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目的:了解城区5岁儿童乳牙龋病的患病现状,为口腔卫生保健工作提供依据。方法:在市辖三区按比例随机整群抽取20所幼儿园,对园内所有5岁儿童1310名进行口腔龋齿检查。结果:城区5岁儿童乳牙患龋率50.2%,男性患龋率47.6%,女性患龋率53.3%,男女之间患龋率有显著性差异(x^2=4.27,P〈0.05);乳牙龋均2.24;2936颗龋齿最多分布在上颌两侧的中切牙。其次是下颌两侧的第一、二位乳磨牙,以后依次为上颌两侧的侧切牙、第一、二位乳磨牙;龋齿充填率5.32%。结论:城区5岁儿童的患龋率低于全国平均水平,达到了2004—2010中国口腔卫生保健规划目标。  相似文献   

乳磨牙龋以邻面龋为多,又常表现为同一牙上多个牙面同时患龋,龋坏范围大,常规充填固位很困难。我科自2000年开始使用预成冠修复大面积龋坏乳磨牙,恢复乳磨牙的近远中颈长度,较好地维持了牙弓长度,减少了恒牙错颌畸形的发生。  相似文献   

对6~10岁儿童进行随机分为观察组及对照组,采用Pekaseal光固化封闭剂对观察组进行常规窝沟封闭.18个月后复查,观察效果,并进行统计学分析,结果显示:观察组与对照组的患龋率有显著性差异.经窝沟封闭的第一恒磨牙患龋率低于未经封闭者.  相似文献   

目的:掌握青少年学生口腔健康状况及龋齿发病趋势,为制定本市初级卫生保健发展战略和防治龋病提供科学依据。方法:采用整群抽样调查方法,确定了荆门市8所中小学,以年级分层,以教学班为单位随机在学生中进行口腔健康普查,统计龋病发生人次、龋均及DMFT数,应用PEMS3.1标准进行数据分析。结果:受检青少年学生6 357人,患龋人数695,患龋率11.64%,龋均0.53,DMFT3186。结论:近年来,通过全民口腔健康教育,改变了青少年学生口腔卫生习惯,家长关心关注学生口腔健康,口腔医生积极开展防龋行动——对乳磨牙和恒磨牙进行窝沟封闭、在青少年学生中涂氟保护漆保护牙齿,龋龄预防抓早抓小,推广使用含氟牙膏,这一系列的措施行之有效,今后应进一步推广并深入。  相似文献   

目的;通过对泰州儿童及青少年龋病调查,了解龋病患病和充填情况及特点,探讨可能的原因及相应的预防措施。方法:调查对象为泰州市6-15岁儿童有青少年,采用WHO口腔健康调查方法。结果:乳牙患龋率为44.47%,龋均为1.23,充填率为4.31%,恒牙龋病率为13.80%,龋均为0.19,充填率为11.48%。结论:泰州市儿童及青少年乳牙患龋率较高,充填率很低,恒牙患龋率较低,充填率较低,应加强对儿童及青少年龋病的预防,诊断和早期治疗。  相似文献   

龋病是牙体的多发病常见病之一,我科门诊于1995-11~1996-12牙体病治疗中,第二磨牙患龋率较高,本组对第二磨牙双侧对称性龋齿86例172牙进行了分析,现报告如下。 本组86例(男50例、女36例)172牙:年龄18—60岁,龋损程度:Ⅱ度龋25例,占29.06%,Ⅱ度龋54例,占62.29%;Ⅲ度龋21例,占24.41%.远中颈部龋52例,占60.46%,远中(牙合)颈部34例,占39.53%,不颌61例,占70.93%,上颌25例,占29.06%,第三度磨牙  相似文献   

通过对泰州卫校女生的口腔健康检查,了解女中专生的患龋率及龋均。方法 调查对象为泰州卫校591名14~21岁的女生。结果 泰州地区女中专生患龋率26.73%,龋均0.51。结论 泰州地区女中专生的龋均位于很低等级,可继续巩固成效,争取进一步下降。  相似文献   

统计1996~1998年怀化市幼儿园3~6岁儿童龋患情况,结果表明:(1)男童龋患率>女童龋患率;(2)随着年龄的增长龋患率有所增加;(3)这三年比较,儿童的龋患率逐年有所下降。  相似文献   

目的 旨在了解泰州市小学生口腔疾患的患病情况。方法 对泰州市小学三、四年级学生进行口腔健康调查。结果 患龋率为53.1%,高于全国总的平均患龋率,龋均亦高于全国平均值,女生低于男生,错Huo患病率为51.0%,处于全国较高水平。结论 泰州市小学生必须加强口腔保健意识,改善饮食结构。  相似文献   

统计1996-1998年林化市幼儿园3-6岁儿童龋患情况,结果表明:(1)男童龋患率>女童龋患率;(2)随着年龄的增长龋息率有所增加;(3)这三年比较,儿童的龋患率逐年有所下降.  相似文献   

为了正确引导儿童进行牙齿的合理保健、促进儿童健康生长。通过对城区五所幼儿园7岁内儿童进行健康体检,发现儿童患龋病人数呈上升趋势。由四联因素分析引起龋齿的原因、指导正确保护牙齿的方法,得出从小养成良好卫生习惯保持口腔清洁可以减少腐蚀机会,可大大降低儿童患龋齿的发病率的结论。  相似文献   

