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The ubiquity of online social networks has led to the phenomena of having friends that are known only through online interaction. In many cases, no physical interaction has taken place, but still people consider each other friends. This paper analyzes whether these friendships would satisfy the conditions of Aristotle??s highest level of friendship?Cwhat he calls perfect friendship. Since perfect friendship manifests through a shared love of virtue, physical proximity would seem to be unnecessary at first glance. However, I argue that the nature of online interaction may preclude us from fully recognizing the virtues and vices in others to the degree necessary for perfect friendship to occur. As such, online friendships face significant obstacles against moving beyond utility or pleasure, and this has important repercussions for online interaction more generally.  相似文献   

Real friends: how the Internet can foster friendship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dean Cocking and Steve Matthews’ article “Unreal Friends” (Ethics and Information Technology, 2000) argues that the formation of purely mediated friendships via the Internet is impossible. I critique their argument and contend that mediated contexts, including the Internet, can actually promote exceptionally strong friendships according to the very conceptual criteria utilized by Cocking and Matthews. I first argue that offline relationships can be constrictive and insincere, distorting important indicators and dynamics in the formation of close friends. The distance of mediated friendships mitigates this problem by promoting the courage to be candid. Next, I argue that the offline world of largely oral exchanges is often too shallow and hasty to promote deep bonds. The deliberateness of written correspondence acts as a weight to submerge friendships to greater depths and as a brake to enhance attentiveness to and precision about one’s own and one’s friend’s character. Nonetheless, close friendships may fail to develop on the Internet. Insofar as this failure occurs, however, it would be for reasons other than those identified by Cocking and Matthews.  相似文献   

This essay explores ways to "write together" the awkwardly jointed histories of "science" and "me dicine"--but it also includes other "arts" (in the old sense) and technologies. It draws especially on the historiography of medicine, but I try to use terms that are applicable across all of science, technology, and medicine (STM). I stress the variety of knowledges and practices in play at any time and the ways in which the ensembles change. I focus on the various relations of "science" and "medicine," as they were understood for a succession of periods--from mainly agricultural societies, through industrial societies, to our biomedical present--trying to sketch a history that encompasses daily practices and understandings as well as major conceptual and technical innovations. The model is meant to facilitate inquiry across topics and across times, including those to come.  相似文献   

Fara P 《Endeavour》2007,31(2):43-44
William Harvey has long been celebrated as the founding father of physiology for refuting Galen and demonstrating that blood circulates round the body. Yet after his training at Padua, he became a committed Aristotelian: although strongly influencing the new observational sciences of the seventeenth century, Harvey himself looked back towards the classical past.  相似文献   

1996年至2004年,国家科技部与各对口援藏省市为西藏安排各类科研项目共249项,落实项目资金11194万元  相似文献   

1996年5月,党中央、国务院作出沿海发达省市对口帮扶西部的战略部署.2000年党中央、国务院又作出实施西部大开发的战略部署.党的十六大强调了实施西部大开发的重大意义.几年来,我厅在对口支援西藏林芝地区工作中,遵照福建省委、省政府的部署,坚持走科技帮扶之路,帮扶西藏林芝地区发展科技扶贫产业,对口支援工作取得了实质性的进展,现把情况汇报如下:  相似文献   

1996年5月,党中央、国务院作出沿海发达省市对口帮扶西部的战略部署。2000年党中央、国务院又作出实施西部大开发的战略部署。党的十六大强调了实施西部大开发的重大意义。几年来,我厅在对口支援西藏林芝地区工作中,遵照福建省委、省政府的部署,坚持走科技帮扶之路,帮扶西藏林芝地区发展科技扶贫产业,  相似文献   

就加强黑龙江省和台湾省两地农业科技合作与交流,共同促进两地农业发展问题进行了论述。通过两地农业科技发展现状之比较,阐明了两地农业科技合作与交流既具有较强的互补性,又能够共同发展提高、互利互惠,并且潜力巨大,前景广阔。提出了一要创造机会,增进两地的互相了解和友谊;二要建立相应的协调机制;三要实行优惠政策营造宽松环境;四要注意互相尊重、平等互利;五要不拘一格,讲求实效等加强两地农业科技合作与交流的建议。  相似文献   

The widespread and growing use of new social media, especially social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, invites sustained ethical reflection on emerging forms of online friendship. Social scientists and psychologists are gathering a wealth of empirical data on these trends, yet philosophical analysis of their ethical implications remains comparatively impoverished. In particular, there have been few attempts to explore how traditional ethical theories might be brought to bear upon these developments, or what insights they might offer, if any. In attempting to address this lacuna in applied ethical research, this paper investigates the ethical significance of online friendship by means of an Aristotelian theory of the good life, which holds that human flourishing is chiefly realized through ??complete?? friendships of virtue. Here, four key dimensions of ??virtue friendship?? are examined in relation to online social media: reciprocity, empathy, self-knowledge and the shared life. Online social media support and strengthen friendship in ways that mirror these four dimensions, particularly when used to supplement rather than substitute for face-to-face interactions. However, deeper reflection on the meaning of the shared life (suzên) for Aristotle raises important and troubling questions about the capacity of online social media to support complete friendships of virtue in the contemporary world, along with significant concerns about the enduring relevance of this Aristotelian ideal for the good life in the 21st century.  相似文献   

演讲稿是演讲者围绕一个主题或一些问题发表意见和看法,鼓舞斗志的文字材料,其写作的成功与否,直接关系到演讲的效果能否感人至深,引起听众共鸣。因此优秀演讲稿的写作一定要有创作者真情、才情与激情的真实流露。  相似文献   

