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胡风在<财主家底儿女们·序>中谈道:"路翎所要底并不是历史事变底记录,而是历史事变下面的精神世界底汹涌的波澜和它们底来根去向".这个评价较好地概括了<财主底儿女们>的精神内涵--时代转型时期中国的儿女们审视自身困境产生的孤独、热情和反抗.回归文本,我们发现"旷野"这个名词频频出现在其中.本文通过解读"旷野"意象来体味<财主底儿女们>的史诗品质,解读隐含在作者心目中的孤独与救赎.  相似文献   

王芳 《家教指南》2016,(6):58-70
敦煌地区的莫高窟和榆林窟盛唐至五代洞窟壁画,以及藏经洞出土绢画、版画、纸本画中,出现一些携抱童子的男性图像。通过比较犍陀罗、龟兹相关图像,认为这种特异图像为旷野鬼夜叉。继而检阅有关佛教文献,得知原本啖食童子的旷野鬼夜叉,被释迦佛降伏后皈依佛教。敦煌地区的旷野鬼夜叉图像表明,在当地夜叉已转变成庇护童子的善神。敦煌旷野鬼夜叉图像是在西域龟兹、于阗等地佛教文化影响下产生的,在敦煌发展过程中又形成鲜明的地域特征。  相似文献   

胡风在《财主家底儿女们·序》中谈道:"路翎所要底并不是历史事变底记录,而是历史事变下面的精神世界底汹涌的波澜和它们底来根去向"。这个评价较好地概括了《财主底儿女们》的精神内涵——时代转型时期中国的儿女们审视自身困境产生的孤独、热情和反抗。回归文本,我们发现"旷野"这个名词频频出现在其中。本文通过解读"旷野"意象来体味《财主底儿女们》的史诗品质,解读隐含在作者心目中的孤独与救赎。  相似文献   

城市是一粒粒精致的银扣,缀在旷野的黑绿色大氅上,不分昼夜地熠熠闪光。我听说的旷野,泛指崇山峻岭、河流海洋、湖泊森林、戈壁荒漠……一切人烟罕至保存原始风貌的地方。旷野和城市,从根本上讲,是对立的。人们多以为和城市相对应的那  相似文献   

故乡纵横的阡陌,高高的苍青色的墙垣,家门前一望无际的旷野和寂寞的流淌的河流。这个世界落满了雪,纯白而晶莹,还有一轮苍白但是温暖的太阳,天空犹如一块久远的天蓝色帆布,是已经稀释淡淡的蓝色。几个交错的意象,构成了我印象中的那个曾伴着我度过无数明媚日子的故乡。我的故乡距离这个县城四十余  相似文献   

1.在旷野 在乌云聚集时出走 这无疑是 一种对抗的信号 容易引起天空 的愤怒  相似文献   

一个男人在旷野行走,迷失了方向,找不到出路,遇见另一个男人。先生,我迷了路,你可以告诉我怎样走出这片旷野吗?对不起,陌生人说,我也不知道怎样走出去,但也许我们可以结伴同行,一起找出路。  相似文献   

那时,正处在人生挫折期的他,请教~位长者,如何去战胜人生的苦难? 长者说,看看旷野中的树吧,看懂了它们,就知道如何去战胜人生的苦难了. 他看着旷野中的树,可并不能看明白什么. 长者说,在烈日下,在冰雪中,树有房子为它们遮日御寒吗?在风暴中,在雷雨中,树可以拨腿就逃吗?不能,树没有房子,没有腿,它们无法回避’无法逃离,它们只有独自承受,独自与苦难抗争,正是这种对苦难的承受和抗争,使它们变得更加坚忍和强大.也许,这就是树能活上千年的原因吧.  相似文献   

我爱大漠 荡荡大漠,重重沙浪,是无边的褶皱,衰老的年轮,沉重的叹息.辽阔的大漠,向人类示威,一条条沙龙,在旷野上游行.每一座沙山都是致地球于死命的癌症呵!  相似文献   

在萧红小说《旷野的呼喊》中,对大风描写多达30余处。"风"已经超越了本身仅指代自然现象的范畴,更多地象征日寇对东北人民的摧残;结构上,风也成为贯穿小说的一条明线,对理解本文,起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   


Though wilderness therapy programs are growing in number and popularity, the theoretical basis for distinguishing wilderness therapy from traditional therapeutic modalities is lacking. Existing models describing the wilderness therapy process have been stage-based, meaning the process has been conceptualized as sequential and discrete. Lost in this conceptualization of the wilderness therapy process is the dynamic and interrelated nature of therapeutic factors reasoned to be present at all times and to varying degrees. To address the limitations of stage based models and the lack of a strong theoretical basis in wilderness therapy, a concurrent model of the wilderness therapy process is proposed. This proposed model consists of three factors believed to be unique to the wilderness therapy milieu: Wilderness, Physical Self, and Social Self. The constituents of each of these factors are detailed and theoretical rationale for inclusion provided. In addition hypotheses about the intensity of each of these factors are discussed as a function of the temporal progression of the wilderness experience (e.g. entrance into wilderness program, exiting wilderness program). Advantages of the proposed model as well as suggestions for model testing and refinement are included.  相似文献   

This paper addresses pluralistic understandings of wilderness in the context of wilderness therapy (WT). The term wilderness perpetuates a modern worldview of place that beyond ‘civilisation’ exists an environment defined by risk, fear and an unpredictable nature. WT utilises outdoor travel and living practices during therapeutic intervention and health promotion although empirical justification for its use of wilderness for therapy is not yet established. This paper provides three cultural perspectives on wild places in relation to WT. These national perspectives are informed by local practices, historical and societal understandings of wilderness and supported by related literature from Canada, Norway and Australia. The authors (1) illustrate a number of contemporary western assumptions about wilderness enshrined in the WT and outdoor adventure literature, (2) cautiously propose core purposes for using wild places for therapy and (3) encourage further development of WT practice and research within national, regional and even across organisational contexts.  相似文献   

