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《虎符》的思想意蕴,有现实的广度,历史的深度,哲学的高度;既是一篇讽喻现实的檄文,又是一曲先驱者的颂歌,更是一曲生命的诗意赞歌。这三重意蕴内在统一,水乳交融。  相似文献   

中国古诗词艺术歌曲《虞美人·听雨》是青年作曲家白栋梁根据南宋词人蒋捷同名宋词创作的一首近年来广为传唱的作品.本文从探讨该词的意蕴入手,研究该曲的"通感"音乐创作技法、钢琴伴奏与吟唱的关系,继而探讨该曲演唱诠释的基本构思,将该曲的美学意境呈现出来.  相似文献   

马致远《天净沙·秋思》中的一组写景句,历来的解读都做实景处理,如果用电影蒙太奇手法去解读,则可看出"小桥流水人家"实为心中所想的虚景。这样解读,可以更准确地把握该曲的内容意蕴。  相似文献   

莎士比亚的《裘力斯.凯撒》是一部倾注现实思考、充满政治意蕴的罗马历史悲剧。援引新历史主义批评策略,双向探索剧本之外的社会存在和剧本之中的政治状况,其中包含对民众的策略、对贵族的抑制及对君王的规范三方面研究,可重新勾绘莎士比亚心目中的理想国蓝图。  相似文献   

本文从创作的角度探讨空白在意境中的存在形态以及诗人创造空白的策略.空白在意境中的存在形态可分为联结空白和意蕴空白.联结空白主要存在意象层,表现为意象之间似断实续的联系意蕴空白存在意蕴层,与实境相辅相成.诗人创造联结空白运用意象叠加法、修辞法和画面叠印法,而在创造意蕴空白时主要运用截面法、曲笔法和以形写神法.  相似文献   

陈慧 《华章》2011,(20)
黎英海先生改编创作的钢琴曲《阳关三叠》,运用现代西方钢琴化的音乐语汇表现出了中国古琴曲代表作所特有的气质与神韵,并赋予作品新的内涵,使民族音调和现代钢琴相得益彰、相映成趣.本文试从原作韵味、新曲结构及演奏特色等方面对作品的审美意蕴进行探析,从观赏者与演奏者的不同角度深刻把握古曲新作的审美意蕴.  相似文献   

《麦琪的礼物》是欧·亨利的名作之一,讴歌了一曲让人心酸却倍感欣慰的艰难爱情。文章剖析小说巧妙的故事情节,分析精湛的艺术特色和意境深远的主题思想,这将有助于读者理解作品的人物个性、美学意蕴及社会价值。  相似文献   

师德的现代意蕴解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代师德意蕴体系中,"爱"是教师心意所在,"献"是教师灵魂所系,"爱"与"献"为师德莫定了良好的精神基础,是师德丰富的精神意蕴,而"行"才是师德的现实塞石所在,是师德最终的走向和归宿.这是师德的现实意蕴.  相似文献   

《黑骏马》的意蕴是丰富的,是一首生命的诗,是一个年少的梦,是一曲华彩的旋律,是一种失去的美好回忆,是青春,是理想,是亲情,是爱情。在这曲生命的旋律中,它奏出了文化观念的冲突,生命意识的高扬,草原生存状态的"知在"的表达等多重审美意蕴。四处飘洒着生命的余韵。  相似文献   

"乡土文学"成为台湾上世纪70年代文学场域的巨大话语,根本在于其所隐喻的意蕴已远远超出了它作为一个普通文学话语形态的意义,直指民族意识建构、民族国家认同、台湾社会现实关怀、中西文化对话以及被殖民历史的再审视等多重文化符码.  相似文献   

