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理想信念教育是大学生思想政治教育工作的核心,职业理想教育则是理想信念教育的重要内容。免费师范教育作为我国当代师范教育的新举措,是提升国家整体教育质量的有效尝试。免费师范生长期教书育人的职业理想教育意义重大,需要教育者采取多样的方式帮助其坚定理想。而融美育于免费师范生职业理想教育之中,是对其教育实效性的创造性探索。教育者需要塑造其职业理想审美意识,促进其职业理想审美创设,以实现美育丰富职业理想和创设美好生活的目的,同时促进他们的全面发展。  相似文献   

A random sample of 400 K-12 science educators who were members of the National Science Teachers Association were surveyed regarding their attitude toward and practice of career education in their science teaching. These science teachers rejected a narrowly vocational view, favoring instead a conception of career education which included self-perception, values analysis, and vocational skills objectives. The science educators affirmed the importance of career education for a student's education, asserted career education ought to be taught in their existing science courses, and expressed a willingness to do so. Fewer than one-third of the science teachers, however, reported incorporating career education at least on a weekly basis in their science lessons. The major impediment to including more career education in science teaching was seen to be their lack of knowledge of methods and materials relevant to science career education, rather than objections from students, parents, or administrators; their unwillingness; or their evaluation of career education as unimportant. Thus, in order to improve this aspect of science teaching, science teachers need more concrete information about science career education applications.  相似文献   

高等职业教育与日益进入后工业社会的发展要求构成了种种矛盾,其中突出的表现是,社会需求的超前与高职教育的滞后、人才需求个性化与培养模式程式化之间的矛盾,解决的办法是提倡创业教育,引导学生认识社会;提倡规划自我,引导学生发展个性。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划教育要密切联系行业企业职业岗位需要,根据职业岗位需要针对性地锻炼学生的职业素质,设计职业发展道路,实现学校职业规划与企业职业管理的直接对接,才能真正提高职业生涯规划实效。  相似文献   

从小对学生进行有意识的生涯教育,对学生更好地认识自我、发展自我有重要的启蒙、引导作用.中国大陆地区在小学阶段实施生涯教育,还处于初级探索阶段,小学生涯教育存在对实施意义认识不清、未形成体系、缺乏专业师资队伍等问题,小学生涯教育应转变观念、建立系统的生涯教育体系、加强师资队伍建设.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to explore the motives underpinning career mobility, and the impact of such mobility on changing the perceptions of senior teacher educators from Israel who have experienced cross-cultural professional transitions during the mid-career stage (hereafter referred to as ‘internationally oriented teacher educators’). A thematic analysis of five interviewees’ retrospective narratives highlighted three motives driving career mobility: the opportunity for professional development; the joy of adventure and challenge; and the need to bring about a fundamental change in their careers. In addition, two categories of changes in perceptions that occurred following international mobility were mapped: (a) pluralistic perceptions in a multicultural higher education environment, and (b) culture of learning among the younger generation. The discussion raises similarities and differences between the findings and the literature on career mobility in higher education.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The National Association for the Education of Young Children's guidelines for developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) have been imported and researched by others across the globe. A central issue that has arisen for these international early childhood educators is whether these best practices are sensitive to the sociocultural contexts in which they work. To shed further light on this issue, a qualitative metasynthesis was conducted that examined findings from published peer-reviewed studies of DAP in international early childhood contexts that investigated how early educators conceptualized and/or engaged in practices with young children. It then looked at whether these understandings and/or practices culturally contrasted with DAP. In brief, matters involving culture that contrasted with the framework of DAP arose frequently for the early educators in the data set. Yet researchers rarely offered suggestions for early educators to attend to these issues. Practice or Policy: It seems that to address matters involving culture that contrast with the framework of DAP in international contexts early educators should examine the 3 central tenets of DAP simultaneously when addressing the needs of children—their sociocultural, individual, and developmental needs. It also appears that advocates for DAP need to consider whether particular materials, resources, and/or policies should be in place in any early childhood education context for early educators to conceptualize as well as practice DAP. Lastly, there is a need for further research that examines how teachers in international contexts are responding to cultural issues that contrast with DAP in their conceptions of and/or practices in early education.  相似文献   


