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In this study, we examined the conditions under which readers are able to transfer revised knowledge as a result of reading refutation texts (i.e. texts that explicitly state and refute a misconception). Across three experiments, participants read refutation texts that addressed socioscientific and nonsocioscientific issues as well as transfer texts that were designed to reactivate the misconceptions addressed in refutation texts. In Experiments 1 and 2, the results indicate that reading a refutation text reduces interference from the misconception as participants read the transfer texts in close temporal distance, even when the misconception is reactivated. In Experiment 3, the results indicate that participants reading refutation texts could not transfer revised knowledge when the temporal distance between refutation texts and transfer texts increased. Students’ performance on pretest and posttest questionnaires also suggest that reading the refutation texts facilitated knowledge revision prior to transfer. We discuss the findings in the context of the Knowledge Revision Components Framework.  相似文献   

Teachers and school administrators in Hong Kong have had to cope with more work and performance pressure as they strive to implement educational reforms aimed at deepening students’ life-long learning skills. Management systems, which save time and transfer ideas, experiences, and knowledge more efficiently could help schools meet reform goals and relieve the occupational stress that inevitably accompanies change and progress. This paper explores the effect of knowledge management (KM) for school development by reviewing three cases selected from a school improvement project entitled “Knowledge Management and Primary School Development”. The project was launched specifically to determine if KM practices can assist educators to cope with added pressures and rise to the challenges of education reforms. The case studies illustrate three separate approaches to incorporating KM systems. Problems faced by these case-schools included declining school competitiveness, time-consuming data storage and retrieval practices, and hierarchical communication structures that stunted feedback from the teachers who are on the front line of educational reform. Interviews were conducted with school principals, middle managers, and teachers. The results show that the core KM strategies of personalization and codification can be adopted to improve school development. Knowledge leadership, knowledge sharing culture, and knowledge management system support were identified as success factors for schools to implement KM.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon a series of linked projects that focused on the induction of new teachers. Newly qualified teachers' (NQTs) experiences of induction are drawn upon to explore the potential implications of new regulations that are currently being implemented in England. It is argued that policy, as it has developed since the mid-1990s, has increasingly emphasized a discourse of 'performance management'. Attention is also drawn, however, to the way that NQTs and their mentors may be influenced by a discourse that emphasizes staff membership, 'belonging' and NQTs' capacity to contribute to development of their schools. It is suggested that the new regulations may be only one strand of induction that is woven into a complex pattern of relationships in which NQTs must locate themselves.  相似文献   

随着社会的迅猛发展和科技水平的不断提高,进入21世纪之后,我们的社会经济迎来了另一个时代,知识经济时代。在知识经济时代的社会大背景下,知识经济的到来对经济管理提出了新的要求。文章首先对知识管理进行了简要的概述,其次对构建知识管理学科体系的必要性和可行性进行了详细的分析,详细阐述了知识管理科学所面临的挑战,同时根据相关知识管理学科体系的探索,探究了知识管理学科体系的框架和主要内容。  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - This article examines how school students perform gender during a visit to a science centre where they programme Lego cars. The focus is on how students...  相似文献   

数字化校园环境下高校财务预算管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数字化校园的建设为高校财务工作的发展提供了新的平台,为高校预算的编制、执行和控制提供了新的环境基础.将资源存量纳入预算体系可以使整个学校的资源配置达到最优化,这依赖于数字化校园提供的数据支持.数字化校园的建设可以实时的进行预算控制,并可实现预算控制的长期化.建立在数据仓库基础上的财务决策支持系统,需要一个数据积累和模型建立的过程.  相似文献   

WTO背景下的公共事业管理专业人才培养与课程设置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国加入WTO带来了公共部门管理理念、管理制度和管理方式的挑战.相应地,公共事业管理专业课程体系应突出整体优化,体现素质教育和专业教育的有机结合,专业基本理论、基础知识和基本技能的有机结合,专业知识和非专业多学科知识的有机结合,以培养出一批懂WTO规则的公共管理人才,适应经济和社会发展的需求.  相似文献   

在社会转型时期,随着经济体制深刻变革,利益格局深刻调整,利益差别不断拉大,利益冲突日益增多,我国社会管理面临着各方利益协调难、矛盾纠纷化解难的挑战。要通过加强和创新社会管理,正确处理好改革、发展、稳定之间的关系,妥善解决社会转型时期的利益分化问题。  相似文献   


The study sought to examine the current Zimbabwean school system; establish the extent to which it is conducive to students making decisions about the selection of subjects they learn at school; to examine the nature of children's rights and the extent to which these rights are practiced in schools and in the prevailing socio-economic and political milieu. A stratified random sample of 100 pupils, 24 teachers and five school heads was used in this study. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire, an interview schedule and observing both pupils and teachers. The study found that teachers and pupils seemed to be aware of pupils’ rights to participate in deciding the subjects they studied; and most teachers and school heads felt it was more of their duty to decide for pupils because of their immaturity. Therefore, determining the school curriculum content should involve school heads, teachers and pupils instead of choices being made and the content dictated to pupils.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的不断发展和全球化进程的加快,多元化已经成为当今时代的重要特征之一,高等教育作为第三产业的重要领域也必需与时俱进.学生管理是高等学校工作系统的重要组成部分,其工作成效好坏与否直接决定了一所高校的内涵.本文旨在结合多元化这个时代背景来分析当下高校学生管理工作存在的问题,剖析出原因所在并在此基础上探析出几点可供参考的对策和建议.  相似文献   


In recent years there has been considerable debate in the UK about the impact and value of educational research. At the same time, the Teacher Training Agency (TTA), the body with responsibility for funding teacher education in England, has been keen to promote the idea of teaching as an evidence-based profession. This paper analyses the findings of a TTA questionnaire, designed to investigate teachers' views on research (which projects had previously influenced them and which issues they would like to see researched in the future) and the value they attributed to it. The findings point to the need for the concerns of teachers to be given greater weight when research agendas are set and funding allocated, but they also suggest that if research is to influence classroom practice, then it is vital that teachers are again given extended opportunities for further professional study alongside those who are conducting research.  相似文献   

一家IT公司的人力资源部经理在一年内换了5个人。每一个新来的人力资源经理都在绩效考核上栽了跟头,每一个新上任的人力资源经理都把前任失败的绩效考核推翻重来一遍,结果仍然是失败。绩效管理者的绩效成了“众矢之的”发人深思,这个公司的问题很典型,是很多IT企业的缩影,也是一些公司人力资源管理的通病。众矢之的咸也“绩效”,败也“绩效”,公司绩效管理缘何失败?这些初来乍到的人力资源经理按照老板的意图(很可能还没有完全理解或者理解错误),  相似文献   

石家庄职业技术学院管理体制改革中专业群建设机制的推行,对教学档案管理提出了新的要求。进一步加强教学档案管理,需增强档案意识,落实责任人制度,建立分级管理、定期归档和系级档案管理制度。  相似文献   

浅议高校图书馆知识管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对知识管理内涵的探讨,分析了在高校图书馆中显性知识与隐性知识的相互转化与相互促进,指出高校图书馆管理引入知识管理理念的必要性.  相似文献   

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