The paper discusses findings of a study that investigated Malawian students' meanings for some probability vocabulary. The study explores the meanings that, prior to instruction, students assign to some words that are commonly used in teaching probability. The aim is to have some insight into the meanings that students bring to the classroom. The sample for the study consisted of 154 students in their first year of secondary school education and whose first language was Chichewa. The paper demonstrates that many of the students' preconceived meanings for probability vocabulary were distant from established conventional probability meanings. In addition, there was a wide range of meanings associated with each of the words. An attempt is made to analyse the students' meanings and to explain their possible sources, some of which are rooted in the students' first language. The paper highlights the importance of having an awareness of students' preconceived meanings, and also stresses the importance of language in learning probability.  相似文献   

一词一义的形成过程是词的制造者为一个意义选配一个“词的语音形式”的过程。一词多义的形成过程是新的词义与旧的词音相结合的过程。多义词中本义之后的义项都是由本义直接或间接地“引进”到同一个“词的语音形式”之中的。词的本义不能“产生出”或“带出”词的新义, 故词义不可“引申”而出。“词义引申”说未能真实反映多义词中本义之后的义项进入同一词中的客观过程。古汉语中的多义词皆词义引进所致。词义引进表现为“一义一进”和“一义多进”。  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of how to account for the growth in vocabulary knowledge that occurs during the elementary school years. Areas examined include the ways that word meanings are communicated, direct teaching of meanings vocabulary instruction as a part of reading instruction, and deriving and learning word meanings from verbal context. Taken singly, neither direct instruction of meanings nor learning word meanings from context seems to account all that well for the growth in vocabulary that is thought to occur.  相似文献   

Determining word meanings that ought to be taught or introduced is important for educators. A sequence for vocabulary growth can be inferred from many sources, including testing children’s knowledge of word meanings at various ages, predicting from print frequency, or adult-recalled Age of Acquisition. A new approach, Word Maturity, is based on applying Latent Semantic Analysis to patterns of word occurrences in texts used with children. This article reports substantial correlations in the .67 to .74 range between Word Maturity estimates and the ages of acquiring word meanings from two studies of children’s knowledge of word meanings, controlling for homographs. The agreement among these markedly different methods for determining when word meanings are understood opens up new research avenues. In addition, we have found that print frequency is associated with Word Maturity and tested knowledge of word meanings and that understanding concrete meanings required less print frequency exposure than verbally defined meanings.  相似文献   

新时期现代汉语中旧词新义产生的原因、方式及其发展前景值得探讨。新事物、新现象的涌现及社会心理的变化是新时期旧词新义产生的根本原因。旧词新义的出现并非音义任意结合的结果,而是以意义的相关性或读音的相似性作为依据产生的。在新时期,只有那些规范的旧词新义才能及时地进入静态的、规范的词汇系统,与已有的一般词或基本词结合成新同音同形词或成为已有的一般词或基本词的新义项。  相似文献   

通过语义分类、义项分析、本义及其引申探讨三个方面对《论语》动词语义面貌进行描述,可以看出《论语》动词在语义上的某些特点。  相似文献   

言语行为是人类特有的一种禀赋。言语行为的话段有命题意义和施为意义。实现言语行为的施为性意义必须遵循一定的原则。制约言语施为性的因素主要是形式意义和语用意义。  相似文献   

英汉比喻习语中的喻体给人以生动的联想,其丰富的联想效果赋予了习语言简意赅、生动形象、妙趣横生等特点,同时也是英汉语言文化差异的集中体现。文章分析了英汉比喻习语的喻体和联想效果的对应关系:喻体和联想效果对等;喻体和联想效果的不对等,如喻体不同,联想效果相同或相似,或喻体相同,联想效果不同;英汉文化空缺导致的喻体和联想效果对应空缺。通过对比再现了习语喻体和联想意义所传承的文化内涵,从而有利于正确把握习语喻体的联想效果。  相似文献   

动词“泡”在《现代汉语词典》中有两个义项,一是较长时间的放在液体中;二是故意消磨(时间)。相对于词典中的静态义项,“泡”的动态词义则更为丰富。对动词“泡”的各种用法都可以做出一定的文化阐释。  相似文献   

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