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课程目标是人们对课程预期的结果,明确课程目标,才能找到实现目标的最优过程和方法,才能监控教育活动的过程和结果。幼儿园社会领域的教育应该达到哪些教育目标是探讨幼儿园社会领域课程设置的基础。而幼儿园社会领域课程的目标设置又需要以幼儿社会性发展的特点和规律为依据。目前,我国幼儿因课程将社会作为专门的一个领域,有其独立的目标和内容,促进幼儿的社会性发展在社会认知、社会情感、社会行为技能三方面得到共同提高。但幼儿园社会领域的目标设置未见帮助幼儿树立理想这一内容,建议通过发展幼儿的想象并促使其大胆实现来进行幼儿理想的萌芽教育。  相似文献   

正"社会领域教育是从幼儿园课程领域的角度来命名的,作为幼儿园课程的一个领域,对幼儿进行社会性教育。"社会领域教学不等同于社会领域教育,"它是社会领域教育中重要的一种组织形式,围绕着社会领域教育的目标和内容,为了促进儿童社会性发展而由教师引起、维持、促进幼儿学习的活动",是幼儿获得社会知识、社会技能和发展社会情感的重要途径,也是实施幼儿园社会教育课程的主要手段。其在养成幼儿良好的个性  相似文献   

幼儿园的舞蹈课程属于学前教育五大领域的艺术领域,有助于幼儿发现美、表达美,对于幼儿的身心健康发展有独特的价值。然而,在幼儿园的实践教学中,舞蹈课程的教学方法方法陈旧,过于注重技能的训练,缺乏对音乐的感受与理解,这给幼儿的身心带来了压力和负担,影响了教学目标的实现。将游戏引入舞蹈教学中丰富了教学方法,增强了舞蹈教学的趣味性,能够解决实践教学中的种种问题,本文对幼儿园舞蹈游戏教学的应用策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

幼儿园社会领域教育是幼儿园专门以发展幼儿的情感和社会性为目标,以增进幼儿的社会认知、激发幼儿的情感、培养幼儿的社会行为为主要内容的教育,其核心是做人教育。由社会认知、社会情感及社会行为技能三方面构成的有机整体,社会教育是幼儿全面发展教育的重要组成部分,在促进幼儿社会性发展方面具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

王琦 《学前教育》2009,(12):42-43
艺术领域作为幼儿园教育的五大领域之一,对幼儿情绪情感的发展和创造性的培养有着不可替代的作用。但是传统的艺术教育偏重技能的训练,而忽视幼儿在艺术活动中的情感体验与自由表达。  相似文献   

紧紧抓住孩子的心,让孩子快乐学习。幼儿园绘画就是一种重要的快乐学习形式。传统的幼儿园绘画教学以幼儿习得绘画技能为目标,注重临摹训练。以画的象不象作为绘画的评价标准。新绘画教育活动提倡的是以幼儿成长为中心,幼儿发展为目标,激发兴趣为形式,鼓励表扬为过程,促使幼儿在情感、态度、能力、知识、技能、智力、个性等方面全面发展。  相似文献   

《幼儿园工作规程(试行)》中提出要“萌发幼儿初步的感受美和表现美的情趣”的教育目标。这里指的是全面的审美教育,其内容包括对自然现象、社会现象和艺术作品的审美,审美教育首先应是形成幼儿良好的审美态度和艺术兴趣,幼儿不仅要感受美,认识美,而且还要在感情上体验美。如果没有美的感受过程,就不会有表现美的需要和动机,也不可能有丰富的表现内容,所以幼儿园的审美教育不应是单纯的知识技能教育和片面追求表现形式的技能训练。  相似文献   

幼儿园社会领域教育是五大领域教育的重要组成部分,能够促进幼儿社会认知、社会情感及社会技能的培养.社会心理支持能根据幼儿的社会心理需求为幼儿提供有针对性的保护和支持,从而发展幼儿的人际交往能力、社会适应能力以及健康的心理品质,对幼儿的社会性发展具有重要意义.文章结合我国当下的社会背景,探索基于社会心理支持的幼儿园社会领域教学活动中存在的问题以及对策,旨在利用社会心理支持的影响促进我国学前儿童社会性的健康发展.  相似文献   

