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Concerns about social work students' writing are well documented, but the cost of specialized writing programs leaves budget-stressed programs confronting a problem they may feel they have few means to address. However, a valuable resource is already available: faculty expertise in social work writing. The challenge is helping faculty realize their knowledge is not transparent to students; it must be taught, intentionally and explicitly, in undergraduate social work classrooms. Engaging faculty in a process of articulating their expectations will help them elicit more effective student writing and change their attitudes toward student writing from frustrated to excited and optimistic.  相似文献   

玉树灾害社会工作在灾后重建的三年时间里,大致经历了“紧急救援”、“灾后重建”两个阶段。灾后重建以甘达村联合社会工作站为主体,发掘和链接政府、民间组织、宗教团体等各方资源,搭建社会支持网络,为个人和家庭提供服务,探索灾后集中定居的牧民生计恢复和可行之策。玉树甘达村社工站是青海本地社会工作教育者和社会工作者成长和服务的平台,也可链接外部资源弥补本土社会工作因年幼无法独自完成任务的不足。玉树甘达村社工站初步形成的多方合作介入灾后社区重建的介入模式可资借鉴。  相似文献   

人与自然之间关系随着时间的流逝经历了从自然共同体、社会共同体到生态共同体的发展过程。人对待自然的态度和方式也经历一个从无到有,从以人类中心主义到非人类中心主义的过程。同时,人自身也经历一个由“非人”到“人”的不断生成、发展的进化过程,这正是人在自身进化中一个质的飞跃。  相似文献   

不是理想中的、西方的、中国将来的社区,而是生活中的、中国的、现在的社区,亟需特殊的制度性建设。这种建设包括伦理、法治、社会工作三个方位。生活中的社区伦理、法治与社会工作尚处于模糊性和准制度性状态,尚处于有动力源而动力源不足的状态。社区制度性建设,需要社会工作统合的社区伦理、法治和社区工作的三向合作,需要国家统摄的政府推进和整合、社会支持和培育、社区学习和锻炼的三源合一。  相似文献   

This article discusses twelve reasons that we must teach about the 1945 American atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As with Holocaust studies, we must teach this material even though it is both emotionally and intellectually difficult—in spite of our feelings of repugnance and/or grief, and our concerns regarding students' potential distress (“tertiary trauma”). To handle such material effectively, we should keep in mind ten objectives: (1) to expand students' knowledge about the subject along with the victims' experience of it; (2) to develop teachers' awareness of and comfort with it; (3) to help students cope with this knowledge so they are not traumatized themselves; (4) to make sure students don't take refuge in callousness, inappropriate humor, blaming the victim, or despair; (5) to enable students to teach others about the event(s); (6) to enable students to use their increased knowledge and self-reflection individually and as part of the national dialogue; (7) to deepen and “complexify” the conversation on the bombings; (8) to develop supports for teachers and students throughout this process;” (9) to reintegrate the objective with the subjective, recognizing that emotion may be appropriate to some learning; (10) to instigate a dialogue allowing teachers and students to continue to investigate this and related topics.  相似文献   

Social work education could benefit from an explicit educational framework that combines social justice and sexuality: sexual justice. However, there is a paucity of literature in social work discussing this critical issue. This article helps equip social workers to challenge social injustice through a lens of sexuality and builds a conceptual framework by examining sexual justice through pillars of social work: human dignity, community and solidarity, rights and responsibilities, priority for the poor and vulnerable, and peace. An activity providing micro and macro case discussions is presented to help infuse sexual justice into social work programs.  相似文献   

基于中国高等教育质量评估的现状与问题,从多维度的评价指标,合理的机构体制,调查形式不断拓展,及时提供反馈等四个方面分析美国"大学生学习投入性调查"(NSSE)在实践中的价值,提出对中国高等教育的启示。  相似文献   

作为中国科学院主办的一份科学普及性刊物,《科学通报》在抗美援朝这一特定的时代氛围下,除了刊载国内外科学发展方面的研究信息和成果外,还用相当的篇幅报道了中国科学界反对和抗议美国发动原子战争、宣传和支援抗美援朝运动、控诉和揭露美国细菌战罪行等有关抗美援朝运动的政治宣传和动员情况,不但表达了中国科学界抗美援朝的心声,而且让世人见证了中国科学界对这一关乎国运的政治事件的关注和影响,从而对新的视角下认识和研究抗美援朝运动具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We find ourselves at a time when the need for transformation in science education is aligning with opportunity. Significant science education resources, namely the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) framework, need an intentional aim of centering social justice for minoritized communities and youth as well as practices to enact it. While NGSS and AST provide concrete guidelines to support deep learning, revisions are needed to explicitly promote social justice. In this study, we sought to understand how a commitment to social justice, operationalized through culturally sustaining pedagogy (Paris, Culturally sustaining pedagogies and our futures. The Educational Forum, 2021; 85, pp. 364–376), might shape the AST framework to promote more critical versions of teaching science for equity. Through a qualitative multi-case study, we observed three preservice teacher teams engaged in planning, teaching, and debriefing a 6-day summer camp in a rural community. Findings showed that teachers shaped the AST sets of practices in ways that sustained local culture and addressed equity aims: anchoring scientific study in phenomena important to community stakeholders; using legitimizing students' stories by both using them to plan the following lessons and as data for scientific argumentation; introducing local community members as scientific experts, ultimately supporting a new sense of pride and advocacy for their community; and supporting students in publicly communicating their developing scientific expertise to community stakeholders. In shaping the AST framework through culturally sustaining pedagogy, teachers made notable investments: developing local networks; learning about local geography, history, and culture; building relationships with students; adapting lessons to incorporate students' ideas; connecting with community stakeholders to build scientific collaborations; and preparing to share their work publicly with the community. Using these findings, we offer a justice-centered ambitious science teaching (JuST) framework that can deliver the benefits of a framework of practices while also engaging in the necessarily more critical elements of equity work.  相似文献   

