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My mother     
IcomefromasmallvillagecalledMiaoshaninSang鄄dongprovince.Mymotherisacommonfarmer.Sheisfortyyearsold熏butshelooksveryyoung.Sheworkshardformeeveryday.Shegetsupveryearlyeverymorning.Shefeedspigs熏chicks熏cowsandsoon.Thenshebeginstocookforme.AfterIgotoschool.Mothergoestoworkinthefield.Everydayisbusyforher.Butsheisveryhappy.Mymotherisverystrictwithmystudy.OnedayIwatchedafootballmatchonTV.IenjoyeditsomuchthatIforgottodomyhomework.Butitwasalreadyteno’clock.Iwantedtogotobedverymuchwithoutdoin…  相似文献   

Advocating mother tongue education implies recognising the centrality of linguistic and cultural diversity in quality and accessible education planning and delivery. In minority linguistic settings, this need becomes particularly urgent. Decades of exclusive promotion of foreign languages have rendered the educational system incapable of guaranteeing maximum quality, accessibility and equity. Also, due to long periods of marginalisation and disempowerment, most indigenous communities are unable to undertake viable self-reliant educational initiatives. As a result, planning and management of education is not adapted to the needs and realities of target populations. What such an educational approach has succeeded in achieving is to cultivate a culture of near-total dependence and consumerism. In minority language situations where mother tongue education is still primarily in the hands of private institutions and individuals, successful planning also means influencing the perceptions and attitudes of indigenous people and systematically integrating them into the educational process. This paper discusses grass-roots mother tongue education in Cameroon. It focuses on the inter-community self-help initiative as a local response framework and argues that this initiative is a strong indication of the desire of communities to learn and promote learning in their own languages.  相似文献   

Help my mother     
正I love my mother very much.when I see her doing housework I often come to help her.One day,my mother was ill and my father was out.so I had to look after my mother and do housework by myself.although I was not good at doing that things,I still tried my best to do everything.After a  相似文献   

“M”(million):您给了我整个世界M-isforthemillionthingsshegaveme,“O”(old):您的头上已经出现了白发O-meansonlythatshe'sgrowingold“T”(tears):您为了我流了无数的泪水T-isforthetearssheshedtosaveme,“H”(heart):您有金子般高贵的心灵H-isforherheartofpurestgold;“E”(eyes):您的眼睛闪着慈爱的光芒E-isforhereyes,withlove-lightshining,“R”(right):您是公正的,您不会欺骗我们R-meansright,andrightshe'llalwaysbe,这些字母放在一起,就是您———我的母亲Putthemalltogether,theyspell“MOTHER,”Awordthatmeansthe…  相似文献   

英语属于主语突出的语言,由于英语思维强调客观,注重客体对主体的作用和影响,因而在英语中无灵主语句得到广泛使用。本文从英语无灵主语句的界定入手,分析了无灵名词 有灵动词构成的无灵主语句所具有的强烈拟人或拟物色彩;探讨了名词化的无灵主语句严谨的结构形式,和无灵被动句客观公正的表达作用。  相似文献   

王晓明  张小玲 《高中生》2011,(25):24-25
母亲病了,躺在床上,我就坐在母亲的床边玩电脑。有时母亲睡着了,但更多的时候她醒着。她醒着,除了起床到阳台上稍微活动一下以外,就只好睁着眼躺在床上。母亲大多数时候是悄无声息地躺在床上的,但有时候她也会试探着想跟我说  相似文献   

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