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酝酿是问题解决中的一种心理现象。研究酝酿的心理机制和酝酿效应的影响因素有助于人们有效利用该策略来解决复杂问题。目前对酝酿效应机制的解释主要有三种:一是对错误线索的遗忘,二是思维定势的改变,三是无意识心理加工。近年来越来越多研究者倾向于第三种解释。无意识心理加工理论模型认为酝酿中信息加工主要包括意向符号的形成、相互作用以及转换为稳定意识信息三个阶段;基于实验的无意识思维理论认为当人们的意识思维从当前任务离开时,无意识思维对问题的解决起到了关键性作用。  相似文献   

为探讨无意识思维与直觉的决策质量差异,本研究开展了两个实验。结果发现:(1)无意识思维和直觉在多特征决策问题的决策质量并无显著差异,且均显著优于意识思维;(2)无意识思维和直觉在风险决策问题上的决策质量亦无显著差异,且均未显著优于意识思维。上述结果表明:(1)复杂风险决策任务中,无意识思维与直觉存在边界条件;(2)在复杂多特征决策问题中,传统的"三思而后行"已不再适用,决策者应更多的依靠直觉或无意识思维来做出高质量决策。本研究建议从更多角度考察无意识思维与直觉间的差异,旨在为现实决策提供进一步的理论指导。  相似文献   

为探讨无意识思维是否等同直觉,本实验研究发现:(1)被试的无意识思维与直觉在表征极化上并无显著差异,且均更关注极端室友;(2)无意识思维和直觉在表征聚合上存在显著差异,前者的聚合分数显著高于后者,且只有无意识思维产生了表征聚合。上述结果表明,无意识思维并非等同直觉,二者属不同思维过程。本研究建议从更细致的角度探讨无意识思维与直觉的机制,以增进对无意识、自动化思维过程的认识。  相似文献   

近几年来,Djksterhuis等人经过一系列针对无意识思维的实验研究,系统地提出了无意识思维理论(Unconscious Thought Theory,UTT)。其核心在于比较了在解决不同复杂程度问题时意识思维和无意识思维的优势和劣势。本研究在以往研究的基础上,结合Dijksterhuis无意识思维研究范式,以福建师范大学研究生为被试,采用改编的经典无意识思维范式,以复杂人工语法规则判断为判断任务。研究有意识思考、数字分心和字母分心三种思维条件下被试的复杂人工语法规则判断成绩是否存在差异。研究结果显示:有意识思考组的判断成绩要显著低于数字分心组和字母分心组,而数字分心组和字母分心组的判断成绩没有显著差异。  相似文献   

足球意识是影响运动员运动技术水平的重要因素,足球意识表现为运动员对比赛现实情景的观察感知、瞬时的思维判断与决策意向以及准确合理的行动应答。影响运动员足球意识的心理因素主要是记忆与思维、行动与反馈以及无意识控制机能对个人技术打法运用的控制能力。足球意识的培养途径有:学习足球理论知识;掌握足球运动的规律和方法;在平时训练中提出要求;发展专门性知觉;增加对抗和配合体验等。  相似文献   

采取直接调查与间接调查相结合的方式,针对政府部门决策信息需求的类型及特点、政府决策信息咨询服务需求进行抽样调查。调查发现,为了实现政府决策目标,政府部门不仅愿意而且也确实需要借助专门的信息咨询服务机构提供咨询服务。决策咨询服务机构应该做到:树立明确、清晰的组织目标;坚持独立、民主的咨询原则;建立专业、完善的服务系统;提供精湛、完整的保障机制,真正为政府进行科学、民主、独立的宏观决策起到参谋和促进作用。  相似文献   

目前,我国农村教师课堂教学决策表现出的问题是决策意识淡薄、决策目标偏颇、决策经验化和决策主观化等.教学目标把握不准、教学信息量不足、思维方式单一或偏颇以及智能水平不足等是影响农村教师教学决策的主要因素.为此,对农村教师进行培训时应注意帮助他们改变已经习惯了的思维方式和思维习惯,应帮助他们掌握并提高关注和收集信息的能力,应教会他们掌握运用集体智慧的能力.  相似文献   

