪70年代以来西方学者关于教师教育中社会性别问题研究的基本内容,并对其作出简要评论。  相似文献   

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