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Information and support for families of children on the autism spectrum is limited in south-east Europe. A three-year project, Equity and Social Inclusion Through Positive Parenting (ESIPP), was established to develop and provide parent education (PE) in autism for families in Croatia, Cyprus and North Macedonia. This paper presents findings from Croatia regarding family life and the impact of PE. Data were collected via pre- and post-PE questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Participants discussed the impact of autism on family life, the difficulty of obtaining a diagnosis, the importance of family support (and varying experience of formal support), common experiences of stigma and social exclusion and concerns for the future. The value and benefit of PE is identified, and recognition of its impact within Croatia has ensured its ongoing provision.  相似文献   

This article analyses the situation of the right to education in Europe, based on a comparative study of the recommendations made by the Committee on the Rights of the Child with respect to the reports submitted to the Committee by the European States Parties. The primary sources used are the Committee’s concluding observations and the individual reports of the States Parties. The article analyses some of the educational aspects underlying the Convention on the Rights of the Child, such as obstacles to the enjoyment of the right to education, access to that right, discrimination in education, school discipline and human rights-based education. The conclusions suggest consideration of a European map, highlighting certain difficulties in such areas as access to education, discrimination against particular groups and a certain ambivalence in relation to the use of corporal punishment.  相似文献   

阚阅 《职业技术教育》2004,25(10):66-69
介绍<欧洲教育与培训2010年目标>出台的社会背景,简述<目标>基本内容及其实施策略.<目标>的提出与实施反映了知识社会对欧洲教育的全新挑战,强化了欧洲教育一体化的态势,认为这是欧洲在教育的多元与统一中进行的有意义的探索与尝试.  相似文献   

欧美高等教育机构经费来源及其启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
欧美高等教育机构的经费来源呈多元化格局,其中公共财政资金是基础,学费、销售、服务和合同、捐赠收入等各类非公共资金日益增长。内外部科研经费,自身的市场化经营与服务收入,规范化、专业化运作获得的捐赠收入,合理适度的学费与费用,成为欧美高等教育机构经费增长的四种渠道。  相似文献   

推进欧洲高等教育一体化的博洛尼亚进程   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
迄今为止,博洛尼亚进程划分为四个阶段,其标志分别为1998年欧洲四国签订索邦宣言、1999年29国签订博洛尼亚宣言以及此后召开的布拉格会议和柏林会议。越来越多的欧洲国家加入该进程,共同致力于实现到2010年建立欧洲高等教育区的目标,从而大大推进了欧洲高等教育一体化的进程。  相似文献   

欧洲高等教育一体化进程初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1999年6月19日,欧洲29国教育部部长聚集在意大利城市波罗格那,协商统一欧洲高等教育体系,并计划在2010年建成欧洲高等教育共同体。这所谓的波罗格那进程意味着,不同国家高等教育机构间的合作将被商业化的教育市场上的国际竞争所取代。值得关注的是,波罗格那进程将不可避免地分化高等教育理念、消解大学自治精神、弱化高等教育质量保障机制。作者认为,波罗格那进程只是个梦想。尽管如此,可以预见,欧洲高等教育共同体的构建对于全球化时代中我国高等教育的国际发展有着重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities encounter complex and circuitous transitions from post‐primary settings to Higher Education. In Ireland, inequitable access to Individual Education Plans, and a lack of policy infrastructure to provide formal transition planning, means that these journeys are varied and uncertain. This study presents findings from surveys completed by parents supporting students with disabilities in their final 3 years of mainstream secondary school (n = 69), and in‐depth interviews with a self‐selected subset of parents (n = 8). Results point to: (i) disparate levels and quality of support and guidance, (ii) fissures in communication channels between parents and schools, (iii) insufficient awareness and understanding of the interplay between disability and successful post‐school outcomes, and (iv) high levels of stress, anxiety and frustration experienced by students, parents and carers.  相似文献   

17至19世纪上半叶,在明清之际“西学东渐”浪潮的推动下,一批青年学子远渡重洋,赴欧洲留学。他们 或跟随来华耶稣会士辗转欧洲各国学校,或慕名前往那不勒斯中国学院;或学成归国,或定居异邦,为中外文化教育 交流作出了可贵的贡献,并开创了中国近代留学教育的先河。  相似文献   


Inclusive education of disabled students has been promoted in European disability policies. However, the transition process from more segregated system is slow. The purpose of this study was to provide an insight about different types of schooling of disabled children affected by a rare disease across Europe and to evaluate their and caregivers’ well-being. We analysed data from a cross-sectional study (BURQOL-RD) of persons with rare diseases that cause intellectual and/or physical disability: Prader-Willi syndrome, fragile X syndrome, three types of mucopolysaccharidosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The sample consisted of 359 children aged 6–17 and 269 caregivers from eight European countries. Results showed differences between countries in proportion of students placed in special schools, which are still valid option in countries such as Germany, France or UK. Within the inclusive education modalities, lack of special support for disabled students was observed especially in low-income countries. No association between the type of schooling and quality of life was observed, but the subjective caregivers’ burden seems to be higher in special schools. The study shows existent differences in implementation of inclusive education in Europe. More research is needed in the field of rare disease disability and educational needs.  相似文献   

In the twentieth century, in Europe and North America, the origin and development of the concept of adolescence owes much to the growth of universal education. However, in the latter years of the present century the countries of Europe and North America began to experience relative economic decline and, at the same time, develop growing respect for the educational achievements of the countries of the Pacific Rim. This paper seeks to examine models of adolescence more closely both in the countries of the first industrial revolution and in the country that leads the world in academic achievement – Japan.  相似文献   

