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传统的教材与教法主要通过发音的描述和听觉的感知使学生习得日语语音,这不适合成人认知语音的优势特征。本文通过定义基音位与加权的概念和基于对元音声波波形的研究以及日、英元音双五边形特性的分析导出一个较为符合成人认识心理特征的“日元音加权音标表”。为学生借助于他们熟知的英语元音,采用严式音标注音的方法来学习日语语音提供一条较为科学的途径。  相似文献   

元音是英语语音教学中的一个难点,布依语和英语的元音在口腔开合度、舌位、唇形等诸多方面均存在着共性和差异,认识这些共性和差异有助于减少母语为布依语的学生学习英语元音的困难。  相似文献   

文章基于元音格局的理论,通过语音实验的方法对歙县(深渡)方言为母语的学生在学习英语时的元音发音进行实验分析,考察母语对外语学习的影响。依据实验数据,分析学生在英语学习中方言母语元音对英语元音学习的影响,实验研究发现母语对英语元音的发音存在着重要影响。  相似文献   

本研究采用声学实验的方法,以语言迁移理论和语音格局理论为依据.以对汉语和英语元音格局的分析为基础。以5个英语一级元音为研究目标.通过对比中国学生汉语元音发音的格局图和英语元音发音的格局图,考察中国不同程度的英语学习者在习得这几个元音的过程中所存在的偏误以及母语迁移现象。研究认为.中国学生在发相似元音/i/时.母语的正迁移发挥作用。学习起来比较容易。中国学生在发相混元音/u、a/时,负迁移发生作用,但是随着学习程度的加深,负迁移作用逐渐减少;中国学生在发元音/o、3/时,不受母语迁移影响,起初无法同化到母语语音范畴,但是在学习的高级阶段,学习者会建立新的语音范畴。  相似文献   

我在多年的教学实践中发现,学生对英语产生惧怕心理的重要原因之一是他们没有掌握必要的语音知识。许多学生不会读48个音标,更不懂26个字母的读音与盲标之间有什么联系。打开他们的英语课本可以看到单词旁有汉字的注音。由于不懂语音知识,他们记单词只能靠死记硬背。今天学,明天忘,从而导致他们干脆放弃英语学习。因此,在新生入学之际,利用几节课对学生进行较系统的语音知识的学习和拼读拼写的训【练是非常有必要的。我采用的方法如下。一、过音标关将48个音标写在黑板上。其中两行单元音和两行清、油辅音按以下方式排列:[i:j[9…  相似文献   

一、字母学习过好语音关语音是语言存在的物质基础,是英语学习的起点。同学们对26个英语字母可能并不陌生,但要逐个读准却有一定的难度,应学会将字母与其读音作为一个整体来记忆(音标暂只要求认识,不要求书写)。当字母学习结束后,应逐步学会区分单元音、双元音、长元音、短元音、清辅音、浊辅音、鼻音等,力求发音准确,并学会拼读音标,根据音标拼读单词,耳朵能辨认音标读者,为今后的英语词汇学习奠定基础  相似文献   

英语语音的学习是整个英语学习的基础,对于中国学生而言,如何掌握好英语基本的元音发音是学好英语的关键所在。受汉语母语的影响,中国学生在英语元音学习过程中容易产生一些元音发音错误。对这些常见的错误进行分析总结,并提出相应的解决方案,以期帮助二语学习者减少母语负迁移带来的元音发音错误,提高英语学习效果。  相似文献   

一、逐步推进,渗透音标知识在进行语音教学时,音标学习是不可或缺的重要环节。它如同汉语学习中的拼音,可以有效指导学生进行单词的认读。音标是语音学习的重要工具。因此,英语教学中音标教学必须先行一步。笔者认为,在音标教学中可依据以下步骤逐步推进:辅音字母音名—元音—字母组合音—单元音词汇—多音节词汇。1.与辅音字母结合教学语音。英语是拼音文字,所有的词汇都是由26个字母拼出来的,而在成千上万的不同拼  相似文献   

王娟 《现代语文》2008,(6):99-101
语言的结构由语音单位、句法和词汇等部分组成,其中语音比其它语言结构具有更大的系统性和完整性。元音是英语语音教学中的一个难点,对英语和汉语单元音系统之间的差异进行对比和分析有助于减少学习英语单元音的困难。通过对比,我们既能看到英汉单元音的相似性,又能看到其不同特点,这对深入了解英汉两种语言具有重要的意义。本文以标准英国英语(Receired Pronunciation),和汉语普通话为例。英语元音系统的分类标准主要参照吉姆森(Gimson,1994),汉语元音系统的分类标准主要参照林焘和王理嘉(1992)。  相似文献   

以言语学习模型为支撑,利用声学语音实验的方法,考查宁波方言区英语学习者11个英语单元音,包括宁波方言和汉语普通话相似的3个目标元音语音产出的声学特征,探究宁波方言和普通话对英语发音可能存在的影响。研究发现:宁波方言区英语学习者与英语本族语者之间的英语单元音产出存在系统性差异;宁波方言及普通话语音体系对方言区学习者的英语语音产出具有明显的负向迁移。  相似文献   

本文利用北京语言大学语言研究所汉语方言地图集数据库中61个粤语、39个平话以及20个湘粤桂土话调查点的材料,考察了古入声字高短元音与低长元音分调的音变现象,并对其类型、地理分布进行了描写和分析,最后通过高短元音字与低长元音字的调值比较讨论了影响声调分化的因素。  相似文献   