If formal educators are to play a role in preparing future citizens for making decisions about health and environmental risks, then they must be willing and able to incorporate risk education. This article presents 10 goals for risk education. It also describes current risk education practices, future interests, and perceived barriers to risk education of Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin Grades 6–12 science teachers. Data were collected through a mail questionnaire (1,336 surveys were returned, adjusted return rate = 80%) and in-depth telephone interviews (completed with 45 teachers, return rate = 90%). Many teachers had covered some aspect of risk education and were interested in enhancing their efforts. Results also suggest that teachers need to be made aware of risk education resources and provided with training, particularly regarding psychological influences on risk decisions.  相似文献   

Summary Founded in 1975, the Ohio Career Education Association has grown and matured into a vital, action-oriented professional organization of 1,700 members. Major initiatives include an outstanding annual conference, a quarterly newsletter, legislative relations activities, partnerships, publicity campaigns, and professional development seminars.CEA's dual mission is to promote the growth and expansion of career education in Ohio and to serve the interests of career education practitioners — teachers, counselors, career program personnel, and other local supporters.The key to CEA's success is that it functions as an active member of Ohio's career education network.Curt Heady is Director, Tri-County Education Program, Nelsonville, Ohio. He is also currently serving as Immediate Past President of the Ohio Career Education Association.  相似文献   

2010年颁布实施的《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要》强调"造就一批教育家,倡导教育家办学"。温家宝总理也在不同的场合多次提到教育家办学的思想,教育家办学已上升到国家战略。时代呼唤着教育家,教育需要教育家办学。要从教育大国转向教育强国、从人力资源大国转向人力资源强国,我国需要培养大批的教育家。通过对大学教育家校长的含义说明,并对当前大学校长在管理大学的过程中所存在的问题进行分析,提出培养教育家校长的一些条件,得出为培养创新人才和教育可持续发展,大学需要教育家校长的结论。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划不仅影响大学生学习,而且影响他们将来的职业成长。高校应大力开展大学生职业生涯规划教育和指导,使大学生根据自身的实际情况和社会发展需要,制定适合自己职业成长的职业生涯规划。虽然政府和高校都十分重视大学生职业生涯规划教育,但是高校的职业生涯教育体系还不完善。大学生就业心理不成熟,高校应明确职业生涯规划教育目标,把握职业生涯规划教育与专业教学的关系,引导大学生积极参与社会实践,充分利用网络技术开展职业生涯规划教育,以提高大学生职业生涯规划教育的实效性。  相似文献   

美国职业技术教师教育者的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在通过描述与评论美国高等学校职业技术教师教育者的外观基本情况和职业技术教师教育者在职业教师培养中喜欢运用的专业发展模式、教学途径、最常任教的课程及科目、自身所进行的专业发展活动等,期望使读者对美国职业技术教育师资培养培训与高等学校职业技术教师教育者的一般特征及整体素质有所了解.  相似文献   

高职生就业率与就业质量近年来成为高职院校需要解决的首要问题。职业生涯教育在这个过程中扮演非常重要的角色。高职职业生涯教育存在多种问题:高职生在职业意识上存在多种缺失;学校职业生涯教育的内容、师资与教学手段都跟不上学生的需求;企业在招聘时对待高职生的不公以及对岗位要求不明确;政府在就业、校企与家校合作、毕业生就业以及拨款角色不到位以及父母在子女就业的态度偏差,未发挥积极作用。针对以上问题,高职职业生涯教育应该完善职业生涯教育合作机制,建立生涯规划的服务网络体系;优化职业生涯教育师资结构,建立多方评价机制;改革职业生涯教育的内容与形式,重视职业生涯教育的人文要素;吸取职业生涯教育国际经验,将职业生涯教育作为国家人力资源开发的重要战略措施。  相似文献   

生态学视角下的大学生职业生涯规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有效地开展大学生职业生涯设计是高校就业指导科学化发展的标志。成功的职业生涯规划需要科学理论的支撑。高校应探讨使用生态学基本原理指导职业生涯规划,坚持生态位适应性的原则、因子限制原则、内外平衡原则和开放性原则。高校要积极构建开放的、复合的职业生涯规划教育生态系统,必须构建个人一学校一社会生态链,整合各方面的教育资源,开展大学生职业生涯导航教育,加强对学生的职业训练。  相似文献   

