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In the present study, the current status of international students and counselling services provided at Turkish universities is addressed. Firstly, a brief history of counselling and counselling services in Turkish universities is examined, leading to a consideration of the current status of international students and counselling services. Finally, key elements for working effectively with international students are presented and a long-term orientation model that might be applicable for Turkish university counselling centers is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper is the first stage in a larger international comparative project, coordinated through the International Association of Counselling, on policy determinants in the education of counsellors. It arose in part out of an interest in the cultural determinants of what is taken as evidence. As a first stage for the project, a case study approach is used that asks what are the important features of the therapeutic learning experience provided by programmes in different countries, and how have these come about. The first example is a 4-year MSc programme in Counselling and Psychotherapy in the United Kingdom, with the focus on the intended therapeutic learning experience. It is argued that much of the emerging dominant training model of today is unbalanced, with too great an emphasis on CBT and short-term cost-effectiveness, rather than on the provision of a sound understanding based on learning from lived experience. There is concern at the extent to which depths of thinking and feeling are brushed aside, and with this a focus on the relationship and understanding of people’s experiences. The authors provide an analysis of their chosen training model through locating it historically in trends within European philosophy. The paper concludes by considering the appropriateness of Eurocentric approaches for other cultures.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore some of the implications that recent critiques of therapeutic language have for counselling and Pastoral Care. Are we in the midst of a creation of a more caring and emotionally intelligent society or in danger of losing individual autonomy and political power by the inadvertent construction of a 'fragile self'? Does this apparent valorization of the emotional become an emotionalism that destroys autonomy and undermines our power to think and act rationally? What are the implications of the increased acceptance of the need for emotional expression: does this in turn become new conformity where the private space of the individual is policed by counsellors in the name of the state? This paper supports the observations that the new cultural trend towards giving primacy to emotional expression can have deleterious political and social effects but seeks to distinguish counselling and psychotherapy from the 'therapism' of popular culture.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to explore some of the implications that recent critiques of therapeutic language have for counselling and Pastoral Care. Are we in the midst of a creation of a more caring and emotionally intelligent society or in danger of losing individual autonomy and political power by the inadvertent construction of a ‘fragile self’? Does this apparent valorization of the emotional become an emotionalism that destroys autonomy and undermines our power to think and act rationally? What are the implications of the increased acceptance of the need for emotional expression: does this in turn become new conformity where the private space of the individual is policed by counsellors in the name of the state? This paper supports the observations that the new cultural trend towards giving primacy to emotional expression can have deleterious political and social effects but seeks to distinguish counselling and psychotherapy from the ‘therapism’ of popular culture.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育工作需要进一步创新,只有不断创新科研成果才能推动学生工作的精致化。精致化视角下的高校辅导员能力与素质建设具有十分重要的意义。应结合当前的工作实践,不断总结,探究辅导员能力发展的基本路径。精致化是高校思想政治教育工作未来发展方向上的指南针,可以促进高校辅导员引领思想风潮,不断创新,为学生成长成才奠定良好的发展基础。  相似文献   

Education in Canada is determined at the provincial level of jurisdiction. Each province and territory has a unique system of legislation and policy, although most provinces view the education of gifted students as a category of service provision under special education. The first section of this paper provides a brief, general overview of key themes that emerge from an analysis of the relevant Education Ministry documents and literature concerning gifted education and counselling within the Canadian context. Where appropriate, the particular province(s) and/or territory(s) associated with the themes is noted. The second section highlights the work of Canadian scholars most relevant to counsellors working with gifted students. A brief review of recommended counselling needs, goals, and practices for the gifted is presented in the conclusion.  相似文献   

This paper examines the state of guidance and counselling in New Zealand specific to the needs of gifted and talented young people. It considers the policy and practices in education in this domain and guidance and counselling services in this context. Drawing on key literature in this field, it identifies the major issues and needs of the gifted and talented that counsellors should be aware of and be able to address. Finally, it looks at future developments in this increasingly important area of interest.  相似文献   

When, in New Zealand, a new third-party government funding arrangement was introduced for sexual abuse counselling, counsellors experienced challenges to their work practice and professional autonomy. There are some parallels between this experience and the influence of Managed Care on counselling in the United States. This article interprets the ways in which the development of counselling in New Zealand, and the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) interacted with the government agency, the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). responsible for the funding. The resulting funding arrangements, while initially mutually beneficial to government and counsellors, are now being questioned by counsellors and the NZAC. Possible responses to this situation by New Zealand counsellors are explored and discussed in the context of wider international responses to third-party funding issues.  相似文献   

The area of career guidance and counselling for youth is undergoing rapid change in light of evolving expectations of young people as members of society and rapidly changing educational and career opportunities. This article summarizes previous research describing the perspectives of adolescents and young adults, and concludes that there is a need to re-examine the assumptions underlying career advising, guidance, and counselling programs offered to young people; and also to re-develop these services to better reflect current economic, career, and social realities.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research on students’ usage of university counselling services across countries and their demographic and psychological characteristics. In doing so, emphasis is given to reported distinctions between local and international university students. Utilisation rates, encouraging factors and barriers to utilisation, presenting problems, and methodological problems with existing studies are each examined. The findings suggest that only a minority of between 2% and 4% of university students access such services, with females being more likely to use them than males. International students in particular underutilise these services, and this is primarily due to such students’ preference for seeking help from family or friends over outside sources. When students do seek assistance, their presenting issues most commonly involve symptoms of depression or anxiety, as well as academic and relationship difficulties.  相似文献   