Reading vowels in Kannada script   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本次声学实验研究了维吾尔族学习者对汉语元音的听辨。结果显示,在听辨汉语发音人产出的元音时,汉语水平较高的维族学习者的准确度和反应时间都要明显优于低水平学习者。所有维族学习者在听辨元音//,/i/和/ε/时偏误最多。本实验结果印证了Speech Learning Model,Perceptional Assimilation Model以及本族语口音优势假说。此外,本实验结果还显示出二语习得收到受到学习者母语语音系统的制约。  相似文献   

Letter names are stressed in informal and formal literacy instruction with young children in the US, whereas letters sounds are stressed in England. We examined the impact of these differences on English children of about 5 and 6 years of age (in reception year and Year 1, respectively) and US 6 year olds (in kindergarten). Children in both countries spelled short vowels, as in bag, more accurately than long vowels, as in gate. The superiority for short vowels was larger for children from England, consistent with the instructional emphasis on letter sounds. Errors such as gat for words with long vowels such as gate were more common among US children, reflecting these children’s use of vowels’ names as a guide to spelling. The English children’s performance on a letter knowledge task was influenced by the fact that they are often taught letter sounds with reference to lowercase letters and letter names with reference to uppercase letters, and their spellings showed some effects of this practice. Although emphasis on letter sounds as opposed to letter names influences children’s patterns of performance and types of errors, it does not make the difficult English writing system markedly easier to master.  相似文献   

母语负迁移对对外汉语语音教学影响尤为明显。本文试图通过对汉日语言中元音的联系与区别的考察,利用奥苏贝尔的认知结构迁移理论,探讨如何在对日本留学生的单元音韵母教学过程中有效利用汉日语音的联系,取得更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

我们提取每个元音的共振峰F1、F2,做了四组不同受试人发音的对比。对比研究表明:1)[?:]是受试的男女英语学习者都发的比较接近母语人士发音的音。2)从相对数量来看,非英语专业人士在开口度和舌位高低方面做的比较好,英语专业人士在舌位前后和唇形圆展方面做的比较好。3)从散点图来看,受试者不能很好的区分[i:]和[i],[?]和[?:],[u]和[u:],[e]和[?]的差异。本研究给出了提高英语学习者发音水平的建议。  相似文献   

The role of vowels in reading Semitic scripts: Data from Arabic and Hebrew   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigated the effect of vowels and context on readingaccuracy of skilled adult native Arabic speakers in Arabic and inHebrew, their second language. Their reading comprehension was alsotested in Arabic and Hebrew texts as a function of vowels. Theparticipants (n = 65) read fully vowelized and unvowelized lists ofArabic words, and vowelized and unvowelized paragraphs of Arabic.Further, they, read pointed and unpointed lists of Hebrew words, andpointed and unpointed paragraphs of Hebrew. They were also administeredtwo stories, one in Arabic and one in Hebrew, in two reading conditions,a fully vowelized and unvowelized Arabic story and a pointed andunpointed Hebrew story. The results revealed a significant effect forvowels and for context across all reading conditions in Arabic andHebrew. The surprising result was that the vowelized texts in Arabic andthe pointed and unpointed texts in Hebrew were comprehendedsignificantly better. Further, Pearson correlation procedures andmultiple regression analysis indicated no positive significantrelationship between oral reading accuracy results and silent readingcomprehension results. These findings are explained throughcharacteristics of the Semitic languages Arabic and Hebrew, and thetriliteral/quadriliteral-root model is suggested toexplain reading in unvowelized/unpointed texts in Semitic languages.  相似文献   

The study investigates dyslexic and normal Hebrew readers’ perception of words containing a vowel letter in different orthographic and morphological contexts. In the first experiment, 72 undergraduate education students (half diagnosed with reading disabilities and half normal readers) were asked to judge pointed words with different morphological structures with and without the grapheme W. Half of the words had consistent (obligatory) W and half had inconsistent (optional) W. In the second experiment, the same procedure was repeated using the same words without pointing marks. Response latencies and accuracy were measured. In both experiments, dyslexic readers did less well than normal readers. They had lower scores on accurate lexical decisions and they took more time over these decisions. They also exhibited some deviant patterns, indicating that they cannot make use of orthographic and morphological cues that are available to normal readers, especially in the pointed experiment. Processing pointed words placed a heavier cognitive burden on the dyslexic readers. These findings are in line with other studies of adult dyslexic reader/writers, and support a reading / spelling processing model, which claims that internal orthographic representations of words are increasingly strengthened with each exposure during reading, but not all graphemes are strengthened equally. The general implication is that the ambiguities that exist in the relationships between orthography, phonology, and morphology underlie spelling knowledge, and are particularly difficult for dyslexic readers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of Arabic vowels and Arabic context on reading accuracy of poor and skilled native Arabic readers reading narrative stories and newspaper articles. Central to this study is the belief that reading theory today should consider additional variables, especially when explaining the reading process in Arabic orthography among poor and skilled readers. This orthography has not been studied: reading theory today is the sum of conclusions from studies conducted in Latin orthography. The subjects were 109 tenth-grade native Arabic speakers, 39 of them poor readers and 70 skilled readers. Subjects had to read Arabic narrative stories and newspaper articles. There were four reading conditions for each text type: vowelized text, unvowelized text, vowelized word naming, and unvowelized word naming. The results showed that vowels and contexts were important variables to facilitate word recognition in poor and skilled readers in Arabic orthography. A new Arabic reading model for skilled readers is suggested.  相似文献   

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