鲁迅作为《莽原》周刊的主编和主撰,依靠期刊的传播,实践了他“社会批评”和“文明批评”的批评观。作为主编,鲁迅具有以读者为本位的办刊意识,采取开放的办刊方针。身为投稿者的鲁迅,从理论倡导到文学实践做了积极实践。在现代传媒视域中,鲁迅的办刊实质上是为同人争取公共空间与话语权的实践。  相似文献   

This study examined participants’ perceptions of learning, critical elements, and lasting impacts of their wilderness expeditions. Fifty-seven students, who completed a for-credit wilderness canoe expedition between 1993 and 2007 at the Augustana Campus, University of Alberta, participated in the investigation. Perceived learning most commonly related to nature and place appreciation, outdoor skills, group living, and self-awareness. Critical elements for learning were the experiential approach, group living, and nature and place immersion. In terms of lasting impacts of the expedition, perceived learning had changed since the expedition for 88% of students, especially in the areas of self-awareness, group living, and greater appreciation of the experience, due to reflection and the passage of time. Furthermore, the expedition had a lasting impact on students’ personal and professional lives, especially related to life experience, nature appreciation, confidence, and skill development. The findings support the notion that wilderness educational expeditions can provide significant and long-lasting learning (uniquely in the area of nature and place appreciation). Finally, because of the nature of educational expeditions, they lend themselves to the implementation of sound experiential pedagogical practices that promote active, engaged, and relevant learning.  相似文献   

In this paper I identify the components of ‘meaningful experiences’ for participants on a wilderness river rafting journey. The research is phenomenologically informed, and includes interviews, journals, observations and follow-up emails from 32 participants on eight Franklin River (Tasmania) 10-day trips. It elicits individual perceptions of meaningful experiences and combines recollections to reveal the commonalities within those experiences. The research identifies two key recurrent ‘streams of experience’ that provide meaning. The two recurrent streams of experience involved, firstly, a feeling of humility and, secondly, being alive to the present. In this paper I focus on the stream of experience surrounding a feeling of humility, highlighting the qualities of the ways in which participants interrelated with their surrounding environments and the structure of such experiences. Additionally, I consider some unique elements of the wilderness river journey that contributed to the experiences that participants valued as meaningful.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate participants' perceptions of an organized solo within a wilderness experience program and the influence that the instructors have on their perception of the solo. More specifically, this research project focused on the role of the instructor in the solo as perceived by the participants while still on solo, at the end of their wilderness experience, and three and a half months following the program. Qualitative data indicated that the instructors do have an influence on the participants' perception of their solo experience through the (a) preparation for, (b) facilitation during and (c) discussion after the solo. Recommendations to enhance the use of the wilderness solo include: (a) understand student expectations prior to the solo, (b) provide a clear rationale for the solo and associated activities, (c) implement an optional instructor/student visit during solo, (d) provide a one-on-one discussion with students prior to a group debrief after the solo, and (e) carefully consider the impact of the solo on program events and group dynamics that follow.  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand the process of change within Wilderness Therapy. It used grounded theory to explore development and change during the programme and relate this to theories of adolescence and engagement, particularly for adolescents in the care system.

Data collected from interviews with 11 adolescents were analysed using constructionist grounded theory. The wilderness environment, the staff, and the activities were identified as interactive factors that facilitated personal development. The analysis demonstrated the influence of early engagement in overall change. Relational factors interacted with an appropriate level of support and encouragement during activities which led to the adolescents experiencing success and increases in self-worth, self-esteem and efficacy. Improvements in self-efficacy, social skills, and anger management, as well as increasingly more positive views about the world were demonstrated in all participants who completed the programme.  相似文献   

许敏歧的创作涉及散文诗、散文、诗歌和诗评等,其中成就最高,最具特色的是散文诗。许敏歧的散文诗中,有一个以"荒原"为核心的意象群,也有一个沉思者的身影。"荒原"这一意象蕴涵了他复杂的感情,有绝望也有希望,有疼痛也有深爱。而沉思者的身影则渗透了他创作中的思考,有对已逝岁月的思考,有对生活、生命、人性和命运的思考,也有对国家、民族、社会、历史和文化的思考。在某种程度上可以说,许敏歧的散文诗是"荒原的苦恋",也是"荒原上的沉思"。而这种苦恋与沉思是通过凝炼而富有诗意的语言完成的,许敏歧散文诗的语言虽然没有刻意追求外在的韵脚,却有一种内在的韵律和节奏感。  相似文献   


This article describes the use of two linked instruments, the Instructor Effectiveness Check Sheet (IEC) and Instructor Effectiveness Questionnaire (IEQ). The use of an evaluation instrument during a course can enable improvements to be made — even with experienced instructors. Detail can be taken from the IEC and IEQ to find obvious and not so obvious needed changes and attention to individuals in the group. The article gives an example where the instruments were used to teach instructors about different pedagogical constructs, describes further research using the instruments at the Nantahala Outdoor Center, USA, and describes a case study on a wilderness education group that illustrated improvement in effective teaching.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代中国现代诗派带有鲜明的象征美学特征,同西方现代诗派的象征追求达到了内在的契合。西方现代诗派代表诗人对象征美学有不同的认知方式和言说体系,但都追求主观世界的客观化和思想的知觉化,中国现代诗派诗人更注重实践品格,从对诗歌意象的选择中去诠释象征的现代性意蕴,他们把西方现代派的象征理论化合到中国的诗歌建构中.使现代性和民族性得到有机的统一。  相似文献   

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