Community-based school governance has been promoted as a popular policy for decentralisation of education around the world. Within this policy, schools are expected to create institutional spaces such as School Management Committees with an assumption of reciprocal relation between school and community. This article questions the simplistic assumption through an ethnographic study of community-school relationship in Nepal. While these relationships may conflict with the kind of reciprocity assumed in school governance policies, we argue that this disjunctured reciprocity, firstly, reflects the gap between policy blueprints and action, and, secondly, reveals the competing logics of community-school relations which remain unacknowledged.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined the experiences of counsellors and their perceptions of resources that helped them cope with traumatized clients and difficult client sessions. The research was conducted using in-depth interviews with a purposive sample of eight counsellors working in five counselling agencies. The study identified how counsellors develop their own personal and professional strategies for coping with challenge, and the supportive structures and coping strategies provided by agencies. From these counsellors’ stories of learning to cope with traumatized clients and traumatic material, we highlight some recommendations that may facilitate the development of effective coping strategies for the prevention or amelioration of vicarious traumatization.  相似文献   

This article maps the historical background of First Nations women focusing on the residential school system, subsequent intergenerational trauma, and the effects of the Indian Act. Colonization has impacted the health and current roles and responsibilities of First Nations women. First Nations women's health needs to be viewed in a holistic framework that considers multiple levels of oppression, poverty, colonization, and life as a minority in a dominant culture. Social constructionism provides a new lens from which to question and re-conceptualize ways of working with First Nations women. Suggestions for the non-aboriginal counsellor in facilitating the healing process for First Nations women are offered.  相似文献   

School counselling is developing rapidly in many countries around the World. As with any practice in a secondary setting, challenges and special issues are often identified, discussed, and managed. These can be categorized into four distinct domains: 1) Internal challenges, which include issues related to clientele groups, teachers’ attitudes towards counselling, and students’ willingness to seek counseling; 2) External challenges, which refer to social-economic changes beyond the school. These include popular culture, globalization and societal trends of more families and students moving across borders; 3) Systems challenges, which are those within the guidance programmes implemented by ministries, schools or counselling bodies. These issues may reside in the guidelines for practice in schools, referral procedures, and resource planning; 4) Personal challenges, which relate to the needs as well as the skills of the counsellor. Some examples here are training, supervision, and attitudes towards school systems. The four domains and interactions among them are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Dr. Hans Hoxter played a central role in facilitating the development of guidance and counselling in many parts of the world. This retrospective focuses on Hans' work that led to the creation and development of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance and the International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling. The article also includes perspectives that he shared in an interview conducted with him in late 2001.  相似文献   

Literacy policy and programming in developing countries continues to be influenced by the assumption that without literacy, an adult is unable to function on an equal basis in society and that an individual can be easily categorised as either literate or illiterate. Although this has led to prioritisation of primary schooling over adult literacy in many national government and donor agency budgets, there has recently been a movement away from regarding adult literacy as only ‘second chance schooling’ to explore how literacy programmes can build on participants’ existing practices. In the context of these changes in international policy discourses, this article analyses how literacy and development policy and programming in Nepal has changed over the past decade. Drawing on interviews with policy makers, trainers and literacy facilitators conducted in the 1990s and 2007, the author explores the shifts taking place. The structure of literacy programmes (including links with formal schooling), literacy materials, language of instruction and concepts of ‘post literacy’ were influenced by political events during this period as well as by donor agency discourses. Findings from the Nepal case have implications for the international policy discourse, such as the need to problematise the term ‘political’ to consider the intended and unintended consequences of literacy interventions.  相似文献   

人性观与心理咨询策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨人性的本质有助于心理学家更好地了解人、关心人。在心理咨询和治疗中,人性观是一切方法和技术的理论基础,不同学派有其不同的人性观假设。在进行心理咨询时,应充分考虑到咨询师自己的人性观和来访者的人性观背景,在确立咨询态度时,注意自己的基本假设。  相似文献   

After a presentation of the French school system, we describe how the three principal practices—acceleration, enrichment, and special classes—for the education of the gifted are functioning in France. Then, we deal with the counselling of the gifted through 1) the presentation of the professional involved in these tasks, 2) the role played by the parent associations of gifted children, and 3) the identification practices. For the talented, there are many practices, from primary education onwards, which allow schooling to be reconciled with sports studies or artistic tuition. The concept of “dual project” is introduced: the need for sportsmen/women to elaborate their career plan at the same time as their sporting project. The conclusion stresses that in France, measures for the gifted are not clearly laid out; whereas, provisions benefiting from clear and explicit information have been made for the talented and are encouraged by various institutions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the current state of counselling as provided by local education authorities (LEAs) to secondary schools in England and Wales. A questionnaire was sent to all 172 LEAs in England and Wales. The data suggest that the counselling provision is highly variable and somewhat fragmented in scope. The data also indicate that the perception of the role of school counselling services by educational professionals varies considerably, and that there were a number of issues concerning integrated versus decentralized forms of provision. The study has a number of implications for the main stakeholders, including schools, LEAs, pupils and parents, concerning future developments in this increasingly important policy area. These relate to minimum qualifications for counsellors, confidentiality, accessibility to pupils and funding.  相似文献   

This paper examines global citizenship as a way of thinking and behaving with understanding of the need to tackle injustice and inequality as a foundation for international peace and development. The conceptualized model was based on reality perspectives and eclectic counselling orientations for building global citizens in developing nations. Guidance and counselling as a crucial service for developing global citizenship, with a focus on Nigeria, is examined. Constraints and prospects for developing global citizens are analyzed. The paper concludes that integration of guidance and counselling as an educational innovation in developing countries would enrich global curriculum and instruction and contribute towards the enhancement of global citizenship.  相似文献   

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