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全球化与21世纪的马克思主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为贯彻《中共中央关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》,配合中央正在实施的“马克思主义理论研究与建设工程”,积极推进马克思主义理论研究,今年6月18日,由中国人民大学组织的“中国人文社会科学论坛2005”,将主题确定为“马克思主义与中国发展之路”,论坛重点讨论了冷战结束后马克思主义在当今世界的发展状况,用马克思主义的观点分析了全球化的进程、本质及其影响,探讨了马克思主义在中国的发展及其中国未来发展问题。中国人民大学校长纪宝成教授作了主题发言。英国学者、国际著名的马克思主义研究专家戴维.麦克莱伦教授,巴西学者、“依附论”重要代表人物特奥托尼奥.多斯桑托斯教授,美国学者、“市场社会主义”重要代表人物戴维.施韦卡特教授,英国学者梅纳得.德塞教授,德国学者、马克思主义哲学家沃尔夫冈.弗里兹.豪格教授,俄罗斯学者、全球性问题研究专家亚历山大.尼.丘马科夫教授,美国学者罗伯特.保尔.布伦纳教授,中国学者吴树青教授、李君如教授、李忠杰教授、顾海良教授、程恩富教授、林岗教授和梁树发教授在此次论坛上发表了精彩的演讲。为帮助大家更深入地了解本次论坛的情况,本期主要摘译了部分国外学者为此次论坛撰写的学术论文。  相似文献   

The author begins by distinguishing between culture and civilization; one is particular and characteristic of given peoples and nations; the other is global and based on science. Education is called upon to impart, to transmit, and to promote both cultures and civilization drawing upon the latter to promote tolerance among the former. Four major components of learning are participation, anticipation, concentration, and motivation. For the future, learning, particularly higher learning, must become life‐long, computer assisted, international in character, and modularized. Learning of this sort should reduce the tensions between civilization and cultures.  相似文献   

随着21世纪到来,闻一多的事迹正从历史事件变为文化符号。其独特性在于:一方面承继屈原为代表的古代理想人格,体现“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的传统爱国精神;一方面又力图求新、求变,推动社会变革,追求“明天会更好”的陌生理想。这是中华民族与西方文明迎头撞击并纳入世界格局后不得不作出的艰难回应。闻一多不惜以死抗争的献身精神,把推动民族进步的努力变成了一种非凡的使命,其作为文化符号的独特价值,必将转化为民族文化传统的新的资源和象征,从而连接了传统与现代,昨天与今天。  相似文献   

The author proposes a unified curriculum of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies intended to prepare young persons for responsible leadership in global society and to sensitize them to the limitations imposed by global sustainability. He foresees that students will work in teams and that higher education institutions will co‐operate in consortia, somewhat like the Associated Universities scheme of UNESCO. Universities must abandon their mostly outdated positivist and retrospective epistemology and move to holistic and transdisciplinary, normative, future‐oriented, and policy‐relevant epistemology.  相似文献   

The union of teaching and research in universities has a very long history with roots pre‐dating the Humboldtian conception of the research university. A major part of this union is personal, in the person of the academic staff member who has been trained through research and will invariably engage in both teaching and research in a university. Even researchers working in exclusively research organizations will have been trained in universities. Moreover, the research undertaken in universities will tend to be transparent, partly the result of the normal practices of academic freedom and of the traditions and procedures of university autonomy, and therefore, more likely to be the beneficiary of public trust than the research undertaken in research institutions, the latter tending to be viewed as more secretive and patron‐oriented. Although globalization may require universities to become enterprises of a non‐business type, along the lines of the medieval corporation, even this new paradigm will continue to require a proper balance between research and teaching, the one supporting the other.  相似文献   

The author suggests that the current mode of knowledge production at the leading edges of advanced studies in the sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities is changing dramatically. This development, that is being driven as much by the internal dynamics of knowledge production as by government policy and by the demand for competitiveness, has profound implications for the balance of teaching and research in universities. A traditional, university‐based mode of knowledge production, characterized by a linear model, that the author calls Mode 1, is being complemented and to some extent supplanted by a new type of knowledge production called Mode 2 that is characterized by knowledge produced in the context of application, transdisciplinarity, heterogeneity and organizational diversity, enhanced social accountability, and broadly based systems of quality control. Mode 2 knowledge production questions the validity of the linear model of knowledge production characteristic of Mode 1. Mode 2 requires the universities, particularly in regard to research, to come to grips with a new pattern for the social distribution of knowledge production, especially the fact that they are no longer either the sole or even the primary institutions on the cognitive landscape.  相似文献   

Although the term “scientific literacy” has been increasingly used in recent years to characterise the aim of school science education, there is still considerable uncertainty about its meaning and implications for the curriculum. A major national project in England, Twenty First Century Science, is evaluating the feasibility of a more flexible science curriculum structure for 15‐year‐old and 16‐year‐old students, centring around a core course for all students with a scientific literacy emphasis. Over 12,000 students in 78 schools have followed this course since September 2003. The development of a detailed teaching programme is an important means of clarifying the meanings and implications of a “scientific literacy” approach. Questionnaire data from teachers at the end of the first and second years of the project (N = 40 and N = 51) show a strongly positive evaluation of the central features of the course design. Teachers perceive the scientific literacy emphasis as markedly increasing student interest and engagement. Key challenges identified are the language and reasoning demands in looking critically at public accounts of science, and the classroom management of more open discussion about science‐related issues.  相似文献   