最近,爱尔兰都柏林圣三一学院神经科学研究人员助理教授Redmond0Connell及其同事通过实验观察人的大脑活动时证实.来自感官的信息会不断地在大脑中积累.当可靠的信息量积累到一定程度时才能做出特定的决策。解读这一消息,有两点可以确认:一是人在决策之前.的确存在一个决策信息积累过程:二是决策信息的积累不是简单做加法,只有被视为“可靠”的信息才会被接纳。视角是人在认识、分析和解决问题时的立足点、切入点.反映了个人与众不同的思维架构和思维模式。教育科研为行政决策服务.实质上就是为决策者提供一定数量的科学的决策信息。因此,教育科学研究可以从以下几方面着手以提升信息的科学性,为行政决策服务。  相似文献   

采用纸笔实验法,研究了小学儿童不同决策规模情境下的反事实思维发展状况及决策趋向。实验结果表明,不同决策规模情境对不同年级学生上行,下行反事实思维的影响不同。2.个人决策和团体决策情境下,下行反事实思维得分和趋向团体决策得分呈高度正相关;在团体决策中,上行反事实思维的得分和趋向个人决策得分呈现出了高度正相关。3.不同年级被试团体决策趋向不同,其中五年级学生更容易倾向团体决策。  相似文献   

实践中由于缺乏科学的决策思维方式经常导致决策的失误。传统的机械式决策思维与现代的适应式决策思维在决策主体、决策对象和决策方法等方面有明显的区别。科学发展观要求我们转变决策思维方式,变机械式决策思维为适应式决策思维,从而实现公共决策水平的提高。  相似文献   

有研究表明受许多边界条件的影响。本研究认为无意识思维动机是无意识思维效应的动力源基于以往无意识思维研究范式,本研究通过无意识理论知识学习以诱发被试的无意识思维动机,探究无意识思维动机对。结果发现,。  相似文献   

Today's world of continuous change thrives on creative individuals. Anecdotal reports suggest that creative performance benefits from unconscious processes. Empirical research on the role of the unconscious in creativity, though, is inconsistent and thus far has focused mainly on one aspect of the creative process - idea generation. This is the first study to assess the role of the unconscious mind for both idea generation and idea selection. Participants generated creative ideas immediately, after conscious thought, or after a period of distraction during which unconscious thought was hypothesized to take place. After having listed their ideas, participants selected their most creative idea. Performance in idea generation was similar between conscious and unconscious thought; however, individuals who had unconsciously thought about ideas were better in selecting their most creative idea. These findings shed more light on the role of unconscious processes in creativity, and provide a means to enhance creative performance.  相似文献   

A central thesis of this paper is that the mind and its thought evolve out of the experience of the whole person in their unique surroundings. It attempts to articulate the meaning and value of Emotional Education, especially in its relation to thought processes. It shows the value of learning from the particular, and from awareness of feeling states. It shows how making emotional enquiry can change the nature of the thinking, reducing the need of the thinker, and involves experiencing while not-knowing as well as more usual rational approaches.Recent affirmations from neuroscience of the psychoanalytic picture of conscious awareness arising from unconscious emotional processes are noted. Systemic and emotional thought processes are described and illustrated.While the nature of unconscious choice is recognised as part of all thought process, the “use of self” is explored as a conscious means of influencing the nature of thinking, and the attributes of both person and context necessary to flourishing thought are contrasted with the human needs which produce mistaken thought. Some questions which have been asked by students in Emotional Education classes, about free will, abuse, and ethics are raised. I hope the gratitude to people who have shared their feelings in order to think and be thought about in “emotional thinking” is evident; it is very real to me.  相似文献   

