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This paper discusses the creation of the National Clearinghouse on Aging within the federal government and the involvement of the Clearinghouse in the planning and initial implementation of a proposed Service Center for Aging Information (SCAN). This automated, bibliographic information system and its proposed products and services are described. The differing user groups and information needs involved with gerontological research and the provision of social services to the elderly are also discussed.  相似文献   


In a prior edition of this study, we examined whether the established online communication studies indexes—Communication Abstracts, ComIndex, and ComAbstracts—provided a good avenue of access to the journal literature that researchers in the field cite and whether, where the current journal literature was concerned, that avenue of access might be equal or superior to that provided by large, multisubject online indexes. In this iteration of the study, we similarly address EBSCO's new product for communication studies, Communication & Mass Media Complete.  相似文献   

本文对近代俄苏在华办报进行了分阶段探索 ,展示了俄苏在华报刊活动的色彩纷呈的图景。以 1 91 7年“十月革命”、1 93 1年“九·一八事变”、1 945年抗战胜利为分界 ,按不同的政治色彩、刊行地点 ,对在华俄文报刊的开创期、繁荣期、削减期、战后期进行了立体式的系统研究  相似文献   


With support from a National Endowment for the Humanities Reference Materials Program grant for 2006–2008, faculty and librarians at the University of Washington (UW) are collaborating with William Brumfield (Tulane University) to preserve and catalog the latter's unmatched collection of Russian architectural photographs, create metadata describing the photographs, and make images and text widely accessible as part of an innovative web-based educational and research resource. Building on experience gained through the creation of an experimental pilot database, project staff are adapting emerging standards (METS and CCO) to a custom design that presents images from the Brumfield Collection within their architectural, geographic, and chronological contexts, both as interrelated views of individual structures, and as buildings that share certain structural and stylistic features with other buildings within and beyond the Russian cultural continuum.  相似文献   


The article discusses online sources dealing with current Russian laws and regulations. Included are websites from branches of the federal government, commercial databases and commercial information systems.  相似文献   

中国文化史上的女藏书家探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国藏书史上,历代的女性藏书家们在中华民族优秀文化的传承中占有一席之地。尤其是一批女性奇秀,她们博学多才,在各自生长的那个社会里,潜心涉猎,著述颇丰;节衣宿食,惜书如命;好书有志,督子成才;远怀卓识,推动着家庭乃至社会藏书事业的发展,留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。  相似文献   

国内外网站评价研究比较及分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过相关文献统计,对国内外网站评价研究进行了比较和分析,指出该研究领域存在的不足,并提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

探讨了期刊馆藏评价与图书馆藏评价的共性与个性,并通过分析书刊不同的文献特性,论述两者在馆藏评价标准及某些评价参数权重上的差异。  相似文献   

Aggregator products available to libraries are both praised and criticized by those that use them. The value of these products depends on perceived attributes and their relevance to the information needs of a library. Disconnects arise when aggregated products are either misunderstood or the structure and design of the products are not appropriately matched to end-user needs. More evaluation of these products is needed to ensure that they are serving end users as intended and are affordable into the future.  相似文献   

Chapter 7     
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

SCI的引文统计指标及其与研究评价的关系   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
从引证类型和检索系统统计源期刊组成分析SCI的引文统计数据及相关指标与期刊和论文学术水平间的不对应关系,并从引文统计时段、论文类型和期刊大小等方面探讨影响因子本身的不确定性;通过分析中国科技期刊的被引情况指出SCI中引文数据的统计错误。认为在我国的科研成果和学术期刊评价中,一定要具体分析SCI的统计数据,适度、合理地使用引证分析方法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]讨论科技评价中隐含的指标之间的互补问题,即一个指标不增加或增加很少,通过其他指标增加较多来进行弥补问题,并将互补分为等额互补、超额互补、欠额互补三类,进而分析指标之间互补对不同评价方法的影响。[方法/过程]设计一种检验和判定方法,针对某种非线性评价方法,维持一个指标不变,计算增加其他不同属性指标均值带来评价值的变化大小,并与线性加权法评价值变化大小进行比较。[结果/结论]研究发现,多属性评价方法指标之间的互补是个复杂问题,受评价方法、指标数据、权重设置、补偿值大小等多种因素的影响;基于比值的多属性评价方法更容易出现欠额互补;由于同类评价指标之间的相关性,讨论指标间互补应在不同属性指标间进行;指标互补问题对于多属性评价方法选取具有深远影响,本质上变相改变指标权重,可以作为评价结果检验和管理控制的一种方法。  相似文献   

以数据库信息资源内容、数据库检索系统功能、数据库资源利用情况、数据库资源成本评价以及数据库提供商服务等5个准则层指标为基础,构建23个反映数据库绩效的指标层指标;利用熵权法从主客观两方面对各指标进行赋值,然后计算各指标权重;应用TOPSIS模型对各样本数据库绩效进行实证分析,研究结果揭示各样本数据库的绩效差异性及影响各数据库绩效好坏的主要因素。  相似文献   

This article discusses librarianship and literary scholarship as operating under separate paradigms, or ways of looking at the world, and considers the relationship between them. Each of these paradigms, it is suggested, generates distinctive research tools that combined can expand our ability to help Slavic and other Humanities literary researchers.  相似文献   

The need to continuously evaluate resource usage, whether in print or online, has been a challenge for libraries for a long time. The shift in resources to digital formats has made gauging the utility of resources more convenient as well as enabling cross database comparisons on various parameters. In this context, the article explores the aggregator databases subscribed by Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad library. The study compares EBSCO's Business Source Complete, EBSCO's Academic Search Premier, Proquest's ABI INFORM Complete, JSTOR, and Project Muse packages in terms of the features available, usage, and the most used journals in these packages.  相似文献   


One of the most important resources for social and family historians researching the former Russian Empire are the revision lists, a series of ten enumerations of the population conducted between 1719 and 1858. Listing the members of each household among taxable classes of people across the Russian Empire, the revision lists are useful for studying historical population demographics and reconstructing family relationships. An awareness of these records and where to access them can be useful for Slavic librarians to facilitate the research of Russian historians and genealogists. This article provides an overview of the history and content of the revision lists with a survey of available collections online and offline.  相似文献   

到1991年底,出版业的情形实际上已是自由出版,自由销售,自由定价. 体系上,1991年时,俄罗斯实行出版许可制.按照这一规定,所有新成立的出版社,包括这一规定出台前已在运作的各种所有制形式的出版社,都要在俄罗斯新闻信息媒体部登记注册,取得许可.据1995年出版的《俄罗斯出版社》一书统计,自1991年6月至1994年年底,俄罗斯注册的出版社和出版组织大约有7000家,其中真正运作的大约为2000家,有1/3的注册出版机构并未从事出版业,而个别的出版社只是出版了一两种图书.国有出版社为1258家.  相似文献   

曾宇容  王林 《图书情报工作》2009,53(20):127-130
设计物流公共信息平台开发风险评价指标体系,构建基于模糊和灰色理论的风险评价模型,并通过实例验证其准确性和可行性,证明该模型可帮助决策者对面临的风险进行更清楚地了解和更准确地评价。  相似文献   

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