Child abuse and neglect (CAN) are likely to have negative consequences on health; however, for oral health, studies on associated outcomes are sparse. The purpose of this study was to assess oral health and oral health behaviors in relation to suspected CAN among children being investigated by the Swedish Social Services. The material comprised data from the Social Services and dental records; the sample, 86 children and 172 matched controls. The children in the study group had a higher prevalence of dental caries than the control group; in addition, levels of non-attendance and dental avoidance were high, as was parental failure to promote good oral health. We found four factors that, taken together, indicated a high probability of being investigated because of suspected CAN: prevalence of dental caries in primary teeth, fillings in permanent teeth, dental health service avoidance, and referral to specialist pediatric dentistry clinics. If all four factors were present, the cumulative probability of being investigated was 0.918. In conclusion, there is a high prevalence of dental caries, irregular attendance, and a need for referral a pediatric dental clinic among Swedish children under investigation due to suspected CAN. Social context is an important factor in assessing the risk of developing dental caries, the inclination to follow treatment plans, and the prerequisites for cooperation during treatment. Routinely requesting dental records during an investigation would provide important information for social workers on parental skills and abilities to fulfill the basic needs of children.  相似文献   

为了解“十一五”期间福建省汉族学生常见疾病的现状,运用测试法、数量统计等方法,将2010年福建省汉族学生的视力、屈光、龋齿发生率的检测结果与2000年和2005年进行对比分析,结果表明:学生乳牙与恒牙患龋率得到了显著的改善,但学生视力低下、屈光近视的检出率上升.因此,各级政府、学校、科研人员应加大对向好指标的巩固,加强对落后指标的干预.  相似文献   

Dental anatomy is an integrated, core fundamental dental course, which prepares students for all future clinical dental courses. This study aimed to build up an online dental learning platform of micro-computed tomography-based three-dimensional (3D) tooth models with pulp cavity, and to further evaluate its effectiveness for dental anatomy education using a cohort study. First, ninety-six extracted permanent teeth were scanned by micro-computed tomography and the enamel, dentine, and pulp cavity of each was distinguished by different grey-scale intensities using Mimics software. Three-dimensional images allowed further discrimination and insights into permanent three-rooted premolars, central tip, and dental diseases including deep caries and wedge-shaped defects. Furthermore, a second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in maxillary permanent molar teeth and Vertucci type III root canal configuration in mandibular anterior teeth could be detected using the 3D analytical tool. A digitized 3D tooth model learning platform was implemented. Last, two groups of dental students were assessed to evaluate the effect of 3D models on dental anatomy education. Participants in the Digital group were allowed to use the online dental learning platform freely after class, while the participants in the Traditional group were not. Assessment quizzes showed that participants' scores improved in the Digital group with the use of the learning platform compared with scores in the Traditional group. A questionnaire survey indicated that the participants had a positive attitude toward the 3D models. Thus, adding digital 3D resources to a traditional curriculum may have a positive effect on academic achievements.  相似文献   

前牙外伤折断、牙髓暴露,或近中和远中深龋因咬硬物而折断者,较为常见,采用根管螺纹钉做固位装置,用光固化复合树脂修复牙冠,修复体不但固位牢,而且形态逼真,色泽自然,操作简便,深受患者欢迎。作者自1994年6月至1996年12月收治了34人,45颗牙。临床效果满意。  相似文献   

The Tooth Fairy could lose out on recovering the deciduous teeth children hide under thek pillows to scientists wanting to use them for stem cells.Scientists at the National Institutes of Health used the pulp (牙髓) in incisors (门牙) from seven and eight years old to grow nerve (勇气,胆量), fat and tooth cells.  相似文献   

仿生种植牙三维有限元模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:建立成人上颌中切牙的仿生种植体三维有限元模型,为分析与探讨仿生种植牙的生物力学特性奠定基础。以成人上颌中切牙为标本,通过螺旋CT扫描和计算机图像处理技术,获取中切牙各截面的轮廓坐标数据,再通过CAD技术进行单元网格的自动划分,形成SuperSAP模型数据文件,输入到SuperSAP93有限元专用分析软件后建模。结果:建立了有效的仿生种植牙三维有限元模型。结论:模型的几何相似性、生物力学相似性均佳,可用于仿生种植牙的生物力学研究。  相似文献   

This study compares supernormal children with normals, in order to establish criteria for the identification of analogical reasoning in supernormal children. There were three experiments in the study involving analogical reasoning with figures, with pictures of objects or words, and with numbers. The subjects were 1,950 3‐ to 14‐year‐old normal children divided into 12 age groups, and over 100 supernormal youngsters. Relatively difficult items were more useful than easy ones in identification, while the developmental levels of supernormal children not only surpassed those of normal children of the same age, but the supernormals were found to be superior in grasping the interrelationship of objects in bipartite situations. Identification of supernormal children through analysis both of their performance and also of processes and characteristics in experimental tasks is not only necessary but also feasible.  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated individual differences in children's beliefs about the stability of traits, but this focus on individuals may have masked important developmental differences. In a series of four studies, younger children (5-6 years old, Ns = 53, 32, 16, and 16, respectively) were more optimistic in their beliefs about traits than were older children (7-10 years old, Ns = 60, 32, 16, and 16, respectively) and adults (Ns = 130, 100, 48, and 48, respectively). Younger children were more likely to believe that negative traits would change in an extreme positive direction over time (Study 1) and that they could control the expression of a trait (Study 3). This was true not only for psychological traits, but also for biological traits such as missing a finger and having poor eyesight. Young children also optimistically believed that extreme positive traits would be retained over development (Study 2). Study 4 extended these findings to groups, and showed that young children believed that a majority of people can have above average future outcomes. All age groups made clear distinctions between the malleability of biological and psychological traits, believing negative biological traits to be less malleable than negative psychological traits and less subject to a person's control. Hybrid traits (such as intelligence and body weight) fell midway between these two with respect to malleability. The sources of young children's optimism and implications of this optimism for age differences in the incidence of depression are discussed.  相似文献   

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