21世纪远程教育展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本从社会发展的角度,探讨了在未来社会中,远程教育的新特性,提出随着社会的发展,教育要突破时空上的限制而实现真正的个人化的终身教育以及最好的、最先进的、最具规模性和系统性的教学资源应该是全社会共享的。在对当前教育状态的分析后,提出了当前远程教育及发展上存在的一些基本问题,即远程教育站点处于一种相对孤立的状态,教育资源共郭程度低、缺乏实时笥和交互性等。同时,也对远程教育所需的技术支持进行了讨论。在对  相似文献   

展望二十一世纪的分析科学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过回顾二十一世纪分析化学的发展道路,发现其中体现了科学与技术发展的辨证关系,以此规律并结合新时代的要求来展望二十一世世纪的分析科学的发展,并对二十一世纪分析科学的教学人才的培养提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

散文发展到20世纪九十年代,表现出了一股强劲的发展势头。创作主体、创作对象、创作手法都呈现出多元化倾向,因此,有人说散文热了。但是,在这种所谓的繁荣后面,同时可以看到,一部分散文品质低劣,理性缺失,矫情之作泛滥,“散文是热闹了,但却并不是繁荣”。进入二十一世纪,散文创作应该正视其自身的缺陷,真正去创一个散文的繁荣时代,真正实现“太阳向着散文微笑”。  相似文献   

二胡音乐创作在二十世纪后期进入繁荣时期,这种繁荣格局的出现主观上是因为大量专业作曲家加盟创作,客观上则是多元化创作技法的发展,即传统创作样式、现代创作样式、中和创作样式和移植创作样式.四种不同的创作样式有着各自具体内涵、艺术特征和意义.各具特色的多元创作样式不仅促使二胡音乐作品的百花齐放,也促进了二胡艺术的整体发展.  相似文献   

南朝文学,尤其是齐梁时期的文学,历来受到学界的不公正评价,论者常常关注其内容的绮靡艳丽以及形式主义的溢觞,进而影响到对具体作家的全面探究,此现象在20世纪80年代后有所改观.作为齐梁时期的文坛领袖沈约,由于"声律论"学说的巨大影响力而成为南朝文学研究的热点问题.20世纪以来关于沈约文学、史学思想的研究取得丰硕成果,从集中探讨"声律论"学说的狭小视阈逐渐扩大到生平思想、诗文创作、文学批评以及<宋书>史学价值等的研究.考察百年来的研究历程和现阶段的研究状况,将有助于更好地理解沈约在齐梁文学新变中的历史定位及其对后世的影响.  相似文献   

挑战与行动:面向21世纪的职业培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪,特别是面对加入WTO将要带来的种种挑战,中国比以往任何时期都更需要通过职业培训来提高广大劳动者的素质。为此,必须改变鄙薄职业教育的传统观念,加强职业培训队伍建设,以落实就业准入制度为突破口,实现培训与就业紧密结合,从改变政府对职业教育的管理方式入手,提高职业培训的管理效能。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2004,19(4):162-168
Increased participation and success in education for disabled people will improve their social inclusion and benefit society in general. In this article Louca‐Mai Wilson discusses Disability Rights Commission research on education and its implications for policy and practice. Research findings are considered in relation to the need for the voices of young disabled people to be heard in research, policy and planning. A key finding was that young disabled people want to be regarded and treated as equal to their peers, with the same rights of access and educational opportunity. But schools and educational establishments vary in their willingness and capacity to address and remove existing access barriers. Inclusion is a key issue for many young disabled people; many feel isolated at school and college and often have lower expectations about their future than their non‐disabled peers. Inclusive practice and participation are key to ensuring that disability equality in education is achieved.  相似文献   

Martin Lawn 《欧洲教育》2015,47(3):215-225
Through a study of a privately funded and ambitious inquiry into the education system of the United States, the relations between the development of comparative education as an activity and the governing of education systems in the early 20th century can be illuminated. The relations and interests of early comparativists were mobilized and enhanced by private funding and significant numbers of public actors in education were involved in comparative inquiry. The 1903 Mosely Commission was a philanthropic intervention to reengineer the patchwork of English education, and an attempt to modernize it and influence its government on a large scale. Its innovation was in its methods of influence as well as its scientific reports. The Commission was a hybrid, transnational institution, using comparison to modernize the government of education, mainly involving policy actors and finally, claimed neither by the history or comparative study of education. Consequently, its significance has been lost.  相似文献   

计算思维足当前国际计算机界广为关注的一个重要概念,也是当前计算机教育需要重点研究的重要课题.本文首先将探究教学模式形式化;然后结合探究教学模式的特点构建了基于计算思维的探究教学模型,将教学分成教师活动、学生活动以及教学过程三个部分,教师和学生之间通过一系列的基于计算思维的探究性教学活动连接起来;最后运用实例验证了该模型的可行性和高效性.与传统的教学模式相比,基于计算思维的探究教学模式更有助于培养学生思维.  相似文献   


The central hypothesis of this study was that conflicting values are related to a lack of acceptance of the school’s curriculum on the part of the faculty. The data were collected through the employment of three instruments (Differential Values Inventory by Prince, an adaptation of the Kreitlow Scale by Kreitlow and Dreier, and a Teacher Attitude Scale.) School faculties which expressed the greater differences in educational values also expressed the greatest amount of disapproval of the school’s curriculum. However, individual teachers with extreme values indicated more favorable attitudes toward the curriculum than teachers with more neutral values. Values held by principals were related to teachers approval of the curriculum.  相似文献   

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