本研究采用内容分析法,对当前我国幼儿园教育实践中比较有代表性的4种教材共425个社会领域教学活动中的教育内容进行了具体深入的分析。结果显示我国幼儿园社会领域教育内容大致可归纳为12个类别。它们在不同年龄班及不同教材中各自所占比重都不均衡,比较受重视的内容是"亲社会行为和人际关系""社会文化与节日庆典""社会环境""情绪情感";"个性品质""生活技能与行为习惯""礼仪教育""安全与生命教育""理财教育"受到的关注偏小。在今后的幼儿园社会领域教育实践中,需要加强有关幼儿生活技能和行为习惯、社会规则、个性品质、礼仪、安全与生命教育、情绪情感等内容的训练或培养。  相似文献   

社会教育作为幼儿全面发展教育的重要内容之一,近年来有了长足的进步。社会教育成为幼儿园一个独立的课程领域,明确了幼儿园社会教育的目标和内容,并认识到社会教育应促进幼儿社会认知、社会情感、社会行为等方面的和谐发展,观照了幼儿自身发展的需要。但在实际教育活动中,幼儿园社会教育还存在着一些问题,如将社会教育简单化、表面化,忽视对幼儿社会态度的培养,社会教育的整体性、随机性体现得不够,幼儿社会教育某些目标及内容起点、要求偏高,对幼儿个性品质的某些方面重视不够等。改进幼儿园社会教育,需要强化幼儿社会教育观念,拓展幼儿社会教育课程领域,改进幼儿社会教育方法。  相似文献   

Preschool education is a privileged setting where social development and the progressive achievement of emotional adjustment occur. During this stage, affect plays an important role in social interaction. Furthermore, children’s play has been described as an activity with a great potential for promoting development. This article reports results from the systematic observation of 38 five- to six-year-old children in four different school activities on two separate occasions. A total number of 304 registries, totalling 1,520 minutes, were made during the observations, which were conducted with the objective of comparing affective expression in different activities and inquiring into its relationship to school adjustment and performance in preschoolers. It was found that affect’s intensity and quality is higher during play. Results are discussed taking into account positive relationships between affect and school adjustment and performance, concluding that children’s play is a privileged activity for affective development and should be promoted in preschool education.  相似文献   

马克思哲学以改造世界为取向,但也蕴含了如何解释现实世界的深刻思想。马克思实践解释学涵盖了解释的主体性、社会性和真理性三大原则。其主体性原则蕴含解释的对象性、互主体性和视域性思想,与现代解释学所彰显的理论维度相吻合;解释的社会性原则关涉解释的社会基础、社会功能及社会评价,是马克思的独特贡献;在解释的真理性原则中,马克思将真理性与实践性相结合,主张具有历史性、相对性和价值性的解释活动仍具有客观真理性。  相似文献   

Raising the proportion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds progressing to higher education has been a key policy objective for successive governments in the UK since the late 1990s. Often this has been conceptualised as a problem with their ‘aspirations’, with the solution being seen as the provision of ‘aspiration‐raising’ activities to promote higher education to those thought to have the potential to progress. Recent large‐scale studies cast strong doubt on this hypothesis by demonstrating that aspirations are not generally low, that different social groups have similar levels of aspiration and that school attainment accounts for nearly all the differences in participation rates between social groups. This article draws on data from a national project exploring efforts to widen participation across two generations of practitioner‐managers in England, focusing on their conceptualisations of the field and their constructions of ‘successful’ activities. It uses the lens of ‘possible selves’ (Markus & Nurius, 1986 ) to argue that too much policy emphasis has been placed on the aspirations of young people, rather than either their academic attainment or their expectations, which are shaped by the normative expectations of the adults surrounding them. In addition, the more expansive concepts of widening participation that were present a decade ago have become less common, with a shift towards activities with a clear role in institutional recruitment rather than social transformation. The article concludes with alternative suggestions for policy and practice.  相似文献   

品德与社会(生活)课程就其总体目标来讲,包括两个大的方面:一是品德教育;二是社会化适应,当然后者是要加以限定的。两类课程目标具有交叉重叠性,但并不能相互取代。现实表现是前者更被强调,甚至掩盖了后者。究其原因,有来自课程设计方面的,有来自执行方面的;有历史的,也有现实的。要全面实现课程目标,需要实现对课程的准确解读和表达,加强县级教育行政部门对课程的管理和学校社会化教育活动的创新,并需要在教师素质提升、课堂教学改革、教师配备与培训、教育评价等多个角度上给以保障。  相似文献   

