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Southeast Asia is an important and populous region with an extensive literature. Many libraries in the United States and Canada have large or moderate collections of Southeast Asia materials. Yet the Library of Congress has not provided sufficient subject heading period subdivisions for the area. Additional subdivisons are proposed in detail for: Asia, Southeastern; Indonesia; Malaysia; Singapore; Philippines; Thailand; Indochina; Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos; and Burma. The historical and/or logical justification for the proposed additions follow each area. The function of the essay is not to present absolute answer, but to promote awareness of the problem and to suggest reasonable alternatives.  相似文献   

Eastern Europe is a complex area for which there are not adequate Library of Congress subject heading period subdivisions. This article offers additional period subdivisions, with justifications, for all the countries and some regions of Eastern Europe, excluding the Soviet Union. Covered are: Europe, Eastern; Czechoslovakia (and three regions); Germany (East); Hungary; Poland; Galicia; Balkan Peninsula; Albania; Bulgaria; Romania; and Yugoslavia (and six regions).  相似文献   

Additional period subdivisions are proposed, with justifications, for the Library of Congress's subject headings for the Soviet Union. The areas covered are: Soviet Union, Baltic States, Siberia, Soviet Central Asia, Soviet Far East, Ural Mountains Region, and fifteen individual republics.  相似文献   

The Library of Congress (LC) has provided few history period subdivisions for the regions, provinces, and territories of Canada. Additional subdivisons are proposed for Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, the Maritime Provinces, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, the Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, the Prairie Provinces, Prince Edward Island, Québec, Saskatchewan, and the Yukon.  相似文献   

History period subdivisions established by the Library of Congress (LC) for the individual states of the United States are surprisingly inadequate. Only seven states have subdivisions which cover all periods. Fifteen states need updating to cover the twentieth century. Twenty-eight states are deficient in other ways, including thirteen which have no period subdivisions at all or subdivisions only for wars and other special events. Proposals are made to remedy the deficiencies.  相似文献   

由于国内中文名称主题和名称规范数据各自创建和维护,彼此并无必然联系,从而产生诸多问题,如词形差异、结构形式差异、数据内容差异、增词(名称)差异等.因此,名称主题和名称规范宜采用合并统一建库的控制模式,解决好名称主题增词、名称复合主题词的编制标准、名称主题与名称规范差异等问题,以处理好名称主题与名称规范的关系.  相似文献   


This research project explores how to ethically, efficiently, and accurately add demographic terms for African American authors to catalog records. A Department of History graduate student located evidence of self-identification as African American for authors, and catalogers added the demographic term to bibliographic records and are in the process of creating work level Name Title Authority Records for titles written by those authors. This work is the beginning of systematically enhancing catalog data with author characteristics to support making such information available in faceted results.  相似文献   

文章选取正在应用的四个图情学主题词表作为研究对象,通过编程方法实现其分类体系的显性化,以此为基础建立一个基于内容、纵向结构和横向关联的三维评价模型,采用统计比较的方法对词表的分类体系进行评价。  相似文献   

指出参考咨询服务是各级公共图书馆的重要业务之一,一直为图书馆界所重视,而国家图书馆的参考咨询服务政策具有很强的示范效应,往往为各图书馆所仿效。以美国国会图书馆、英国大英图书馆及澳大利亚国家图书馆为研究对象,由参考咨询服务政策分析比较国家图书馆对于服务对象与范围的界定,并藉此针对我国图书馆参考咨询服务的发展提出相关意见建议。  相似文献   

澳大利亚国家图书馆、新西兰国家图书馆、新加坡国家图书馆和丹麦皇家图书馆网站的隐私政策涉及用户信息收集的内容与目的、收集方法、个人信息的共享性、用户的权利、儿童隐私、信息安全与免责声明。经过比较分析,发现其有许多可取之处,也存在一些不足,但仍对我国图书馆界保护用户隐私具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新时期图书馆文献采访模式的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了图书馆传统的文献采访模式的弊端,新时期初露端倪的采访模式的概貌,并探讨了在文献采购推行政府采购后采编工作能否社会化的问题。  相似文献   

国际图联第70届年会于2004年8月在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯举行。作者简要介绍了年会和各项专业活动的情况以及中国在国际图联的地位和影响,并建议重视对外交流与合作,在国际专业舞台上发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

The Library of Congress (LC) is in the process of developing a separate thesaurus of genre/form terms, which describe what a work or expression is, rather than what it is about. From the beginning, LC policy specialists realized that to accomplish this undertaking, it would be both necessary and desirable to collaborate with the library community. This article examines and evaluates the various methods of collaboration used by LC in the creation of the genre/form thesaurus.  相似文献   

文章以澳大利亚新南威尔士州立图书馆为例,对其残疾人服务战略进行研究,建议我国公共图书馆应重视残疾人服务工作,在员工招募时应给与残疾人更多的机会,做好残疾人图书馆资源建设,考虑多方合作,用技术改善服务。  相似文献   

田青 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(3):70-72
文章结合工作经验及体会,论述了《中国分类主题词表》的主题标引方法、标引问题,分析问题症结所在,并提出相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

Library of Congress subject headings (LCSH) are such a powerful tool that ACRL recognized them in the Information Literacy Competency Standards. The Standards state that the information-literate student should be able to select discipline-specific controlled vocabulary and construct a search strategy. The authors, recognizing this often-forgotten Standard, surveyed instruction librarians to determine if LCSH are still taught in the library instruction classroom, and, if so, which strategies are used for identifying relevant subject headings. Survey results were mixed. While teaching the use of controlled vocabulary has clearly fallen from popularity, it is still recognized as a valuable tool.  相似文献   

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