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I really like this sentence: T he choic- es you m ake and the w ay you live now w illdeterm ine w hat your future w illbe. I can learn a lot of things from this sentence. N ow everybody in our class is a student. B ut after 20 years, w hat w ill they be like? N obody know s. I read a story recently. It w as interesting. It is about som eone m any years ago. H e know s w hat his future w ill be like and he is very w orried about it. E very tim ew hen he begins to w ork, he w ould think about…  相似文献   

(A)Life in the future w ill be different from life today.Between then andnow m any changes willtake place.But what will the changes be?The population is growing fast.There w ill be m any people in theworld and m ostofthem will live longer than the people …  相似文献   

chool arden f ng sh “M other”is the m ost brilliant w ord in the sun.But I think this also goes for the other w ord——“Father”. B oth our fathers and our m others love for us are the sam e and it can only be described with one w ord—— G R E A T. W e are used to our parents love so thatw e always consider it a m at- ter ofcourse.H owever,as Im advancing in age,I get to understand what the m aternal or paternal love is.In m y view ,Parents love for their chil- dren is like the sun th…  相似文献   

Recall Yesterday Once More Starting from the first day I entered college, the warm and benign sunshine wakes me up day after day, telling me that time and tide wait for no man with her fast but quiet steps moving along my bed edge every morning.Iw ould then feelvery upset, if m y m ind w as a blank as Ilooked back in the passed day.Iw as keenly aw are that yesterday w ouldn’t return to m e any m ore. W hen Ihave lostm any yesterdays, Iw ould be perplexed and frustrated. H ow can w e possi…  相似文献   

It is said that people succeed because of hard work and that luck has nothing to do with success. Although I believe that hard work is very important and is the surest way to success for most people, I do not think luck has nothing to do with success.People succeed because ofhard work, but luck has a lot to do with it,too.H ard w ork can invite good luck.W hen it com es to success,luck can m ean being in the right place to m eet som eone, or having the right skills to geta job done.N othing …  相似文献   

A garden is a wonderful place for us. We can plant flowers and trees by our own hands. The flowers and trees grow with us. If you give us a garden spot, we can show you a beautiful garden in the future. We get lots of fun from planting.  相似文献   

郭思含 《海外英语》2014,(20):122-124
Role-play is considered as a useful method to solve the problem of oral English teaching in universities. It’s much more than a performance that learners can experience the real life in the classroom. Through its use in the pre-playing,whileplaying and post-playing stages in universities,its effects will be presented in an overall way: students can gain more communication skills in the mini society atmosphere,and the accuracy and fluency of their oral English will be improved. Although some factors may affect the effects of role-play use in oral English teaching in universities,with the better use of role-play in the future,the goal of oral English teaching will be realized.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) on growth performance and humoral immune response of the large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea R.). One thousand and two hundred large yellow croakers [initial average weight: (162.75±23.85) g] were divided into four groups and reared in floating sea cages (3 m×3 m×3 m). The animals were fed with 4 diets: basal diet only (control) or diets supplemented with 5%, 10% and 15% (w/w) FPH. The results show that dietary FPH levels significantly influenced the growth and immunity of the large yellow croaker. Compared with the control group, total weight gain (TWG) in all treatment groups, relative weight gain (RWG) and specific growth rate (SGR) in fish fed with diets supplemerited with 10% and 15% FPH were significantly increased (P<0.05). Similar results were observed in immune parameters [lysozyme activity, serum complements, immunoglobulin M (IgM)]. Lysozyme activity, complement C4 and IgM were also significantly increased (P<0.05) in fish fed with diets supplemented with 10% and 15% FPH, while complement C3 level was significantly increased (P<0.05) in all treatment groups. In general, with the supplementation of FPH, particularly at dose of 10%,the growth performance and immunity of the large yellow croaker can be improved effectively.  相似文献   

Cooperation Development between Mauritius and China 中毛两国的合作发展 ES: Last year marks the 40m anniversary of diplomatic relationsbetween Mauritius and China. Could you please review the fields of cooperation and friendship development between the two countries? And in what aspects, in your opinion, should we strengthen cooperation with each other in the future?  相似文献   

Som e people believe that schools w ill no longer be necessary in thenear future.They say thatbecause of the Internet and other new technolo-gy,there is no longer any need for school buildings,classes or teachers.Perhaps this willbe true one day,but ifthe world has no schools,I can tim agine how our society w ill be.In fact,w e should learn how to use newtechnology to m ake schools better.W e should invent a new kind of schoolthat is linked(链 接)to libraries,m useum s,science centres,labs an…  相似文献   

李坤 《海外英语》2014,(8):271-272,275
In recent years,researchers in SLA field have suggested that integration of form-focused instruction with communicative language teaching can foster the development of interlanguage system.Firstly,the crucial role of attention in language learning has been proved and explicit instruction can facilitate the acquisition.Secondly,the scope of grammar has been enlarged.Therefore grammar is not limited to linguistic forms,but also concerns context and discourses.This paper analyzes the need for integrating FFI with CLT and states the implication for grammar pedagogy.  相似文献   