从凡尔赛到雅尔塔--试析近代欧洲安全体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪前半叶,欧洲先后经历了两次世界大战的磨难。在战后条约的基础上,欧洲分别形成了两个不同的安全体系:"凡尔赛体系"和"雅尔塔体系"。这两大体系不同的内部结构和运作机制给欧洲带来截然不同的命运。  相似文献   

Growing numbers of pupils with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are attending mainstream schools, and increasing numbers of teaching assistants (TAs) are being deployed into classrooms to support them. Evidence suggests, however, that pupils who have a TA may underperform academically, receive less attention from their teachers and be isolated from their peer group. Issues relating to the deployment and training of these staff, and their relationships with class teachers have been raised as contributing to the negative impact of TAs. However, school factors – such as inclusive school culture and teacher training – have been overlooked. In light of this, the objectives of the current study were to (1) develop understanding of the aspects of school culture that TAs feel contribute to the development of inclusion, and (2) identify aspects of school culture, policies and practices that facilitate or hinder their ability to effectively support pupils with ASD. Fifteen TAs supporting pupils with ASD in four mainstream secondary schools were interviewed. Thematic analysis identified positive attitudes towards pupils with special educational needs, school leadership support for inclusion, collaboration and respect as components of an inclusive school culture. The factors perceived as facilitating or hindering the ability of TAs to effectively include pupils with ASD included access to expertise, communication within school and teaching staff awareness of ASD. These findings are discussed in relation to the growing literature on inclusive education for pupils with ASD.  相似文献   

中东欧各国转型以来积极参与欧洲高等教育学区的创建。但这种由西欧主导的高等教育一体化忽视了西欧国家和中东欧国家之间存在的巨大差异,由此导致欧洲高等教育学区形成了“核心”与“外围”的结构。中东欧国家在参与创建欧洲统一高等教育学区中面临的遭遇,与其在政治经济方面的处境如出一辙,其实质依然是“老欧洲”国家与“新欧洲”国家之间经济利益和政治权力的不平衡分配。  相似文献   

19世纪,伴随着西方工业化,城市化的进程也以空前的速度发展:随着城市中各种各样问题的出现,有关城市的研究便应运而生,至今不衰。本文在论述西欧中世纪城市起源的同时,与东方封建城市,尤其中国封建城市的起源进行简单比较,以期对此热门问题做一总结,也为目前方兴未艾的城市史研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

本文对中世纪时期欧洲272次战争的主要起因进行了统计分析,其结果表明,中世纪欧洲出现频率最高的战争起因是领土、霸权/征服、争夺权力和宗教等问题,而商业/航海问题、民族问题和阶级压迫等在中世纪欧洲的战争起因中还不是十分重要。  相似文献   

苏东剧变后发展中资本主义国家社会主义运动的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遭受苏东剧变强烈冲击的亚非拉广大发展中资本主义国家的社会主义运动在经历了一个动荡、滑坡的时期之后,逐渐稳定了下来,并在总的低潮中有局部复兴和发展,最具有代表性的是印度(马)、巴西共产党以及南非共产党的力量得到较快的发展,并在发展中表现出一些共同的特点。  相似文献   

罗马帝国晚期,基督教确立了其在西欧社会中的合法地位,并且在基督教内部产生了教派斗争。自诩为正统的罗马教会把所有不服从其统治的反对派都称之为“异端”。在不同的历史阶段,异端所指代的内容不同,教会对待异端的态度也不尽相同。西欧中世纪,基督教会为了维护自己的统治地位,建立了有关“惩罚异端”的神学理论,世俗政权与教会联手对异端进行打压,异端运动与基督教正统之间展开了不同形式的斗争。异端运动并不是一个单纯的宗教运动,它与经济、政治有着密不可分的联系。不同时期的异端运动虽斗争的形式不尽相同,但都对基督教会的统治地位造成了威胁,对西欧中世纪社会的发展产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a significant debate regarding the ways in which different educational systems throughout the world could develop more inclusive practices in their schools. Based on the notion that the education of children considered as having special needs should be considered as part of a wider process of school development, in this study, we investigated the implications of the integration of deaf and hard of hearing students (D/HH) in relation to the practices used by teachers. Using qualitative data from a secondary school in Cyprus, we formed two assertions which are supported by examples that embraced inclusive practices: (a) the presence of D/HH students obliged teachers to differentiate their teaching and what innovations were used in the class with D/HH pupils were also used afterwards in the classes with all students with success; and (b) the presence of D/HH students in the school led teachers to develop collaborations between themselves, a fact that facilitated the learning not only of the D/HH students, but also of all the children. The integration of D/HH students led teachers to the development of more inclusive practices, which in turn had an impact on all students of the school.  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶,人口老龄化是发达国家人口发展的一大趋势.相应地,老年人生活照料成为学术界和公众关注的重要话题.欧洲是世界上老龄化程度最高的地区,也是福利国家的发源地,老年人生活照料的理论研究和实践走在世界的前列.总体而言,欧洲老年人生活照料表现出以下六大特点:照料方式的正式化,照料服务的商品化,照料行为的去家庭化,照料主体的去性别化,照料主体的多元化,照料服务付费方式的多样化.未来30年,我国将是世界上人口老龄化速度最快的国家之一,老年照料具有潜在危机.研究欧洲老年人生活照料,对于我国老年照料的设计有着重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

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