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WANG Qian 《海外英语》2012,(24):283-284
American slang is a non-written language innovation and the crystal of history and culture. Slang is an objective existence which is often used by many people, and has become an integral component of the language and an important communication tool. This paper elaborates the sociocultural conditions of American slang origination.  相似文献   

Most of us are used to the fact that skirts are basically worn by human females. We do not realize that Scotland is the land that has skirts traditionally worn by men and boys. It is, indeed, a practice of the Scottish male not to be embarrassed when he wears the Scottish kilt , which is actually a beautiful skirt.Long ago, in the land, it was common for Scottish men and boys to use skirts. It was mainly male performers that used them. The practice spread far and wide. Later, it gained favour with the Scottish royalty, especially when kilts were used by the Scottish male bagpipers at court. A bagpipe is a blowing instrument.The Scottish kilt is one of the national of Scotland. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see in Scotland a male using it on himself and feeling proud of it.  相似文献   

In the Albanian schools settings does not exist religious discrimination, neither gender discrimination, but there exists a discrimination, as unfair against children called "difficulty". The children who drop out of school are by far less numerous compared with those who start school, but who are not properly treated, so that they can progress the same as other children. The object of this article is the children with learning difficulties, the causes of these difficulties. One of the reasons, among many others, why this secret dropping out of school happens is also difficulty in learning that quite a few number of pupils have, which are not known to everyone, and consequently are not treated by all the teachers, or by the other people who surround the child, condemning him to a school failure and slim chances to succeed later in life. It has often been pointed out that to define the causes of these learning difficulties it is not an easy task. A large number of factors intermingle bringing about the hell of learning for some children. If it is impossible to intervene in different organic damages (even they in many cases can be prevented though), at least those depending on people can be avoided by offering a favorable environment, showing fondness towards them and making efforts to help these children. Above all, the authors have to be willing, to know and be able to do this as parents and precisely as teachers.  相似文献   

Be Yourself     
We often hear say that people are different. There are not two people who are like each other in every way. Even twins do not look completely the same. Everyone is an individual. It is important to realize that you are the only one in the world. You can not be replaced by anyone else.  相似文献   

The ZM-1 tissue microarrayer designed by our groups is manufactured in stainless steel and brass and contains many features that make TMA (tissue microarray) paraffin blocks construction faster and more convenient. By means of ZM-1 tissue microarrayer, biopsy needles are used to punch the donor tissue specimens respectively. All the needles with the punched specimen cylinders are arrayed into the array-board, with an array of small holes dug to fit the needles. All the specimen cylinders arraying and the TMA paraffin block shaping are finished in only one step so that the specimen cylinders and the paraffin of the TMA block can very easily be incorporated and the recipient paraffin blocks need not be made in advance, and the paraffin used is the same as that for conventional pathology purpose. ZM-1 tissue microarrayer is easy to be manufactured, does not need any precision location system, and so is much cheaper than the currently used instrument. Our method's relatively cheap and simple ZM-1 tissue microarrayer technique of constructing TMA paraffin block may facilitate popularization of the TMA technology.  相似文献   

At present,words like"Loli"and"Lolicon"are commonly used.While"Loli"has a reference to Vladimir Nabokov’s book Lolita,are the two words—"Loli"and"Lolita"—meaning the same?It happens that the word"Lolita"consists of two part:"LOLI"and"TA".An attempt to find out a real Lolita is done by looking into several controversial issues.It has universal meanings on leading the underage girls.  相似文献   

李玲 《海外英语》2013,(23):314-316
Jef Verschueren is the representative of European Continental pragmatic thought.He puts forward a new theory that pragmatics is a perspective on language and he uses the theory of adaptation to analyze pragmatics."The general concern for the study of linguistic pragmatics is to understand the meaningful functioning of a language as a dynamic process operating on context-structure relationships at various levels of salience"(Verschuren 2000:69).The focal points in contexts are the utterer and the interpreter,for the physical,social and mental aspects of contexts are activated by language users’cognitive processes.Verschueren divided interpreter’s roles into five types:addressee,side participant,bystander,listener-in and eavesdropper,which can explain the adaptation of context and language choices.This is also applicable in college English classroom as the English class is also a context.At present students taught at the same time by the same teacher do not master the knowledge at the same level.One of the reason is that students are not engaged in the class at the same level.According to the Verschueren’s theory,the best English teaching class is one that each student in the addressee of teachers.Addressee is a metaphor which means everyone should follow the teachers’explanation carefully and take part in the teaching activities.It has something to do with interaction theory,which considers students as active individuals but not passive receivers.One of the common interaction patterns is questioning.In this thesis,the question how to make students addresses through adoption of questioning approach in college English class will be researched.  相似文献   

In different aspects of linguistic competence,proponents and opponents of the CPH also share different views.In terms of pronunciation(native-like accent) competence,proponents of the CPH argue that younger starters are better than older starters;while opponents of the CPH hold that some older starters have reached high levels of native-like accent proficiency after puberty.With regard to morphology and syntax(grammar) competence,proponents of the CPH believe that universal grammar is accessible for younger starters at a critical period while older starters seem to gradually lose this innate language-acquisition device,which causes them to be less successful in the acquisition of grammar.However,opponents of CPH claim that there is no strong empirical evidence which indicates that older starters do not have access to universal grammar after puberty.Therefore,it is still uncertain whether younger starters do have better grammatical competence than older starters,since whether or not universal grammar continues to be available as a support for language acquisition after puberty is still doubtful.  相似文献   

