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德性伦理学作为古代哲学家探讨道德问题的经典模式,在现代道德义务规范理论的冲击下曾经一度被边缘化。德性伦理学在当代的复兴主要是通过回归亚里士多德伦理学传统来实现的,同时也是一些哲学家批判现代性价值观念的思想资源。然而,为了使自己同一般意义上的德性理论区别开来、回应道德义务规范理论的质疑,德性伦理学就必须依据好的人类生活或幸福、德性的基本原则以及人性论等要素来澄清自身的特征。  相似文献   

Norwegian higher education has for a long time been strongly committed to individual strategies for development and change. A case study in a third-year basic engineering course at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology supports the idea that social change as a phenomenon should be paid more heed. After discussing this study, the paper turns to the kinds of challenges we face in higher education in general, and how these challenges can be met, theoretically and practically. Anthony Giddens' structuration theory is discussed in this context. It is not an educational theory, but has great potential for analysing situations of change. According to this theory it is the recursive social practices that help us to conceive both stability and change. Hence, structures in Giddens' sense not only represent barriers, but also enable change and development to take place.  相似文献   

范式的探索和争鸣始终是比较教育发展史上的主旋律。相对主义范式贯穿了比较教育方法论发展的始终。它的产生冲破了实证主义的羁绊,打破了民族中心的观念,但其自身也存在明显的缺陷。相对主义的历史演变与发展印证了它顽强的生命力,同时也证明了其不可能战胜实证主义成为永恒的真理。范式之间并非不可通约。范式间的争鸣促进了比较教育理论与方法的发展,并逐步走向视阈间的融合。  相似文献   

21世纪的大学英语教学面临新的发展机遇与挑战,《新编大学英语》按照“以学生为中心的主题教学模式”编写,体现了新时代的特征和《新大纲》的要求。  相似文献   

Several authors have suggested that the contract between the university and society formulated in the nineteenth century is breaking down, and a new relation between knowledge and society is being installed. This paper investigates what is at stake in this shift by re-visiting the roots of disciplinary knowledge, examining Durkheim’s social theory of knowledge to display the evolution of basic and professional disciplines in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Two contemporary challenges to disciplinary knowledge are then examined and evaluated. The paper concludes that it is time to transcend the standoff between disciplinary knowledge and practice-based accounts of knowledge.  相似文献   

There is a long history of some students finding that the science instruction they receive in schools fails to address their deeply held concerns about the theory of evolution. Such concerns are principally religious, though there are also students with deeply held religious views who are perfectly comfortable with the theory of evolution. New instructional strategies are emerging, aimed at reducing the tensions that may exist between evolution and religion by making space for students to examine their own views and recognize the spectrum of views that exists between atheistic evolution and special creation, as well as the bounded nature of science and different ways of knowing. In this article, we discuss the teaching of evolution in societies where acceptance of the theory of evolution is far from universal, and argue that an approach based on pedagogy of difference has considerable potential to enhance students’ development of epistemic insight through recognition of the multiple perspectives that exist concerning the relationship between religion and science. In doing so, we explicate precisely what pedagogy of difference entails and introduce an approach that should enhance evolution education, and even aid students’ situating of science as a resource for making decisions about issues with scientific and societal aspects where the acknowledgement of multiple perspectives is valuable.  相似文献   

通过对西方公共领域理论及其中国本土化演进的再确认,发现一个长期被我国学界忽视的基本事实,即西方公共领域理论文化现象的存在。它集中表现为“国家-社会”二元模式论,并与“公私二元论”互为表里,从而很好地解释了西方公共领域理论的跨文化运用遭遇瓶颈的原因。鉴于此,在超越“国家-社会”二元模式论的基础上,尝试借鉴公共哲学中的“活私开公”理念,结合中国历史文化传统和现实境况,重新探索中国公共领域应有的内涵及其构建路径。  相似文献   

批判教育学从产生至今大致经历了三个发展阶段;它的基本认识是"教育应该是政治的",基本立场是站到弱势群体的一边,基本方法是阶级分析的方法.批判教育学把实践理解为在民主授权的合法性前提下规范的政治活动.以上特征使它与其他相关学派之间有着千丝万缕的关系.可以说,批判教育学的产生是必然的,存在是合理的,但发展的道路却不可能一帆风顺.  相似文献   

全球化与本土化视野下的比较教育研究范式之审视   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在全球化与本土化的引力和张力的作用下,在后现代主义理论的影响下,比较教育的研究受到了前所未有的挑战,其主要反响之一便是比较教育研究范式上的深刘变化。在此背景下,与传统的实证主义研究方法不同的质性研究范式和多元文化主义研究范式便应运而生。文章重点对这两种范式的内涵、外延及特点进行简要评介,以期对这两种范式作深入的认识和探讨。  相似文献   

Isaksson, A. 1979. Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development and Its Relevance to Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 23, 47‐63. The main assumptions and categories of Kohlberg's theory of moral development are succinctly outlined. New empirical studies and critical reviews are discussed, and their implications for the theory assessed. It is concluded that the theory is correct in its basic assumption of viewing moral development as a sequential progression towards more complex structural wholes that can be conceptualized as levels or stages. Empirical evidence is found to lend greater support to the identity of three sequential structural levels than to six distinct stages. Kohlberg's and his associates’ approach to moral education is briefly described. The relevance of the theory to moral education is seen as self‐evident. The conditions for the efficacy of moral educational programmes are discussed. The general conclusion of the article is that Kohlberg's approach has proven its basic theoretical and heuristic value. The theoretical framework favoured by the author is cognitive‐developmental.  相似文献   


