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音乐表演是音乐艺术活动中至关重要的一个环节,通过表演音乐才有了鲜活的生命,没有表演音乐只是"纸上谈兵"。音乐表演者如何才能更好地平衡表演与科学之间的权重,利用相关学科的研究方法让感性在理性的协调中得到合理地发展?本文将从表演的角度去分析音乐表演科学的特殊性,为音乐表演科学的研究探寻出一个可行的思路。  相似文献   

The performance of 18 boys and 18 girls on four problem-solving tasks set in science contexts was compared. The tasks were administered in a one-to-one testing situation and assessments were made by direct observation, questioning, and by using written records. The tasks were valid and reliable, and the samples of boys and girls were matched for ability and curriculum background. Past studies have identified gender differences in performance on science tasks; however, this study found little evidence to support these findings. Few significant differences in performance were found. No gender differences were detected in observation, reporting, or planning skills, and there was no differential performance on the use of scientific language. Girls performed less well in relation to self-reliance, and performance differences on the interpretation skill approached significance with boys' performance superior.  相似文献   

There are some interesting and significant differences in the interests, experiences and performances of girls and boys in science as well as a few similarities worth noting. The general pattern of similarity and difference has been shown to obtain on an international scale, and has been extensively discussed in the literature in recent years. In particular, the focus has been on girls’ relative performance underachievement in physics (and mathematics), and many hypotheses have been suggested to explain this phenomenon. In its simplest terms the argument surrounds the familiar nature/nurture issue. The ‘process'‐oriented APU Science surveys in the UK have served to confirm previous findings about pupils’ interests and abilities, but have also embellished these with more detail and with a broader base. This paper presents and discusses salient findings, and offers comment on the evidence of interconnections which could reflect cause‐effect relationships.  相似文献   

The emerging interface between computer technology and cognitive psychology for performance assessment in science education is explored. Cognitive theories of learning offer promises to transform computer technology from a test administration tool into a process assessment tool, and computer technology offers a medium for studying the cognitive processes of learning. Interface theories and interface technologies are briefly discussed. The technology-psychology interface may be a base for building an alternative assessment technology. Some prototype projects in this line of inquiry are presented. As in any other novel approaches to testing, there are several questions that need to be answered in establishing the role of the technology-psychology interface in performance assessment.  相似文献   

Assessment of performance in practical science and pupil attributes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Performance assessment in the UK science General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) currently relies on pupil reports of their investigations. These are widely criticized. Written tests of procedural understanding could be used as an alternative, but what exactly do they measure? This paper describes small‐scale research in which there was an analysis of assessments of pupils' GCSE scores of substantive ideas, their coursework performance assessment and a novel written evidence test. Results from these different assessments were compared with each other and with baseline data on CAT scores and pupils' attributes. Significant predictors of performance on each of these assessments were determined. The data reported shows that a choice could be made between practical coursework that links to ‘behaviour’ and written evidence tests which link, albeit less strongly, with ‘quickness’. There would be differential effects on pupils.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - This article examines how school students perform gender during a visit to a science centre where they programme Lego cars. The focus is on how students...  相似文献   

科学普及、公众理解科学、科学传播代表了20世纪科学传播事业发展的三个阶段,是由传统的单向的科学普及转向一个新的形态即科学传播。从这个变化的过程中理解科学普及、公众理解科学、科学传播具有深刻的意义,明晰科学普及与科学传播差别,从而更好地去适应新时期新时代视野更广、内含更深的广义科学普及的事业发展。  相似文献   

本文记述了采自四川泸州合江锦蛇属标本1号,经鏊定为紫灰锦蛇,系该地区新纪录种.标本保存在四川大学标本馆.  相似文献   

蛇的形象在云南少数民族的观念世界里频繁地出现,并且带着神秘的色彩。人们往往认为蛇与一切神秘的超自然的魔力、死亡、祸祟和凶恶等联系在一起,并且在长期的日常生活和生产劳动中逐渐形成了一整套关于蛇的信仰和禁忌习俗。另一方面,云南少数民族坊间流传着的各种有关蛇的巫术,则更进一步地加剧了人们对蛇的禁忌和恐惧心理。  相似文献   

This exploratory study was designed to investigate the accuracy of high school students' confidence in their answers on classroom tests, how that accuracy varied between different types of questions, and whether having to judge their confidence in test items resulted in an improvement in accuracy over the school year. The study was conducted in a rural high school in a South Eastern state of the US involving 54 students enrolled in three sections of a human anatomy class. For an entire school year the teacher asked students to indicate their confidence in a response's correctness when they answered questions on tests and examinations. Further data included interviews with 25 students and a career goals questionnaire. Having students gauge the correctness of their responses to test questions on class tests over the school year did not result in quantifiable improvements in their accuracy. However, students indicated that reflective use of the language of human anatomy and physiology through reading out loud to themselves, practising writing words and phrases, and verbal questioning and discussion with others helped them to achieve higher academic outcomes. Modelling or discussing effective study strategies with family members were also identified as important factors on the ways students prepared for tests.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between verbal predictive ability, as measured by a word deletion technique called the “cloze procedure,” and performance on selected science process tasks. The results of the study confirmed a highly significant relationship between the two variables, but failed to show that verbal predictive ability is a significantly better predictor of process task achievement than is a standardized test of verbal ability. It is suggested that the results could be utilized in the design of teacher education programs in science if these programs focus primarily on the processes of science.  相似文献   

