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本文从人权角度分析非洲国家在劳工(劳动)与社会保障法方面所取得的成绩和不足,并由此展望其在这方面的发展前景。  相似文献   

近年来,我国高校学生状告学校的案件频繁出现,大学生越来越重视保障自己的权利。学生作为公民应该辜有公民所享有的一切权利,学校应该有责任和叉务保障学生的人权。目前,虽然高校与学生之间的法律关系还没有定论,但学校应该从学生的利益出发,保障在校学生的人权。  相似文献   

Social work education could benefit from an explicit educational framework that combines social justice and sexuality: sexual justice. However, there is a paucity of literature in social work discussing this critical issue. This article helps equip social workers to challenge social injustice through a lens of sexuality and builds a conceptual framework by examining sexual justice through pillars of social work: human dignity, community and solidarity, rights and responsibilities, priority for the poor and vulnerable, and peace. An activity providing micro and macro case discussions is presented to help infuse sexual justice into social work programs.  相似文献   

The question of inclusive education is not straightforward. Despite all its good intentions, inclusive education, in practice faces numerous challenges today. This study analyses these challenges in the Swedish special education context. The author explores special educators’ experiences, possibilities and challenges when applying inclusive education. Findings reveal positive attitudes to the concept of inclusive classrooms. Nevertheless, teachers face more than a few grey areas that need to be put in place in order to achieve socially and cognitively inclusive classrooms.  相似文献   

人力资源会计在西方已经有几十午的历史,改革开放后引进我国。但中外应用人力资源会计都不尽如人意,原因是多方面的,建立人力资源权益会计是必要选择,也是对人力资源会计的补充和完善。  相似文献   

人力资源会计在西方已经有几十年的历史,改革开放后引进我国。但中外应用人力资源会计都不尽如人意,原因是多方面的,建立人力资源权益会计是必要选择,也是对人力资源会计的补充和完善。  相似文献   

追诉有组织犯罪需要平衡打击犯罪与人权保障。有组织犯罪的特点决定了必须强化打击度,正当程序的理念决定了必须恪守程序正义的底线。为了有效打击有组织犯罪,应当强化刑事侦查手段,加强证人和被害人保护,鼓励被追诉人与控方合作,倾斜证明责任分配。在打击有组织犯罪的过程中,也应坚守人权保障的底线:禁止使用酷刑手段,辩方有效参与,贯彻无罪推定原则,程序依法公开。  相似文献   

以联合国人权事务高级专员办事处编撰的《人权教学入门——中小学校的实践活动》为述评对象,提炼其理念、内容、话题和实施方式,特别讨论其中教师自身人权素养对学校人权教育具体实施所具有的直接影响;文章最后论述实施和创新人权教育中所特具的"中国问题",认为:看好中国人权理论和实践的发展前景——这是实施人权教育的基本前提;教育行政部门主导研制相应政策、法规条文和教学读物——这是实施人权教育的制度保障;学校努力营造校园人权文化氛围——这是实施人权教育的基础条件;教师对当前世界人权理念和现实的自觉体认——这是实施人权教育的本体要素。  相似文献   

人权具有道德权利、法律权利和宪法权利的多重属性。全球气候变化侵害了人权,引起了国际人权诉讼。我们应当从权利学与经济学的双重视角考察气候变化与人权的国际保护之间的关联性。人权的核心功能是要矫正资源分配权的失衡现象,从而维持国家公权力与个人私权利的大致平衡。以人权保护的需求为原动力,以人权的矫正功能为手段将有助于实现应对全球气候变化的目标。  相似文献   

Although human rights are often expressed as universal tenets, the concept was conceived in a particular socio-political and historical context. Conceptualisations and practice of human rights vary across societies, and face numerous challenges. After providing an historical account of the conceptualisation of human rights in Japanese society, this paper examines human rights education in Japan, focusing on implementation of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education. Whilst the Decade’s Action Plan advocates a comprehensive approach, Japanese human rights education focuses far less attention on imparting knowledge and developing learners’ attitudes, placing strong emphasis on aspects of responsibility and harmonious human relations understood in the historical context of Japanese moral education. Pedagogical proposals are made to promote a comprehensive approach, including focus on the role of empowering learners, enabling them to protect themselves by invoking human rights.  相似文献   

Immersion learning is one form of experiential education and has great utility in social work education. However, there is limited research on student learning outcomes from immersion learning courses in social work education. This ethnographic research describes an immersion learning course offered to BSW students (N = 9) and the learning outcomes gained. This semester-long course focused on macrolevel practice with people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and the sexual exploitation of women. As part of this course, students went on a weeklong immersion trip, where they visited a dozen human service organizations and interacted with people experiencing poverty and homelessness. Qualitative analysis produced three findings. First, students reported that these interactions helped them realize their biases and impacted their understanding of poverty. Second, students reported enhanced social work practice skills, such as cultural competency, self-awareness, and interpersonal expertise. They also gained a better appreciation for macrolevel practice. Third, students reported a better understanding of how to deploy classroom knowledge in practice and how to apply what they learned back in the classroom. These findings have implications for undergraduate social work education and how immersion learning programs can be a tool for enriching both knowledge and practice skills.  相似文献   

Continuing moves towards more flexible approaches to the provision of higher education have been reflected in the increased provision of social work education through distance learning and the related increase in the use of online technologies for social work education. This article reports on the use of a wiki in a final year social work subject. Wiki technology was used to create a collaborative learning environment where on-campus and distance students were able to work together to produce assessable material. Drawing on student comments regarding the process and outcomes of the wiki assignment, a number of issues and benefits of the use of wikis in social work education are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

大数据时代对人才的信息素养能力提出了更高的要求.高校的人才培养需要顺应时代要求,在教育教学的各个环节融入信息素养培育的理念,大力加强对学生的信息素养能力培育.该文讨论了高校本科生信息素养培育现存问题,立足于人文地理与城乡规划专业对本科生信息素养培育要求与南京邮电大学办学实际,建立了以学科专业为主线、以专业课教师为主导、...  相似文献   

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