李家林 《考试研究》2012,(1):37-44,10
文章对考试的科学性与适宜性问题进行探究。作者认为,考试的科学性主要体现在考试目的源于社会客观需要,考试内容体现社会时代要求,考试形式适应人的身心发展特征,考试运行满足自身规律,考试管理符合社会规范,考试结果可靠和有效等六个方面;考试的适宜性主要体现在主考者办考行为的合理性、主考者为应试者创设应试环境条件的公平性等两个方面,坚持考试科学性与适宜性可以为人们正确开展考试活动提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在教育国际化背景下,大学英语教学目标应适时从培养学生的基本社会交往能力转到培养他们的认知学术语言能力。在大学英语环境中培养学生的学术英语能力可采用以学科内容为依托的语言教学模式,开发适合中国学生使用的教材进行。教学活动设计应考虑提高学生的英语语言水平、学科知识水平以及高层次思维能力。教学过程中应发挥教师的指导和帮助作用,也要充分发挥学生积极建构认知学术语言能力的作用。  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the purposes of a planned and intentional parenting style – ‘concerted cultivation’ – for different middle-class groups, highlighting that social class fraction, ethnicity, and also individual family disposition, guides understandings of the purposes of enrolling children in particular enrichment activities. We examine how parents and their children engage in extra-curricular activities for instrumental reasons with a view to securing skills, qualities and distinction for the future. Additionally, however, enrichment activities are understood as offering present-day values such as enjoyment, social bonding and purposeful activity. The paper also highlights that current policy and broader commercial discourses call for the increased responsibilisation and intensification of parenting, which means that ‘good’ parents are required to ‘buy into’ extra-curricular activities for their children, with concomitant implications for those whose access to activities is limited by economic circumstance.  相似文献   


School based enterprise education and activities are becoming increasingly popular within Australian schools, particularly among students in senior years. However, the objectives of school based business education are still unclear, largely as the demand for activities and courses presently outstrips the development process. As such, the approach taken has centred on the ‘traditional’ style of education, with an overriding concern placed on what can ‘reasonably’ be demanded of students time and resources. This paper outlines the factors contributing to the increased popularity of school based enterprise activities in Australian schools reviewing both past and present teaching methods. An alternative approach to business education is proposed and analysis of the relative merits of this proposal undertaken. The overall objective of the alternative proposed is to remove the artificial environment associated with the approaches employed to‐date. This will require the acceptance of failure as a possible positive outcome and the consideration of issues in a broader social, community and macro‐economic context.  相似文献   

This article explores the effect of computerized scaffolding with different scaffolds (structuring vs. problematizing) on intra-group metacognitive interaction. In this study, we investigate 4 types of intra-group social metacognitive activities; namely ignored, accepted, shared and co-constructed metacognitive activities in 18 triads (6 control groups; no scaffolds and 12 experimental groups; 6 structuring scaffolds and 6 problematizing scaffolds). We found that groups receiving scaffolding showed significantly more intra-group interactions in which the group members co-construct social metacognitive activities. Groups receiving problematizing scaffolds showed significantly less ignored and more co-constructed social metacognitive interaction compared to groups receiving structuring scaffolds. These findings indicate that scaffolding positively influenced the group members’ intra-group social metacognitive interaction. We also found a significant relation between students’ participation in intra-group social metacognitive interaction and students’ metacognitive knowledge. Twelve percent of the variance in students’ metacognitive knowledge was explained by their participation in intra-group shared social metacognitive interaction. Therefore, future research should consider how to design scaffolds that elicit intra-group social metacognitive interaction among group members to enhance the development of students’ metacognitive knowledge.  相似文献   

In this cross‐sectional study we investigated to what extent autonomous and controlled motivation and social achievement goals are associated with students’ emotional experiences at school. We found in a sample of 426 elementary school students, aged from 10 to 12 years, autonomous motivation (i.e. students’ engagement in class activities because they find such activities enjoying or personally important) and social development goals (i.e. students’ focus on developing meaningful social relationships) to be positively associated with positive emotions. In contrast, controlled motivation (i.e. students’ engagement in class activities because they feel coerced to do so) and social demonstration‐approach goals (i.e. students’ focus on demonstrating popularity) were positively associated with negative emotions. These associations remained significant even after controlling for perceived competence. Cluster analysis further showed that students high in autonomous motivation and social development goals and low in controlled motivation and social demonstration‐approach goals exhibited a better motivational profile compared to students high or low in all the above motivational variables. Results are discussed within the self‐determination theory and the social achievement goal perspective.  相似文献   

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