This article addresses the rhetoric of performance assessment with research on important claims about science performance assessments. We found the following: (a) Concepts and terminology used to refer to performance assessments often were not consistent within and across researchers, educators, and policy-makers. (b) Performance assessments are highly sensitive not only to the tasks and the occasions sampled, but also to the method (e.g., hands-on, computer simulation) used to measure performance. (c) Performance assessments do not necessarily tap higher-order thinking, especially when they are poorly designed. (d) Performance assessments are expensive to develop and use: technology is needed for developing these assessments in an efficient way. (e) Performance assessments do not necessarily have the expected positive impact on teachers' teaching and students' understanding. (f) If teachers are to use performance assessments in their classrooms, they need professional development to help them construct the necessary knowledge and skills. This article attempts to address some of these realities by presenting a conceptual framework that might guide the development and the evaluation of performance assessments, as well as steps that might be taken to create a performance assessment technology and develop teacher inservice programs. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to collect and analyze data on sexual differences in secondary school students' attitudes towards science. Attitudinal differences were also analyzed for the independent variables of science programs and grade levels. Data were collected from 988 students using a modified version of the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scales to represent attitudes toward science. Reliabilities of the modified science subscales were all high ( > 0.83). Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze the data for the main and interaction effects of the independent variables of sex (male, female), grade level (10th, 11th, 12th), and science program (advanced placement, academic, general, terminal). Significant differences (p < 0.05) were indicated for all main effects (sex, grade, science program). Interaction effects were not found. Mean separations for the various levels of sex, grade, and science program were performed for all attitudinal subscales. Females evidenced a significantly more positive attitude (p ? 0.01) than males on three subscales: Attitude Toward Success in Science Scale, Science as a Male Domain Scale, and Teacher Scale. Although not significant, males evidenced more positive attitudes on all the remaining five subscales. Eleventh graders evidenced significantly more positive attitudes than tenth graders on all but the Effectance Motivation Scale. Students in 11th grade had more positive attitudes than 12th-grade students on all scales but Science as a Male Domain Scale; however, these differences were not significant. Tenth graders differed significantly from 12th graders on three subscales; Science Usefulness Scale, Confidence in Learning Science Scale, and Teacher Scale. Positive attitudes decreased from advanced placement to terminal programs. Academic students did not differ significantly from general students except on the Father Scale; however, they were significantly different (more positive) from the terminal students for all subscales. General students were also significantly different from terminal students except on the three subscales of Attitudes Toward Success in Science, Science as a Male Domain, and Effectance Motivation.  相似文献   

刘邦斩蛇传说作为受命之符对汉代政治而言有重大意义,然而随着"道德力量"与"理性思维"的介入,后人对它的解读几经调试,最终批判、否定的态度占据了上风。至于斩蛇剑,受当时思维习惯影响,其获得与遗失都被描述得极具神异色彩,甚至还被后人赋予了灵应的道德判断力。它之所以能够成为与传国玺并驾齐驱的皇权象征符号,除了在斩蛇事件中扮演重要角色,更是因为先秦秦汉之际器物成为论证政权合法性的重要工具。不过,由于佩剑之礼的式微,尚武之风的衰退,斩蛇剑一类兵器在这种政治文化消亡之先,便退出了论证、展示政治权力的舞台。  相似文献   

Conclusions The main feature of Piaget & Garcia's study (1989) is the overture of a new field of research within the Piagetian framework, namely the comparative study of individual and historical development.During the 80's, several alternative models have been offered to account for the relations between individual and historical development. However, it has been suggested that there [...] appears to be widespread agreement among Piagetians and non-Piagetians that common mechanisms and processes underlie the thinking of scientists and children at all times (Gauld 1990, p. 24–5).The development of this field of research demands that theoretical research be conducted regarding the possible patterns of relationship between individual and historical development, that should be integrated to comparative empirical research on diverse topics. Further studies would then be required to provide an empirical basis for the comparative research. In other words, this field of research demands the close collaboration between epistemologists, historians, science educators, and cognitive psychologists.We have suggested that the Piagetian model needs to provide a more convincing account of the differences between individual and historical development, and of the role of internal and external factors in the progress of science. We have also argued for an overcoming of the overemphasized structural aspects of the theory, and for an unambiguous concept of history.The non-Piagetian approaches have their own strength and may be developed as alternatives to the Piagetian model. However, our intention here is to emphasize their potential contribution to the development of Piaget's theory. In McCloskey and Kargon (1988) we may find hints to deal with the specificity of similarities in content. Nersessian (1987) provided an excellent insight on how to deal with Kuhn's concept of incommensurability. 5 In our interpretation, Carey's work suggest that considering the relation between content and development of structures may be a productive way of developing Piaget's theory.Finally, we would like to comment on the relationship between Piaget's theory and research on students' thinking in science. Both adopt a constructivist stance. However, the vast majority of researchers have developed a strong resistance to Piaget's theory (e.g. Novak 1978; Gilbert and Swift 1985). On the one hand, this resistance should be considered a natural and healthy tendency toward a pluralistic development of research in science education. On the other hand, it may be a consequence of the difficulty of Piaget's theory in coping with the main research findings on spontaneous reasoning. In short, while many researchers in science education have emphasized the persistence of children's, adolescents' and adults' alternative conceptions, Piaget's theory suggests that reaching the formal stage is a necessary condition to understand science. This contradiction will not be overcome while Piagetian researchers are not able to offer a better account of the differences between commonsense knowledge and scientific knowledge. Freed from the constraints of the Piagetian approach, research on alternative conceptions showed an amazing development during the late 70's and the 80's. 6,7 Further progress, however, increasingly requires theoretical tools to manage the great amount of data already available, and models to explain, rather than just describe, individuals' thought. This task can be carried out from within different theoretical approaches. In Psychogenesis and the History of Science, Piaget and Garcia presented an updated and strong model for the relationship between individual and historical development. If used in an open-minded way, this model may contribute to the development of research in science education.This study was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico/Brazil.  相似文献   

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