Arguments regarding the need for reading skills in career and technical education exist, but far less attention has been given to teaching strategies that can help support vocational students’ growth as readers. Based on a review of literature, this article highlights the importance of reading literacy in career and technical education, and argues that students from the various content areas in vocational education can benefit greatly from teachers incorporating reading instruction into the curriculum. This article also provides educators with six powerful, practical strategies to use in classrooms to facilitate students’ reading comprehension.  相似文献   

The state of Pennsylvania, like many organizations interested in performance improvement, routinely engages in professional development activities. Educators in this hands‐on activity engaged in setting meaningful criterion‐referenced cut scores for career and technical education assessments using two methods. The main purposes of this study were to (a) assess if training differences had a differential impact on standard setting of the cut scores, (b) determine if there is a significant difference in cut scores between two groups of educators, and (c) examine how cut scores established by this analytical method might differ from holistic impressions cut scores. The results showed general agreement among the career and technical education judges on the cut scores established. These judgments were not influenced by the characteristics of career and technical education students. However, the judges' analytical cut scores were significantly lower than their corresponding holistic impressions cut scores.  相似文献   

To improve educational services to students with disabilities, the United States government has mandated that each state develop a Comprehensive System of Personnel Development. The following article highlights the results of a state-wide needs assessment conducted by one state's Department of Education in order to tailor their system of personnel development. Four percent of the state's general educators, and 6% of the state's special education teachers completed the surveys for a total of 289 surveys. Perceptions of ability to positively affect students, understanding of inclusion, self-efficacy in serving students in inclusive settings, the need for inservice training in various areas, and the availability of supports to promote inclusion were examined for both special and general education teachers. In every area assessed, special education teachers rated their efficacy, ability, understanding, and resources higher than general education teachers. These results are discussed in terms of meeting professional development needs for both groups of teachers.  相似文献   

Despite the many expectations that US and other teacher educators around the world are striving to meet, there has been little attention to development of a curriculum for educating teacher educators, or to local and larger policies that might support the development of what teacher educators need to know and do in order to meet the complex demands of preparing teachers for the 21st century. In this article, Cochran-Smith analyzes four teacher educator communities in different contexts and entry points across the career lifespan. She makes the case that the education of teacher educators is substantially enriched when inquiry is a stance on the overall enterprise of teaching, schooling, and teacher education.  相似文献   

Conclusions The teaching profession is in a state of flux which will continue until changes in salaries, security, and class size are adjusted and overall attractiveness of the profession increases. The CPPC is committed to offering the Career Alternatives for Educators workshop and encourages other career centers to do so. Assisting educators in choosing to remain in teaching, or to enter another field, may help to reduce teacher burnout, enhance teacher job satisfaction, and increase their effectiveness in the classroom. In addition, the workshop provides educators with a better understanding of their University system, increases their awareness and attention to the career development process, and provides better understanding of career opportunities. Career Centers' involvement in this is particularly logical given the role which educators play in their daily interaction with potential university students as teachers or parents. For a variety of reasons, an Alternative for Educators workshop is an important outreach effort for Career Centers, and is a rewarding role for them to play.  相似文献   

The qualification of adult educators is a central aspect of the quality of adult education. However, within current policy discourses and adult education research on the professional development of prospective adult educators, little attention is paid to teacher qualification when compared to other fields of education and training. In this study, we analyse the qualification paths, or learning trajectories, of prospective adult educators in Sweden and Denmark. The analysis is based on narrative interviews with 29 students in training to become adult educators. The career paths of adult educators are often long and winding roads. Becoming an adult educator could be their primary desire, but it could also be their ‘Plan B’, a second choice. Individual motives and external demands interact in the professionalisation process. A shift in focus from teaching subject and methods to teaching context and the relation to the learners is part of the professional development. Finally, we argue that both academic studies and hands-on work in the adult education community are crucial parts of the adult educator's qualification path.  相似文献   

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