Decision making is the most common kind of problem solving. It is also an important component skill in other more ill-structured and complex kinds of problem solving, including policy problems and design problems. There are different kinds of decisions, including choices, acceptances, evaluations, and constructions. After describing the centrality and importance of decision making to problem solving and everyday cognition, this paper contrasts normative (rational) with naturalistic approaches to decision making. Normative approaches, such as decision matrices, SWOT, and force field analyses, scaffold rational decision-making approaches. Naturalistic approaches such as constructing stories, mental simulations, scenarios, and arguments, emphasize the meanings of decision options and the role of unconscious emotions in decision making. Recommendations about instructional designs to support both conceptions are followed by recommendations about assessing decisions and decision-making ability. These recommendations provide many researchable questions.  相似文献   

“见性”是《坛经》心理学思想的主题.其目标是成就佛、菩萨等伟大人格。“自性论”是见性的前提,它把外在崇拜转化为人的内在自觉。自性范畴尚未分化,但其表征有显有隐,其显是自我意识,其隐是无意识。成佛就是“意识到无意识”,成佛后的“境界”是人的一种澄明的心态。《坛经》“顿悟论”的认知心理思想是见性的最佳途径,其中关于“根性”的差异心理思想是顿悟的依据。顿悟发生在意识与无意识的交界处,是有限的心植根干无限之中。对语言文字的态度是其认知心理的一个侧面,顿悟买际上也有阶段和方面。《坛经》“定慧一体论”的心灵训练和心理卫生思想是见性的措施保证。作为一种思想和方法,可以单独发挥作用,又可转化为现代人健心和心理治疗的技术。  相似文献   

时间压力是影响决策的重要因素。本研究引入时间压力和任务类型变量探讨两者对决策策略的影响。结果显示:(1)高时间压力明显低于非时间压力信息搜索的深度,而重要任务决策的信息搜索深度要高于非重要任务的搜索深度;(2)无论在高时间压力还是非时间压力下,被试在进行重要任务决策时,倾向于采用代偿决策策略,即基于选项的加工;而在进行非重要任务决策时,被试所采用的策略是非代偿的,即基于属性的加工。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种新的决策表连续属性离散化算法.首先使用条件信息量来度量条件属性的重要性,并据此对条件属性按照条件信息量从大到小排序,然后按排序后的顺序,考察每个条件属性的所有断点,将冗余的断点去掉,从而将条件属性离散化.该算法易于理解,计算简单.  相似文献   

多属性决策的主客观结合特征向量方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了结合主观和客观信息的模糊多属性决策问题,其中主客观信息分别由属性权重的两两比较矩阵和决策矩阵组成.提出一种结合主观和客观信息的特征向量决策方法,给出了2种求解基于主客观特征向量法的模糊多属性决策方法.这种方法通过求解2个线性目标规划模型得到最优属性权重,然后,通过对决策信息进行简单的加权集结,得到所有方案的排序结果.最后,通过一个算例说明了该方法的实用性和有效性.结果表明,该方法要比其他主客观结合多属性决策方法简单.  相似文献   

Attribute reduction is necessary in decision making system. Selecting right attribute reduction method is more important. This paper studies the reduction effects of principal components analysis (PCA) and system reconstruction analysis , SRA) on coronary heart disease data. The data set contains 1723 records, and 71 attributes in each record. PCA and SRA are used to reduce attributes number (less than 71 ) in the data set. And then decision tree algorithms. C4.5, classification and regression tree ( CART), and chi-square automatic interaction detector ( CHAID ), are adopted to analyze the raw data and attribute reduced data. The parameters of decision tree algorithms, including internal node number, maximum tree depth, leaves number, and correction rate are analyzed. The result indicates that. PCA and SRA data can complete attribute reduction work. and the decision-making rate on the reduced data is quicker than that on the raw data: the reduction effect of PCA is better than that of SRA. while the attribute assertion of SRA is better than that of PCA. PCA and SRA methods exhibit good performance in selecting and reducing attributes.  相似文献   

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