Whipple AC 《Endeavour》2011,35(2-3):99-106
Doris Grant (1905-2003), a middle-class, British housewife, published numerous books from the 1940s into the 1970s urging her fellow housewives to bake organic, wholemeal bread for their families. This article argues that Grant's arguments defy easy categorization as either 'conservative' or 'progressive'. On the one hand, her targeted appeal to women reflected a traditional, conservative understanding of gender roles: women were, first and foremost, wives and mothers and therefore naturally responsible for family diet and health. On the other hand, Grant also pushed her readers to look beyond their homes and recognize a dangerous food supply system that was impinging on their daily lives. She demanded that her readers reject comfortable complicity in this system and preached the value of individual action in effecting substantive change.  相似文献   

对口援藏是一项全局性工作,科技系统责无旁贷。多年来,我厅在科技部和省委的统一部署和具体指导下,结合实际,注重实效,积极组织并努力作好科技援藏工作。  相似文献   

Real time search is an increasingly important area of information seeking on the Web. In this research, we analyze 1,005,296 user interactions with a real time search engine over a 190 day period. Using query log analysis, we investigate searching behavior, categorize search topics, and measure the economic value of this real time search stream. We examine aggregate usage of the search engine, including number of users, queries, and terms. We then classify queries into subject categories using the Google Directory topical hierarchy. We next estimate the economic value of the real time search traffic using the Google AdWords keyword advertising platform. Results shows that 30% of the queries were unique (used only once in the entire dataset), which is low compared to traditional Web searching. Also, 60% of the search traffic comes from the search engine’s application program interface, indicating that real time search is heavily leveraged by other applications. There are many repeated queries over time via these application program interfaces, perhaps indicating both long term interest in a topic and the polling nature of real time queries. Concerning search topics, the most used terms dealt with technology, entertainment, and politics, reflecting both the temporal nature of the queries and, perhaps, an early adopter user-based. However, 36% of the queries indicate some geographical affinity, pointing to a location-based aspect to real time search. In terms of economic value, we calculate this real time search stream to be worth approximately US $33,000,000 (US $33 M) on the online advertising market at the time of the study. We discuss the implications for search engines and content providers as real time content increasingly enters the main stream as an information source.  相似文献   

通过分析科学的发展进程,提出咨询业是科学学历史与发展中的工作任务重点之一,并就如何促进科学学与咨询业共同发展给出了指导性建议。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on the location and regional effects of science and technology (S&T) in the context of developed economies. Two processes associated with the creation of new products, agglomeration and spin-off, act to attract further innovative activity in those regions. Other regions, where R&D and related activities do not take place, are unlikely to be the locations of new-product production, and instead will tend to specialize in the production of standardized products. Both corporate and government R&D rely on pools of technical labor for technological and new-product activities; these pools of mobile workers are most attracted to large urban areas. In only some of these areas, however, does the spin-off process result in the generation of new technology-based firms. The availability of local venture capital appears to be the principal influence on this variation. Government policy regarding science and technology has impacts on regions by contributing to the agglomeration of R&D. Government policy also often fails to recognize that S&T policy and industrial policy have regional effects that may be long-term in nature and most detrimental to those regions whose economies are least competitive. Finally, some priorities for future research on innovation in a regional setting are identified.  相似文献   

于淏川  陈卫东  徐可 《科学学研究》2017,35(11):1750-1759
新创在孵企业实施创业导向和创新驱动战略,呈现出高风险性、高失败率和高异质性等特征,如何将创新创业实践循序渐进并稳中求胜,这是学术界竞相探索的议题。本研究基于网络惯例和知识螺旋视角,构建"创新驱动与创业导向—网络惯例—企业绩能"的结构方程模型,并结合中国情境天津市内16个区新创在孵企业调研数据开展实证分析。结果表明,创新驱动、创业导向和网络惯例分别积极显著影响企业绩能,创新驱动和创业导向分别积极显著影响网络惯例;同时也发现网络惯例存在中介效应,知识螺旋正向调节网络惯例的中介效应,进一步考察不同水平知识螺旋开发能力的影响差异。  相似文献   

Ethics is ordinarily understood as being concerned with questions of responsibility for and in the face of an other. This other is more often than not conceived of as another human being and, as such, necessarily excludes others – most notably animals and machines. This essay examines the ethics of such exclusivity. It is divided into three parts. The first part investigates the exclusive anthropocentrism of traditional forms of moral␣thinking and, following the example of recent innovations in animal rights philosophy, questions the mechanisms of such exclusion. Although recent work in animal- and bio-ethics has successfully implemented strategies for the inclusion of the animal as a legitimate subject of moral consideration, its other, the machine, has remained conspicuously excluded. The second part looks at recent attempts to include these machinic others in moral thinking and critiques the assumptions, values, and strategies that have been employed by these various innovations. And the third part proposes a means for thinking otherwise. That is, it introduces an alternative way to consider these other forms of otherness that is not simply reducible to the conceptual order that has structured and limited moral philosophy’s own concern with and for others.  相似文献   

一.您听说过安特卫普吗? 即使在国内普通高校的历史学系里,听说过安特卫普这个城市的人恐怕也是少数.而一旦我们穿过历史的迷雾回到1500年代的欧洲,我们会发现这座城市相对于当时的欧洲经济体完全可以和今天美利坚的纽约相提并论.时光荏苒,人们总是习惯于遗忘.  相似文献   

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