常州金坛市各乡镇积极推进、深化社区教育和终身教育的改革,初步形成了一些成人教育、社区教育的特色乡镇。薛埠、指前、儒林三个乡镇对成人教育工作十分重视,成人教育工作得到了不同程度的发展,形成了各自的特色,积累了一些宝贵的经验。但是,在成人教育中心向社区教育中心转变的过程中还存在很多问题需要解决,为此,在开展农村社区教育时必须正确定位,统筹规划;整合资源,理顺关系;建立一支稳定的专职教师队伍;充分发挥教育督导的作用;加强社区教育特色项目的建设。  相似文献   

The recent presidential election and an increase in anti-immigrant rhetoric and deportations foster greater uncertainty and fear in Mexican American immigrant communities. In the border city of El Paso, Texas, teachers and principals report how fear and uncertainty negatively impact their campuses, students, and school-family relationships. The purpose of this article is to prompt a regional and national discussion about the preparation of principals who work in Mexican American and immigrant communities, because current professional standards and so-called “best-practices” in school leadership do not sufficiently address the critical social justice issues central to supporting students and families in the present and immediate future. To catalyze this dialogue, I offer five school leadership recommendations developed in collaboration with El Paso teachers and school leaders working in Mexican American immigrant communities. I hope scholars, educators, policymakers, parents, and activists will collectively consider these recommendations as well offer other viable solutions, strategies, practices, and approaches to preparing school leaders in these uncertain and unjust times.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to provide cross-culturalevidence of the relationship between student approaches tolearning and stages of cognitive development and of the validityof Perry's theory of such development. The participants for thisstudy were 67 U.S. and 193 Mainland Chinese students. Theparticipants rated their ability on several scales, responded tothe Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory (Zhang 1995) and theStudy Process Questionnaire (Biggs 1987a, 1992) as well as ademographic questionnaire. Self-report measures of achievementscores were also obtained. There were four major findings. First, cognitive development and student learning approaches wererelated in predictable ways. Second, the cognitive-developmentalpatterns of the American and Chineseparticipants differed. Third, for both American and Chinese students,extracurricular activities positively contributed to theircognitive development. Finally, a statistically significantrelationship between cognitive development and achievement wasidentified among the American group, whereas no relationship wasfound between cognitive development and achievement among theChinese group. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This is a case study of a one‐year arts educational project I – from dreams to reality’ in which artists worked at school with teachers and learning at the school was planned through arts‐based, co‐operative teamwork during one extra school year of 10th grade students in Finnish basic education. The theme of the year was ‘I’, and so the project was designed to highlight everyone's own way of thinking and expressing art. The research task was to determine whether long‐term holistic arts pedagogy and artist co‐operation at school have any significant connection to students’ self‐efficacy and social skills. Data has been collected through students’ self‐evaluations before and after the school year. Altogether 40 students from 10th grade participated in this case study. Half of the pupils participated in an arts educational project called ‘I – from dreams to reality’ and half formed the control group. Artists worked with the test group weekly during a period of one school year (altogether nine months). Students’ self‐evaluations concerning their self‐efficacy and social behaviour were collected by e‐questionnaire. The measures used were Likert‐based evaluation scores of pupils’ self‐assessment of their self‐efficacy and social behaviour in everyday situations at school. According to the results, artist–teacher co‐operation and learning through the arts can be worthwhile experiences to develop students’ self‐efficacy and social skills.  相似文献   

基于对中国省域与美国州域面板数据的分析,本研究发现:美国研究生教育培养规模和累积规模每提高1%,区域创新水平会分别提高0.11%和0.52%;我国这一系数分别为0.26%和0.28%。由于存在一定的积累优势,研究生教育的累积规模的促进作用更加明显。区域创新水平的提高,有赖于各类人才尤其是研究生人才的不断聚集和累积。研究生教育发达的区域,创新水平更受益于研究生教育累积规模的扩大;研究生教育欠发达地区,研究生教育的培养规模和累计规模对区域创新水平的影响差别不大。因此,我国应积极利用研究生教育集聚化的发展规律,进一步匹配当地创新发展需求;积极发展研究生教育,充分发挥高层次人才的积累效应;大力促进地区间研究生人才的流动,优化高层次人力资源配置。  相似文献   

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