Practice domain and needs of a profession should determine development and use of research methodologies. The complexity and broad range of social work interventions require an approach to research that is more far-reaching, with greater depth, than offered by either the positivists or post-modernists. In this article, a model presents research as skills of social work practice, integrating the contentious practice research dichotomy. Acknowledging that differences in language and perceptions of practitioners and researchers create enormous challenges, a basic assumption in the model is that good practitioners conduct research in their implementation of practice. Juxtaposing practice components with research methodologies, case material illustrates the professional helping relationship as a shared conceptualization of reality, social work assessment as theory construction with need for validity and reliability, and use of triangulation to prevent drift and unplanned shifts in the intervention.  相似文献   

格式塔心理学又称完形心理学,它的基本观点是坚决反对元素分析,大力强调整体组织,认为部分相加不等于整体,反对对任何心理现象进行元素的分析,主张艺术家要创造"有意味的形式"。格式塔心理学创建了一种独具特色的学习理论,主要包括:整体性、直觉性、异质同构、完形压强等。格式塔理论对学习、记忆、思维等独到的研究和见解,给予语文教学许多有益的启示和重要的指导意义,为开展语文教学提供了一个崭新的理论视角。  相似文献   

从教育地位和作用的嬗变、我们国家的基本国情、国际经济追赶经验三个方面分析了在知识经济社会,以传授、生产和创新知识,特别是培养训练创新型人力资本为主的教育产业,应成为第一基础性产业。从建立适应社会主叉市场经济的教育投资体系、办学主体多元化和转变观念、灵活办学、向学习化社会推进等方面提出了思路。总之,用产业经济的理念和发展思路,推进教育成为第一基础性知识产业,是直面国际竞争,迎接挑战,根据中国实际,强抓机遇的理性选择。  相似文献   

当代资本主义新变化的原因及其实质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二次世界大战后,当代资本主义发生了一系列新的变化,使得传统科学社会主义理论面临严峻的挑战。为此,理论工作者必须开拓视野,以发展的观念,丰富发展马克思主义关于当代资本主义的理论和“两个必然”的思想。而资本主义基本矛盾正是认识资本主义发展趋势的关键。本文从资本主义基本矛盾的视角考察了当代资本主义的新变化,揭示了当代资本主义新变化的原因及其实质,深化了对“两个必然”客观规律的认识。  相似文献   

This article contests the narrative of Chinese international students (internationals for short) as passive and problematic to reveal the complexity and fluidity of their experiences. Simultaneously, it troubles the overly linear approach of stage theory in understanding internationals’ adjustment. Following nine first- and nine second-year students in US colleges over a year and involving them in semi-structured interviews and journal prompts, this research examined how they evolved. Findings show that while participants grew on academic and personal fronts, their experiences remained multi-dimensional, with second years being less sanguine and reporting challenges different from first years. This article argues that seeing Chinese internationals’ evolution as an uneven ascent affords a more nuanced understanding compared to a U-shape stage theory as it recognizes that while internationals are evolving, new situations provide challenges which they learn to overcome. Consequently, Chinese internationals’ growth troubles the deficit discourse around them and departs from pre-existing research around postgraduates. Findings spell implications for how the college community should enhance transcultural understanding and how future research around internationals could develop.  相似文献   

马克斯·韦伯的理性官僚制是资本主义工业文明的基本组织形态,适应并促进了资本主义的发展.然而,学界对官僚制的看法却褒贬不一,即使在我国当前的行政体制改革中对其认识也不统一.但从中国社会发展由传统农业社会向现代工业社会转型的具体阶段来看,理性官僚制对我国的行政体制改革仍具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

针对电子政务服务的日趋复杂性,为降低出错率、时间以及人工成本,本文从变化管理角度来分析采用语义技术描述的电子政等服务中相关本体特性,在此基础上构建一种基于元建模理论的本体演化模型来实现半自动化的变化管理,以提高本体演化的效率。该模型特性如下:其一,根据电子政务领域的特性,保留OWL—S中基本本体的设计概念;其二,参考电子政务领域知识对其简易化重构及扩展,即更改并增加某些特殊的概念/类/属性,使该本体演化模型更人性化、更高效、更便利;其三,引入业务过程建模方法中的相关概念来完善业务流程的建模设计,丰富抽象业务层的语义表达性以提高该模型的项目可实施性。尽管本文研究对象是电子政等领域,但是该解决方案也适用于其他的语义Web服务领域。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations among preservice elementary teachers’ ideas about evolution, their understanding of basic science concepts and college science coursework. Forty-two percent of 240 participants did not accept the theory of human evolution, but held inconsistent ideas about related topics, such as co-existence of humans and dinosaurs and plate tectonics. Accepting the theory of evolution was positively correlated with correctly answering the three other questions related to the age of Earth. Furthermore, participants who rejected evolution scored significantly lower on a test of basic science concepts than did participants who held accurate views on human evolution. Study results revealed no apparent association between completion of advanced college science courses and acceptance of evolutionary theory or understanding of science concepts. Implications for elementary science teacher education were discussed.  相似文献   

近些年来,行动研究的发展对教学论研究产生了不可忽视的影响.行动研究隐含着相对主义、实用主义、工具主义、操作主义等知识假设,对教学论研究提出了严峻挑战.正确对待行动研究、坚守教学论的理论品格、保持理论与实践之间的适当张力是教学论研究应对挑战的基本策略.  相似文献   

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