Valentine’s D ay1falls on February 14.It is sweethearts’day—when people in love expresstheir affection2for each other in fun and m erryw ays.People celebrate the day in m any w ays.Thecelebration of the day in the past was differentfrom that of today as som eone recalls3his“goodold days4”when everything w as sim pler:“A ll you had to do w as to take a sheet ofpaper and draw a heart with an arrow5through itcarrying the words‘I love you’,and sign6it‘G uess w ho’and put it under the f…  相似文献   

cts the haig     
ity straitly in the future.Through the literature and discussing with the expert analyse and summarize relation of  相似文献   

一、Understanding classroo-m role relationship Learning is driven by what teachers and students do in classrooms. Teachers have to manage to help them learn immediately and become better learners in the future. Teachers' function is namely supervision, which we consider as the process by which teaching performance is systematically observed, analyzed, and evaluated .We focuses on the roles of trainer and educator. As trainers, supervisors are concerned with technical improvement; that is, in showing teachers that what they are doing can be done better. As educators, supervisors must be concerned with strategies change, that is, in showing teachers that what is done in the classroom might be done differently and in sensitizing teachers to alternative classroom practices.  相似文献   

The story happened when I w as ten years old.O n a rainy day,m y father w as busy and he asked m e to go to a shopto buy som ething for him . The shop was about three m iles aw ay from ourhom e.I set out with an um brella in m y hand.The road was very wet andm uddy,and I walked with great difficulty.A fter I bought w hat m y fatherneeded,I started to go back with all the things in m y hand.O n m y w ayhom e I fellseveral tim es,but I w asn tbadly hurt.W hen I was 500m etresaway from our ho…  相似文献   

Action learning refers to that man try everything to find out the new pattern of action in similar situations of the future by introspection and comprehension about past and present experience (affairs) in order to achieve a certain purpose or solve a certain problem. Compared with the traditional vocational teachers' training model, the action learning model based on "experience-introspection-action" is better to promote and enhance the practical knowledge growth and personal theory construction of vocational teachers. Action learning can simultaneously promote mutual development of individuals and learning groups (organizations).  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic behavior of autoclaved aerated concrete load-bearing masonry wall(AACLMW), a piece of control block wall without constructional measures and five pieces of block walls with different constructional measures were tested under low reversed cyclic loading which imitated low to moderate earthquake force. The seismic behavior of AACLMW with different constructional measures in terms of failure mode, hysteretic curve, deformation capacity and displacement ductility was studied and compared with that without constructional measures. The experimental results indicate that the constructional measures comprising constructional columns and horizontal concrete strips are effective for improving the seismic behavior of AACLMW. The study in this paper can provide a reliable experimental basis for further analysis and engineering application of AACLMW in the future.  相似文献   

The cumulative sum (CUSUM) algorithm is proposed to detect the selfish behavior of a node in a wireless ad hoc network. By tracing the statistics characteristic of the backoff time between successful transmissions, a wireless node can distinguish if there is a selfish behavior in the wireless network. The detection efficiency is validated using a Qualnet simulator. An IEEE 802.11 wireless ad hoc network with 20 senders and 20 receivers spreading out randomly in a given area is evaluated. The well-behaved senders use minimum contention window size of 32 and maximum contention window size of 1 024, and the selfish nodes are assumed not to use the binary exponential strategy for which the contention window sizes are both fixed as 16. The transmission radius of all nodes is 250 m. Two scenarios are investigated: a single-hop network with nodes spreading out in 100 m×100 m, and all the nodes are in the range of each other; and a multi-hop network with nodes spreading out in 1 000 m×1 000 m . The node can monitor the backoff time from all the other nodes and run the detection algorithms over those samples. It is noted that the threshold can significantly affect the detection time and the detection accuracy. For a given threshold of 0.3 s, the false alarm rates and the missed alarm rates are less than 5%. The detection delay is less than 1.0 s. The simulation results show that the algorithm has short detection time and high detection accuracy.  相似文献   

(A)A s we allknow,fire,one ofthe m ostterrible killer1.in our m odern society,is m ain caused by the sm okers.2.In2003,thousands offires were happened in China.A bout3.50%ofit were caused by sm okers w ho leftcigarette-ends4.in everywhere.30%were caused by defective insulation(绝缘)and5.20%by children play with m atches.N o m atter w hat type ofthe6.fire broke out,there is one thing in com m on:carelessness.7.Therefore we should warn children w ith the dangers of playing8.with m atches.A ta …  相似文献   

Prediction Model of Data Envelopment Analysis with Undesirable Outputs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has become a standard non-parametric approach to productivity analysis, especially to relative efficiency analysis of decision making units (DMUs). Extended to the prediction field, it can solve the prediction problem with multiple inputs and outputs which can not be solved easily by the regression analysis method. But the traditional DEA models can not solve the problem with undesirable outputs,so in this paper the inherent relationship between goal programming and the DEA method based on the relationship between multiple goal programming and goal programming is explored, and a mixed DEA model which can make all factors of inputs and undesirable outputs decrease in different proportions is built. And at the same time,all the factors of desirable outputs increase in different proportions.  相似文献   

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