Existing water hazard detection methods usually fail when the features of water surfaces are greatly changed by the surroundings, e.g., by a change in illumination. This paper proposes a novel algorithm to robustly detect different kinds of water hazards for autonomous navigation. Our algorithm combines traditional machine learning and image segmentation and uses only digital cameras, which are usually affordable, as the visual sensors. Active learning is used for automatically dealing with prob- lems caused by the selection, labeling and classification of large numbers of training sets. Mean-shift based image segmentation is used to refine the final classification. Our experimental results show that our new algorithm can accurately detect not only 'common' water hazards, which usually have the features of both high brightness and low texture, but also 'special' water hazards that may have lots of ripples or low brightness.  相似文献   

My Family     
I have a big family. There are 42 brothers and sisters in it. We study and live happily. I think everyone has guessed that this big family is my class. It's one of the best classes in our school. In our family, everyone has his own character, such as clever boy Cao Cao, pretty girl Xiao Jie, little artist yao Bin and so on. Wen Bin is my brother. Perhaps you will think that he is a gentle boy when you hear the name. He looks quiet. But when he comes to the playground, he changes completely. He looks like a cute monkey. Although each of our brothers and sisters are not the same, we are very united (团结的). Our class is a warm family. Welcome to our home. I believe you will love it at once.  相似文献   

"俚语"这一名称产生得较早,历代辞书也有对俚俗词语或说法的收录,现代的某些辞书也对俚语做了解释,但具体什么是俚语,它的性质特点是什么,却没有一个清晰的说法。本文主要讨论了什么是俚语,它与俗语、谚语的区别,俚语的性质和范围。  相似文献   

美国俚语是非正式的不标准的词或短语。美式英语之所以活跃,是因为美国俚语发挥了重要的作用。羡国俚语不仅在人们的日常用语和文学中用处广泛,而且在社交方面占有重要地位。幽默是美国俚语的最显著的特点。幽默使俚语存在并发展壮大,并且在人们的社交和日常用语中广泛使用。本文旨在对美国俚语作为幽默的语言形式做一个浅显的探究。  相似文献   

俚语是英语中较为活跃的语言成分,它从大量不同亚化的黑话,行话及暗语中溢出而进入主流化,英语中除了极少数俚语是新造词外,大部分则是源于旧词赋予新义而成,本从语音,词法,语义三个方面来分析俚语的理据,以期帮助人们了解和识别俚语含义及其隐含在俚语中的一些现象。  相似文献   

俚语是随时代的变迁而不断变化发展的一种非正式语。俚语的使用有其自身的特点。在美语口语当中,俚语常与行话,口语体交织在一起,但又相互区别。本文考察俚语的发展和使用特点以及俚浯与行话,口语体的关系。  相似文献   

俚语是一种俗语,本身并不属于标准英语的范畴。但随着中国与外界的交流日益增多,我们可以从电影电视或是书刊杂志上听到或看到大量英语俚语。而俚语的含义是与英语国家的文化历史背景密切相关的,这就要求翻译工作者在翻译俚语时要十分注意语言的得体性以及英汉双语在特定文化背景下的转换。  相似文献   

俚语是一种特殊的语言形式,在讲英语的国家里,俚语十分流行,它不仅使用于日常交谈中,而且还大量地渗透在通俗文艺作品中。本文通过探讨英语俚语的构成形式、语意功能以及社会文化理据三个方面来进一步分析英语俚语的文化特征。  相似文献   

俚语是语言变异的一种表现,属于社会语言学的范畴。越南语在发展过程中同样产生其语言变体——俚语。越语俚语,尤其是其构成特征,成为越语学习的内容之一。透过社会语言学视角,从语音、词汇、语法三个层面对越南语俚语的构成特征进行探讨。  相似文献   

俚语作为一种非规范性语言体,因其生动形象,鲜明简练等特点,正日益进入各种大众传媒,在现代交际中起着重要的作用。本文分析了俚语的主要特征、文体功能和俚语对报刊语言的影响,指出运用俚语的重要原则就是慎重。  相似文献   

俚语是英语语言中举足轻重的一支,它是亚文化的语言栽体。因此,俚语翻译不仅仅是语亨的翻译,更是文化的翻译。本文拟结合英汉俚语翻译中的实例谈谈如何在俚语翻译中做好文化“传真”。  相似文献   

在英语中俚语是一种非正式的语言。英语俚语在字面意思和实际所表达的意思上存在很大反差,有时根本没有任何关系。语言是最能体现一个民族文化继承和历史的发展演变。由于中英文化和历史的不同,在实际交流和运用的过程中往往会碰到大量的英语俚语使人束手无策。所以如何了解并掌握英语俚语,如何正确处理中英俚语的差别,对学习者进一步掌握英语很有必要。  相似文献   

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